diff mbox

scripts/decodecode: Fixup trapping instruction marker

Message ID 1345028451-14709-1-git-send-email-bp@amd64.org (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Commit Message

Borislav Petkov Aug. 15, 2012, 11 a.m. UTC
From: Borislav Petkov <borislav.petkov@amd.com>

When dumping "Code: " sections from an oops, the trapping instruction %rip
points to can be a string copy

  2b:*  f3 a5                   rep movsl %ds:(%rsi),%es:(%rdi)

and the line contain a bunch of ":". Current "cut" selects only the
and the second field output looks funnily overlaid this:

  2b:*  f3 a5                   rep movsl %ds     <-- trapping instruction:(%rsi),%es:(%rdi

Fix this by selecting the remaining fields too.

Cc: Andrew Morton <akpm@linux-foundation.org>
Cc: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>
Cc: linux-kbuild@vger.kernel.org
Signed-off-by: Borislav Petkov <borislav.petkov@amd.com>
 scripts/decodecode | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff mbox


diff --git a/scripts/decodecode b/scripts/decodecode
index 18ba881c3415..4f8248d5a11f 100755
--- a/scripts/decodecode
+++ b/scripts/decodecode
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@  echo $code >> $T.s
 disas $T
 cat $T.dis >> $T.aa
-faultline=`cat $T.dis | head -1 | cut -d":" -f2`
+faultline=`cat $T.dis | head -1 | cut -d":" -f2-`
 faultline=`echo "$faultline" | sed -e 's/\[/\\\[/g; s/\]/\\\]/g'`
 cat $T.oo | sed -e "s/\($faultline\)/\*\1     <-- trapping instruction/g"