new file mode 100755
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use File::Find;
+use File::Path;
+use strict;
+my @sys_header_dirs = (
+ "include"
+ );
+# Changes must be committed first
+system("git diff --quiet") == 0 or die "Uncommitted changes; aborting\n";
+# Delete the old patch under StGIT
+system("stg delete uapi-set-up-Kbuild.diff");
+# Set up the patch under StGIT
+system("stg new -m '" .
+ "UAPI: Set up UAPI Kbuild files\n" .
+ "\n" .
+ "Set up empty UAPI Kbuild files to be populated by the header splitter using\n" .
+ "scripts/uapi-disintegrate/\n" .
+ "' --sign uapi-set-up-Kbuild.diff"
+ ) == 0 or die;
+# Find all the system header directories under arch
+opendir DIR, "arch" or die;
+push @sys_header_dirs,
+ map { "arch/$_/include"; }
+sort grep { -d "arch/$_/include"; }
+grep { $_ !~ /^[.]/ }
+readdir DIR;
+closedir DIR;
+# Find all the header files
+my %kbuilds = ();
+sub find_Kbuild()
+ $kbuilds{$File::Find::name} = 1 if ($_ =~ /Kbuild$/);
+find(\&find_Kbuild, @sys_header_dirs);
+#print join("\n", sort keys %kbuilds), "\n";
+foreach my $kbuild (sort grep { $_ !~ m@arch/um/@} keys %kbuilds) {
+ my $uapi_kbuild = $kbuild;
+ $uapi_kbuild =~ s@include/@include/uapi/@;
+ print "[[[ $uapi_kbuild ]]]\n";
+ open FD, '<', $kbuild or die "open $kbuild: $!\n";
+ my @old = <FD>;
+ close FD or die;
+ my @new = ();
+ if ($#old > -1) {
+ if ($old[0] =~ /^#/) {
+ for (my $l = 0; $l <= $#old; $l++) {
+ last if ($old[$l] !~ /^#/);
+ push @new, $old[$l];
+ }
+ push @new, "\n";
+ }
+ push @new, map {
+ my $x = $_;
+ $x =~ s@include/@include/uapi/@;
+ $x;
+ } grep { $_ =~ m@^include@; } @old;
+ push @new, "\n" if ($#new > -1);
+ push @new, grep { $_ =~ m@header-y\s+[+]=\s+[a-z0-9A-Z-]+/\s*@; } @old;
+ }
+ #print @new;
+ my $uapidir = $uapi_kbuild;
+ $uapidir = $1 if ($uapidir =~ m!(.*)/!);
+ mkpath($uapidir) if (! -d $uapidir);
+ open FD, '>', $uapi_kbuild or die "create $uapi_kbuild: $!\n";
+ print FD "# UAPI Header export list\n" or die "write $uapi_kbuild: $!\n";
+ print FD @new or die "write $uapi_kbuild: $!\n";
+ close FD or die "close $uapi_kbuild: $!\n";
+ system("stg add $uapi_kbuild") == 0 or die;
+# Commit the changes
+system("stg ref") == 0 or die;
+exit 0;
Add a script to create and set up new UAPI dirs and then commit them to GIT or StGIT: scripts/uapi-disintegration/ Signed-off-by: David Howells <> --- scripts/uapi-disintegration/ | 107 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100755 scripts/uapi-disintegration/ -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kbuild" in the body of a message to More majordomo info at