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[v8,5/7] rust: str: add radix prefixed integer parsing functions

Message ID 20250227-module-params-v3-v8-5-ceeee85d9347@kernel.org (mailing list archive)
State New
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Series rust: extend `module!` macro with integer parameter support | expand

Commit Message

Andreas Hindborg Feb. 27, 2025, 2:38 p.m. UTC
Add the trait `ParseInt` for parsing string representations of integers
where the string representations are optionally prefixed by a radix
specifier. Implement the trait for the primitive integer types.

Tested-by: Daniel Almeida <daniel.almeida@collabora.com>
Reviewed-by: Daniel Almeida <daniel.almeida@collabora.com>
Signed-off-by: Andreas Hindborg <a.hindborg@kernel.org>
 rust/kernel/str.rs | 155 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 155 insertions(+)


Miguel Ojeda March 20, 2025, 8:21 p.m. UTC | #1
On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 3:39 PM Andreas Hindborg <a.hindborg@kernel.org> wrote:
> +                    // SAFETY: We checked that `val` will fit in `Self` above.
> +                    let val: Self = unsafe { val.try_into().unwrap_unchecked() };

This is wrong -- `val` can be the maximum, and thus it does not fit
since it is 2's complement, even if later the complement would.

In fact, it is caught by the doctest when run with debug assertions enabled:

   /// assert_eq!(Ok(-128), i8::from_str(b_str!("-128")));

We try to put 128 into `i8`, which of course does not work...

Andreas Hindborg March 21, 2025, 7:53 a.m. UTC | #2
"Miguel Ojeda" <miguel.ojeda.sandonis@gmail.com> writes:

> On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 3:39 PM Andreas Hindborg <a.hindborg@kernel.org> wrote:
>> +                    // SAFETY: We checked that `val` will fit in `Self` above.
>> +                    let val: Self = unsafe { val.try_into().unwrap_unchecked() };
> This is wrong -- `val` can be the maximum, and thus it does not fit
> since it is 2's complement, even if later the complement would.
> In fact, it is caught by the doctest when run with debug assertions enabled:
>    /// assert_eq!(Ok(-128), i8::from_str(b_str!("-128")));
> We try to put 128 into `i8`, which of course does not work...

Thanks for catching this! I have to start running tests with debug
assertions, it makes no sense not to do so.

I'll send a new version now, hope it will make the cut.

Best regards,
Andreas Hindborg
diff mbox series


diff --git a/rust/kernel/str.rs b/rust/kernel/str.rs
index db272d2198fc..a708cf219348 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/str.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/str.rs
@@ -945,3 +945,158 @@  fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
 macro_rules! fmt {
     ($($f:tt)*) => ( core::format_args!($($f)*) )
+pub mod parse_int {
+    //! Integer parsing functions for parsing signed and unsigned integers
+    //! potentially prefixed with `0x`, `0o`, or `0b`.
+    use crate::prelude::*;
+    use crate::str::BStr;
+    use core::ops::Deref;
+    // Make `FromStrRadix` a public type with a private name. This seals
+    // `ParseInt`, that is, prevents downstream users from implementing the
+    // trait.
+    mod private {
+        use crate::str::BStr;
+        /// Trait that allows parsing a [`&BStr`] to an integer with a radix.
+        ///
+        /// [`&BStr`]: kernel::str::BStr
+        // This is required because the `from_str_radix` function on the primitive
+        // integer types is not part of any trait.
+        pub trait FromStrRadix: Sized {
+            /// Parse `src` to `Self` using radix `radix`.
+            fn from_str_radix(src: &BStr, radix: u32) -> Result<Self, crate::error::Error>;
+            /// Return the absolute value of Self::MIN.
+            fn abs_min() -> u64;
+            /// Perform bitwise 2's complement on `self`.
+            ///
+            /// Note: This function does not make sense for unsigned integers.
+            fn complement(self) -> Self;
+        }
+    }
+    /// Extract the radix from an integer literal optionally prefixed with
+    /// one of `0x`, `0X`, `0o`, `0O`, `0b`, `0B`, `0`.
+    fn strip_radix(src: &BStr) -> (u32, &BStr) {
+        match src.deref() {
+            [b'0', b'x' | b'X', rest @ ..] => (16, rest.as_ref()),
+            [b'0', b'o' | b'O', rest @ ..] => (8, rest.as_ref()),
+            [b'0', b'b' | b'B', rest @ ..] => (2, rest.as_ref()),
+            // NOTE: We are including the leading zero to be able to parse
+            // literal 0 here. If we removed it as a radix prefix, we would not
+            // be able to parse `0`.
+            [b'0', ..] => (8, src),
+            _ => (10, src),
+        }
+    }
+    /// Trait for parsing string representations of integers.
+    ///
+    /// Strings beginning with `0x`, `0o`, or `0b` are parsed as hex, octal, or
+    /// binary respectively. Strings beginning with `0` otherwise are parsed as
+    /// octal. Anything else is parsed as decimal. A leading `+` or `-` is also
+    /// permitted. Any string parsed by [`kstrtol()`] or [`kstrtoul()`] will be
+    /// successfully parsed.
+    ///
+    /// [`kstrtol()`]: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/core-api/kernel-api.html#c.kstrtol
+    /// [`kstrtoul()`]: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/core-api/kernel-api.html#c.kstrtoul
+    ///
+    /// # Example
+    /// ```
+    /// use kernel::str::parse_int::ParseInt;
+    /// use kernel::b_str;
+    ///
+    /// assert_eq!(Ok(0), u8::from_str(b_str!("0")));
+    ///
+    /// assert_eq!(Ok(0xa2u8), u8::from_str(b_str!("0xa2")));
+    /// assert_eq!(Ok(-0xa2i32), i32::from_str(b_str!("-0xa2")));
+    ///
+    /// assert_eq!(Ok(-0o57i8), i8::from_str(b_str!("-0o57")));
+    /// assert_eq!(Ok(0o57i8), i8::from_str(b_str!("057")));
+    ///
+    /// assert_eq!(Ok(0b1001i16), i16::from_str(b_str!("0b1001")));
+    /// assert_eq!(Ok(-0b1001i16), i16::from_str(b_str!("-0b1001")));
+    ///
+    /// assert_eq!(Ok(127), i8::from_str(b_str!("127")));
+    /// assert!(i8::from_str(b_str!("128")).is_err());
+    /// assert_eq!(Ok(-128), i8::from_str(b_str!("-128")));
+    /// assert!(i8::from_str(b_str!("-129")).is_err());
+    /// assert_eq!(Ok(255), u8::from_str(b_str!("255")));
+    /// assert!(u8::from_str(b_str!("256")).is_err());
+    /// ```
+    pub trait ParseInt: private::FromStrRadix + TryFrom<u64> {
+        /// Parse a string according to the description in [`Self`].
+        fn from_str(src: &BStr) -> Result<Self> {
+            match src.deref() {
+                [b'-', rest @ ..] => {
+                    let (radix, digits) = strip_radix(rest.as_ref());
+                    // 2's complement values range from -2^(b-1) to 2^(b-1)-1.
+                    // So if we want to parse negative numbers as positive and
+                    // later multiply by -1, we have to parse into a larger
+                    // integer. We choose u64 as sufficiently large. NOTE: 128
+                    // bit integers are not available on all platforms, hence
+                    // the choice of 64 bit.
+                    let val = u64::from_str_radix(
+                        core::str::from_utf8(digits).map_err(|_| EINVAL)?,
+                        radix,
+                    )
+                    .map_err(|_| EINVAL)?;
+                    if val > Self::abs_min() {
+                        return Err(EINVAL);
+                    }
+                    // SAFETY: We checked that `val` will fit in `Self` above.
+                    let val: Self = unsafe { val.try_into().unwrap_unchecked() };
+                    Ok(val.complement())
+                }
+                _ => {
+                    let (radix, digits) = strip_radix(src);
+                    Self::from_str_radix(digits, radix).map_err(|_| EINVAL)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    macro_rules! impl_parse_int {
+        ($ty:ty) => {
+            impl private::FromStrRadix for $ty {
+                fn from_str_radix(src: &BStr, radix: u32) -> Result<Self, crate::error::Error> {
+                    <$ty>::from_str_radix(core::str::from_utf8(src).map_err(|_| EINVAL)?, radix)
+                        .map_err(|_| EINVAL)
+                }
+                fn abs_min() -> u64 {
+                    #[allow(unused_comparisons)]
+                    if Self::MIN < 0 {
+                        1u64 << (Self::BITS - 1)
+                    } else {
+                        0
+                    }
+                }
+                fn complement(self) -> Self {
+                    (!self).wrapping_add((1 as $ty))
+                }
+            }
+            impl ParseInt for $ty {}
+        };
+    }
+    impl_parse_int!(i8);
+    impl_parse_int!(u8);
+    impl_parse_int!(i16);
+    impl_parse_int!(u16);
+    impl_parse_int!(i32);
+    impl_parse_int!(u32);
+    impl_parse_int!(i64);
+    impl_parse_int!(u64);
+    impl_parse_int!(isize);
+    impl_parse_int!(usize);