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[RFC,00/12] Huawei Digest Lists

Message ID 20210625165614.2284243-1-roberto.sassu@huawei.com (mailing list archive)
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Series Huawei Digest Lists | expand


Roberto Sassu June 25, 2021, 4:56 p.m. UTC

Huawei Digest Lists is a simple in kernel database for storing file and
metadata digests and for reporting to its users (e.g. Integrity
Measurement Architecture or IMA) whether the digests are in the database
or not. The choice of placing it in the kernel and not in a user space
process is explained later in the Security Assumptions section.

The database is populated by directly uploading the so called digest
lists, a set of digests concatenated together and preceded by a header
including information about them (e.g. whether the file or metadata with
a given digest is immutable or not). Digest lists are stored in the
kernel memory as they are, the kernel just builds indexes to easily
lookup digests.

The kernel supports only one digest list format called compact. However,
alternative formats (e.g. the RPM header) can be supported through a
user space parser that, by invoking the appropriate library (more can be
added), converts the original digest list to the compact format and
uploads it to the kernel.

The database keeps track of whether digest lists have been processed in
some way (e.g. measured or appraised by IMA). This is important for
example for remote attestation, so that remote verifiers understand what
has been loaded in the database.

It is a transactional database, i.e. it has the ability to roll back to
the beginning of the transaction if an error occurred during the
addition of a digest list (the deletion operation always succeeds). This
capability has been tested with an ad-hoc fault injection mechanism
capable of simulating failures during the operations.

Finally, the database exposes to user space, through securityfs, the
digest lists currently loaded, the number of digests added, a query
interface and an interface to set digest list labels.

Binary Integrity

Integrity is a fundamental security property in information systems.
Integrity could be described as the condition in which a generic
component is just after it has been released by the entity that created

One way to check whether a component is in this condition (called binary
integrity) is to calculate its digest and to compare it with a reference
value (i.e. the digest calculated in controlled conditions, when the
component is released).

IMA, a software part of the integrity subsystem, can perform such
evaluation and execute different actions:

-   store the digest in an integrity-protected measurement list, so that
    it can be sent to a remote verifier for analysis;
-   compare the calculated digest with a reference value (usually
    protected with a signature) and deny operations if the file is found
-   store the digest in the system log.


Huawei Digest Lists facilitates the provisioning of reference values for
system and application files from software vendors, to the kernel.

Possible sources for digest lists are:

-   RPM headers;
-   Debian repository metadata.

These sources are already usable without any modification required for
Linux vendors.

If digest list sources are signed (usually they are, like the ones
above), remote verifiers could identify their provenance, or Linux
vendors could prevent the loading of unsigned ones or those signed with
an untrusted key.

Possible Usages

Provisioned reference values can be used (e.g. by IMA) to make
integrity-related decisions (allow list or deny list).

Possible usages for IMA are:

-   avoid recording measurement of files whose digest is found in the
    pre-provisioned reference values:
    -   reduces the number of TPM operations (PCR extend);
    -   could make a TPM PCR predictable, as the PCR would not be
        affected by the temporal sequence of executions if binaries are
        known (no measurement);
-   exclusively grant access to files whose digest is found in the
    pre-provisioned reference values:
    -   faster verification time (fewer signature verifications);
    -   no need to generate a signature for every file.

Security Assumptions

Since digest lists are stored in the kernel memory, they are no
susceptible to attacks by user space processes.

A locked-down kernel, that accepts only verified kernel modules, will
allow digest lists to be added or deleted only though a well-defined and
monitored interface. In this situation, the root user is assumed to be
untrusted, i.e. it cannot subvert without being detected the mandatory
policy stating which files are accessible by the system.


A former version of Huawei Digest Lists is used in the following OSes:

-   openEuler 20.09
-   openEuler 21.03

Originally, Huawei Digest Lists was part of IMA. In this version, it has
been redesigned as a standalone module with an API that makes its
functionality accessible by IMA and, eventually, other subsystems.

User Space Support

Digest lists can be generated and managed with digest-list-tools:


It includes two main applications:

-   gen_digest_lists: generates digest lists from files in the
    filesystem or from the RPM database (more digest list sources can be
-   manage_digest_lists: converts and uploads digest lists to the

Simple Usage Example

1.  Digest list generation (RPM headers and their signature are copied
    to the specified directory):

    # mkdir /etc/digest_lists
    # gen_digest_lists -t file -f rpm+db -d /etc/digest_lists -o add

2.  Digest list upload with the user space parser:

    # manage_digest_lists -p add-digest -d /etc/digest_lists

3.  First digest list query:

    # echo sha256-$(sha256sum /bin/cat) > \
    # cat /sys/kernel/security/integrity/digest_lists/digest_query
       (actions: 0): version: 1, algo: sha256, type: 2, modifiers: 1,
       count: 106, datalen: 3392

4.  Second digest list query:

    # echo sha256-$(sha256sum /bin/zip) > \
    # cat /sys/kernel/security/integrity/digest_lists/digest_query
      sha256-[...]-0-file_list-rpm-zip-3.0-27.fc33.x86_64 (actions: 0):
       version: 1, algo: sha256, type: 2, modifiers: 1, count: 4,
       datalen: 128


This section introduces the high level architecture.

 5. add/delete from hash table and add refs to digest list
        |                            +-----+   +-------------+         +--+
        |                            | key |-->| digest refs |-->...-->|  |
        V                            +-----+   +-------------+         +--+
 +-------------+                     +-----+   +-------------+
 | digest list |                     | key |-->| digest refs |
 |  (compact)  |                     +-----+   +-------------+
 +-------------+                     +-----+   +-------------+
        ^ 4. copy to                 | key |-->| digest refs |
        |    kernel memory           +-----+   +-------------+ kernel space
        ^                                          ^             user space
        |<----------------+       3b. upload       |
 +-------------+   +------------+                  | 6. query digest
 | digest list |   | user space | 2b. convert
 |  (compact)  |   |   parser   |
 +-------------+   +------------+
 1a. upload               ^       1b. read
                   | RPM header |

As mentioned before, digest lists can be uploaded directly if they are
in the compact format (step 1a) or can be uploaded indirectly by the
user space parser if they are in an alternative format (steps 1b-3b).

During upload, the kernel makes a copy of the digest list to the kernel
memory (step 4), and creates the necessary structures to index the
digests (hash table and an array of digest list references to locate the
digests in the digest list) (step 5).

Finally, digests can be searched from user space through a securityfs
file (step 6) or by the kernel itself.


This section describes the implementation of Huawei Digest Lists.

Basic Definitions

This section introduces the basic definitions required to use digest

Compact Digest List Format

Compact digest lists consist of one or multiple headers defined as:

    struct compact_list_hdr {
        __u8 version;
        __u8 _reserved;
        __le16 type;
        __le16 modifiers;
        __le16 algo;
        __le32 count;
        __le32 datalen;
    } __packed;

which characterize the subsequent block of concatenated digests.

The algo field specifies the algorithm used to calculate the digest.

The count field specifies how many digests are stored in the subsequent
block of digests.

The datalen field specifies the length of the subsequent block of
digests (it is redundant, it is the same as
hash_digest_size[algo] * count).

Compact Types

Digests can be of different types:

-   COMPACT_PARSER: digests of executables which are given the ability
    to parse digest lists not in the compact format and to upload to the
    kernel the digest list converted to the compact format;
-   COMPACT_FILE: digests of regular files;
-   COMPACT_METADATA: digests of file metadata (e.g. the digest
    calculated by EVM to verify a portable signature);
-   COMPACT_DIGEST_LIST: digests of digest lists (only used internally
    by the kernel).

Different users of Huawei Digest Lists might query digests with
different compact types. For example, IMA would be interested in
COMPACT_FILE, as it deals with regular files, while EVM would be
interested in COMPACT_METADATA, as it verifies file metadata.

Compact Modifiers

Digests can also have specific attributes called modifiers (bit

-   COMPACT_MOD_IMMUTABLE: file content or metadata should not be

IMA might use this information to deny open for writing, or EVM to deny
setxattr operations.


This section defines a set of possible actions that have been executed
on the digest lists (bit position):

-   COMPACT_ACTION_IMA_MEASURED: the digest list has been measured by
-   COMPACT_ACTION_IMA_APPRAISED: the digest list has been successfully
    appraised by IMA;
-   COMPACT_ACTION_IMA_APPRAISED_DIGSIG: the digest list has been
    successfully appraised by IMA by verifying a digital signature.

This information might help users of Huawei Digest Lists to decide
whether to use the result of a queried digest.

For example, if a digest belongs to a digest list that was not measured
before, IMA should ignore the result of the query as the measurement
list sent to remote verifiers would lack how the database was populated.

Compact Digest List Example

    version: 1, type: 2, modifiers: 0 algo: 4, count: 3, datalen: 96
    <SHA256 digest1><SHA256 digest2><SHA256 digest3>
    version: 1, type: 3, modifiers: 1 algo: 6, count: 2, datalen: 128
    <SHA512 digest1><SHA512 digest2>

This digest list consists of two blocks. The first block contains three
SHA256 digests of regular files. The second block contains two SHA512
digests of immutable metadata.

Compact Digest List Operations

Finally, this section defines the possible operations that can be
performed with digest lists:

-   DIGEST_LIST_ADD: the digest list is being added;
-   DIGEST_LIST_DEL: the digest list is being deleted.


This section defines the objects to manage digest lists:

-   digest_list_item: represents a digest list;
-   digest_list_item_ref: represents a reference to a digest list, i.e.
    the location at which a digest within a digest list can be accessed;
-   digest_item: represents a unique digest.

They are represented in the following class diagram:

 hdr_offset               |
 +------------------+     |     +----------------------+
 | digest_list_item |--- N:1 ---| digest_list_item_ref |
 +------------------+           +----------------------+
                                    | digest_item |

A digest_list_item is associated to one or multiple
digest_list_item_ref, one for each digest it contains. However, a
digest_list_item_ref is associated to only one digest_list_item, as it
represents a single location within a specific digest list.

Given that a digest_list_item_ref represents a single location, it is
associated to only one digest_item. However, a digest_item can have
multiple references (as it might appears multiple times within the same
digest list or in different digest lists, if it is duplicated).

A digest_list_item is defined as:

    struct digest_list_item {
        loff_t size;
        u8 *buf;
        u8 actions;
        u8 digest[64];
        enum hash_algo algo;
        const char *label;

-   size: size of the digest list buffer;
-   buf: digest list buffer;
-   actions: actions performed on the digest list;
-   digest: digest of the digest list;
-   algo: digest algorithm;
-   label: label used to identify the digest list (e.g. file name).

A digest_list_item_ref is defined as:

    struct digest_list_item_ref {
        struct digest_list_item *digest_list;
        loff_t digest_offset;
        loff_t hdr_offset;

-   digest_list: pointer to a digest_list_item structure;
-   digest_offset: offset of the digest related to the digest list
-   hdr_offset: offset of the header of the digest block containing the

A digest_item is defined as:

    struct digest_item {
        struct hlist_node hnext;
        struct digest_list_item_ref *refs;

-   hnext: pointers of the hash table;
-   refs: array of digest_list_item_ref structures including a
    terminator (protected by RCU).

All digest list references are stored for a given digest, so that a
query result can include the OR of the modifiers and actions of each
referenced digest list.

The relationship between the described objects can be graphically
represented as:

 Hash table            +-------------+         +-------------+
 PARSER      +-----+   | digest_item |         | digest_item |
 FILE        | key |-->|             |-->...-->|             |
 METADATA    +-----+   |ref0|...|refN|         |ref0|...|refN|
                       +-------------+         +-------------+
            ref0:         |                               | refN:
            digest_offset | +-----------------------------+ digest_offset
            hdr_offset    | |                               hdr_offset
                          V V
                     |  digest_list_item  |
                     |                    |
                     | size, buf, actions |
 Hash table            +-------------+         +-------------+
 DIGEST_LIST +-----+   |ref0         |         |ref0         |
             | key |-->|             |-->...-->|             |
             +-----+   | digest_item |         | digest_item |
                       +-------------+         +-------------+

The reference for the digest of the digest list differs from the
references for the other digest types. digest_offset and hdr_offset are
set to zero, so that the digest of the digest list is retrieved from the
digest_list_item structure directly (see get_digest() below).

Finally, this section defines useful helpers to access a digest or the
header the digest belongs to. For example:

 static inline struct compact_list_hdr *get_hdr(
                                      struct digest_list_item *digest_list,
                                      loff_t hdr_offset)
         return (struct compact_list_hdr *)(digest_list->buf + hdr_offset);

the header can be obtained by summing the address of the digest list
buffer in the digest_list_item structure with hdr_offset.


 static inline u8 *get_digest(struct digest_list_item *digest_list,
                              loff_t digest_offset, loff_t hdr_offset)
         /* Digest list digest is stored in a different place. */
         if (!digest_offset)
                 return digest_list->digest;
         return digest_list->buf + digest_offset;

the digest can be obtained by summing the address of the digest list
buffer with digest_offset (except for the digest lists, where the digest
is stored in the digest field of the digest_list_item structure).


This section introduces the methods requires to manage the three objects

digest_item Methods


digest_add() first checks in the hash table for the passed type if a
digest_item for the same digest already exists. If not, it creates a new
one. Then, digest_add() calls digest_list_ref_add() to add a new
reference of the digest list being added to the found or new


digest_del() also searches the digest_item in the hash table. It should
be always found, as digest lists can be deleted only if they were added
before. Then, digest_del() calls digest_list_ref_del() to delete a
reference of the digest list being deleted from the found digest_item.


digest_lookup() searches the passed digest in the hash table. Then, it
returns immediately a digest_item (or NULL if the digest is not found)
if the modifiers and actions information are not requested by the
caller, or iterates over all the valid references of the digest and
calculates the OR for both of them. Iteration in the array of references
ends when the digest list pointer in a reference is set to NULL. Access
to the refs array is protected by RCU to avoid access to digest lists
being added or deleted (update is serialized by the securityfs

digest_lookup() is not exposed to the rest of the kernel, because access
to the returned digest_item outside RCU would be illegal.


digest_get_info() is the public version of digest_lookup(), which does
not return a digest_item but just the resulting modifiers and actions
from the OR of the modifiers and actions from the referenced digest

digest_list_item_ref Methods


digest_list_ref_add() adds a new reference at the end of the refs array
(also keeps a terminator as the last element). It does not search for
duplicates, as a duplicate reference simply means that the digest
appears multiple times in the digest list. digest_list_ref_add() does
not add the new element in place, but first creates a copy of the
current refs array and uses RCU to replace it with the new one.


digest_list_ref_del() first searches in the refs array a reference to a
given digest list. Then, it invalidates the found reference so that it
is skipped by the reader. Afterwards, it tries to allocate a smaller
refs array (with enough slots to store the valid references, except the
one being deleted). If memory allocation succeeds, digest_list_ref_del()
copies the valid references to the copy of refs and uses RCU to replace
the original refs. Otherwise, it keeps the original refs with the
invalidated reference.

digest_list_item Methods


digest_list_add() first searches the digest of the digest list in the
hash table for the COMPACT_DIGEST_LIST type. Addition can be done if the
digest list is not found (it is pointless to load the same digest list
again). digest_list_add() then creates a new digest_item, representing
the digest of the digest list, a special digest_list_item_ref with
digest_offset and hdr_offset set to zero, and a new digest_list_item.


digest_list_del() also searches the digest of the digest list in the
hash table for the COMPACT_DIGEST_LIST type. Deletion can be done only
if the digest list is found. digest_list_del() then deletes the
digest_list_item, the special digest_list_item_ref and the digest_item.


This section introduces the necessary functions to parse a digest list
and to execute the requested operation.

The main function is digest_list_parse(), which coordinates the various
steps required to add or delete a digest list, and has the logic to roll
back when one of the steps fails.

1.  Calls digest_list_validate() to validate the passed buffer
    containing the digest list to ensure that the format is correct.
2.  Calls get_digest_list() to create a new digest_list_item for the add
    operation, or to retrieve the existing one for the delete operation.
    get_digest_list() refuses to add digest lists that were previously
    added and to delete digest lists that weren't previously added.
    Also, get_digest_list() refuses to delete digest lists that are not
    processed in the same way as when they were added (it would
    guarantee that also deletion is notified to remote verifiers).
3.  Calls _digest_list_parse() which takes the created/retrieved
    digest_list_item and adds or delete the digests included in the
    digest list.
4.  If an error occurred, performs a rollback to the previous state, by
    calling _digest_list_parse() with the opposite operation and the
    buffer size at the time the error occurred.
5.  digest_list_parse() deletes the digest_list_item on unsuccessful add
    or successful delete.


This section introduces the interfaces in
<securityfs>/integrity/digest_lists necessary to interact with Huawei
Digest Lists.


digest_list_add can be used to upload a digest list and add the digests
to the hash table; passed data are interpreted as file path if the first
byte is / or as the digest list itself otherwise.

ima_measure_critical_data() is called to calculate the digest of the
digest list and eventually, if an appropriate rule is set in the IMA
policy, to measure it.


digest_list_del can be used to upload a digest list and delete the
digests from the hash table; data are interpreted in the same way as
described for digest_list_add.


digest_lists_loaded is a directory containing two files for each loaded
digest list: one shows the digest list in binary format, and the other
(with .ascii prefix) shows the digest list in ASCII format.

Files are added and removed at the same time digest lists are added and


digest_label can be used to set a label to be applied to the next digest
list (buffer) loaded through digest_list_add.


digest_query: allows to write a query in the format <algo>-<digest> and
to obtain all digest lists that include that digest.


digests_count shows the current number of digests stored in the hash
table by type.


This section introduces a number of tests to ensure that Huawei Digest
Lists works as expected:

-   digest_list_add_del_test_file_upload;
-   digest_list_add_del_test_file_upload_fault;
-   digest_list_add_del_test_buffer_upload;
-   digest_list_add_del_test_buffer_upload_fault;
-   digest_list_fuzzing_test.

The tests are in tools/testing/selftests/digest_lists/selftest.c.

The first four tests randomly perform add, delete and query of digest
lists. They internally keep track at any time of the digest lists that
are currently uploaded to the kernel.

Also, digest lists are generated randomly by selecting an arbitrary
digest algorithm and an arbitrary the number of digests. To ensure a
good number of collisions, digests are a sequence of zeros, except for
the first four bytes that are set with a random number within a defined

When a query operation is selected, a digest is chosen by getting
another random number within the same range. Then, the tests count how
many times the digest is found in the internally stored digest lists and
in the query result obtained from the kernel. The tests are successful
if the obtained numbers are the same.

The file_upload variant creates a temporary file from a generated digest
list and sends its path to the kernel, so that the file is uploaded. The
digest_upload variant directly sends the digest list buffer to the
kernel (it will be done by the user space parser after it converts a
digest list not in the compact format).

The fault variant performs the test by enabling the ad-hoc fault
injection mechanism in the kernel (accessible through
<debugfs>/fail_digest_lists). The fault injection mechanism randomly
injects errors during the addition and deletion of digest lists. When an
error occurs, the rollback mechanism performs the reverse operation
until the point the error occurred, so that the kernel is left in the
same state as when the requested operation began. Since the kernel
returns the error to user space, the tests also know that the operation
didn't succeed and behave accordingly (they also revert the internal

Lastly, the fuzzing test simply sends randomly generated digest lists to
the kernel, to ensure that the parser is robust enough to handle
malformed data.

Roberto Sassu (12):
  ima: Add digest, algo, measured parameters to
  digest_lists: Overview
  digest_lists: Basic definitions
  digest_lists: Objects
  digest_lists: Methods
  digest_lists: Parser
  digest_lists: Interfaces - digest_list_add, digest_list_del
  digest_lists: Interfaces - digest_lists_loaded
  digest_lists: Interfaces - digest_label
  digest_lists: Interfaces - digest_query
  digest_lists: Interfaces - digests_count
  digest_lists: Tests

 Documentation/security/digest_lists.rst       |  756 +++++++++++
 Documentation/security/index.rst              |    1 +
 MAINTAINERS                                   |   14 +
 include/linux/digest_lists.h                  |   24 +
 include/linux/ima.h                           |    8 +-
 include/linux/kernel_read_file.h              |    1 +
 include/uapi/linux/digest_lists.h             |   43 +
 security/integrity/Kconfig                    |    1 +
 security/integrity/Makefile                   |    1 +
 security/integrity/digest_lists/Kconfig       |   11 +
 security/integrity/digest_lists/Makefile      |    8 +
 .../integrity/digest_lists/digest_lists.h     |  155 +++
 security/integrity/digest_lists/fs.c          |  719 ++++++++++
 security/integrity/digest_lists/methods.c     |  548 ++++++++
 security/integrity/digest_lists/parser.c      |  270 ++++
 security/integrity/ima/ima.h                  |    3 +-
 security/integrity/ima/ima_appraise.c         |    3 +-
 security/integrity/ima/ima_asymmetric_keys.c  |    3 +-
 security/integrity/ima/ima_init.c             |    3 +-
 security/integrity/ima/ima_main.c             |   32 +-
 security/integrity/ima/ima_queue_keys.c       |    2 +-
 security/integrity/integrity.h                |    4 +
 security/selinux/ima.c                        |    5 +-
 tools/testing/selftests/Makefile              |    1 +
 tools/testing/selftests/digest_lists/Makefile |    6 +
 tools/testing/selftests/digest_lists/common.c |  109 ++
 tools/testing/selftests/digest_lists/common.h |   37 +
 tools/testing/selftests/digest_lists/config   |    3 +
 .../testing/selftests/digest_lists/selftest.c | 1169 +++++++++++++++++
 29 files changed, 3925 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/security/digest_lists.rst
 create mode 100644 include/linux/digest_lists.h
 create mode 100644 include/uapi/linux/digest_lists.h
 create mode 100644 security/integrity/digest_lists/Kconfig
 create mode 100644 security/integrity/digest_lists/Makefile
 create mode 100644 security/integrity/digest_lists/digest_lists.h
 create mode 100644 security/integrity/digest_lists/fs.c
 create mode 100644 security/integrity/digest_lists/methods.c
 create mode 100644 security/integrity/digest_lists/parser.c
 create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/digest_lists/Makefile
 create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/digest_lists/common.c
 create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/digest_lists/common.h
 create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/digest_lists/config
 create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/digest_lists/selftest.c