@@ -161,3 +161,125 @@ macro_rules! kunit_assert_eq {
$crate::kunit_assert!($name, $file, $diff, $left == $right);
+/// Represents an individual test case.
+/// The [`kunit_unsafe_test_suite!`] macro expects a NULL-terminated list of valid test cases.
+/// Use [`kunit_case_null`] to generate such a delimiter.
+pub const fn kunit_case(
+ name: &'static kernel::str::CStr,
+ run_case: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut kernel::bindings::kunit),
+) -> kernel::bindings::kunit_case {
+ kernel::bindings::kunit_case {
+ run_case: Some(run_case),
+ name: name.as_char_ptr(),
+ attr: kernel::bindings::kunit_attributes {
+ speed: kernel::bindings::kunit_speed_KUNIT_SPEED_NORMAL,
+ },
+ generate_params: None,
+ status: kernel::bindings::kunit_status_KUNIT_SUCCESS,
+ module_name: core::ptr::null_mut(),
+ log: core::ptr::null_mut(),
+ }
+/// Represents the NULL test case delimiter.
+/// The [`kunit_unsafe_test_suite!`] macro expects a NULL-terminated list of test cases. This
+/// function returns such a delimiter.
+pub const fn kunit_case_null() -> kernel::bindings::kunit_case {
+ kernel::bindings::kunit_case {
+ run_case: None,
+ name: core::ptr::null_mut(),
+ generate_params: None,
+ attr: kernel::bindings::kunit_attributes {
+ speed: kernel::bindings::kunit_speed_KUNIT_SPEED_NORMAL,
+ },
+ status: kernel::bindings::kunit_status_KUNIT_SUCCESS,
+ module_name: core::ptr::null_mut(),
+ log: core::ptr::null_mut(),
+ }
+/// Registers a KUnit test suite.
+/// # Safety
+/// `test_cases` must be a NULL terminated array of valid test cases.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```ignore
+/// extern "C" fn test_fn(_test: *mut kernel::bindings::kunit) {
+/// let actual = 1 + 1;
+/// let expected = 2;
+/// assert_eq!(actual, expected);
+/// }
+/// static mut KUNIT_TEST_CASES: [kernel::bindings::kunit_case; 2] = [
+/// kernel::kunit::kunit_case(kernel::c_str!("name"), test_fn),
+/// kernel::kunit::kunit_case_null(),
+/// ];
+/// kernel::kunit_unsafe_test_suite!(suite_name, KUNIT_TEST_CASES);
+/// ```
+macro_rules! kunit_unsafe_test_suite {
+ ($name:ident, $test_cases:ident) => {
+ const _: () = {
+ const KUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAME: [::kernel::ffi::c_char; 256] = {
+ let name_u8 = ::core::stringify!($name).as_bytes();
+ let mut ret = [0; 256];
+ if name_u8.len() > 255 {
+ panic!(concat!(
+ "The test suite name `",
+ ::core::stringify!($name),
+ "` exceeds the maximum length of 255 bytes."
+ ));
+ }
+ let mut i = 0;
+ while i < name_u8.len() {
+ ret[i] = name_u8[i] as ::kernel::ffi::c_char;
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ ret
+ };
+ static mut KUNIT_TEST_SUITE: ::kernel::bindings::kunit_suite =
+ ::kernel::bindings::kunit_suite {
+ #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+ // SAFETY: User is expected to pass a correct `test_cases`, given the safety
+ // precondition; hence this macro named `unsafe`.
+ test_cases: unsafe {
+ ::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!($test_cases)
+ .cast::<::kernel::bindings::kunit_case>()
+ },
+ suite_init: None,
+ suite_exit: None,
+ init: None,
+ exit: None,
+ attr: ::kernel::bindings::kunit_attributes {
+ speed: ::kernel::bindings::kunit_speed_KUNIT_SPEED_NORMAL,
+ },
+ status_comment: [0; 256usize],
+ debugfs: ::core::ptr::null_mut(),
+ log: ::core::ptr::null_mut(),
+ suite_init_err: 0,
+ is_init: false,
+ };
+ #[used]
+ #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+ #[cfg_attr(not(target_os = "macos"), link_section = ".kunit_test_suites")]
+ static mut KUNIT_TEST_SUITE_ENTRY: *const ::kernel::bindings::kunit_suite =
+ // SAFETY: `KUNIT_TEST_SUITE` is static.
+ unsafe { ::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!(KUNIT_TEST_SUITE) };
+ };
+ };