From patchwork Tue Mar 11 19:44:23 2025 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Nicolin Chen X-Patchwork-Id: 14012574 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 36E3422173D; Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:45:35 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; arc=fail smtp.client-ip= ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1741722338; cv=fail; b=VlMDkpkNwSlZEtSSbhO1WaRG3aT/HVSbUFzTOO8I4w3JW7L3XiV5LqoiIrXxMtVWLjlvB3fZseUPJ1UGjJromrqxqE/pMqLhaNp7dBzTepnX5B3Tjl4IX5iUaNxQDT9tcPhs3rd4sQ8aW9orD2XTg/kUw4uYXaNVplCfDj8ZTqQ= ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1741722338; c=relaxed/simple; bh=ruU3l6LO3gcvQMJ/McVT7Z4wcUdf7zVyHJ18oFpZPsk=; h=From:To:CC:Subject:Date:Message-ID:In-Reply-To:References: MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=fP3TgVeUYepU9NV5zalJYooIMdvbQthPN8or3u/SLX3isp83VtZYHzaHj1WILuD72spzOhcZ/ttkWUBUDvFbkZj5+H8/d/xNt06V3D8VmZhM+mdL7nhFtfH3MQt3h5ZXGgarl8X10Ns9tnYSiuaQ1dD3W4dep1yiJgiWr05B9Ow= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=2;; dmarc=pass (p=reject dis=none); spf=fail; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b=sqN/YLg0; arc=fail smtp.client-ip= Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=reject dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=fail Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="sqN/YLg0" ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector10001;; cv=none; b=CW1DPKC4IrtP1Fl5K74P5acnDuWt8q2KFTJgXWonXIpmQyNUoTb2FPwnLqi67goOvKIFSysUFqkn/GuKZC1osBDson0lSDy9Q4SsV4N55kdsAEKCcN7iKkIPGaNkANcG7I2ANAu4epYjid3gc5I3KYeIP4W4A1JcTJ0/WcZKLtINldi4CQsr/Pc0fsqJO0MmI2H/0bI2BIAtQgh+ZNrPrNQzX50otCCwcLtiAfBk5VkHrrHRfjldiByBPhVp1Ee2BQLTP05pshS24jWM2h13ILRgOCFgXub7NR8aU8UxDxqf4OCI9u+7viZtvKEcg/ASB58FsTL8TBM3JmErwvUJyw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector10001; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=TkfPylT5fZJ84edFbny4xMpZcPqfkqgdYNkiG7L9kJQ=; b=m69wDljCyS18jEj352rRpShrT9YHf+2trKijV25Fcn4ErQ/u1uvlLeAncpru7DmxllfpijpgFVP1mauOzecF5x19bRfQNbqq+YqmCfoIuSfRORg28MQXABhaLXBrJ6mO99Xj78VGk3hD/M8+OYrr3djDDjrV8HH5MAlyHyN06h6noGvTNiTUIrC/DOjQA0E8s1/jeCMQY8P5kfBCmKCa3VH5x7UYaJEpke8InCCuGfUiyIcgmbYz339aT5/kJrHKhi6FruRBiAy8OsWT6jRJIW2oqxB/gln+Jx0f/MPXDRRnZcH206P2ubZkjKmIK7Tk3V2wCOAli5+iyBJw+FsYfw== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass (sender ip is; dmarc=pass (p=reject sp=reject pct=100) action=none; dkim=none (message not signed); arc=none (0) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=TkfPylT5fZJ84edFbny4xMpZcPqfkqgdYNkiG7L9kJQ=; b=sqN/YLg082hno6GztghRru2vtoxR6c4PH0MTAueEekDU8MgzYJTuEjEJ/gnUspqxPnNO30Y1im4k6WwAx/tFbZ6eziOk0sMZPiIH3ydx5Seunu+E0tpEnktTKT3FVfaPSuYm1vu0Dt7NOGDK0v6Q9CCnSdynDRRjWs0aAIQ3Ujd/cCp51fVlifHCpMG+ZzOfSgbCgwAt3sUzlBVq5UM+YEprJAxLUaD00eKYRiTVprF1Rpen0qkkexotz7yqAMdq6gBTM7HmFgY5BCO/5yBGyCtgjlcX0KePBSOWx67Jb/mYbo3wKn6Oe7YooRMh9p8XZ0L9CuKtfegIWfpmT9XmSw== Received: from (2603:10b6:208:52c::7) by (2603:10b6:208:3df::21) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.8511.27; Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:45:28 +0000 Received: from (2603:10b6:208:52c:cafe::c3) by (2603:10b6:208:52c::7) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_3, cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.8534.23 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:45:28 +0000 X-MS-Exchange-Authentication-Results: spf=pass (sender IP is; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=pass action=none; Received-SPF: Pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender); client-ip=;; pr=C Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.8534.20 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:45:28 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.2.1544.4; Tue, 11 Mar 2025 12:45:16 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.2.1544.14; Tue, 11 Mar 2025 12:45:15 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server id 15.2.1544.14 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 11 Mar 2025 12:45:14 -0700 From: Nicolin Chen To: CC: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v9 05/14] iommufd: Add IOMMUFD_OBJ_VEVENTQ and IOMMUFD_CMD_VEVENTQ_ALLOC Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 12:44:23 -0700 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.43.0 In-Reply-To: References: Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-NV-OnPremToCloud: AnonymousSubmission X-EOPAttributedMessage: 0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: BN1PEPF0000468D:EE_|IA0PR12MB8280:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 39887016-e9b7-401b-7524-08dd60d5467d X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0;ARA:13230040|376014|7416014|36860700013|82310400026|1800799024; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;CTRY:US;LANG:en;SCL:1;SRV:;IPV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;;;CAT:NONE;SFS:(13230040)(376014)(7416014)(36860700013)(82310400026)(1800799024);DIR:OUT;SFP:1101; X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 11 Mar 2025 19:45:28.1531 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 39887016-e9b7-401b-7524-08dd60d5467d X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 43083d15-7273-40c1-b7db-39efd9ccc17a X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalAttributedTenantConnectingIp: TenantId=43083d15-7273-40c1-b7db-39efd9ccc17a;Ip=[];Helo=[] X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Anonymous X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: HybridOnPrem X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: IA0PR12MB8280 Introduce a new IOMMUFD_OBJ_VEVENTQ object for vIOMMU Event Queue that provides user space (VMM) another FD to read the vIOMMU Events. Allow a vIOMMU object to allocate vEVENTQs, with a condition that each vIOMMU can only have one single vEVENTQ per type. Add iommufd_veventq_alloc() with iommufd_veventq_ops for the new ioctl. Reviewed-by: Lu Baolu Reviewed-by: Kevin Tian Reviewed-by: Jason Gunthorpe Signed-off-by: Nicolin Chen --- drivers/iommu/iommufd/iommufd_private.h | 82 ++++++++++ include/linux/iommufd.h | 3 + include/uapi/linux/iommufd.h | 82 ++++++++++ drivers/iommu/iommufd/eventq.c | 209 +++++++++++++++++++++++- drivers/iommu/iommufd/main.c | 7 + drivers/iommu/iommufd/viommu.c | 2 + 6 files changed, 384 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/drivers/iommu/iommufd/iommufd_private.h b/drivers/iommu/iommufd/iommufd_private.h index 44fb30af10b0..8cda9c4672eb 100644 --- a/drivers/iommu/iommufd/iommufd_private.h +++ b/drivers/iommu/iommufd/iommufd_private.h @@ -507,6 +507,74 @@ void iommufd_fault_iopf_disable(struct iommufd_device *idev); void iommufd_auto_response_faults(struct iommufd_hw_pagetable *hwpt, struct iommufd_attach_handle *handle); +/* An iommufd_vevent represents a vIOMMU event in an iommufd_veventq */ +struct iommufd_vevent { + struct iommufd_vevent_header header; + struct list_head node; /* for iommufd_eventq::deliver */ + ssize_t data_len; + u64 event_data[] __counted_by(data_len); +}; + +#define vevent_for_lost_events_header(vevent) \ + (vevent->header.flags & IOMMU_VEVENTQ_FLAG_LOST_EVENTS) + +/* + * An iommufd_veventq object represents an interface to deliver vIOMMU events to + * the user space. It is created/destroyed by the user space and associated with + * a vIOMMU object during the allocations. + */ +struct iommufd_veventq { + struct iommufd_eventq common; + struct iommufd_viommu *viommu; + struct list_head node; /* for iommufd_viommu::veventqs */ + struct iommufd_vevent lost_events_header; + + unsigned int type; + unsigned int depth; + + /* Use common.lock for protection */ + u32 num_events; + u32 sequence; +}; + +static inline struct iommufd_veventq * +eventq_to_veventq(struct iommufd_eventq *eventq) +{ + return container_of(eventq, struct iommufd_veventq, common); +} + +static inline struct iommufd_veventq * +iommufd_get_veventq(struct iommufd_ucmd *ucmd, u32 id) +{ + return container_of(iommufd_get_object(ucmd->ictx, id, + IOMMUFD_OBJ_VEVENTQ), + struct iommufd_veventq, common.obj); +} + +int iommufd_veventq_alloc(struct iommufd_ucmd *ucmd); +void iommufd_veventq_destroy(struct iommufd_object *obj); +void iommufd_veventq_abort(struct iommufd_object *obj); + +static inline void iommufd_vevent_handler(struct iommufd_veventq *veventq, + struct iommufd_vevent *vevent) +{ + struct iommufd_eventq *eventq = &veventq->common; + + lockdep_assert_held(&eventq->lock); + + /* + * Remove the lost_events_header and add the new node at the same time. + * Note the new node can be lost_events_header, for a sequence update. + */ + if (list_is_last(&veventq->lost_events_header.node, &eventq->deliver)) + list_del(&veventq->lost_events_header.node); + list_add_tail(&vevent->node, &eventq->deliver); + vevent->header.sequence = veventq->sequence; + veventq->sequence = (veventq->sequence + 1) & INT_MAX; + + wake_up_interruptible(&eventq->wait_queue); +} + static inline struct iommufd_viommu * iommufd_get_viommu(struct iommufd_ucmd *ucmd, u32 id) { @@ -515,6 +583,20 @@ iommufd_get_viommu(struct iommufd_ucmd *ucmd, u32 id) struct iommufd_viommu, obj); } +static inline struct iommufd_veventq * +iommufd_viommu_find_veventq(struct iommufd_viommu *viommu, u32 type) +{ + struct iommufd_veventq *veventq, *next; + + lockdep_assert_held(&viommu->veventqs_rwsem); + + list_for_each_entry_safe(veventq, next, &viommu->veventqs, node) { + if (veventq->type == type) + return veventq; + } + return NULL; +} + int iommufd_viommu_alloc_ioctl(struct iommufd_ucmd *ucmd); void iommufd_viommu_destroy(struct iommufd_object *obj); int iommufd_vdevice_alloc_ioctl(struct iommufd_ucmd *ucmd); diff --git a/include/linux/iommufd.h b/include/linux/iommufd.h index 11110c749200..8948b1836940 100644 --- a/include/linux/iommufd.h +++ b/include/linux/iommufd.h @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ enum iommufd_object_type { IOMMUFD_OBJ_FAULT, IOMMUFD_OBJ_VIOMMU, IOMMUFD_OBJ_VDEVICE, + IOMMUFD_OBJ_VEVENTQ, #ifdef CONFIG_IOMMUFD_TEST IOMMUFD_OBJ_SELFTEST, #endif @@ -93,6 +94,8 @@ struct iommufd_viommu { const struct iommufd_viommu_ops *ops; struct xarray vdevs; + struct list_head veventqs; + struct rw_semaphore veventqs_rwsem; unsigned int type; }; diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/iommufd.h b/include/uapi/linux/iommufd.h index 78747b24bd0f..2ade4839880d 100644 --- a/include/uapi/linux/iommufd.h +++ b/include/uapi/linux/iommufd.h @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ enum { IOMMUFD_CMD_VIOMMU_ALLOC = 0x90, IOMMUFD_CMD_VDEVICE_ALLOC = 0x91, IOMMUFD_CMD_IOAS_CHANGE_PROCESS = 0x92, + IOMMUFD_CMD_VEVENTQ_ALLOC = 0x93, }; /** @@ -1014,4 +1015,85 @@ struct iommu_ioas_change_process { #define IOMMU_IOAS_CHANGE_PROCESS \ _IO(IOMMUFD_TYPE, IOMMUFD_CMD_IOAS_CHANGE_PROCESS) +/** + * enum iommu_veventq_flag - flag for struct iommufd_vevent_header + * @IOMMU_VEVENTQ_FLAG_OVERFLOW: vEVENTQ has lost vEVENTs + */ +enum iommu_veventq_flag { + IOMMU_VEVENTQ_FLAG_LOST_EVENTS = (1U << 0), +}; + +/** + * struct iommufd_vevent_header - Virtual Event Header for a vEVENTQ Status + * @flags: Combination of enum iommu_veventq_flag + * @sequence: The sequence index of a vEVENT in the vEVENTQ, with a range of + * [0, INT_MAX] where the following index of INT_MAX is 0 + * + * Each iommufd_vevent_header reports a sequence index of the following vEVENT: + * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * | header0 {sequence=0} | data0 | header1 {sequence=1} | data1 |...| dataN | + * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * And this sequence index is expected to be monotonic to the sequence index of + * the previous vEVENT. If two adjacent sequence indexes has a delta larger than + * 1, it means that delta - 1 number of vEVENTs has lost, e.g. two lost vEVENTs: + * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * | ... | header3 {sequence=3} | data3 | header6 {sequence=6} | data6 | ... | + * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * If a vEVENT lost at the tail of the vEVENTQ and there is no following vEVENT + * providing the next sequence index, an IOMMU_VEVENTQ_FLAG_LOST_EVENTS header + * would be added to the tail, and no data would follow this header: + * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * |..| header3 {sequence=3} | data3 | header4 {flags=LOST_EVENTS, sequence=4} | + * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + */ +struct iommufd_vevent_header { + __u32 flags; + __u32 sequence; +}; + +/** + * enum iommu_veventq_type - Virtual Event Queue Type + * @IOMMU_VEVENTQ_TYPE_DEFAULT: Reserved for future use + */ +enum iommu_veventq_type { + IOMMU_VEVENTQ_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0, +}; + +/** + * struct iommu_veventq_alloc - ioctl(IOMMU_VEVENTQ_ALLOC) + * @size: sizeof(struct iommu_veventq_alloc) + * @flags: Must be 0 + * @viommu: virtual IOMMU ID to associate the vEVENTQ with + * @type: Type of the vEVENTQ. Must be defined in enum iommu_veventq_type + * @veventq_depth: Maximum number of events in the vEVENTQ + * @out_veventq_id: The ID of the new vEVENTQ + * @out_veventq_fd: The fd of the new vEVENTQ. User space must close the + * successfully returned fd after using it + * @__reserved: Must be 0 + * + * Explicitly allocate a virtual event queue interface for a vIOMMU. A vIOMMU + * can have multiple FDs for different types, but is confined to one per @type. + * User space should open the @out_veventq_fd to read vEVENTs out of a vEVENTQ, + * if there are vEVENTs available. A vEVENTQ will lose events due to overflow, + * if the number of the vEVENTs hits @veventq_depth. + * + * Each vEVENT in a vEVENTQ encloses a struct iommufd_vevent_header followed by + * a type-specific data structure, in a normal case: + * ------------------------------------------------------------- + * || header0 | data0 | header1 | data1 | ... | headerN | dataN || + * ------------------------------------------------------------- + * unless a tailing IOMMU_VEVENTQ_FLAG_LOST_EVENTS header is logged (refer to + * struct iommufd_vevent_header). + */ +struct iommu_veventq_alloc { + __u32 size; + __u32 flags; + __u32 viommu_id; + __u32 type; + __u32 veventq_depth; + __u32 out_veventq_id; + __u32 out_veventq_fd; + __u32 __reserved; +}; +#define IOMMU_VEVENTQ_ALLOC _IO(IOMMUFD_TYPE, IOMMUFD_CMD_VEVENTQ_ALLOC) #endif diff --git a/drivers/iommu/iommufd/eventq.c b/drivers/iommu/iommufd/eventq.c index f8e60e5879d1..4c43ace8c725 100644 --- a/drivers/iommu/iommufd/eventq.c +++ b/drivers/iommu/iommufd/eventq.c @@ -262,13 +262,148 @@ static ssize_t iommufd_fault_fops_write(struct file *filep, const char __user *b return done == 0 ? rc : done; } +/* IOMMUFD_OBJ_VEVENTQ Functions */ + +void iommufd_veventq_abort(struct iommufd_object *obj) +{ + struct iommufd_eventq *eventq = + container_of(obj, struct iommufd_eventq, obj); + struct iommufd_veventq *veventq = eventq_to_veventq(eventq); + struct iommufd_viommu *viommu = veventq->viommu; + struct iommufd_vevent *cur, *next; + + lockdep_assert_held_write(&viommu->veventqs_rwsem); + + list_for_each_entry_safe(cur, next, &eventq->deliver, node) { + list_del(&cur->node); + if (cur != &veventq->lost_events_header) + kfree(cur); + } + + refcount_dec(&viommu->obj.users); + list_del(&veventq->node); +} + +void iommufd_veventq_destroy(struct iommufd_object *obj) +{ + struct iommufd_veventq *veventq = eventq_to_veventq( + container_of(obj, struct iommufd_eventq, obj)); + + down_write(&veventq->viommu->veventqs_rwsem); + iommufd_veventq_abort(obj); + up_write(&veventq->viommu->veventqs_rwsem); +} + +static struct iommufd_vevent * +iommufd_veventq_deliver_fetch(struct iommufd_veventq *veventq) +{ + struct iommufd_eventq *eventq = &veventq->common; + struct list_head *list = &eventq->deliver; + struct iommufd_vevent *vevent = NULL; + + spin_lock(&eventq->lock); + if (!list_empty(list)) { + struct iommufd_vevent *next; + + next = list_first_entry(list, struct iommufd_vevent, node); + /* Make a copy of the lost_events_header for copy_to_user */ + if (next == &veventq->lost_events_header) { + vevent = kzalloc(sizeof(*vevent), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!vevent) + goto out_unlock; + } + list_del(&next->node); + if (vevent) + memcpy(vevent, next, sizeof(*vevent)); + else + vevent = next; + } +out_unlock: + spin_unlock(&eventq->lock); + return vevent; +} + +static void iommufd_veventq_deliver_restore(struct iommufd_veventq *veventq, + struct iommufd_vevent *vevent) +{ + struct iommufd_eventq *eventq = &veventq->common; + struct list_head *list = &eventq->deliver; + + spin_lock(&eventq->lock); + if (vevent_for_lost_events_header(vevent)) { + /* Remove the copy of the lost_events_header */ + kfree(vevent); + vevent = NULL; + /* An empty list needs the lost_events_header back */ + if (list_empty(list)) + vevent = &veventq->lost_events_header; + } + if (vevent) + list_add(&vevent->node, list); + spin_unlock(&eventq->lock); +} + +static ssize_t iommufd_veventq_fops_read(struct file *filep, char __user *buf, + size_t count, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct iommufd_eventq *eventq = filep->private_data; + struct iommufd_veventq *veventq = eventq_to_veventq(eventq); + struct iommufd_vevent_header *hdr; + struct iommufd_vevent *cur; + size_t done = 0; + int rc = 0; + + if (*ppos) + return -ESPIPE; + + while ((cur = iommufd_veventq_deliver_fetch(veventq))) { + /* Validate the remaining bytes against the header size */ + if (done >= count || sizeof(*hdr) > count - done) { + iommufd_veventq_deliver_restore(veventq, cur); + break; + } + hdr = &cur->header; + + /* If being a normal vEVENT, validate against the full size */ + if (!vevent_for_lost_events_header(cur) && + sizeof(hdr) + cur->data_len > count - done) { + iommufd_veventq_deliver_restore(veventq, cur); + break; + } + + if (copy_to_user(buf + done, hdr, sizeof(*hdr))) { + iommufd_veventq_deliver_restore(veventq, cur); + rc = -EFAULT; + break; + } + done += sizeof(*hdr); + + if (cur->data_len && + copy_to_user(buf + done, cur->event_data, cur->data_len)) { + iommufd_veventq_deliver_restore(veventq, cur); + rc = -EFAULT; + break; + } + spin_lock(&eventq->lock); + veventq->num_events--; + spin_unlock(&eventq->lock); + done += cur->data_len; + kfree(cur); + } + + return done == 0 ? rc : done; +} + /* Common Event Queue Functions */ static __poll_t iommufd_eventq_fops_poll(struct file *filep, struct poll_table_struct *wait) { struct iommufd_eventq *eventq = filep->private_data; - __poll_t pollflags = EPOLLOUT; + __poll_t pollflags = 0; + + if (eventq->obj.type == IOMMUFD_OBJ_FAULT) + pollflags |= EPOLLOUT; poll_wait(filep, &eventq->wait_queue, wait); spin_lock(&eventq->lock); @@ -388,3 +523,75 @@ int iommufd_fault_iopf_handler(struct iopf_group *group) return 0; } + +static const struct file_operations iommufd_veventq_fops = + INIT_EVENTQ_FOPS(iommufd_veventq_fops_read, NULL); + +int iommufd_veventq_alloc(struct iommufd_ucmd *ucmd) +{ + struct iommu_veventq_alloc *cmd = ucmd->cmd; + struct iommufd_veventq *veventq; + struct iommufd_viommu *viommu; + int fdno; + int rc; + + if (cmd->flags || cmd->__reserved || + cmd->type == IOMMU_VEVENTQ_TYPE_DEFAULT) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + if (!cmd->veventq_depth) + return -EINVAL; + + viommu = iommufd_get_viommu(ucmd, cmd->viommu_id); + if (IS_ERR(viommu)) + return PTR_ERR(viommu); + + down_write(&viommu->veventqs_rwsem); + + if (iommufd_viommu_find_veventq(viommu, cmd->type)) { + rc = -EEXIST; + goto out_unlock_veventqs; + } + + veventq = __iommufd_object_alloc(ucmd->ictx, veventq, + IOMMUFD_OBJ_VEVENTQ, common.obj); + if (IS_ERR(veventq)) { + rc = PTR_ERR(veventq); + goto out_unlock_veventqs; + } + + veventq->type = cmd->type; + veventq->viommu = viommu; + refcount_inc(&viommu->obj.users); + veventq->depth = cmd->veventq_depth; + list_add_tail(&veventq->node, &viommu->veventqs); + veventq->lost_events_header.header.flags = + IOMMU_VEVENTQ_FLAG_LOST_EVENTS; + + fdno = iommufd_eventq_init(&veventq->common, "[iommufd-viommu-event]", + ucmd->ictx, &iommufd_veventq_fops); + if (fdno < 0) { + rc = fdno; + goto out_abort; + } + + cmd->out_veventq_id = veventq->; + cmd->out_veventq_fd = fdno; + + rc = iommufd_ucmd_respond(ucmd, sizeof(*cmd)); + if (rc) + goto out_put_fdno; + + iommufd_object_finalize(ucmd->ictx, &veventq->common.obj); + fd_install(fdno, veventq->common.filep); + goto out_unlock_veventqs; + +out_put_fdno: + put_unused_fd(fdno); + fput(veventq->common.filep); +out_abort: + iommufd_object_abort_and_destroy(ucmd->ictx, &veventq->common.obj); +out_unlock_veventqs: + up_write(&viommu->veventqs_rwsem); + iommufd_put_object(ucmd->ictx, &viommu->obj); + return rc; +} diff --git a/drivers/iommu/iommufd/main.c b/drivers/iommu/iommufd/main.c index b6fa9fd11bc1..3df468f64e7d 100644 --- a/drivers/iommu/iommufd/main.c +++ b/drivers/iommu/iommufd/main.c @@ -317,6 +317,7 @@ union ucmd_buffer { struct iommu_ioas_unmap unmap; struct iommu_option option; struct iommu_vdevice_alloc vdev; + struct iommu_veventq_alloc veventq; struct iommu_vfio_ioas vfio_ioas; struct iommu_viommu_alloc viommu; #ifdef CONFIG_IOMMUFD_TEST @@ -372,6 +373,8 @@ static const struct iommufd_ioctl_op iommufd_ioctl_ops[] = { IOCTL_OP(IOMMU_OPTION, iommufd_option, struct iommu_option, val64), IOCTL_OP(IOMMU_VDEVICE_ALLOC, iommufd_vdevice_alloc_ioctl, struct iommu_vdevice_alloc, virt_id), + IOCTL_OP(IOMMU_VEVENTQ_ALLOC, iommufd_veventq_alloc, + struct iommu_veventq_alloc, out_veventq_fd), IOCTL_OP(IOMMU_VFIO_IOAS, iommufd_vfio_ioas, struct iommu_vfio_ioas, __reserved), IOCTL_OP(IOMMU_VIOMMU_ALLOC, iommufd_viommu_alloc_ioctl, @@ -514,6 +517,10 @@ static const struct iommufd_object_ops iommufd_object_ops[] = { [IOMMUFD_OBJ_VDEVICE] = { .destroy = iommufd_vdevice_destroy, }, + [IOMMUFD_OBJ_VEVENTQ] = { + .destroy = iommufd_veventq_destroy, + .abort = iommufd_veventq_abort, + }, [IOMMUFD_OBJ_VIOMMU] = { .destroy = iommufd_viommu_destroy, }, diff --git a/drivers/iommu/iommufd/viommu.c b/drivers/iommu/iommufd/viommu.c index 69b88e8c7c26..01df2b985f02 100644 --- a/drivers/iommu/iommufd/viommu.c +++ b/drivers/iommu/iommufd/viommu.c @@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ int iommufd_viommu_alloc_ioctl(struct iommufd_ucmd *ucmd) viommu->ictx = ucmd->ictx; viommu->hwpt = hwpt_paging; refcount_inc(&viommu->hwpt->common.obj.users); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&viommu->veventqs); + init_rwsem(&viommu->veventqs_rwsem); /* * It is the most likely case that a physical IOMMU is unpluggable. A * pluggable IOMMU instance (if exists) is responsible for refcounting