diff mbox series

[RFC,net-next,09/22] net: dsa: mt7530: empty default case on mt7530_setup_port5()

Message ID 20230421143648.87889-10-arinc.unal@arinc9.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
Headers show
Series net: dsa: MT7530, MT7531, and MT7988 improvements | expand

Commit Message

Arınç ÜNAL April 21, 2023, 2:36 p.m. UTC
From: Arınç ÜNAL <arinc.unal@arinc9.com>

There're two code paths for setting up port 5:

-> mt7530_setup_port5()

-> mt753x_mac_config()
   -> mt7530_mac_config()
      -> mt7530_setup_port5()

On the first code path, priv->p5_intf_sel is either set to
P5_INTF_SEL_PHY_P0 or P5_INTF_SEL_PHY_P4 when mt7530_setup_port5() is run.

On the second code path, priv->p5_intf_sel is set to P5_INTF_SEL_GMAC5 when
mt7530_setup_port5() is run.

Empty the default case which will never run but is needed nonetheless to
handle all the remaining enumeration values.

Tested-by: Arınç ÜNAL <arinc.unal@arinc9.com>
Signed-off-by: Arınç ÜNAL <arinc.unal@arinc9.com>
 drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.c | 5 +----
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.c b/drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.c
index 2f670e512415..be143da94add 100644
--- a/drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.c
+++ b/drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.c
@@ -933,9 +933,7 @@  static void mt7530_setup_port5(struct dsa_switch *ds, phy_interface_t interface)
 		val &= ~MHWTRAP_P5_DIS;
-		dev_err(ds->dev, "Unsupported p5_intf_sel %d\n",
-			priv->p5_intf_sel);
-		goto unlock_exit;
+		break;
 	/* Setup RGMII settings */
@@ -965,7 +963,6 @@  static void mt7530_setup_port5(struct dsa_switch *ds, phy_interface_t interface)
 	dev_dbg(ds->dev, "Setup P5, HWTRAP=0x%x, intf_sel=%s, phy-mode=%s\n",
 		val, p5_intf_modes(priv->p5_intf_sel), phy_modes(interface));