From patchwork Thu Feb 13 11:04:05 2025 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Alice Ryhl X-Patchwork-Id: 13973107 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7CB92C021A0 for ; Thu, 13 Feb 2025 11:04:57 +0000 (UTC) Received: by (Postfix) id B824C6B009A; Thu, 13 Feb 2025 06:04:55 -0500 (EST) Received: by (Postfix, from userid 40) id B07FB6B009B; Thu, 13 Feb 2025 06:04:55 -0500 (EST) X-Delivered-To: Received: by (Postfix, from userid 63042) id 982F5280001; Thu, 13 Feb 2025 06:04:55 -0500 (EST) X-Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 77D406B0098 for ; Thu, 13 Feb 2025 06:04:55 -0500 (EST) Received: from (a10.router.float.18 []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 903D680BC7 for ; Thu, 13 Feb 2025 11:04:54 +0000 (UTC) X-FDA: 83114638908.06.495A901 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9C79BA0007 for ; Thu, 13 Feb 2025 11:04:51 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; 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Howlett" , Andrew Morton , Greg Kroah-Hartman , Arnd Bergmann , Jann Horn , Suren Baghdasaryan Cc: Alex Gaynor , Boqun Feng , Gary Guo , " =?utf-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn_Roy_Baron?= " , Benno Lossin , Andreas Hindborg , Trevor Gross ,,,, Alice Ryhl X-Rspamd-Server: rspam02 X-Rspamd-Queue-Id: 9C79BA0007 X-Stat-Signature: z49jm5ben36x1c1rp95rgwojdzmbqa76 X-Rspam-User: X-HE-Tag: 1739444691-809333 X-HE-Meta: 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 2Bs6yl+/ 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 X-Bogosity: Ham, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.400699, version=1.2.4 Sender: Precedence: bulk X-Loop: List-ID: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: This type will be used when setting up a new vma in an f_ops->mmap() hook. Using a separate type from VmaRef allows us to have a separate set of operations that you are only able to use during the mmap() hook. For example, the VM_MIXEDMAP flag must not be changed after the initial setup that happens during the f_ops->mmap() hook. To avoid setting invalid flag values, the methods for clearing VM_MAYWRITE and similar involve a check of VM_WRITE, and return an error if VM_WRITE is set. Trying to use `try_clear_maywrite` without checking the return value results in a compilation error because the `Result` type is marked #[must_use]. For now, there's only a method for VM_MIXEDMAP and not VM_PFNMAP. When we add a VM_PFNMAP method, we will need some way to prevent you from setting both VM_MIXEDMAP and VM_PFNMAP on the same vma. Acked-by: Lorenzo Stoakes Reviewed-by: Jann Horn Reviewed-by: Andreas Hindborg Signed-off-by: Alice Ryhl --- rust/kernel/mm/ | 186 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 185 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/rust/kernel/mm/ b/rust/kernel/mm/ index 3e2eabcc2145..31803674aecc 100644 --- a/rust/kernel/mm/ +++ b/rust/kernel/mm/ @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use crate::{ bindings, - error::{to_result, Result}, + error::{code::EINVAL, to_result, Result}, mm::MmWithUser, page::Page, types::Opaque, @@ -198,6 +198,190 @@ pub fn vm_insert_page(&self, address: usize, page: &Page) -> Result { } } +/// A configuration object for setting up a VMA in an `f_ops->mmap()` hook. +/// +/// The `f_ops->mmap()` hook is called when a new VMA is being created, and the hook is able to +/// configure the VMA in various ways to fit the driver that owns it. Using `VmaNew` indicates that +/// you are allowed to perform operations on the VMA that can only be performed before the VMA is +/// fully initialized. +/// +/// # Invariants +/// +/// For the duration of 'a, the referenced vma must be undergoing initialization in an +/// `f_ops->mmap()` hook. +pub struct VmaNew { + vma: VmaRef, +} + +// Make all `VmaRef` methods available on `VmaNew`. +impl Deref for VmaNew { + type Target = VmaRef; + + #[inline] + fn deref(&self) -> &VmaRef { + &self.vma + } +} + +impl VmaNew { + /// Access a virtual memory area given a raw pointer. + /// + /// # Safety + /// + /// Callers must ensure that `vma` is undergoing initial vma setup for the duration of 'a. + #[inline] + pub unsafe fn from_raw<'a>(vma: *mut bindings::vm_area_struct) -> &'a Self { + // SAFETY: The caller ensures that the invariants are satisfied for the duration of 'a. + unsafe { &*vma.cast() } + } + + /// Internal method for updating the vma flags. + /// + /// # Safety + /// + /// This must not be used to set the flags to an invalid value. + #[inline] + unsafe fn update_flags(&self, set: vm_flags_t, unset: vm_flags_t) { + let mut flags = self.flags(); + flags |= set; + flags &= !unset; + + // SAFETY: This is not a data race: the vma is undergoing initial setup, so it's not yet + // shared. Additionally, `VmaNew` is `!Sync`, so it cannot be used to write in parallel. + // The caller promises that this does not set the flags to an invalid value. + unsafe { (*self.as_ptr()).__bindgen_anon_2.__vm_flags = flags }; + } + + /// Set the `VM_MIXEDMAP` flag on this vma. + /// + /// This enables the vma to contain both `struct page` and pure PFN pages. Returns a reference + /// that can be used to call `vm_insert_page` on the vma. + #[inline] + pub fn set_mixedmap(&self) -> &VmaMixedMap { + // SAFETY: We don't yet provide a way to set VM_PFNMAP, so this cannot put the flags in an + // invalid state. + unsafe { self.update_flags(flags::MIXEDMAP, 0) }; + + // SAFETY: We just set `VM_MIXEDMAP` on the vma. + unsafe { VmaMixedMap::from_raw(self.vma.as_ptr()) } + } + + /// Set the `VM_IO` flag on this vma. + /// + /// This is used for memory mapped IO and similar. The flag tells other parts of the kernel to + /// avoid looking at the pages. For memory mapped IO this is useful as accesses to the pages + /// could have side effects. + #[inline] + pub fn set_io(&self) { + // SAFETY: Setting the VM_IO flag is always okay. + unsafe { self.update_flags(flags::IO, 0) }; + } + + /// Set the `VM_DONTEXPAND` flag on this vma. + /// + /// This prevents the vma from being expanded with `mremap()`. + #[inline] + pub fn set_dontexpand(&self) { + // SAFETY: Setting the VM_DONTEXPAND flag is always okay. + unsafe { self.update_flags(flags::DONTEXPAND, 0) }; + } + + /// Set the `VM_DONTCOPY` flag on this vma. + /// + /// This prevents the vma from being copied on fork. This option is only permanent if `VM_IO` + /// is set. + #[inline] + pub fn set_dontcopy(&self) { + // SAFETY: Setting the VM_DONTCOPY flag is always okay. + unsafe { self.update_flags(flags::DONTCOPY, 0) }; + } + + /// Set the `VM_DONTDUMP` flag on this vma. + /// + /// This prevents the vma from being included in core dumps. This option is only permanent if + /// `VM_IO` is set. + #[inline] + pub fn set_dontdump(&self) { + // SAFETY: Setting the VM_DONTDUMP flag is always okay. + unsafe { self.update_flags(flags::DONTDUMP, 0) }; + } + + /// Returns whether `VM_READ` is set. + /// + /// This flag indicates whether userspace is mapping this vma as readable. + #[inline] + pub fn readable(&self) -> bool { + (self.flags() & flags::READ) != 0 + } + + /// Try to clear the `VM_MAYREAD` flag, failing if `VM_READ` is set. + /// + /// This flag indicates whether userspace is allowed to make this vma readable with + /// `mprotect()`. + /// + /// Note that this operation is irreversible. Once `VM_MAYREAD` has been cleared, it can never + /// be set again. + #[inline] + pub fn try_clear_mayread(&self) -> Result { + if self.readable() { + return Err(EINVAL); + } + // SAFETY: Clearing `VM_MAYREAD` is okay when `VM_READ` is not set. + unsafe { self.update_flags(0, flags::MAYREAD) }; + Ok(()) + } + + /// Returns whether `VM_WRITE` is set. + /// + /// This flag indicates whether userspace is mapping this vma as writable. + #[inline] + pub fn writable(&self) -> bool { + (self.flags() & flags::WRITE) != 0 + } + + /// Try to clear the `VM_MAYWRITE` flag, failing if `VM_WRITE` is set. + /// + /// This flag indicates whether userspace is allowed to make this vma writable with + /// `mprotect()`. + /// + /// Note that this operation is irreversible. Once `VM_MAYWRITE` has been cleared, it can never + /// be set again. + #[inline] + pub fn try_clear_maywrite(&self) -> Result { + if self.writable() { + return Err(EINVAL); + } + // SAFETY: Clearing `VM_MAYWRITE` is okay when `VM_WRITE` is not set. + unsafe { self.update_flags(0, flags::MAYWRITE) }; + Ok(()) + } + + /// Returns whether `VM_EXEC` is set. + /// + /// This flag indicates whether userspace is mapping this vma as executable. + #[inline] + pub fn executable(&self) -> bool { + (self.flags() & flags::EXEC) != 0 + } + + /// Try to clear the `VM_MAYEXEC` flag, failing if `VM_EXEC` is set. + /// + /// This flag indicates whether userspace is allowed to make this vma executable with + /// `mprotect()`. + /// + /// Note that this operation is irreversible. Once `VM_MAYEXEC` has been cleared, it can never + /// be set again. + #[inline] + pub fn try_clear_mayexec(&self) -> Result { + if self.executable() { + return Err(EINVAL); + } + // SAFETY: Clearing `VM_MAYEXEC` is okay when `VM_EXEC` is not set. + unsafe { self.update_flags(0, flags::MAYEXEC) }; + Ok(()) + } +} + /// The integer type used for vma flags. #[doc(inline)] pub use bindings::vm_flags_t;