diff mbox

[nfs-utils,v3,02/17] mountstats: Add lists of various counters

Message ID 1418068645-10134-3-git-send-email-smayhew@redhat.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Commit Message

Scott Mayhew Dec. 8, 2014, 7:57 p.m. UTC
The NfsEventCounters and NfsByteCounters were lifted straight from
nfs-iostat.py.  Also added counters for the xprt line (for udp, tcp, and
rdma) as well as for v3 and v4 NFS ops.  These will allow for more
compact code in a couple of places.

Signed-off-by: Scott Mayhew <smayhew@redhat.com>
 tools/mountstats/mountstats.py | 168 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 168 insertions(+)
diff mbox


diff --git a/tools/mountstats/mountstats.py b/tools/mountstats/mountstats.py
index 5fc93f4..bf98813 100644
--- a/tools/mountstats/mountstats.py
+++ b/tools/mountstats/mountstats.py
@@ -33,6 +33,174 @@  def difference(x, y):
     return x - y
+NfsEventCounters = [
+    'inoderevalidates',
+    'dentryrevalidates',
+    'datainvalidates',
+    'attrinvalidates',
+    'vfsopen',
+    'vfslookup',
+    'vfspermission',
+    'vfsupdatepage',
+    'vfsreadpage',
+    'vfsreadpages',
+    'vfswritepage',
+    'vfswritepages',
+    'vfsreaddir',
+    'vfssetattr',
+    'vfsflush',
+    'vfsfsync',
+    'vfslock',
+    'vfsrelease',
+    'congestionwait',
+    'setattrtrunc',
+    'extendwrite',
+    'sillyrenames',
+    'shortreads',
+    'shortwrites',
+    'delay',
+    'pnfsreads',
+    'pnfswrites'
+NfsByteCounters = [
+    'normalreadbytes',
+    'normalwritebytes',
+    'directreadbytes',
+    'directwritebytes',
+    'serverreadbytes',
+    'serverwritebytes',
+    'readpages',
+    'writepages'
+XprtUdpCounters = [
+    'port',
+    'bind_count',
+    'rpcsends',
+    'rpcreceives',
+    'badxids',
+    'inflightsends',
+    'backlogutil'
+XprtTcpCounters = [
+    'port',
+    'bind_count',
+    'connect_count',
+    'connect_time',
+    'idle_time',
+    'rpcsends',
+    'rpcreceives',
+    'badxids',
+    'inflightsends',
+    'backlogutil'
+XprtRdmaCounters = [
+    'port',
+    'bind_count',
+    'connect_count',
+    'connect_time',
+    'idle_time',
+    'rpcsends',
+    'rpcreceives',
+    'badxids',
+    'backlogutil',
+    'read_chunks',
+    'write_chunks',
+    'reply_chunks',
+    'total_rdma_req',
+    'total_rdma_rep',
+    'pullup',
+    'fixup',
+    'hardway',
+    'failed_marshal',
+    'bad_reply'
+Nfsv3ops = [
+    'NULL',
+    'GETATTR',
+    'SETATTR',
+    'LOOKUP',
+    'ACCESS',
+    'READLINK',
+    'READ',
+    'WRITE',
+    'CREATE',
+    'MKDIR',
+    'SYMLINK',
+    'MKNOD',
+    'REMOVE',
+    'RMDIR',
+    'RENAME',
+    'LINK',
+    'READDIR',
+    'FSSTAT',
+    'FSINFO',
+    'PATHCONF',
+    'COMMIT'
+Nfsv4ops = [
+    'NULL',
+    'READ',
+    'WRITE',
+    'COMMIT',
+    'OPEN',
+    'CLOSE',
+    'SETATTR',
+    'FSINFO',
+    'RENEW',
+    'LOCK',
+    'LOCKT',
+    'LOCKU',
+    'ACCESS',
+    'GETATTR',
+    'LOOKUP',
+    'REMOVE',
+    'RENAME',
+    'LINK',
+    'SYMLINK',
+    'CREATE',
+    'PATHCONF',
+    'STATFS',
+    'READLINK',
+    'READDIR',
+    'GETACL',
+    'SETACL',
+    'SECINFO',
+    'SEQUENCE',
 class DeviceData:
     """DeviceData objects provide methods for parsing and displaying
     data for a single mount grabbed from /proc/self/mountstats