diff mbox

[v4,00/27] add block layout driver to pnfs client

Message ID CA+a=Yy78jFNm+fqmX9FeK5MivT4A3homrV2=ZQLHgzusZZ0x+Q@mail.gmail.com (mailing list archive)
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Commit Message

Peng Tao July 29, 2011, 5:45 p.m. UTC
Hi, Christoph,

On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 11:51 PM, Christoph Hellwig <hch@infradead.org> wrote:
> How well is the I/O code tested?  It's a full reimplementation of
> code full of nasty traps.  Did you run xfstests over it?  It supports
> nfs, so pointing it to a pnfs share should probably just work.
We have been testing the code with cthon04 for some time and all cased
are passed since the earliest version.

And I just had a try with xfstests. It seems it does not support NFSv4
right now. I had to modify common.rc to make "./check -nfs" runable.
Otherwise it failed with:
common.rc: Error: $TEST_DEV ( is not a MOUNTED
nfs filesystem
I tried mounting TEST_DIR both w/ and w/o pnfs. The same errors.

After fixing common.rc, "./check -nfs" can run but failed and stopped
at case 088. Both pnfs block and NFSv4 failed at the same case. Did
anyone run xfstests over NFSv4 before? I'm wondering whether it is a
regression or if case 088 is valid for NFSv4.
088      - output mismatch (see 088.out.bad)


Christoph Hellwig July 29, 2011, 6:44 p.m. UTC | #1
On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 01:45:29AM +0800, Peng Tao wrote:
> After fixing common.rc, "./check -nfs" can run but failed and stopped
> at case 088. Both pnfs block and NFSv4 failed at the same case. Did
> anyone run xfstests over NFSv4 before? I'm wondering whether it is a
> regression or if case 088 is valid for NFSv4.

I've only tested it on NFSv3, and can't remember 088 failing.

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diff mbox


--- 088.out     2011-07-29 07:33:58.180218573 -0400
+++ 088.out.bad 2011-07-29 08:50:55.242319901 -0400
@@ -1,9 +1,2 @@ 
 QA output created by 088
-access(TEST_DIR/t_access, 0) returns 0
-access(TEST_DIR/t_access, R_OK) returns 0
-access(TEST_DIR/t_access, W_OK) returns 0
-access(TEST_DIR/t_access, X_OK) returns -1
-access(TEST_DIR/t_access, R_OK | W_OK) returns 0
-access(TEST_DIR/t_access, R_OK | X_OK) returns -1
-access(TEST_DIR/t_access, W_OK | X_OK) returns -1
-access(TEST_DIR/t_access, R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) returns -1
+fchown: Invalid argument