diff mbox

[RESEND] AnalyzeBoot v1.1

Message ID 1486674891-20882-1-git-send-email-todd.e.brandt@linux.intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Not Applicable, archived
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Commit Message

Todd Brandt Feb. 9, 2017, 9:14 p.m. UTC
This tool reads in a dmesg log of linux kernel boot and
creates an html representation of the boot timeline up to
the start of the init process. It's basically an html
version of boograph.pl. If no arguments are given the
tool reads the local dmesg log and outputs bootgraph.html.

Signed-off-by: Todd Brandt <todd.e.brandt@linux.intel.com>
 scripts/analyze_boot.py | 832 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 832 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 scripts/analyze_boot.py
diff mbox


diff --git a/scripts/analyze_boot.py b/scripts/analyze_boot.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f928bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/analyze_boot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,832 @@ 
+# Tool for analyzing boot timing
+# Copyright (c) 2013, Intel Corporation.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+# more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Authors:
+#	 Todd Brandt <todd.e.brandt@linux.intel.com>
+# Description:
+#	 This tool is designed to assist kernel and OS developers in optimizing
+#	 their linux stack's boot time. It creates an html representation of
+#	 the kernel boot timeline up to the start of the init process.
+#	 The following additional kernel parameters are required:
+#		 (e.g. in file /etc/default/grub)
+#		 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="... initcall_debug log_buf_len=16M ..."
+# ----------------- LIBRARIES --------------------
+import sys
+import time
+import os
+import string
+import re
+import platform
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+# ----------------- CLASSES --------------------
+# Class: SystemValues
+# Description:
+#	 A global, single-instance container used to
+#	 store system values and test parameters
+class SystemValues:
+	version = 1.1
+	hostname = 'localhost'
+	testtime = ''
+	kernel = ''
+	dmesgfile = ''
+	htmlfile = 'bootgraph.html'
+	outfile = ''
+	phoronix = False
+	addlogs = False
+	def __init__(self):
+		if('LOG_FILE' in os.environ and 'TEST_RESULTS_IDENTIFIER' in os.environ):
+			self.phoronix = True
+			self.addlogs = True
+			self.outfile = os.environ['LOG_FILE']
+			self.htmlfile = os.environ['LOG_FILE']
+		self.hostname = platform.node()
+		self.testtime = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
+		fp = open('/proc/version', 'r')
+		val = fp.read().strip()
+		fp.close()
+		self.kernel = self.kernelVersion(val)
+	def kernelVersion(self, msg):
+		return msg.split()[2]
+sysvals = SystemValues()
+# Class: Data
+# Description:
+#	 The primary container for test data.
+class Data:
+	dmesg = {}  # root data structure
+	start = 0.0 # test start
+	end = 0.0   # test end
+	dmesgtext = []   # dmesg text file in memory
+	testnumber = 0
+	idstr = ''
+	html_device_id = 0
+	stamp = 0
+	valid = False
+	initstart = 0.0
+	boottime = ''
+	def __init__(self, num):
+		idchar = 'abcde'
+		self.testnumber = num
+		self.idstr = idchar[num]
+		self.dmesgtext = []
+		self.dmesg = {
+			'boot': {'list': dict(), 'start': -1.0, 'end': -1.0, 'row': 0}
+		}
+	def newAction(self, phase, name, pid, parent, start, end, drv):
+		# new device callback for a specific phase
+		self.html_device_id += 1
+		devid = '%s%d' % (self.idstr, self.html_device_id)
+		list = self.dmesg[phase]['list']
+		length = -1.0
+		if(start >= 0 and end >= 0):
+			length = end - start
+		list[name] = {'start': start, 'end': end, 'pid': pid, 'par': parent,
+					  'length': length, 'row': 0, 'id': devid, 'drv': drv }
+# Class: Timeline
+# Description:
+#	 A container for a device timeline which calculates
+#	 all the html properties to display it correctly
+class Timeline:
+	html = {}
+	height = 0	# total timeline height
+	scaleH = 20	# timescale (top) row height
+	rowH = 30	# device row height
+	bodyH = 0	# body height
+	rows = 0	# total timeline rows
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.html = {
+			'header': '',
+			'timeline': '',
+			'legend': '',
+			'scale': ''
+		}
+	# Function: calcTotalRows
+	# Description:
+	#	 Calculate the heights and offsets for the header and rows
+	def calcTotalRows(self):
+		self.height = self.scaleH + (self.rows*self.rowH)
+		self.bodyH = self.height - self.scaleH
+	# Function: getPhaseRows
+	# Description:
+	#	 Organize the timeline entries into the smallest
+	#	 number of rows possible, with no entry overlapping
+	# Arguments:
+	#	 list: the list of devices/actions for a single phase
+	#	 sortedkeys: cronologically sorted key list to use
+	# Output:
+	#	 The total number of rows needed to display this phase of the timeline
+	def getPhaseRows(self, list, sortedkeys):
+		# clear all rows and set them to undefined
+		remaining = len(list)
+		rowdata = dict()
+		row = 0
+		for item in list:
+			list[item]['row'] = -1
+		# try to pack each row with as many ranges as possible
+		while(remaining > 0):
+			if(row not in rowdata):
+				rowdata[row] = []
+			for item in sortedkeys:
+				if(list[item]['row'] < 0):
+					s = list[item]['start']
+					e = list[item]['end']
+					valid = True
+					for ritem in rowdata[row]:
+						rs = ritem['start']
+						rn = ritem['end']
+						if(not (((s <= rs) and (e <= rs)) or
+							((s >= rn) and (e >= rn)))):
+							valid = False
+							break
+					if(valid):
+						rowdata[row].append(list[item])
+						list[item]['row'] = row
+						remaining -= 1
+			row += 1
+		if(row > self.rows):
+			self.rows = int(row)
+		return row
+	# Function: createTimeScale
+	# Description:
+	#	 Create the timescale header for the html timeline
+	# Arguments:
+	#	 t0: start time
+	#	 tMax: end time
+	# Output:
+	#	 The html code needed to display the time scale
+	def createTimeScale(self, t0, tMax):
+		timescale = '<div class="t" style="right:{0}%">{1}</div>\n'
+		output = '<div id="timescale">\n'
+		# set scale for timeline
+		tTotal = tMax - t0
+		tS = 0.1
+		if(tTotal <= 0):
+			return output
+		if(tTotal > 4):
+			tS = 1
+		divTotal = int(tTotal/tS) + 1
+		for i in range(divTotal):
+			pos = '%0.3f' % (100 - ((float(i)*tS*100)/tTotal))
+			if(i == 0):
+				val = ''
+			else:
+				val = '%0.fms' % (float(i)*tS*1000)
+			output += timescale.format(pos, val)
+		output += '</div>\n'
+		self.html['scale'] = output
+# ----------------- FUNCTIONS --------------------
+# Function: loadKernelLog
+# Description:
+#	 Load a raw kernel log from dmesg
+def loadKernelLog():
+	data = Data(0)
+	data.dmesg['boot']['start'] = data.start = ktime = 0.0
+	data.stamp = {
+		'time': datetime.now().strftime('%B %d %Y, %I:%M:%S %p'),
+		'host': sysvals.hostname,
+		'mode': 'boot', 'kernel': ''}
+	if(sysvals.dmesgfile):
+		lf = open(sysvals.dmesgfile, 'r')
+	else:
+		lf = Popen('dmesg', stdout=PIPE).stdout
+	for line in lf:
+		line = line.replace('\r\n', '')
+		idx = line.find('[')
+		if idx > 1:
+			line = line[idx:]
+		m = re.match('[ \t]*(\[ *)(?P<ktime>[0-9\.]*)(\]) (?P<msg>.*)', line)
+		if(not m):
+			continue
+		ktime = float(m.group('ktime'))
+		if(ktime > 120):
+			break
+		msg = m.group('msg')
+		data.end = data.initstart = ktime
+		data.dmesgtext.append(line)
+		if(ktime == 0.0 and re.match('^Linux version .*', msg)):
+			if(not data.stamp['kernel']):
+				data.stamp['kernel'] = sysvals.kernelVersion(msg)
+			continue
+		m = re.match('.* setting system clock to (?P<t>.*) UTC.*', msg)
+		if(m):
+			utc = int((datetime.now() - datetime.utcnow()).total_seconds())
+			bt = datetime.strptime(m.group('t'), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+			bt = bt - timedelta(seconds=int(ktime)-utc)
+			data.boottime = bt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
+			data.stamp['time'] = bt.strftime('%B %d %Y, %I:%M:%S %p')
+			continue
+		m = re.match('^calling *(?P<f>.*)\+.*', msg)
+		if(m):
+			data.valid = True
+			f = m.group('f')
+			data.newAction('boot', f, 0, '', ktime, -1, '')
+			continue
+		m = re.match('^initcall *(?P<f>.*)\+.*', msg)
+		if(m):
+			f = m.group('f')
+			list = data.dmesg['boot']['list']
+			if(f in list):
+				dev = list[f]
+				dev['end'] = ktime
+				data.end = ktime
+			continue
+		if(re.match('^Freeing unused kernel memory.*', msg)):
+			break
+	data.dmesg['boot']['end'] = data.end
+	lf.close()
+	return data
+# Function: colorForName
+# Description:
+#	 Generate a repeatable color from a list for a given name
+def colorForName(name, list):
+	i = 0
+	total = 0
+	count = len(list)
+	while i < len(name):
+		total += ord(name[i])
+		i += 1
+	return list[total % count]
+# Function: createBootGraph
+# Description:
+#	 Create the output html file from the resident test data
+# Arguments:
+#	 testruns: array of Data objects from parseKernelLog or parseTraceLog
+# Output:
+#	 True if the html file was created, false if it failed
+def createBootGraph(data, embedded):
+	# html function templates
+	headline_version = '<div class="version">AnalyzeBoot v%s</div>' % sysvals.version
+	headline_stamp = '<div class="stamp">{0} {1} {2} {3}</div>\n'
+	html_zoombox = '<center><button id="zoomin">ZOOM IN</button><button id="zoomout">ZOOM OUT</button><button id="zoomdef">ZOOM 1:1</button></center>\n'
+	html_timeline = '<div id="dmesgzoombox" class="zoombox">\n<div id="{0}" class="timeline" style="height:{1}px">\n'
+	html_device = '<div id="{0}" title="{1}" class="thread{7}" style="left:{2}%;top:{3}px;height:{4}px;width:{5}%;">{6}</div>\n'
+	html_phase = '<div class="phase" style="left:{0}%;width:{1}%;top:{2}px;height:{3}px;background-color:{4}">{5}</div>\n'
+	html_phaselet = '<div id="{0}" class="phaselet" style="left:{1}%;width:{2}%;background-color:{3}"></div>\n'
+	html_timetotal = '<table class="time1">\n<tr>'\
+		'<td class="blue">Time from Kernel Boot to start of User Mode: <b>{0} ms</b></td>'\
+		'</tr>\n</table>\n'
+	# device timeline
+	devtl = Timeline()
+	devtl.rowH = 100
+	# Generate the header for this timeline
+	t0 = data.start
+	tMax = data.end
+	tTotal = tMax - t0
+	if(tTotal == 0):
+		print('ERROR: No timeline data')
+		return False
+	boot_time = '%.0f'%(tTotal*1000)
+	devtl.html['timeline'] += html_timetotal.format(boot_time)
+	# determine the maximum number of rows we need to draw
+	phase = 'boot'
+	list = data.dmesg[phase]['list']
+	data.dmesg[phase]['row'] = devtl.getPhaseRows(list, list)
+	devtl.calcTotalRows()
+	# create bounding box, add buttons
+	devtl.html['timeline'] += html_zoombox
+	devtl.html['timeline'] += html_timeline.format('dmesg', devtl.height)
+	# draw the colored boxes for each of the phases
+	boot = data.dmesg[phase]
+	length = boot['end']-boot['start']
+	left = '%.3f' % (((boot['start']-t0)*100.0)/tTotal)
+	width = '%.3f' % ((length*100.0)/tTotal)
+	devtl.html['timeline'] += html_phase.format('0', '100', \
+		'%.3f'%devtl.scaleH, '%.3f'%devtl.bodyH, \
+		'white', '')
+	# draw the time scale, try to make the number of labels readable
+	devtl.createTimeScale(t0, tMax)
+	devtl.html['timeline'] += devtl.html['scale']
+	# draw the device timeline
+	phaselist = data.dmesg[phase]['list']
+	color = ['c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5',
+		'c6', 'c7', 'c8', 'c9', 'c10']
+	for d in phaselist:
+		name = d
+		c = colorForName(name, color)
+		dev = phaselist[d]
+		height = devtl.bodyH/data.dmesg[phase]['row']
+		top = '%.3f' % ((dev['row']*height) + devtl.scaleH)
+		left = '%.3f' % (((dev['start']-t0)*100)/tTotal)
+		width = '%.3f' % (((dev['end']-dev['start'])*100)/tTotal)
+		length = ' (%0.3f ms) ' % ((dev['end']-dev['start'])*1000)
+		devtl.html['timeline'] += html_device.format(dev['id'], \
+			d+length+'kernel_mode', left, top, '%.3f'%height, width, name, ' '+c)
+	# timeline is finished
+	devtl.html['timeline'] += '</div>\n</div>\n'
+	if(sysvals.outfile == sysvals.htmlfile):
+		hf = open(sysvals.htmlfile, 'a')
+	else:
+		hf = open(sysvals.htmlfile, 'w')
+	# write the html header first (html head, css code, up to body start)
+	html_header = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\
+	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">\n\
+	<title>Boot Graph</title>\n\
+	<style type=\'text/css\'>\n\
+		body {overflow-y: scroll;}\n\
+		.stamp {width: 100%;text-align:center;background-color:gray;line-height:30px;color:white;font: 25px Arial;}\n\
+		t0 {color:black;font: bold 30px Times;}\n\
+		t1 {color:black;font: 30px Times;}\n\
+		t2 {color:black;font: 25px Times;}\n\
+		t3 {color:black;font: 20px Times;white-space:nowrap;}\n\
+		t4 {color:black;font: bold 30px Times;line-height:60px;white-space:nowrap;}\n\
+		table {width:100%;}\n\
+		.blue {background-color:rgba(169,208,245,0.4);}\n\
+		.c1 {background-color:rgba(209,0,0,0.4);}\n\
+		.c2 {background-color:rgba(255,102,34,0.4);}\n\
+		.c3 {background-color:rgba(255,218,33,0.4);}\n\
+		.c4 {background-color:rgba(51,221,0,0.4);}\n\
+		.c5 {background-color:rgba(17,51,204,0.4);}\n\
+		.c6 {background-color:rgba(34,0,102,0.4);}\n\
+		.c7 {background-color:rgba(51,0,68,0.4);}\n\
+		.c8 {background-color:rgba(204,255,204,0.4);}\n\
+		.c9 {background-color:rgba(169,208,245,0.4);}\n\
+		.c10 {background-color:rgba(255,255,204,0.4);}\n\
+		.time1 {font: 22px Arial;border:1px solid;}\n\
+		td {text-align: center;}\n\
+		.zoombox {position:relative;width:100%;overflow-x:scroll;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;user-select:none;}\n\
+		.timeline {position:relative;font-size:14px;cursor:pointer;width:100%;overflow:hidden;background-color:#dddddd;}\n\
+		.thread {position:absolute;height:0%;overflow:hidden;line-height:30px;border:1px solid;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap}\n\
+		.thread:hover {border:1px solid red;z-index:10;}\n\
+		.hover {background-color:white;border:1px solid red;z-index:10;}\n\
+		.phase {position:absolute;overflow:hidden;border:0px;text-align:center;}\n\
+		.phaselet {position:absolute;overflow:hidden;border:0px;text-align:center;height:100px;font-size:24px;}\n\
+		.t {position:absolute;top:0%;height:100%;border-right:1px solid black;}\n\
+		button {height:40px;width:200px;margin-bottom:20px;margin-top:20px;font-size:24px;}\n\
+		.logbtn {position:relative;float:right;height:25px;width:50px;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:0;font-size:10px;text-align:center;}\n\
+		#devicedetail {height:100px;box-shadow: 5px 5px 20px black;}\n\
+		.version {position:relative;float:left;color:white;font-size:10px;line-height:30px;margin-left:10px;}\n\
+	</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n'
+	# no header or css if its embedded
+	if(not embedded):
+		hf.write(html_header)
+	# write the test title and general info header
+	if(data.stamp['time'] != ""):
+		hf.write(headline_version)
+		if sysvals.addlogs:
+			hf.write('<button id="showdmesg" class="logbtn">dmesg</button>')
+		hf.write(headline_stamp.format(data.stamp['host'],
+			data.stamp['kernel'], 'boot', \
+				data.stamp['time']))
+	# write the device timeline
+	hf.write(devtl.html['timeline'])
+	# draw the colored boxes for the device detail section
+	hf.write('<div id="devicedetailtitle"></div>\n')
+	hf.write('<div id="devicedetail" style="display:none;">\n')
+	hf.write('<div id="devicedetail%d">\n' % data.testnumber)
+	hf.write(html_phaselet.format('kernel_mode', '0', '100', '#DDDDDD'))
+	hf.write('</div>\n')
+	hf.write('</div>\n')
+	# add the dmesg log as a hidden div
+	if sysvals.addlogs:
+		hf.write('<div id="dmesglog" style="display:none;">\n')
+		for line in data.dmesgtext:
+			line = line.replace('<', '&lt').replace('>', '&gt')
+			hf.write(line)
+		hf.write('</div>\n')
+	if(not embedded):
+		# write the footer and close
+		addScriptCode(hf, [data])
+		hf.write('</body>\n</html>\n')
+	else:
+		# embedded out will be loaded in a page, skip the js
+		hf.write('<div id=bounds style=display:none>%f,%f</div>' % \
+			(data.start*1000, data.initstart*1000))
+	hf.close()
+	return True
+# Function: addScriptCode
+# Description:
+#	 Adds the javascript code to the output html
+# Arguments:
+#	 hf: the open html file pointer
+#	 testruns: array of Data objects from parseKernelLog or parseTraceLog
+def addScriptCode(hf, testruns):
+	t0 = testruns[0].start * 1000
+	tMax = testruns[-1].end * 1000
+	# create an array in javascript memory with the device details
+	detail = '	var devtable = [];\n'
+	detail += '	var bounds = [%f,%f];\n' % (t0, tMax)
+	# add the code which will manipulate the data in the browser
+	script_code = \
+	script_code = \
+	'<script type="text/javascript">\n'+detail+\
+	'	var resolution = -1;\n'\
+	'	var dragval = [0, 0];\n'\
+	'	function redrawTimescale(t0, tMax, tS) {\n'\
+	'		var rline = \'<div class="t" style="left:0;border-left:1px solid black;border-right:0;">0ms</div>\';\n'\
+	'		var tTotal = tMax - t0;\n'\
+	'		var list = document.getElementsByClassName("phase");\n'\
+	'		for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n'\
+	'			var timescale = document.getElementById("timescale");\n'\
+	'			var m0 = t0 + (tTotal*parseFloat(list[i].style.left)/100);\n'\
+	'			var mTotal = tTotal*parseFloat(list[i].style.width)/100;\n'\
+	'			var mMax = m0 + mTotal;\n'\
+	'			var html = "";\n'\
+	'			var divTotal = Math.floor(mTotal/tS) + 1;\n'\
+	'			if(divTotal > 1000) continue;\n'\
+	'			var divEdge = (mTotal - tS*(divTotal-1))*100/mTotal;\n'\
+	'			var pos = 0.0, val = 0.0;\n'\
+	'			for (var j = 0; j < divTotal; j++) {\n'\
+	'				var htmlline = "";\n'\
+	'				pos = 100 - (((j)*tS*100)/mTotal);\n'\
+	'				val = (j)*tS;\n'\
+	'				htmlline = \'<div class="t" style="right:\'+pos+\'%">\'+val+\'ms</div>\';\n'\
+	'				if(j == 0)\n'\
+	'					htmlline = rline;\n'\
+	'				html += htmlline;\n'\
+	'			}\n'\
+	'			timescale.innerHTML = html;\n'\
+	'		}\n'\
+	'	}\n'\
+	'	function zoomTimeline() {\n'\
+	'		var dmesg = document.getElementById("dmesg");\n'\
+	'		var zoombox = document.getElementById("dmesgzoombox");\n'\
+	'		var left = zoombox.scrollLeft;\n'\
+	'		var val = parseFloat(dmesg.style.width);\n'\
+	'		var newval = 100;\n'\
+	'		var sh = window.outerWidth / 2;\n'\
+	'		if(this.id == "zoomin") {\n'\
+	'			newval = val * 1.2;\n'\
+	'			if(newval > 910034) newval = 910034;\n'\
+	'			dmesg.style.width = newval+"%";\n'\
+	'			zoombox.scrollLeft = ((left + sh) * newval / val) - sh;\n'\
+	'		} else if (this.id == "zoomout") {\n'\
+	'			newval = val / 1.2;\n'\
+	'			if(newval < 100) newval = 100;\n'\
+	'			dmesg.style.width = newval+"%";\n'\
+	'			zoombox.scrollLeft = ((left + sh) * newval / val) - sh;\n'\
+	'		} else {\n'\
+	'			zoombox.scrollLeft = 0;\n'\
+	'			dmesg.style.width = "100%";\n'\
+	'		}\n'\
+	'		var tS = [10000, 5000, 2000, 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1];\n'\
+	'		var t0 = bounds[0];\n'\
+	'		var tMax = bounds[1];\n'\
+	'		var tTotal = tMax - t0;\n'\
+	'		var wTotal = tTotal * 100.0 / newval;\n'\
+	'		var idx = 7*window.innerWidth/1100;\n'\
+	'		for(var i = 0; (i < tS.length)&&((wTotal / tS[i]) < idx); i++);\n'\
+	'		if(i >= tS.length) i = tS.length - 1;\n'\
+	'		if(tS[i] == resolution) return;\n'\
+	'		resolution = tS[i];\n'\
+	'		redrawTimescale(t0, tMax, tS[i]);\n'\
+	'	}\n'\
+	'	function deviceName(title) {\n'\
+	'		var name = title.slice(0, title.indexOf(" ("));\n'\
+	'		return name;\n'\
+	'	}\n'\
+	'	function deviceHover() {\n'\
+	'		var name = deviceName(this.title);\n'\
+	'		var dmesg = document.getElementById("dmesg");\n'\
+	'		var dev = dmesg.getElementsByClassName("thread");\n'\
+	'		var cpu = -1;\n'\
+	'		if(name.match("CPU_ON\[[0-9]*\]"))\n'\
+	'			cpu = parseInt(name.slice(7));\n'\
+	'		else if(name.match("CPU_OFF\[[0-9]*\]"))\n'\
+	'			cpu = parseInt(name.slice(8));\n'\
+	'		for (var i = 0; i < dev.length; i++) {\n'\
+	'			dname = deviceName(dev[i].title);\n'\
+	'			var cname = dev[i].className.slice(dev[i].className.indexOf("thread"));\n'\
+	'			if((cpu >= 0 && dname.match("CPU_O[NF]*\\\[*"+cpu+"\\\]")) ||\n'\
+	'				(name == dname))\n'\
+	'			{\n'\
+	'				dev[i].className = "hover "+cname;\n'\
+	'			} else {\n'\
+	'				dev[i].className = cname;\n'\
+	'			}\n'\
+	'		}\n'\
+	'	}\n'\
+	'	function deviceUnhover() {\n'\
+	'		var dmesg = document.getElementById("dmesg");\n'\
+	'		var dev = dmesg.getElementsByClassName("thread");\n'\
+	'		for (var i = 0; i < dev.length; i++) {\n'\
+	'			dev[i].className = dev[i].className.slice(dev[i].className.indexOf("thread"));\n'\
+	'		}\n'\
+	'	}\n'\
+	'	function deviceTitle(title, total, cpu) {\n'\
+	'		var prefix = "Total";\n'\
+	'		if(total.length > 3) {\n'\
+	'			prefix = "Average";\n'\
+	'			total[1] = (total[1]+total[3])/2;\n'\
+	'			total[2] = (total[2]+total[4])/2;\n'\
+	'		}\n'\
+	'		var devtitle = document.getElementById("devicedetailtitle");\n'\
+	'		var name = deviceName(title);\n'\
+	'		if(cpu >= 0) name = "CPU"+cpu;\n'\
+	'		var driver = "";\n'\
+	'		var tS = "<t2>(</t2>";\n'\
+	'		var tR = "<t2>)</t2>";\n'\
+	'		if(total[1] > 0)\n'\
+	'			tS = "<t2>("+prefix+" Suspend:</t2><t0> "+total[1].toFixed(3)+" ms</t0> ";\n'\
+	'		if(total[2] > 0)\n'\
+	'			tR = " <t2>"+prefix+" Resume:</t2><t0> "+total[2].toFixed(3)+" ms<t2>)</t2></t0>";\n'\
+	'		var s = title.indexOf("{");\n'\
+	'		var e = title.indexOf("}");\n'\
+	'		if((s >= 0) && (e >= 0))\n'\
+	'			driver = title.slice(s+1, e) + " <t1>@</t1> ";\n'\
+	'		if(total[1] > 0 && total[2] > 0)\n'\
+	'			devtitle.innerHTML = "<t0>"+driver+name+"</t0> "+tS+tR;\n'\
+	'		else\n'\
+	'			devtitle.innerHTML = "<t0>"+title+"</t0>";\n'\
+	'		return name;\n'\
+	'	}\n'\
+	'	function deviceDetail() {\n'\
+	'		var devinfo = document.getElementById("devicedetail");\n'\
+	'		devinfo.style.display = "block";\n'\
+	'		var name = deviceName(this.title);\n'\
+	'		var cpu = -1;\n'\
+	'		if(name.match("CPU_ON\[[0-9]*\]"))\n'\
+	'			cpu = parseInt(name.slice(7));\n'\
+	'		else if(name.match("CPU_OFF\[[0-9]*\]"))\n'\
+	'			cpu = parseInt(name.slice(8));\n'\
+	'		var dmesg = document.getElementById("dmesg");\n'\
+	'		var dev = dmesg.getElementsByClassName("thread");\n'\
+	'		var idlist = [];\n'\
+	'		var pdata = [[]];\n'\
+	'		if(document.getElementById("devicedetail1"))\n'\
+	'			pdata = [[], []];\n'\
+	'		var pd = pdata[0];\n'\
+	'		var total = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];\n'\
+	'		for (var i = 0; i < dev.length; i++) {\n'\
+	'			dname = deviceName(dev[i].title);\n'\
+	'			if((cpu >= 0 && dname.match("CPU_O[NF]*\\\[*"+cpu+"\\\]")) ||\n'\
+	'				(name == dname))\n'\
+	'			{\n'\
+	'				idlist[idlist.length] = dev[i].id;\n'\
+	'				var tidx = 1;\n'\
+	'				if(dev[i].id[0] == "a") {\n'\
+	'					pd = pdata[0];\n'\
+	'				} else {\n'\
+	'					if(pdata.length == 1) pdata[1] = [];\n'\
+	'					if(total.length == 3) total[3]=total[4]=0.0;\n'\
+	'					pd = pdata[1];\n'\
+	'					tidx = 3;\n'\
+	'				}\n'\
+	'				var info = dev[i].title.split(" ");\n'\
+	'				var pname = info[info.length-1];\n'\
+	'				pd[pname] = parseFloat(info[info.length-3].slice(1));\n'\
+	'				total[0] += pd[pname];\n'\
+	'				if(pname.indexOf("suspend") >= 0)\n'\
+	'					total[tidx] += pd[pname];\n'\
+	'				else\n'\
+	'					total[tidx+1] += pd[pname];\n'\
+	'			}\n'\
+	'		}\n'\
+	'		var devname = deviceTitle(this.title, total, cpu);\n'\
+	'		var left = 0.0;\n'\
+	'		for (var t = 0; t < pdata.length; t++) {\n'\
+	'			pd = pdata[t];\n'\
+	'			devinfo = document.getElementById("devicedetail"+t);\n'\
+	'			var phases = devinfo.getElementsByClassName("phaselet");\n'\
+	'			for (var i = 0; i < phases.length; i++) {\n'\
+	'				if(phases[i].id in pd) {\n'\
+	'					var w = 100.0*pd[phases[i].id]/total[0];\n'\
+	'					var fs = 32;\n'\
+	'					if(w < 8) fs = 4*w | 0;\n'\
+	'					var fs2 = fs*3/4;\n'\
+	'					phases[i].style.width = w+"%";\n'\
+	'					phases[i].style.left = left+"%";\n'\
+	'					phases[i].title = phases[i].id+" "+pd[phases[i].id]+" ms";\n'\
+	'					left += w;\n'\
+	'					var time = "<t4 style=\\"font-size:"+fs+"px\\">"+pd[phases[i].id]+" ms<br></t4>";\n'\
+	'					var pname = "<t3 style=\\"font-size:"+fs2+"px\\">"+phases[i].id.replace(new RegExp("_", "g"), " ")+"</t3>";\n'\
+	'					phases[i].innerHTML = time+pname;\n'\
+	'				} else {\n'\
+	'					phases[i].style.width = "0%";\n'\
+	'					phases[i].style.left = left+"%";\n'\
+	'				}\n'\
+	'			}\n'\
+	'		}\n'\
+	'		var cglist = document.getElementById("callgraphs");\n'\
+	'		if(!cglist) return;\n'\
+	'		var cg = cglist.getElementsByClassName("atop");\n'\
+	'		if(cg.length < 10) return;\n'\
+	'		for (var i = 0; i < cg.length; i++) {\n'\
+	'			if(idlist.indexOf(cg[i].id) >= 0) {\n'\
+	'				cg[i].style.display = "block";\n'\
+	'			} else {\n'\
+	'				cg[i].style.display = "none";\n'\
+	'			}\n'\
+	'		}\n'\
+	'	}\n'\
+	'	function devListWindow(e) {\n'\
+	'		var win = window.open();\n'\
+	'		var html = "<title>"+e.target.innerHTML+"</title>"+\n'\
+	'			"<style type=\\"text/css\\">"+\n'\
+	'			"   ul {list-style-type:circle;padding-left:10px;margin-left:10px;}"+\n'\
+	'			"</style>"\n'\
+	'		var dt = devtable[0];\n'\
+	'		if(e.target.id != "devlist1")\n'\
+	'			dt = devtable[1];\n'\
+	'		win.document.write(html+dt);\n'\
+	'	}\n'\
+	'	function errWindow() {\n'\
+	'		var text = this.id;\n'\
+	'		var win = window.open();\n'\
+	'		win.document.write("<pre>"+text+"</pre>");\n'\
+	'		win.document.close();\n'\
+	'	}\n'\
+	'	function logWindow(e) {\n'\
+	'		var name = e.target.id.slice(4);\n'\
+	'		var win = window.open();\n'\
+	'		var log = document.getElementById(name+"log");\n'\
+	'		var title = "<title>"+document.title.split(" ")[0]+" "+name+" log</title>";\n'\
+	'		win.document.write(title+"<pre>"+log.innerHTML+"</pre>");\n'\
+	'		win.document.close();\n'\
+	'	}\n'\
+	'	function onClickPhase(e) {\n'\
+	'	}\n'\
+	'	function onMouseDown(e) {\n'\
+	'		dragval[0] = e.clientX;\n'\
+	'		dragval[1] = document.getElementById("dmesgzoombox").scrollLeft;\n'\
+	'		document.onmousemove = onMouseMove;\n'\
+	'	}\n'\
+	'	function onMouseMove(e) {\n'\
+	'		var zoombox = document.getElementById("dmesgzoombox");\n'\
+	'		zoombox.scrollLeft = dragval[1] + dragval[0] - e.clientX;\n'\
+	'	}\n'\
+	'	function onMouseUp(e) {\n'\
+	'		document.onmousemove = null;\n'\
+	'	}\n'\
+	'	function onKeyPress(e) {\n'\
+	'		var c = e.charCode;\n'\
+	'		if(c != 42 && c != 43 && c != 45) return;\n'\
+	'		var click = document.createEvent("Events");\n'\
+	'		click.initEvent("click", true, false);\n'\
+	'		if(c == 43)  \n'\
+	'			document.getElementById("zoomin").dispatchEvent(click);\n'\
+	'		else if(c == 45)\n'\
+	'			document.getElementById("zoomout").dispatchEvent(click);\n'\
+	'		else if(c == 42)\n'\
+	'			document.getElementById("zoomdef").dispatchEvent(click);\n'\
+	'	}\n'\
+	'	window.addEventListener("resize", function () {zoomTimeline();});\n'\
+	'	window.addEventListener("load", function () {\n'\
+	'		var dmesg = document.getElementById("dmesg");\n'\
+	'		dmesg.style.width = "100%"\n'\
+	'		dmesg.onmousedown = onMouseDown;\n'\
+	'		document.onmouseup = onMouseUp;\n'\
+	'		document.onkeypress = onKeyPress;\n'\
+	'		document.getElementById("zoomin").onclick = zoomTimeline;\n'\
+	'		document.getElementById("zoomout").onclick = zoomTimeline;\n'\
+	'		document.getElementById("zoomdef").onclick = zoomTimeline;\n'\
+	'		var list = document.getElementsByClassName("square");\n'\
+	'		for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)\n'\
+	'			list[i].onclick = onClickPhase;\n'\
+	'		var list = document.getElementsByClassName("err");\n'\
+	'		for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)\n'\
+	'			list[i].onclick = errWindow;\n'\
+	'		var list = document.getElementsByClassName("logbtn");\n'\
+	'		for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)\n'\
+	'			list[i].onclick = logWindow;\n'\
+	'		list = document.getElementsByClassName("devlist");\n'\
+	'		for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)\n'\
+	'			list[i].onclick = devListWindow;\n'\
+	'		var dev = dmesg.getElementsByClassName("thread");\n'\
+	'		for (var i = 0; i < dev.length; i++) {\n'\
+	'			dev[i].onclick = deviceDetail;\n'\
+	'			dev[i].onmouseover = deviceHover;\n'\
+	'			dev[i].onmouseout = deviceUnhover;\n'\
+	'		}\n'\
+	'		zoomTimeline();\n'\
+	'	});\n'\
+	'</script>\n'
+	hf.write(script_code);
+# Function: doError
+# Description:
+#	 generic error function for catastrphic failures
+# Arguments:
+#	 msg: the error message to print
+#	 help: True if printHelp should be called after, False otherwise
+def doError(msg, help=False):
+	if(help == True):
+		printHelp()
+	print('ERROR: %s\n') % msg
+	sys.exit()
+# Function: printHelp
+# Description:
+#	 print out the help text
+def printHelp():
+	print('')
+	print('AnalyzeBoot v%.1f' % sysvals.version)
+	print('Usage: analyze_boot.py <options>')
+	print('')
+	print('Description:')
+	print('  This tool reads in a dmesg log of linux kernel boot and')
+	print('  creates an html representation of the boot timeline up to')
+	print('  the start of the init process.')
+	print('  If no arguments are given the tool reads the host dmesg log')
+	print('  and outputs bootgraph.html')
+	print('')
+	print('Options:')
+	print('  -h                 Print this help text')
+	print('  -v                 Print the current tool version')
+	print('  -dmesg dmesgfile   Load a stored dmesg file')
+	print('  -html file         Html timeline name (default: bootgraph.html)')
+	print('  -addlogs           Add the dmesg log to the html output')
+	print('')
+	return True
+# ----------------- MAIN --------------------
+# exec start (skipped if script is loaded as library)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	# loop through the command line arguments
+	args = iter(sys.argv[1:])
+	for arg in args:
+		if(arg == '-h'):
+			printHelp()
+			sys.exit()
+		elif(arg == '-v'):
+			print("Version %.1f" % sysvals.version)
+			sys.exit()
+		elif(arg == '-addlogs'):
+			sysvals.addlogs = True
+		elif(arg == '-dmesg'):
+			try:
+				val = args.next()
+			except:
+				doError('No dmesg file supplied', True)
+			if(os.path.exists(val) == False):
+				doError('%s doesnt exist' % val)
+			if(sysvals.htmlfile == val or sysvals.outfile == val):
+				doError('Output filename collision')
+			sysvals.dmesgfile = val
+		elif(arg == '-html'):
+			try:
+				val = args.next()
+			except:
+				doError('No HTML filename supplied', True)
+			if(sysvals.dmesgfile == val):
+				doError('Output filename collision')
+			sysvals.htmlfile = val
+		else:
+			doError('Invalid argument: '+arg, True)
+	data = loadKernelLog()
+	if(sysvals.outfile and sysvals.phoronix):
+		fp = open(sysvals.outfile, 'w')
+		fp.write('pass %s initstart %.3f end %.3f boot %s\n' %
+			(data.valid, data.initstart*1000, data.end*1000, data.boottime))
+		fp.close()
+	if(not data.valid):
+		if sysvals.dmesgfile:
+			doError('No initcall data found in %s' % sysvals.dmesgfile)
+		else:
+			doError('No initcall data found, is initcall_debug enabled?')
+	print('          Host: %s' % sysvals.hostname)
+	print('     Test time: %s' % sysvals.testtime)
+	print('     Boot time: %s' % data.boottime)
+	print('Kernel Version: %s' % sysvals.kernel)
+	print('  Kernel start: %.3f' % (data.start * 1000))
+	print('    init start: %.3f' % (data.initstart * 1000))
+	createBootGraph(data, sysvals.phoronix)