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libata: Set longer timeout for SETFEATURES_SPINUP

Message ID 7B4ED661-DFD7-4347-B652-574E3B180957@hgst.com (mailing list archive)
State Not Applicable, archived
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Damien Le Moal March 18, 2016, 8:24 a.m. UTC
>On 03/18/2016 05:49 AM, Damien Le Moal wrote:


>> libata: Set longer timeout for SETFEATURES_SPINUP


>> For SATA drives with power-up in standby (PUIS) feature set,

>> SETFEATURES_SPINUP execution may be required to get

>> complete IDENTIFY data. However, the timeout used for its

>> execution is the same as for all other SETFEATURES commands,

>> that is, 5 seconds. This is too short for some disks to complete

>> timeout and allow IDENTIFY to return complete data (e.g.

>> disks with large indirection tables stored on media), resulting

>> in ata_dev_read_id to fail. For this feature, allow a larger

>> timeout of 30 seconds.


>Reviewed-by: Hannes Reinecke <hare@suse.com>


>(BTW, you might want to add your Signed-off-by:, too :-)


Sorry about this. Here it is...

libata: Set longer timeout for SETFEATURES_SPINUP
For SATA drives with power-up in standby (PUIS) feature set,
SETFEATURES_SPINUP execution may be required to get
complete IDENTIFY data. However, the timeout used for its
execution is the same as for all other SETFEATURES commands,
that is, 5 seconds. This is too short for some disks to complete
spinup and allow IDENTIFY to return complete data (e.g.
disks with large indirection tables stored on media), resulting
in ata_dev_read_id to fail. For this feature, allow a larger
timeout of 30 seconds.

Signed-off-by: Damien Le Moal <damien.lemoal@hgst.com>

Damien Le Moal, Ph.D.
Sr. Manager, System Software Group, HGST Research,
HGST, a Western Digital company
(+81) 0466-98-3593 (ext. 513593)
1 kirihara-cho, Fujisawa, 
Kanagawa, 252-0888 Japan

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diff mbox


diff --git a/drivers/ata/libata-core.c b/drivers/ata/libata-core.c
index e83fc3d..ecbbee2 100644
--- a/drivers/ata/libata-core.c
+++ b/drivers/ata/libata-core.c
@@ -4537,7 +4537,8 @@  unsigned int ata_dev_set_feature(struct ata_device *dev, u8 enable, u8 feature)
 	tf.protocol = ATA_PROT_NODATA;
 	tf.nsect = feature;
-	err_mask = ata_exec_internal(dev, &tf, NULL, DMA_NONE, NULL, 0, 0);
+	err_mask = ata_exec_internal(dev, &tf, NULL, DMA_NONE, NULL, 0,
 	DPRINTK("EXIT, err_mask=%x\n", err_mask);
 	return err_mask;
diff --git a/include/linux/ata.h b/include/linux/ata.h
index fed3641..e3a9ab6 100644
--- a/include/linux/ata.h
+++ b/include/linux/ata.h
@@ -371,6 +371,7 @@  enum {
 	SETFEATURES_SPINUP	= 0x07, /* Spin-up drive */
 	SETFEATURES_SATA_ENABLE = 0x10, /* Enable use of SATA feature */
 	SETFEATURES_SATA_DISABLE = 0x90, /* Disable use of SATA feature */