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[v6,23/26] selftests/landlock: Add audit tests for ptrace

Message ID 20250308184422.2159360-24-mic@digikod.net (mailing list archive)
State Handled Elsewhere
Delegated to: Paul Moore
Headers show
Series Landlock audit support | expand

Commit Message

Mickaël Salaün March 8, 2025, 6:44 p.m. UTC
Add tests for all ptrace actions checking "blockers=ptrace" records.

This also improves PTRACE_TRACEME and PTRACE_ATTACH tests by making sure
that the restrictions comes from Landlock, and with the expected
process.  These extended tests are like enhanced errno checks that make
sure Landlock enforcement is consistent.

Cc: Günther Noack <gnoack@google.com>
Cc: Paul Moore <paul@paul-moore.com>
Signed-off-by: Mickaël Salaün <mic@digikod.net>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20250308184422.2159360-24-mic@digikod.net

Changes since v5:
- Move all audit tests to a new audit.trace test suite.
- Simplify tests by only checking PTRACE_TRACEME and PTRACE_ATTACH with
  one scenario.  This is preferable to not impact existing tests.
- Make sure there is no unknown Landlock audit record.

Changes since v3:
- Update test coverage.

Changes since v2:
- New patch.
 .../testing/selftests/landlock/ptrace_test.c  | 140 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 140 insertions(+)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/landlock/ptrace_test.c b/tools/testing/selftests/landlock/ptrace_test.c
index 8f31b673ff2d..eebd8268dccf 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/landlock/ptrace_test.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/landlock/ptrace_test.c
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ 
  * Copyright © 2017-2020 Mickaël Salaün <mic@digikod.net>
  * Copyright © 2019-2020 ANSSI
+ * Copyright © 2024-2025 Microsoft Corporation
 #define _GNU_SOURCE
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ 
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
+#include "audit.h"
 #include "common.h"
 /* Copied from security/yama/yama_lsm.c */
@@ -434,4 +436,142 @@  TEST_F(hierarchy, trace)
 		_metadata->exit_code = KSFT_FAIL;
+static int matches_log_ptrace(struct __test_metadata *const _metadata,
+			      int audit_fd, const pid_t opid)
+	static const char log_template[] = REGEX_LANDLOCK_PREFIX
+		" blockers=ptrace opid=%d ocomm=\"ptrace_test\"$";
+	char log_match[sizeof(log_template) + 10];
+	int log_match_len;
+	log_match_len =
+		snprintf(log_match, sizeof(log_match), log_template, opid);
+	if (log_match_len > sizeof(log_match))
+		return -E2BIG;
+	return audit_match_record(audit_fd, AUDIT_LANDLOCK_ACCESS, log_match,
+				  NULL);
+	struct audit_filter audit_filter;
+	int audit_fd;
+	disable_caps(_metadata);
+	set_cap(_metadata, CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL);
+	self->audit_fd = audit_init_with_exe_filter(&self->audit_filter);
+	EXPECT_LE(0, self->audit_fd);
+	clear_cap(_metadata, CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL);
+	EXPECT_EQ(0, audit_cleanup(-1, NULL));
+/* Test PTRACE_TRACEME and PTRACE_ATTACH for parent and child. */
+TEST_F(audit, trace)
+	pid_t child, parent;
+	int status;
+	int pipe_child[2], pipe_parent[2];
+	int yama_ptrace_scope;
+	char buf_parent;
+	struct audit_records records;
+	/* Makes sure there is no superfluous logged records. */
+	audit_count_records(self->audit_fd, &records);
+	EXPECT_EQ(0, records.access);
+	EXPECT_EQ(0, records.domain);
+	yama_ptrace_scope = get_yama_ptrace_scope();
+	ASSERT_LE(0, yama_ptrace_scope);
+	if (yama_ptrace_scope > YAMA_SCOPE_DISABLED)
+		TH_LOG("Incomplete tests due to Yama restrictions (scope %d)",
+		       yama_ptrace_scope);
+	/*
+	 * Removes all effective and permitted capabilities to not interfere
+	 * with cap_ptrace_access_check() in case of PTRACE_MODE_FSCREDS.
+	 */
+	drop_caps(_metadata);
+	parent = getpid();
+	ASSERT_EQ(0, pipe2(pipe_child, O_CLOEXEC));
+	ASSERT_EQ(0, pipe2(pipe_parent, O_CLOEXEC));
+	child = fork();
+	ASSERT_LE(0, child);
+	if (child == 0) {
+		char buf_child;
+		ASSERT_EQ(0, close(pipe_parent[1]));
+		ASSERT_EQ(0, close(pipe_child[0]));
+		/* Waits for the parent to be in a domain, if any. */
+		ASSERT_EQ(1, read(pipe_parent[0], &buf_child, 1));
+		/* Tests child PTRACE_TRACEME. */
+		EXPECT_EQ(EPERM, errno);
+		/* We should indeed see the parent process. */
+		matches_log_ptrace(_metadata, self->audit_fd, parent);
+		audit_count_records(self->audit_fd, &records);
+		EXPECT_EQ(0, records.access);
+		/* Checks for a domain creation. */
+		EXPECT_EQ(1, records.domain);
+		/*
+		 * Signals that the PTRACE_ATTACH test is done and the
+		 * PTRACE_TRACEME test is ongoing.
+		 */
+		ASSERT_EQ(1, write(pipe_child[1], ".", 1));
+		/* Waits for the parent PTRACE_ATTACH test. */
+		ASSERT_EQ(1, read(pipe_parent[0], &buf_child, 1));
+		_exit(_metadata->exit_code);
+		return;
+	}
+	ASSERT_EQ(0, close(pipe_child[1]));
+	ASSERT_EQ(0, close(pipe_parent[0]));
+	create_domain(_metadata);
+	/* Signals that the parent is in a domain. */
+	ASSERT_EQ(1, write(pipe_parent[1], ".", 1));
+	/*
+	 * Waits for the child to test PTRACE_ATTACH on the parent and start
+	 * testing PTRACE_TRACEME.
+	 */
+	ASSERT_EQ(1, read(pipe_child[0], &buf_parent, 1));
+	/* The child should not be traced by the parent. */
+	EXPECT_EQ(-1, ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, child, NULL, 0));
+	EXPECT_EQ(ESRCH, errno);
+	/* Tests PTRACE_ATTACH on the child. */
+	EXPECT_EQ(-1, ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, child, NULL, 0));
+	EXPECT_EQ(EPERM, errno);
+	EXPECT_EQ(0, matches_log_ptrace(_metadata, self->audit_fd, child));
+	/* Signals that the parent PTRACE_ATTACH test is done. */
+	ASSERT_EQ(1, write(pipe_parent[1], ".", 1));
+	ASSERT_EQ(child, waitpid(child, &status, 0));
+	if (WIFSIGNALED(status) || !WIFEXITED(status) ||
+		_metadata->exit_code = KSFT_FAIL;
+	/* Makes sure there is no superfluous logged records. */
+	audit_count_records(self->audit_fd, &records);
+	EXPECT_EQ(0, records.access);
+	EXPECT_EQ(0, records.domain);