Show patches with: Submitter = Igor Opaniuk       |   8 patches
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[v1,2/2] ARM: dts: colibri-imx6ull: add extcon for usbotg1 [v1,1/2] usb: chipidea: use of extcon framework to work for non OTG case - - - --- 2019-10-21 Igor Opaniuk New
[v1,1/2] usb: chipidea: use of extcon framework to work for non OTG case [v1,1/2] usb: chipidea: use of extcon framework to work for non OTG case - - - --- 2019-10-21 Igor Opaniuk New
[v2,3/3] usb: phy: mxs: optimize disconnect line condition [v2,1/3] usb: phy: add usb mode for usb_phy - - - --- 2019-10-10 Igor Opaniuk New
[v2,2/3] usb: chipidea: set mode for usb phy driver [v2,1/3] usb: phy: add usb mode for usb_phy 1 - - --- 2019-10-10 Igor Opaniuk New
[v2,1/3] usb: phy: add usb mode for usb_phy [v2,1/3] usb: phy: add usb mode for usb_phy - - - --- 2019-10-10 Igor Opaniuk New
[RFC,v1,3/3] usb: phy: mxs: optimize disconnect line condition [RFC,v1,1/3] usb: phy: add usb mode for usb_phy - - - --- 2019-10-07 Igor Opaniuk Superseded
[RFC,v1,2/3] usb: chipidea: set mode for usb phy driver [RFC,v1,1/3] usb: phy: add usb mode for usb_phy - - - --- 2019-10-07 Igor Opaniuk Superseded
[RFC,v1,1/3] usb: phy: add usb mode for usb_phy [RFC,v1,1/3] usb: phy: add usb mode for usb_phy - - - --- 2019-10-07 Igor Opaniuk Superseded