From patchwork Tue May 24 11:34:50 2022 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Viktor Barna X-Patchwork-Id: 12860102 X-Patchwork-Delegate: Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 794F2C433EF for ; Tue, 24 May 2022 11:41:49 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S235369AbiEXLlr (ORCPT ); Tue, 24 May 2022 07:41:47 -0400 Received: from ([]:46178 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S237001AbiEXLlk (ORCPT ); Tue, 24 May 2022 07:41:40 -0400 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id B1D56BFB for ; Tue, 24 May 2022 04:41:06 -0700 (PDT) ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=KdGhyxI7oDxVtIRTddic9qgcFcmAcy3DuCsiLKBdw/X1mUe9Ruz1Z1JFnL1wrzwoQYwfsGtqFr98b5QQsTIXqX42QoxrxC1aCk7bzPmEMOjCYoxLQ2y/h4XUbrnYV2mwNBbdovjIuix72RLl/HNDFGtSnq9+ZsJ8TkX1v83BFAQEeh05BkXmOOVrZgf1K/9PUjSYBf9JmTDFMCSDFv3cpe6kMXidxg6lF2q5DBjRV+An6Z2d9n3/FJ6yCdjnRSXo3/QgbLytWPeKsRSqceyMpMtrwq4DonbCyvDCihUgK/V7q0iYOXba8LzoI8WX2nhVb4at636MOZLk42FqdNg/sQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=VgD513CnW7Cnv2NkpNG6OpPUMuAKEBnc0sjA00HpdEw=; b=CdrUmUIpPr/Voo8yrhJ/LNEL0coPngxr1E24sRCa4DGkuKsMIL2w+YNcApatteJzqvL+8Y5RDZrJL99E+jQXK52ArfCe1raIToU/0XKwHaoueY9m2h+yy1F3PZGREzNh1jvjdUNWcELQ6ZLZmLSK8Eqp9cHy7g51dEh18Nyvglw3aup/cGleLr7UYjZ+gQnfnOefifiPAEhPkDhcQmcyxn1sJTFOlNyZj5NRCmWZTSkqW5qtEJ8tDIuJbs4N43JZyL3qPqz9Tf0Iw48ITahJ97oWhr4hnE1js6uaG0tjQrhjDi61RVOi3rvcrvkWPPSQzWD1VWoms0WT7xFqLfmTiw== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=VgD513CnW7Cnv2NkpNG6OpPUMuAKEBnc0sjA00HpdEw=; b=fy3bAzlYM6QAUq3dgkTcTD3nc7+rgoz2a3OTht3vqq0z7mhN5h24vtPizGnvwIUYoGeVsCWKPKxP1BuznlghGXWU8lv8SBzqcA074lKIl5jTpclzwTpVLtUvSrVOqpyIYJHrleZ6ldLjW9fWidLUc4SvJFsF9doWj0XKYJAdRV0= Authentication-Results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none; Received: from AM9P192MB1412.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:20b:38b::16) by VE1P192MB0669.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:800:16f::15) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.5273.14; Tue, 24 May 2022 11:39:31 +0000 Received: from AM9P192MB1412.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::6c57:2d13:9162:cbbb]) by AM9P192MB1412.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::6c57:2d13:9162:cbbb%8]) with mapi id 15.20.5293.013; Tue, 24 May 2022 11:39:31 +0000 From: To: Cc: Kalle Valo , "David S . Miller" , Jakub Kicinski , Aviad Brikman , Eliav Farber , Maksym Kokhan , Oleksandr Savchenko , Shay Bar , Viktor Barna Subject: [RFC v2 84/96] cl8k: add tx.c Date: Tue, 24 May 2022 14:34:50 +0300 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.36.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: AM6PR10CA0092.EURPRD10.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:209:8c::33) To AM9P192MB1412.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:20b:38b::16) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: c2204166-cb8c-47a7-6c7a-08da3d79fcc9 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: VE1P192MB0669:EE_ X-LD-Processed: f313103b-4c9f-4fd3-b5cf-b97f91c4afa8,ExtFwd X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;CTRY:;LANG:en;SCL:1;SRV:;IPV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;H:AM9P192MB1412.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM;PTR:;CAT:NONE;SFS:(13230001)(396003)(376002)(136003)(366004)(346002)(39850400004)(8676002)(9686003)(26005)(36756003)(66946007)(66556008)(66476007)(4326008)(107886003)(83380400001)(6512007)(5660300002)(38350700002)(38100700002)(1076003)(2616005)(316002)(6916009)(6506007)(6486002)(54906003)(86362001)(8936002)(508600001)(41300700001)(6666004)(2906002)(186003)(52116002)(30864003)(32563001)(579004)(559001)(309714004);DIR:OUT;SFP:1101; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: c2204166-cb8c-47a7-6c7a-08da3d79fcc9 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: AM9P192MB1412.EURP192.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 24 May 2022 11:38:57.2911 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: f313103b-4c9f-4fd3-b5cf-b97f91c4afa8 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: a/hHB7pdupO8ZzwP0fICReXcWAzMBn0IislwnIOWXwsV66VF/X9+0V+IgyRe9eN0KmqnRXPwFxLpKR7T8ZYUrA== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: VE1P192MB0669 Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: From: Viktor Barna (Part of the split. Please, take a look at the cover letter for more details). Signed-off-by: Viktor Barna --- drivers/net/wireless/celeno/cl8k/tx.c | 3397 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 3397 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/net/wireless/celeno/cl8k/tx.c diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/celeno/cl8k/tx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/celeno/cl8k/tx.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..52a8d558f3f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/celeno/cl8k/tx.c @@ -0,0 +1,3397 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause +/* Copyright(c) 2019-2022, Celeno Communications Ltd. */ + +#include "mac_addr.h" +#include "sta.h" +#include "hw.h" +#include "utils.h" +#include "fw.h" +#include "key.h" +#include "dfs.h" +#include "radio.h" +#include "enhanced_tim.h" +#include "rates.h" +#include "stats.h" +#include "debug.h" +#include "tx.h" + +/* Expected Acknowledgment */ +#define EXPECTED_NO_ACK 0 +#define EXPECTED_ACK 1 + +void cl_tx_update_hist_tstamp(struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue, struct sk_buff *skb, + u32 tstamp_hist[], bool update_skb_ktime) +{ + s64 diff_ms; + ktime_t ktime = ktime_get(); + + diff_ms = ktime_ms_delta(ktime, skb->tstamp); + + if (diff_ms >= DELAY_HIST_SIZE) + diff_ms = DELAY_HIST_SIZE - 1; + + tstamp_hist[diff_ms]++; + + if (update_skb_ktime) + skb->tstamp = ktime; +} + +static void cl_tx_cpu_single(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + u32 processor_id = smp_processor_id(); + + if (processor_id < CPU_MAX_NUM) + cl_hw->cpu_cntr.tx_single[processor_id]++; +} + +static void cl_tx_cpu_agg(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + u32 processor_id = smp_processor_id(); + + if (processor_id < CPU_MAX_NUM) + cl_hw->cpu_cntr.tx_agg[processor_id]++; +} + +static char cl_tx_ctrl_single_frame_type(__le16 fc) +{ + if (ieee80211_is_data_qos(fc)) + return CL_TX_SINGLE_FRAME_TYPE_QOS_DATA; + else if (ieee80211_is_qos_nullfunc(fc)) + return CL_TX_SINGLE_FRAME_TYPE_QOS_NULL; + else if (ieee80211_is_mgmt(fc)) + return CL_TX_SINGLE_FRAME_TYPE_MANAGEMENT; + else + return CL_TX_SINGLE_FRAME_TYPE_OTHER; +} + +static void cl_tx_single_prep(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr, + u16 frame_len, u8 hdr_pads, bool is_vns) +{ + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(sw_txhdr->skb); + struct ieee80211_key_conf *key_conf = tx_info->control.hw_key; + struct txdesc *txdesc = &sw_txhdr->txdesc; + struct tx_host_info *host_info = &txdesc->host_info; + struct cl_vif *cl_vif = NULL; + + /* Reset txdesc */ + memset(txdesc, 0, sizeof(struct txdesc)); + + /* Vif_index must be filled in even without header conversion */ + cl_vif = (struct cl_vif *)tx_info->control.vif->drv_priv; + host_info->vif_index = cl_vif->vif_index; + + if (hdr_pads) + host_info->host_padding |= BIT(0); + + host_info->is_bcn = sw_txhdr->is_bcn; + host_info->expected_ack = (tx_info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_ACK) ? + EXPECTED_NO_ACK : EXPECTED_ACK; + + /* Beware when prot and sta is unknown */ + if (key_conf) { + frame_len += key_conf->icv_len; + host_info->is_protected = true; + host_info->hw_key_idx = key_conf->hw_key_idx; + } + + host_info->packet_cnt = 1; + + txdesc->umacdesc.packet_len[0] = cpu_to_le16(frame_len); + txdesc->e2w_txhdr_param.frame_ctrl = sw_txhdr->fc; + txdesc->e2w_result.bcmc = (sw_txhdr->sta_idx == STA_IDX_INVALID); + txdesc->e2w_result.tid = sw_txhdr->tid; + txdesc->e2w_result.is_vns = is_vns; + txdesc->e2w_result.is_txinject = false; + txdesc->e2w_result.single_type = cl_tx_ctrl_single_frame_type(sw_txhdr->fc); + txdesc->e2w_result.single_valid_sta__agg_e2w_tx_done = !!sw_txhdr->cl_sta; + txdesc->e2w_natt_param.sta_index = sw_txhdr->sta_idx; + + /* Set rate control */ + cl_rate_ctrl_update_desc_single(cl_hw, host_info, sw_txhdr); +} + +static void cl_tx_sub_frame_set(struct cl_sta *cl_sta, u8 tid) +{ + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue = cl_sta->agg_tx_queues[tid]; + + if (tx_queue) + tx_queue->total_packets++; +} + +static void cl_tx_send(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr, + struct cl_amsdu_ctrl *amsdu_anchor) +{ + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue = sw_txhdr->tx_queue; + struct cl_sta *cl_sta = sw_txhdr->cl_sta; + + tx_queue->total_packets++; + + if (cl_txq_is_fw_full(tx_queue) || (cl_sta && cl_sta->pause_tx)) { + /* If firmware is full push the packet to the queue */ + cl_txq_push(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + } else if (amsdu_anchor && amsdu_anchor->is_sw_amsdu) { + cl_txq_push(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + tasklet_schedule(&cl_hw->tx_task); + } else if (!list_empty(&tx_queue->hdrs) || cl_hw->tx_db.force_amsdu) { + /* + * If queue in driver is not empty push the packet to the queue, + * and call cl_txq_sched() to transfer packets from the queue to firmware + */ + cl_txq_push(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + cl_txq_sched(cl_hw, tx_queue); + } else { + /* Push the packet directly to firmware */ + cl_tx_push(cl_hw, sw_txhdr, tx_queue); + } +} + +void cl_tx_push(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr, struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue) +{ + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(sw_txhdr->skb); + struct ieee80211_key_conf *keyconf = tx_info->control.hw_key; + struct cl_sta *cl_sta = sw_txhdr->cl_sta; + struct cl_vif *cl_vif = sw_txhdr->cl_vif; + u8 tid = sw_txhdr->tid; + struct txdesc *txdesc = &sw_txhdr->txdesc; + struct tx_host_info *host_info = &txdesc->host_info; + struct cl_e2w_txhdr_param *e2w_txhdr_param = &txdesc->e2w_txhdr_param; + struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr80211 = sw_txhdr->hdr80211; + u8 queue_type = tx_queue->type; + bool is_mgmt = ieee80211_is_mgmt(sw_txhdr->fc); + + if (cl_key_is_cipher_ccmp_gcmp(keyconf)) { + /* + * In case of CCMP or GCMP encryption we need to inc pn. + * In case of amsdu/header_conversion we need to pass it to firmware as well + */ + u64 pn = atomic64_inc_return(&keyconf->tx_pn); + + if (txdesc->e2w_natt_param.hdr_conv_enable) { + memcpy(&e2w_txhdr_param->encrypt_pn, &pn, CL_CCMP_GCMP_PN_SIZE); + } else { + u8 hdrlen = ieee80211_hdrlen(sw_txhdr->fc); + + cl_key_ccmp_gcmp_pn_to_hdr((u8 *)hdr80211 + hdrlen, pn, keyconf->keyidx); + } + } + + if (queue_type == QUEUE_TYPE_AGG) { + struct cl_baw *baw = &cl_sta->baws[tid]; + bool is_amsdu = cl_tx_ctrl_is_amsdu(tx_info); + + if (is_amsdu) { + struct cl_amsdu_ctrl *amsdu_anchor = &cl_sta->amsdu_anchor[tid]; + + if (sw_txhdr->is_sw_amsdu) { + u8 pkt_cnt = sw_txhdr->sw_amsdu_packet_cnt; + + if (pkt_cnt == 1) + cl_tx_amsdu_unset(sw_txhdr); /* Clear AMSDU bit. */ + + if (hdr80211) + hdr80211->seq_ctrl = cpu_to_le16(baw->tid_seq); + + tx_queue->stats_sw_amsdu_cnt[pkt_cnt - 1]++; + } else { + u8 pkt_cnt = host_info->packet_cnt; + + if (pkt_cnt == 1) + cl_tx_amsdu_unset(sw_txhdr); /* Clear AMSDU bit. */ + + tx_queue->stats_hw_amsdu_cnt[pkt_cnt - 1]++; + } + + /* Reset anchor if needed */ + if (amsdu_anchor->sw_txhdr == sw_txhdr) + cl_tx_amsdu_anchor_init(amsdu_anchor); + } + + if (hdr80211) + hdr80211->seq_ctrl = cpu_to_le16(baw->tid_seq); + + /* Update sequence number and increase it */ + e2w_txhdr_param->seq_ctrl = cpu_to_le16(baw->tid_seq); + baw->tid_seq = INC_SN(baw->tid_seq); + + } else { + /* + * Update sequence number and increase it + * Management sequence number is set by firmware. + */ + if (!is_mgmt) { + hdr80211->seq_ctrl |= cpu_to_le16(cl_vif->sequence_number); + cl_vif->sequence_number = INC_SN(cl_vif->sequence_number); + } else { + if (ieee80211_vif_is_mesh(cl_vif->vif)) { + struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt = (void *)sw_txhdr->skb->data; + u16 capab; + + if (mgmt->u.action.u.addba_req.action_code == + WLAN_ACTION_ADDBA_RESP) { + capab = le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.action.u.addba_resp.capab); + capab &= ~IEEE80211_ADDBA_PARAM_AMSDU_MASK; + mgmt->u.action.u.addba_resp.capab = cpu_to_le16(capab); + } + } + } + } + + cl_drv_ops_pkt_fw_send(cl_hw, sw_txhdr, tx_queue); +} + +void cl_tx_single_free_skb(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + if (IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb)->ack_frame_id) + ieee80211_tx_status(cl_hw->hw, skb); + else + dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); +} + +void cl_tx_single(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + struct sk_buff *skb, bool is_vns, bool lock) +{ + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue; + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + struct cl_vif *cl_vif = TX_INFO_TO_CL_VIF(cl_hw, tx_info); + struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr80211 = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data; + u8 hdr_pads = CL_SKB_DATA_ALIGN_PADS(hdr80211); + __le16 fc = hdr80211->frame_control; + u16 frame_len = (u16)skb->len; + u8 tid = ieee80211_is_data_qos(fc) ? ieee80211_get_tid(hdr80211) : 0; + u8 ac = tid_to_ac[tid]; + bool is_beacon = ieee80211_is_beacon(fc); + + cl_tx_cpu_single(cl_hw); + + if (unlikely(!test_bit(CL_DEV_STARTED, &cl_hw->drv_flags) || + test_bit(CL_DEV_FW_ERROR, &cl_hw->drv_flags))) { + cl_tx_single_free_skb(cl_hw, skb); + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.dev_flags++; + cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[ac].tx_dropped++; + return; + } + + if (unlikely(!cl_vif->tx_en || cl_hw->tx_disable_flags)) { + cl_tx_single_free_skb(cl_hw, skb); + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.tx_disable++; + cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[ac].tx_dropped++; + return; + } + + /* Check if packet length exceeds max size */ + if (unlikely(frame_len > CL_TX_MAX_FRAME_LEN_SINGLE)) { + cl_tx_single_free_skb(cl_hw, skb); + cl_dbg_err(cl_hw, "frame_len (%u) exceeds max size\n", frame_len); + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.length_limit++; + cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[ac].tx_errors++; + return; + } + + if (cl_sta && cl_sta->key_disable) { + cl_tx_single_free_skb(cl_hw, skb); + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.key_disable++; + cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[ac].tx_dropped++; + return; + } + + /* Allocate sw_txhdr */ + sw_txhdr = cl_sw_txhdr_alloc(cl_hw); + + if (unlikely(!sw_txhdr)) { + cl_tx_single_free_skb(cl_hw, skb); + cl_dbg_verbose(cl_hw, "sw_txhdr alloc failed\n"); + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.txhdr_alloc_fail++; + cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[ac].tx_errors++; + return; + } + + /* Prepare sw_txhdr */ + sw_txhdr->hdr80211 = hdr80211; + sw_txhdr->hw_queue = tx_info->hw_queue; + sw_txhdr->is_bcn = is_beacon; + sw_txhdr->skb = skb; + sw_txhdr->map_len = frame_len + hdr_pads; + sw_txhdr->fc = fc; + sw_txhdr->cl_vif = cl_vif; + sw_txhdr->tid = tid; + sw_txhdr->ac = ac; + + if (cl_sta) { + sw_txhdr->cl_sta = cl_sta; + sw_txhdr->sta_idx = cl_sta->sta_idx; + } else { + sw_txhdr->cl_sta = NULL; + sw_txhdr->sta_idx = STA_IDX_INVALID; + } + + /* Prepare txdesc */ + cl_tx_single_prep(cl_hw, sw_txhdr, frame_len, hdr_pads, is_vns); + + /* + * Fetch the driver queue. + * IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU is not set in tx_info->flags, otherwise cl_tx_agg() + * would have been called and not cl_tx_single(). + * Therefore there is no need to check if tx_queue is NULL or if queue type + * is QUEUE_TYPE_AGG. + */ + tx_queue = cl_txq_get(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + if (!tx_queue) { + cl_tx_single_free_skb(cl_hw, skb); + cl_dbg_verbose(cl_hw, "tx_queue is NULL\n"); + cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[ac].tx_errors++; + cl_sw_txhdr_free(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + return; + } + + sw_txhdr->tx_queue = tx_queue; + + if (lock) { + if (tx_queue->type == QUEUE_TYPE_BCMC) { + /* + * All other broadcast/multicast packets are buffered in + * ieee80211_tx_h_multicast_ps_buf() and will follow the beacon. + */ + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_bcmc); + cl_tx_send(cl_hw, sw_txhdr, NULL); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_bcmc); + } else { + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + cl_tx_send(cl_hw, sw_txhdr, NULL); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + } + } else { + cl_tx_send(cl_hw, sw_txhdr, NULL); + } +} + +void cl_tx_fast_single(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + struct sk_buff *skb, bool lock) +{ + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + u8 tid = skb->priority & IEEE80211_QOS_CTL_TID_MASK; + + /* hw_key must be set before calling cl_tx_8023_to_wlan() */ + tx_info->control.hw_key = cl_key_get(cl_sta); + + /* Convert 802.3 to 802.11 header */ + if (cl_tx_8023_to_wlan(cl_hw, skb, cl_sta, tid) == 0) { + bool is_vns = cl_vns_is_very_near(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb); + u8 ac = tid_to_ac[tid]; + + tx_info->hw_queue = ac; + tx_info->control.vif = cl_sta->cl_vif->vif; + + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.forward.drv_fast_single++; + + cl_tx_single(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb, is_vns, lock); + } +} + +void cl_tx_agg_prep(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr, + u16 frame_len, u8 hdr_pads, bool hdr_conv) +{ + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(sw_txhdr->skb); + struct ieee80211_key_conf *key_conf = tx_info->control.hw_key; + struct txdesc *txdesc = &sw_txhdr->txdesc; + struct lmacapi *umacdesc = &txdesc->umacdesc; + struct tx_host_info *host_info = &txdesc->host_info; + u16 qos_ctrl = sw_txhdr->tid; + + /* Reset txdesc */ + memset(txdesc, 0, sizeof(struct txdesc)); + + txdesc->e2w_result.tid = sw_txhdr->tid; + txdesc->e2w_result.is_txinject = false; + txdesc->e2w_natt_param.sta_index = sw_txhdr->sta_idx; + txdesc->e2w_natt_param.ampdu = true; + txdesc->e2w_natt_param.hdr_conv_enable = hdr_conv; + + if (hdr_conv) { + if (cl_tx_ctrl_is_amsdu(tx_info)) + qos_ctrl |= IEEE80211_QOS_CTL_A_MSDU_PRESENT; + + txdesc->e2w_txhdr_param.frame_ctrl = sw_txhdr->fc; + txdesc->e2w_txhdr_param.qos_ctrl = cpu_to_le16(qos_ctrl); + } + + if (hdr_pads) + host_info->host_padding |= BIT(0); + + /* Vif_index must be filled in even without header conversion */ + host_info->vif_index = sw_txhdr->cl_sta->cl_vif->vif_index; + + /* Set the expected_ack flag */ + host_info->expected_ack = (tx_info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_ACK) ? + EXPECTED_NO_ACK : EXPECTED_ACK; + + if (key_conf) { + host_info->is_protected = true; + host_info->hw_key_idx = key_conf->hw_key_idx; + + if (!hdr_conv) + frame_len += key_conf->icv_len; + } + + host_info->packet_cnt = 1; + umacdesc->packet_len[0] = cpu_to_le16(frame_len); + + /* Set rate control */ + cl_rate_ctrl_update_desc_agg(cl_hw, host_info); +} + +static __le16 cl_tx_agg_frame_control(struct cl_vif *cl_vif, + struct ieee80211_key_conf *key_conf, + u8 *hdrlen) +{ + struct ieee80211_vif *vif = cl_vif->vif; + struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = vif_to_sdata(vif); + enum nl80211_iftype type = vif->type; + __le16 fc = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_DATA | IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_DATA); + + if (type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP) { + fc |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FROMDS); + *hdrlen = 26; + } else if (type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) { + fc |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_TODS); + + if (sdata->u.mgd.use_4addr) { + fc |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FROMDS); + *hdrlen = 32; + } else { + *hdrlen = 26; + } + } + + if (key_conf) + fc |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_PROTECTED); + + return fc; +} + +static void _cl_tx_agg(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + struct sk_buff *skb, bool hdr_conv) +{ + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + struct ieee80211_key_conf *key_conf = tx_info->control.hw_key; + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr = NULL; + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue = NULL; + struct cl_vif *cl_vif = cl_sta->cl_vif; + u16 frame_len = (u16)skb->len; + u16 total_frame_len = 0; + u8 hdr_pads = CL_SKB_DATA_ALIGN_PADS(skb->data); + u8 is_amsdu = cl_tx_ctrl_is_amsdu(tx_info); + u8 tid = skb->priority & IEEE80211_QOS_CTL_TAG1D_MASK; + u8 ac = tid_to_ac[tid]; + u8 hdrlen = 0; + + cl_tx_cpu_agg(cl_hw); + + if (unlikely(!test_bit(CL_DEV_STARTED, &cl_hw->drv_flags) || + test_bit(CL_DEV_FW_ERROR, &cl_hw->drv_flags))) { + kfree_skb(skb); + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.dev_flags++; + cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[ac].tx_dropped++; + return; + } + + if (unlikely(!cl_vif->tx_en || cl_hw->tx_disable_flags)) { + kfree_skb(skb); + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.tx_disable++; + cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[ac].tx_dropped++; + return; + } + + /* Check if packet length exceeds max size */ + if (unlikely(frame_len > CL_TX_MAX_FRAME_LEN_AGG)) { + kfree_skb(skb); + cl_dbg_err(cl_hw, "frame_len exceeds max size %d\n", frame_len); + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.length_limit++; + cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[ac].tx_errors++; + return; + } + + if (cl_sta->key_disable) { + kfree_skb(skb); + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.key_disable++; + cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[ac].tx_dropped++; + return; + } + + /* Check if amsdu is enable for current skb */ + if (is_amsdu) { + enum cl_amsdu_result amsdu_res = cl_tx_amsdu_set(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb, tid); + + switch (amsdu_res) { + case CL_AMSDU_SKIP: + is_amsdu = false; + tx_info->control.flags &= ~IEEE80211_TX_CTRL_AMSDU; + case CL_AMSDU_ANCHOR_SET: + /* + * If new anchor was set, or AMSDU is + * skipped continue building sw_txhdr + */ + break; + case CL_AMSDU_SUB_FRAME_SET: + cl_tx_sub_frame_set(cl_sta, tid); + fallthrough; + case CL_AMSDU_FAILED: + default: + return; + } + } else { + /* + * If not amsdu & anchor exist. reset current anchor + * in order to avoid reordring packets. + */ + if (cl_sta->amsdu_anchor[tid].sw_txhdr) + cl_tx_amsdu_anchor_init(&cl_sta->amsdu_anchor[tid]); + } + + /* Allocate sw_txhdr */ + sw_txhdr = cl_sw_txhdr_alloc(cl_hw); + if (unlikely(!sw_txhdr)) { + kfree_skb(skb); + cl_dbg_err(cl_hw, "sw_txhdr alloc failed\n"); + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.txhdr_alloc_fail++; + cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[ac].tx_errors++; + return; + } + + if (cl_vif->vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT) + tx_info->hw_queue = ac; + + /* Fill sw_txhdr */ + sw_txhdr->tid = tid; + sw_txhdr->ac = ac; + sw_txhdr->hw_queue = tx_info->hw_queue; + sw_txhdr->cl_sta = cl_sta; + sw_txhdr->sta_idx = cl_sta->sta_idx; + sw_txhdr->is_bcn = 0; + sw_txhdr->skb = skb; + sw_txhdr->map_len = frame_len + hdr_pads; + sw_txhdr->cl_vif = cl_vif; + + if (cl_sta->amsdu_anchor[tid].is_sw_amsdu) { + sw_txhdr->is_sw_amsdu = true; + sw_txhdr->sw_amsdu_packet_cnt = 1; + } else { + sw_txhdr->is_sw_amsdu = false; + } + + if (hdr_conv) { + sw_txhdr->hdr80211 = NULL; + sw_txhdr->fc = cl_tx_agg_frame_control(cl_vif, key_conf, &hdrlen); + } else { + struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr80211 = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data; + __le16 fc = hdr80211->frame_control; + + sw_txhdr->hdr80211 = hdr80211; + sw_txhdr->fc = fc; + hdrlen = ieee80211_hdrlen(fc); + } + + /* Fetch the relevant agg queue */ + tx_queue = cl_sta->agg_tx_queues[tid]; + + if (unlikely(!tx_queue)) { + kfree_skb(skb); + cl_sw_txhdr_free(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + cl_dbg_err(cl_hw, "tx_queue is NULL [sta_idx = %u] [tid = %u]\n", + cl_sta->sta_idx, tid); + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.queue_null++; + cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[ac].tx_dropped++; + return; + } + + sw_txhdr->tx_queue = tx_queue; + + total_frame_len = frame_len + hdrlen - sizeof(struct ethhdr); + + if (key_conf) + total_frame_len += key_conf->icv_len; + + /* Prepare txdesc */ + cl_tx_agg_prep(cl_hw, sw_txhdr, frame_len, hdr_pads, hdr_conv); + + /* + * AMSDU - first sub frame + * !!! Must be done after calling cl_tx_agg_prep() !!! + */ + if (is_amsdu) + cl_tx_amsdu_first_sub_frame(sw_txhdr, cl_sta, skb, tid); + + cl_tx_send(cl_hw, sw_txhdr, &cl_sta->amsdu_anchor[tid]); +} + +void cl_tx_agg(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + struct sk_buff *skb, bool hdr_conv, bool lock) +{ + if (lock) { + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); + _cl_tx_agg(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb, hdr_conv); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); + } else { + _cl_tx_agg(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb, hdr_conv); + } +} + +static void cl_tx_reset_session_timer(struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u8 tid) +{ + struct tid_ampdu_tx *tid_tx = NULL; + struct sta_info *stainfo = IEEE80211_STA_TO_STAINFO(sta); + + tid_tx = rcu_dereference(stainfo->ampdu_mlme.tid_tx[tid]); + + if (tid_tx && tid_tx->timeout) + tid_tx->last_tx = jiffies; +} + +void cl_tx_fast_agg(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + struct sk_buff *skb, bool lock) +{ + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + struct ieee80211_vif *vif = cl_sta->cl_vif->vif; + u16 ac = skb_get_queue_mapping(skb); + u8 tid = skb->priority & IEEE80211_QOS_CTL_TAG1D_MASK; + + tx_info->control.vif = vif; + tx_info->control.hw_key = cl_key_get(cl_sta); + tx_info->hw_queue = vif->hw_queue[ac]; + tx_info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU; + + if (cl_sta->baws[tid].amsdu && + (cl_wrs_api_get_tx_sta_data_rate(cl_sta) > cl_hw->conf->ci_tx_amsdu_min_data_rate)) + tx_info->control.flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTRL_AMSDU; + + cl_tx_agg(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb, true, lock); + cl_tx_reset_session_timer(cl_sta->sta, tid); + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.forward.drv_fast_agg++; +} + +void cl_tx_wlan_to_8023(struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data; + struct ethhdr tmp_eth; + struct ethhdr *ehdr; + struct { + u8 hdr[ETH_ALEN]__aligned(2); + __be16 proto; + } payload; + u16 hdrlen = ieee80211_hdrlen(hdr->frame_control); + u8 enc_len = cl_key_get_cipher_len(skb); + + cl_mac_addr_copy(tmp_eth.h_dest, ieee80211_get_DA(hdr)); + cl_mac_addr_copy(tmp_eth.h_source, ieee80211_get_SA(hdr)); + skb_copy_bits(skb, hdrlen, &payload, sizeof(payload)); + tmp_eth.h_proto = payload.proto; + + if (enc_len) { + memcpy(skb->data + hdrlen, + skb->data + hdrlen + enc_len, + skb->len - hdrlen - enc_len); + skb_trim(skb, skb->len - enc_len); + } + + if (likely((ether_addr_equal(payload.hdr, rfc1042_header) && + tmp_eth.h_proto != htons(ETH_P_AARP) && + tmp_eth.h_proto != htons(ETH_P_IPX)) || + ether_addr_equal(payload.hdr, bridge_tunnel_header))) + /* Remove RFC1042 or Bridge-Tunnel encapsulation and replace ether_type */ + hdrlen += ETH_ALEN + 2; + else + tmp_eth.h_proto = htons(skb->len - hdrlen); + + skb_pull(skb, hdrlen); + ehdr = skb_push(skb, sizeof(struct ethhdr)); + memcpy(ehdr, &tmp_eth, sizeof(tmp_eth)); +} + +u16 cl_tx_prepare_wlan_hdr(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + struct sk_buff *skb, struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr) +{ + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + u16 hdrlen = 0; + __le16 fc = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_DATA | IEEE80211_STYPE_DATA); + struct ieee80211_vif *vif = cl_sta->cl_vif->vif; + + if (tx_info->control.hw_key) + fc |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_PROTECTED); + + switch (vif->type) { + case NL80211_IFTYPE_AP: + fc |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FROMDS); + /* DA BSSID SA */ + memcpy(hdr->addr1, skb->data, ETH_ALEN); + memcpy(hdr->addr2, vif->addr, ETH_ALEN); + memcpy(hdr->addr3, skb->data + ETH_ALEN, ETH_ALEN); + hdrlen = 24; + break; + case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION: + { + struct wireless_dev *wdev = skb->dev->ieee80211_ptr; + + if (wdev && wdev->use_4addr) { + fc |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FROMDS | + IEEE80211_FCTL_TODS); + /* RA TA DA SA */ + memcpy(hdr->addr1, vif->bss_conf.bssid, ETH_ALEN); + memcpy(hdr->addr2, vif->addr, ETH_ALEN); + memcpy(hdr->addr3, skb->data, ETH_ALEN); + memcpy(hdr->addr4, skb->data + ETH_ALEN, ETH_ALEN); + hdrlen = 30; + } else { + fc |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_TODS); + /* BSSID SA DA */ + memcpy(hdr->addr1, vif->bss_conf.bssid, ETH_ALEN); + memcpy(hdr->addr2, skb->data + ETH_ALEN, ETH_ALEN); + memcpy(hdr->addr3, skb->data, ETH_ALEN); + hdrlen = 24; + } + } + break; + case NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT: + cl_dbg_trace(cl_hw, "vif type mesh_point, invalid tx path\n"); + return 0; + default: + cl_dbg_err(cl_hw, "Unknown vif type %d !!!\n", vif->type); + return 0; + } + + if (cl_sta->sta->wme) { + fc |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_DATA); + hdrlen += 2; + } + + hdr->frame_control = fc; + hdr->duration_id = 0; + hdr->seq_ctrl = 0; + + return hdrlen; +} + +int cl_tx_8023_to_wlan(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct sk_buff *skb, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, u8 tid) +{ + struct ieee80211_hdr hdr; + int head_need, ret = 0; + u16 ethertype, hdrlen; + const u8 *encaps_data = NULL; + int encaps_len = 0, skip_header_bytes = ETH_HLEN; + u8 enc_len = cl_key_get_cipher_len(skb); + + /* Convert Ethernet header to proper 802.11 header */ + ethertype = (skb->data[12] << 8) | skb->data[13]; + + hdrlen = cl_tx_prepare_wlan_hdr(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb, &hdr); + if (!hdrlen) { + ret = -EINVAL; + goto free; + } + + if (ethertype >= ETH_P_802_3_MIN) { + encaps_data = rfc1042_header; + encaps_len = sizeof(rfc1042_header); + skip_header_bytes -= 2; + } + + skb_pull(skb, skip_header_bytes); + head_need = hdrlen + enc_len + encaps_len - skb_headroom(skb); + + if (head_need > 0) { + head_need = ((head_need + 3) & ~3); + if (pskb_expand_head(skb, head_need, 0, GFP_ATOMIC)) { + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto free; + } + } + + if (encaps_data) + memcpy(skb_push(skb, encaps_len), encaps_data, encaps_len); + + skb_push(skb, hdrlen + enc_len); + + if (cl_sta->sta->wme) { + u16 qos_ctrl = tid; + + memcpy(skb->data, &hdr, hdrlen - 2); + memcpy(skb->data + hdrlen - 2, &qos_ctrl, 2); + } else { + memcpy(skb->data, &hdr, hdrlen); + } + + skb_reset_mac_header(skb); + + return ret; +free: + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.build_hdr_fail++; + cl_sta->cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[tid_to_ac[tid]].tx_errors++; + kfree_skb(skb); + skb = NULL; + + return ret; +} + +void cl_tx_check_start_ba_session(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, + struct ieee80211_sta *sta, + struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data; + struct sta_info *stainfo = IEEE80211_STA_TO_STAINFO(sta); + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + u8 tid; + + /* TODO: What about HE? */ + if (!sta->ht_cap.ht_supported && + !sta->vht_cap.vht_supported && + !cl_band_is_6g(cl_hw)) + return; + + if (test_sta_flag(stainfo, WLAN_STA_PS_STA)) + return; + + if ((tx_info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU) && + !(tx_info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_STAT_AMPDU)) + return; + + if (cl_tx_ctrl_is_eapol(tx_info)) + return; + + if (unlikely(!ieee80211_is_data_qos(hdr->frame_control))) + return; + + if (unlikely(skb->protocol == cpu_to_be16(ETH_P_PAE))) + return; + + tid = ieee80211_get_tid(hdr); + + if (likely(stainfo->ampdu_mlme.tid_tx[tid])) + return; + + ieee80211_start_tx_ba_session(sta, tid, cl_hw->conf->ce_tx_ba_session_timeout); +} + +static void cl_tx_handle_beacon_tim(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct cl_hw *cl_hw = (struct cl_hw *)hw->priv; + struct cl_sta *cl_sta = NULL; + struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt = (struct ieee80211_mgmt *)skb->data; + const u8 *tim_ie = cfg80211_find_ie(WLAN_EID_TIM, mgmt->u.beacon.variable, skb->len); + struct ieee80211_tim_ie *tim = NULL; + + /* Offset of the element */ + tim = (void *)(tim_ie + BCN_IE_TIM_BIT_OFFSET); + + cl_sta_lock(cl_hw); + + /* Loop through all STA's */ + list_for_each_entry(cl_sta, &cl_hw->cl_sta_db.head, list) { + if (cl_traffic_is_sta_tx_exist(cl_hw, cl_sta)) { + u8 sta_aid = cl_sta->sta->aid; + u8 map_index = sta_aid / BITS_PER_BYTE; + + /* Update STA's AID in TIM bit */ + tim->virtual_map[map_index] |= BIT(sta_aid % BITS_PER_BYTE); + } + } + + cl_sta_unlock(cl_hw); +} + +static struct sk_buff *cl_tx_beacon_get(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, + struct ieee80211_vif *vif) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb = NULL; + + skb = ieee80211_beacon_get(hw, vif); + + /* Handle beacon TIM bitmap */ + if (skb) + cl_tx_handle_beacon_tim(hw, skb); + + return skb; +} + +static void cl_tx_mc(struct cl_vif *cl_vif, int *mc_fw_free) +{ + struct cl_hw *cl_hw = cl_vif->cl_hw; + struct ieee80211_vif *vif = cl_vif->vif; + struct sk_buff *skb = NULL; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info; + + if (unlikely(!vif)) + return; + + while (((*mc_fw_free) > 0) && + (skb = ieee80211_get_buffered_bc(cl_hw->hw, vif))) { + /* Route this MCBC frame to the BCN ipc queue */ + tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + tx_info->hw_queue = CL_HWQ_BCN; + + (*mc_fw_free)--; + + /* Clear more data bit if this is the last frame in this SP */ + if (*mc_fw_free == 0) { + struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = + (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data; + hdr->frame_control &= + cpu_to_le16(~IEEE80211_FCTL_MOREDATA); + } + + cl_tx_single(cl_hw, NULL, skb, false, true); + } +} + +void cl_tx_bcn_mesh_task(unsigned long data) +{ + struct cl_vif *cl_vif = NULL; + struct cl_hw *cl_hw = NULL; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info; + struct sk_buff *skb; + int mc_fw_free; + + cl_vif = (struct cl_vif *)data; + if (!cl_vif) + return; + + cl_hw = cl_vif->cl_hw; + + if (!cl_hw || !cl_vif->vif || cl_vif->vif->type != NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT || + cl_radio_is_off(cl_hw) || + cl_recovery_in_progress(cl_hw) || + !test_bit(CL_DEV_STARTED, &cl_hw->drv_flags) || + test_bit(CL_DEV_FW_ERROR, &cl_hw->drv_flags) || + cl_hw->tx_disable_flags) + return; + + skb = cl_tx_beacon_get(cl_hw->hw, cl_vif->vif); + if (!skb) + return; + + /* Route this BCN to the BCN ipc queue */ + tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + tx_info->hw_queue = CL_HWQ_BCN; + + cl_tx_single(cl_hw, NULL, skb, false, true); + + mc_fw_free = cl_hw->tx_queues->bcmc.fw_free_space; + cl_tx_mc(cl_vif, &mc_fw_free); +} + +static void cl_tx_bcn(struct cl_vif *cl_vif) +{ + struct cl_hw *cl_hw = cl_vif->cl_hw; + struct ieee80211_vif *vif = cl_vif->vif; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info; + struct sk_buff *skb; + + if (!vif || vif->type != NL80211_IFTYPE_AP) + return; + + /* + * If we are in the middle of the CAC, we allow regular channel switch + * and retrigger the CAC (If needed). + * Or - if radar is detected, we wait for all CSAs to be transmitted, + * before allowing channel switch + */ + if (cl_dfs_is_in_cac(cl_hw) && vif->csa_active) { + ieee80211_csa_finish(vif); + return; + } + + skb = cl_tx_beacon_get(cl_hw->hw, vif); + if (!skb) + return; + + /* Route this BCN to the BCN ipc queue */ + tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + tx_info->hw_queue = CL_HWQ_BCN; + + cl_tx_single(cl_hw, NULL, skb, false, true); +} + +bool cl_is_tx_allowed(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + return !(cl_radio_is_off(cl_hw) || + cl_hw->vif_db.num_iface_bcn == 0 || + cl_recovery_in_progress(cl_hw) || + cl_hw->tx_db.block_bcn || + cl_hw->tx_disable_flags || + !test_bit(CL_DEV_STARTED, &cl_hw->drv_flags) || + test_bit(CL_DEV_FW_ERROR, &cl_hw->drv_flags)); +} + +/* cl_tx_bcns_tasklet - generate BCNs and TX buffered MC frames each BCN DTIM interval + * + * Beacons are sent first followed by cyclic MC for fairness between VIF's + * the FW buffer is restricted to "IPC_TXDESC_CNT_BCMC" buffer size. + */ +void cl_tx_bcns_tasklet(unsigned long data) +{ + struct cl_hw *cl_hw = (struct cl_hw *)data; + struct cl_vif *cl_vif = NULL; + int mc_fw_free = 0; + + read_lock(&cl_hw->vif_db.lock); + + if (!cl_is_tx_allowed(cl_hw)) + goto out; + list_for_each_entry(cl_vif, &cl_hw->vif_db.head, list) + cl_tx_bcn(cl_vif); + + cl_vif = cl_hw->mc_vif; + mc_fw_free = cl_hw->tx_queues->bcmc.fw_free_space; + + do { + cl_tx_mc(cl_vif, &mc_fw_free); + /* Cl_vif_get_next() is cyclic */ + cl_vif = cl_vif_get_next(cl_hw, cl_vif); + } while ((cl_vif != cl_hw->mc_vif) && mc_fw_free); + + cl_hw->mc_vif = cl_vif_get_next(cl_hw, cl_hw->mc_vif); + +out: + read_unlock(&cl_hw->vif_db.lock); +} + +void cl_tx_en(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u8 reason, bool enable) +{ + unsigned long tx_disable_flags_prev = cl_hw->tx_disable_flags; + + if (enable) { + clear_bit(reason, &cl_hw->tx_disable_flags); + + if (tx_disable_flags_prev != 0 && cl_hw->tx_disable_flags == 0) + if (cl_hw->conf->ci_backup_bcn_en) + cl_msg_tx_backup_bcn_en(cl_hw, true); + } else { + set_bit(reason, &cl_hw->tx_disable_flags); + + if (tx_disable_flags_prev == 0) + if (cl_hw->conf->ci_backup_bcn_en) + cl_msg_tx_backup_bcn_en(cl_hw, false); + } +} + +static void cl_tx_flush(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + /* Flush bcmc */ + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_bcmc); + cl_bcmc_cfm_flush_queue(cl_hw, NULL); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_bcmc); + + /* Flush single */ + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + cl_txq_flush_all_single(cl_hw); + cl_single_cfm_flush_all(cl_hw); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + + /* Flush agg */ + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); + cl_txq_flush_all_agg(cl_hw); + cl_agg_cfm_flush_all(cl_hw); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); +} + +void cl_tx_off(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + cl_txq_stop(cl_hw); + cl_tx_flush(cl_hw); +} + +void cl_tx_drop_skb(struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + skb->dev->stats.rx_dropped++; + kfree_skb(skb); +} + +#define AGG_POLL_TIMEOUT 50 + +/* + * cl_hw->agg_cfm_queues: + * These queues are used to keep pointers to skb's sent + * as aggregation and waiting for confirmation. + */ + +void cl_agg_cfm_init(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + int i = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < IPC_MAX_BA_SESSIONS; i++) + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cl_hw->agg_cfm_queues[i].head); +} + +void cl_agg_cfm_add(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr, u8 agg_idx) +{ + spin_lock(&cl_hw->tx_lock_cfm_agg); + list_add_tail(&sw_txhdr->cfm_list, &cl_hw->agg_cfm_queues[agg_idx].head); + spin_unlock(&cl_hw->tx_lock_cfm_agg); +} + +static void cl_agg_cfm_amsdu_free(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr) +{ + struct cl_amsdu_txhdr *amsdu_txhdr = NULL; + struct cl_amsdu_txhdr *tmp = NULL; + struct sk_buff *sub_skb = NULL; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info_sub_skb = NULL; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(amsdu_txhdr, tmp, &sw_txhdr->amsdu_txhdr.list, list) { + sub_skb = amsdu_txhdr->skb; + tx_info_sub_skb = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(sub_skb); + + list_del(&amsdu_txhdr->list); + dma_unmap_single(cl_hw->chip->dev, amsdu_txhdr->dma_addr, + (size_t)sub_skb->len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + kfree_skb(sub_skb); + cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_free(cl_hw, amsdu_txhdr); + } +} + +void cl_agg_cfm_free_head_skb(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, + struct cl_agg_cfm_queue *cfm_queue, + u8 ba_queue_idx) +{ + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr = list_first_entry(&cfm_queue->head, + struct cl_sw_txhdr, + cfm_list); + struct sk_buff *skb = sw_txhdr->skb; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + dma_addr_t dma_addr = le32_to_cpu(sw_txhdr->txdesc.umacdesc.packet_addr[0]); + + if (cl_hw->conf->ci_tx_delay_tstamp_en) + cl_tx_update_hist_tstamp(cfm_queue->tx_queue, skb, + cfm_queue->tx_queue->hist_push_to_cfm, false); + + dma_unmap_single(cl_hw->chip->dev, dma_addr, sw_txhdr->map_len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + + /* If amsdu list not empty free sub MSDU frames first, including amsdu_txhdr */ + if (cl_tx_ctrl_is_amsdu(tx_info)) + if (!list_empty(&sw_txhdr->amsdu_txhdr.list)) + cl_agg_cfm_amsdu_free(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + + consume_skb(skb); + list_del(&sw_txhdr->cfm_list); + cl_sw_txhdr_free(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); +} + +static void cl_agg_cfm_flush_queue(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u8 agg_idx) +{ + struct cl_agg_cfm_queue *cfm_queue = &cl_hw->agg_cfm_queues[agg_idx]; + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue = cfm_queue->tx_queue; + struct sk_buff *skb = NULL; + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr = NULL; + dma_addr_t dma_addr = 0; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info; + + if (!tx_queue) + return; + + if (list_empty(&cfm_queue->head)) + return; + + do { + sw_txhdr = list_first_entry(&cfm_queue->head, struct cl_sw_txhdr, cfm_list); + skb = sw_txhdr->skb; + + dma_addr = le32_to_cpu(sw_txhdr->txdesc.umacdesc.packet_addr[0]); + dma_unmap_single(cl_hw->chip->dev, dma_addr, sw_txhdr->map_len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + + tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + + /* If amsdu list not empty free sub MSDU frames first, including amsdu_txhdr */ + if (cl_tx_ctrl_is_amsdu(tx_info)) + if (!list_empty(&sw_txhdr->amsdu_txhdr.list)) + cl_agg_cfm_amsdu_free(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + + tx_queue->total_fw_cfm++; + + kfree_skb(skb); + list_del(&sw_txhdr->cfm_list); + cl_sw_txhdr_free(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + } while (!list_empty(&cfm_queue->head)); + + /* + * Set fw_free_space back to maximum after flushing the queue + * and clear the enhanced TIM. + */ + tx_queue->fw_free_space = tx_queue->fw_max_size; + cl_enhanced_tim_clear_tx_agg(cl_hw, agg_idx, tx_queue->hw_index, + tx_queue->cl_sta, tx_queue->tid); + + cfm_queue->tx_queue = NULL; +} + +void cl_agg_cfm_flush_all(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + int i = 0; + + /* Don't use BH lock, because cl_agg_cfm_flush_all() is called with BH disabled */ + spin_lock(&cl_hw->tx_lock_cfm_agg); + + for (i = 0; i < IPC_MAX_BA_SESSIONS; i++) + cl_agg_cfm_flush_queue(cl_hw, i); + + spin_unlock(&cl_hw->tx_lock_cfm_agg); +} + +static void cl_agg_cfm_poll_timeout(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue, + u8 agg_idx, bool flush) +{ + /* + * When polling failed clear the enhanced TIM so that firmware will + * not try to transmit these packets. + * If flush is set cl_enhanced_tim_clear_tx_agg() is called inside + * cl_agg_cfm_flush_queue(). + */ + cl_dbg_err(cl_hw, "Polling timeout (queue_idx = %u)\n", agg_idx); + + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_cfm_agg); + + if (flush) + cl_agg_cfm_flush_queue(cl_hw, agg_idx); + else + cl_enhanced_tim_clear_tx_agg(cl_hw, agg_idx, tx_queue->hw_index, + tx_queue->cl_sta, tx_queue->tid); + + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_cfm_agg); +} + +void cl_agg_cfm_poll_empty(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u8 agg_idx, bool flush) +{ + struct cl_agg_cfm_queue *cfm_queue = &cl_hw->agg_cfm_queues[agg_idx]; + bool empty = false; + int i = 0; + + if (test_bit(CL_DEV_FW_ERROR, &cl_hw->drv_flags)) + return; + + while (true) { + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_cfm_agg); + empty = list_empty(&cfm_queue->head); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_cfm_agg); + + if (empty) + return; + + if (++i == AGG_POLL_TIMEOUT) { + cl_agg_cfm_poll_timeout(cl_hw, cfm_queue->tx_queue, agg_idx, flush); + return; + } + + msleep(20); + } +} + +void cl_agg_cfm_poll_empty_sta(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta) +{ + int i = 0; + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue = NULL; + + for (i = 0; i < IEEE80211_NUM_TIDS; i++) { + tx_queue = cl_sta->agg_tx_queues[i]; + + if (tx_queue) + cl_agg_cfm_poll_empty(cl_hw, tx_queue->index, false); + } +} + +void cl_agg_cfm_clear_tim_bit_sta(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta) +{ + int i = 0; + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue = NULL; + + for (i = 0; i < IEEE80211_NUM_TIDS; i++) { + tx_queue = cl_sta->agg_tx_queues[i]; + + if (tx_queue) { + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); + cl_enhanced_tim_clear_tx_agg(cl_hw, tx_queue->index, tx_queue->hw_index, + tx_queue->cl_sta, tx_queue->tid); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); + } + } +} + +void cl_agg_cfm_set_ssn(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u16 ssn, u8 idx) +{ + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_cfm_agg); + cl_hw->agg_cfm_queues[idx].ssn = ssn; + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_cfm_agg); +} + +void cl_agg_cfm_set_tx_queue(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue, u8 idx) +{ + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_cfm_agg); + cl_hw->agg_cfm_queues[idx].tx_queue = tx_queue; + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_cfm_agg); +} + +static bool cl_is_same_rate(struct cl_agg_tx_report *agg_report, + struct cl_wrs_rate_params *rate_params) +{ + union cl_rate_ctrl_info rate_ctrl_info = { + .word = le32_to_cpu(agg_report->rate_cntrl_info)}; + u8 mcs = U8_MAX, nss = U8_MAX; + + if (agg_report->bw_requested != rate_params->bw) + return false; + + cl_rate_ctrl_parse(&rate_ctrl_info, &nss, &mcs); + + return ((mcs == rate_params->mcs) && (nss == rate_params->nss)); +} + +static void cl_sync_tx_rate(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + struct cl_agg_tx_report *agg_report, + struct cl_wrs_info *wrs_info, struct cl_wrs_params *wrs_params) +{ + if (!agg_report->is_fallback && cl_is_same_rate(agg_report, &wrs_params->rate_params)) { + cl_wrs_api_rate_sync(cl_hw, cl_sta, wrs_params); + + wrs_info->synced = true; + wrs_info->quick_rate_check = true; + wrs_info->quick_rate_agg_cntr = 0; + wrs_info->quick_rate_pkt_cntr = 0; + } else { + wrs_info->sync_attempts++; + } +} + +static void cl_ba_not_received_handler(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_wrs_info *wrs_info, + struct cl_agg_tx_report *agg_report) +{ + /* Ignore 'BA not received' if station is in power-save or if RTS limit was reached */ + if (agg_report->is_sta_ps || agg_report->is_rts_retry_limit_reached) + return; + + /* Count number of consecutive 'BA not received' */ + wrs_info->ba_not_rcv_consecutive++; + + /* Save longest sequence of consecutive 'BA not received' */ + if (wrs_info->ba_not_rcv_consecutive > wrs_info->ba_not_rcv_consecutive_max) + wrs_info->ba_not_rcv_consecutive_max = wrs_info->ba_not_rcv_consecutive; + + if (cl_hw->wrs_db.ba_not_rcv_collision_filter) { + /* + * First 'BA not received' - might just be a collision. + * Don't add fail to ba_not_rcv but keep aside. + * Second consecutive 'BA not received' - not likely to be a collisions. + * Add fail to ba_not_rcv including previous fail that was kept aside. + * More than two consecutive 'BA not received' - very unlikely to be a collisions. + * Add fail to ba_not_rcv. + */ + if (wrs_info->ba_not_rcv_consecutive == 1) + wrs_info->fail_prev = agg_report->fail; + else if (wrs_info->ba_not_rcv_consecutive == 2) + wrs_info->ba_not_rcv += (agg_report->fail + wrs_info->fail_prev); + else + wrs_info->ba_not_rcv += agg_report->fail; + } else { + wrs_info->ba_not_rcv += agg_report->fail; + } +} + +void cl_agg_tx_report_handler(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + struct cl_agg_tx_report *agg_report) +{ + struct cl_wrs_info *wrs_info = NULL; + struct cl_wrs_params *wrs_params = NULL; + u8 group_id; + bool skip_epr_update = false; + union cl_rate_ctrl_info rate_ctrl_info = { + .word = le32_to_cpu(agg_report->rate_cntrl_info)}; + + wrs_params = &cl_sta->wrs_sta.tx_su_params; + wrs_info = &cl_sta->wrs_info_tx_su; + group_id = 0; + + /* Retry_count for cl_wlan */ + cl_sta->retry_count += agg_report->success_after_retry; + + /* + * In case of big packets (4300 in VHT and 5400 in HE) and low + * rate (BW 20, NSS 1, MCS 0), firmware will increase rate to MCS 1, + * and give an indication to driver (set rate_fix_mcs1 in cl_agg_tx_report). + * WRS should also move to MCS 1, and give the maximum time + * penalty time from MCS 0 toMCS 1. + */ + if (agg_report->rate_fix_mcs1 && + !agg_report->is_fallback && + cl_wrs_api_up_mcs1(cl_hw, cl_sta, wrs_params)) + return; + + /* WRS sync mechanism */ + if (!wrs_info->synced) + cl_sync_tx_rate(cl_hw, cl_sta, agg_report, wrs_info, wrs_params); + + if (agg_report->bf && cl_sta->bf_db.is_on && !cl_sta->bf_db.synced) { + cl_sta->bf_db.synced = true; + /* Resetting the WRS UP weights */ + cl_wrs_api_beamforming_sync(cl_hw, cl_sta); + } + + if (agg_report->ba_not_received) { + cl_ba_not_received_handler(cl_hw, wrs_info, agg_report); + } else { + if (!skip_epr_update) + wrs_info->fail += agg_report->fail; + + wrs_info->ba_not_rcv_consecutive = 0; + } + + if (!skip_epr_update) { + u8 mcs = 0, nss = 0, bw = 0; + u16 data_rate = 0; + + switch (agg_report->bw_requested) { + case CHNL_BW_160: + bw = (cl_hw->wrs_db.adjacent_interference20 || + cl_hw->wrs_db.adjacent_interference40 || + cl_hw->wrs_db.adjacent_interference80) ? + : agg_report->bw_requested; + break; + case CHNL_BW_80: + bw = (cl_hw->wrs_db.adjacent_interference20 || + cl_hw->wrs_db.adjacent_interference40) ? + : agg_report->bw_requested; + break; + case CHNL_BW_40: + bw = cl_hw->wrs_db.adjacent_interference20 ? + : agg_report->bw_requested; + break; + case CHNL_BW_20: + bw = agg_report->bw_requested; + break; + } + + cl_rate_ctrl_parse(&rate_ctrl_info, &nss, &mcs); + + data_rate = cl_data_rates_get_x10(rate_ctrl_info.field.format_mod, + bw, + nss, + mcs, +; + + wrs_info->epr_acc += ((u64)agg_report->success * data_rate); + wrs_info->success += agg_report->success; + } + + if (cl_hw->wrs_db.quick_down_en && + wrs_info->quick_rate_check && + cl_is_same_rate(agg_report, &wrs_params->rate_params)) { + wrs_info->quick_rate_agg_cntr++; + wrs_info->quick_rate_pkt_cntr += (agg_report->success + agg_report->fail); + + if (wrs_info->quick_rate_agg_cntr >= cl_hw->wrs_db.quick_down_agg_thr && + wrs_info->quick_rate_pkt_cntr > cl_hw->wrs_db.quick_down_pkt_thr) { + wrs_info->quick_rate_check = false; + cl_wrs_api_quick_down_check(cl_hw, cl_sta, wrs_params); + } + } +} + +void cl_agg_tx_report_simulate_for_single(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + struct cl_hw_tx_status *status) +{ + /* Assign statistics struct */ + struct cl_agg_tx_report agg_report; + union cl_rate_ctrl_info rate_ctrl_info; + + memset(&agg_report, 0, sizeof(struct cl_agg_tx_report)); + + = status->bf; + agg_report.success = status->frm_successful; + = status->num_mpdu_retries + (status->frm_successful ? 0 : 1); + agg_report.success_after_retry = + (status->frm_successful && status->num_mpdu_retries); + agg_report.retry_limit_reached = !status->frm_successful; + agg_report.success_more_one_retry = + (status->frm_successful && (status->num_mpdu_retries > 1)); + agg_report.sta_idx = cl_sta->sta_idx; + agg_report.bw_requested = status->bw_requested; + + = status->bw_transmitted; + = status->gi; + rate_ctrl_info.field.format_mod = status->format_mod; + rate_ctrl_info.field.mcs_index = status->mcs_index; + + cl_rate_ctrl_convert(&rate_ctrl_info); + + agg_report.rate_cntrl_info = cpu_to_le32(rate_ctrl_info.word); + cl_agg_tx_report_handler(cl_hw, cl_sta, &agg_report); + cl_stats_update_tx_single(cl_hw, cl_sta, &agg_report); +} + +void cl_baw_init(struct cl_sta *cl_sta) +{ + u8 tid; + + for (tid = 0; tid < IEEE80211_NUM_TIDS; tid++) + __skb_queue_head_init(&cl_sta->baws[tid].pending); +} + +void cl_baw_start(struct cl_baw *baw, u16 ssn) +{ + baw->ssn = ssn; + baw->action_start = true; +} + +void cl_baw_operational(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_baw *baw, + u8 fw_agg_idx, bool amsdu_supported) +{ + baw->fw_agg_idx = fw_agg_idx; + baw->tid_seq = IEEE80211_SN_TO_SEQ(baw->ssn); + baw->action_start = false; + baw->amsdu = (cl_hw->txamsdu_en && amsdu_supported); +} + +void cl_baw_stop(struct cl_baw *baw) +{ + baw->action_start = false; +} + +void cl_baw_pending_to_agg(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, + struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + u8 tid) +{ + struct cl_baw *baw = &cl_sta->baws[tid]; + struct sk_buff *skb; + + while (!skb_queue_empty(&baw->pending)) { + skb = __skb_dequeue(&baw->pending); + cl_tx_fast_agg(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb, false); + } +} + +void cl_baw_pending_to_single(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, + struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + struct cl_baw *baw) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb; + + while (!skb_queue_empty(&baw->pending)) { + skb = __skb_dequeue(&baw->pending); + cl_tx_fast_single(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb, false); + } +} + +void cl_baw_pending_purge(struct cl_baw *baw) +{ + if (!skb_queue_empty(&baw->pending)) + __skb_queue_purge(&baw->pending); +} + +/* + * cl_hw->bcmc_cfm_queue: + * This queue is used to keep pointers to already sent + * beacon skb's that are waiting for confirmation. + */ + +static void cl_bcmc_free_sw_txhdr(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr) +{ + dma_addr_t dma_addr; + struct sk_buff *skb = NULL; + + dma_addr = le32_to_cpu(sw_txhdr->txdesc.umacdesc.packet_addr[0]); + skb = sw_txhdr->skb; + + dma_unmap_single(cl_hw->chip->dev, dma_addr, sw_txhdr->map_len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb); + list_del(&sw_txhdr->cfm_list); + cl_sw_txhdr_free(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); +} + +static bool cl_bcmc_is_list_empty_per_vif(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, + struct cl_vif *cl_vif) +{ + struct cl_single_cfm_queue *cfm_queue = &cl_hw->bcmc_cfm_queue; + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr = NULL; + + list_for_each_entry(sw_txhdr, &cfm_queue->head, cfm_list) + if (sw_txhdr->cl_vif == cl_vif) + return false; + + return true; +} + +void cl_bcmc_cfm_init(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cl_hw->bcmc_cfm_queue.head); +} + +void cl_bcmc_cfm_add(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr) +{ + list_add_tail(&sw_txhdr->cfm_list, &cl_hw->bcmc_cfm_queue.head); +} + +struct cl_sw_txhdr *cl_bcmc_cfm_find(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, dma_addr_t dma_addr, bool keep_in_list) +{ + struct cl_single_cfm_queue *cfm_queue = &cl_hw->bcmc_cfm_queue; + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr = NULL; + struct cl_sw_txhdr *tmp = NULL; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(sw_txhdr, tmp, &cfm_queue->head, cfm_list) { + if (le32_to_cpu(sw_txhdr->txdesc.umacdesc.packet_addr[0]) == dma_addr) { + if (!keep_in_list) + list_del(&sw_txhdr->cfm_list); + + return sw_txhdr; + } + } + + return NULL; +} + +void cl_bcmc_cfm_flush_queue(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, + struct cl_vif *cl_vif) +{ + struct cl_single_cfm_queue *cfm_queue = &cl_hw->bcmc_cfm_queue; + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr = NULL; + struct cl_sw_txhdr *tmp = NULL; + + /* Only flush the specific cl_vif related confirmations */ + if (cl_vif) { + list_for_each_entry_safe(sw_txhdr, tmp, &cfm_queue->head, cfm_list) { + if (sw_txhdr->cl_vif == cl_vif) { + cl_bcmc_free_sw_txhdr(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + cl_hw->tx_queues->bcmc.fw_free_space++; + } + } + + return; + } + + while (!list_empty(&cfm_queue->head)) { + sw_txhdr = list_first_entry(&cfm_queue->head, struct cl_sw_txhdr, cfm_list); + cl_bcmc_free_sw_txhdr(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + } + + /* Set fw_free_space back to maximum after flushing the queue */ + cl_hw->tx_queues->bcmc.fw_free_space = cl_hw->tx_queues->bcmc.fw_max_size; +} + +void cl_bcmc_cfm_poll_empty_per_vif(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, + struct cl_vif *cl_vif) +{ + bool empty = false; + int i = 0; + + if (test_bit(CL_DEV_FW_ERROR, &cl_hw->drv_flags)) + return; + + while (i++ < BCMC_POLL_TIMEOUT) { + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_bcmc); + empty = cl_bcmc_is_list_empty_per_vif(cl_hw, cl_vif); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_bcmc); + + if (empty) + return; + + msleep(20); + } + + cl_dbg_err(cl_hw, "Polling timeout vif_index %d\n", cl_vif->vif_index); + + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_bcmc); + cl_bcmc_cfm_flush_queue(cl_hw, cl_vif); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_bcmc); +} + +/* + * cl_hw->single_cfm_queues: + * These queues are used to keep pointers to skb's sent + * as singles and waiting for confirmation. + */ + +#define SINGLE_POLL_TIMEOUT 50 + +void cl_single_cfm_init(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + int i = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < MAX_SINGLE_QUEUES; i++) + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cl_hw->single_cfm_queues[i].head); +} + +void cl_single_cfm_add(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr, u32 queue_idx) +{ + list_add_tail(&sw_txhdr->cfm_list, &cl_hw->single_cfm_queues[queue_idx].head); +} + +struct cl_sw_txhdr *cl_single_cfm_find(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u32 queue_idx, + dma_addr_t dma_addr) +{ + struct cl_single_cfm_queue *cfm_queue = NULL; + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr = NULL; + struct cl_sw_txhdr *tmp = NULL; + + if (queue_idx >= MAX_SINGLE_QUEUES) + return NULL; + + cfm_queue = &cl_hw->single_cfm_queues[queue_idx]; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(sw_txhdr, tmp, &cfm_queue->head, cfm_list) + if (le32_to_cpu(sw_txhdr->txdesc.umacdesc.packet_addr[0]) == dma_addr) { + list_del(&sw_txhdr->cfm_list); + + return sw_txhdr; + } + + return NULL; +} + +static void cl_single_cfm_flush_queue(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u32 queue_idx) +{ + struct cl_single_cfm_queue *cfm_queue = &cl_hw->single_cfm_queues[queue_idx]; + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue = NULL; + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr = NULL; + struct sk_buff *skb = NULL; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = NULL; + dma_addr_t dma_addr; + + if (list_empty(&cfm_queue->head)) + return; + + do { + sw_txhdr = list_first_entry(&cfm_queue->head, struct cl_sw_txhdr, cfm_list); + dma_addr = le32_to_cpu(sw_txhdr->txdesc.umacdesc.packet_addr[0]); + skb = sw_txhdr->skb; + tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + + dma_unmap_single(cl_hw->chip->dev, dma_addr, sw_txhdr->map_len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + + cl_tx_single_free_skb(cl_hw, skb); + list_del(&sw_txhdr->cfm_list); + cl_sw_txhdr_free(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + } while (!list_empty(&cfm_queue->head)); + + /* + * Set fw_free_space back to maximum after flushing the queue + * and clear the enhanced TIM. + */ + tx_queue = &cl_hw->tx_queues->single[queue_idx]; + tx_queue->fw_free_space = tx_queue->fw_max_size; + cl_enhanced_tim_clear_tx_single(cl_hw, queue_idx, tx_queue->hw_index, + false, tx_queue->cl_sta, tx_queue->tid); +} + +void cl_single_cfm_flush_all(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + u32 i = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < MAX_SINGLE_QUEUES; i++) + cl_single_cfm_flush_queue(cl_hw, i); +} + +void cl_single_cfm_flush_sta(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u8 sta_idx) +{ + /* Flush all single confirmation queues of this sta, and reset write index */ + u8 ac; + u16 queue_idx; + + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + + for (ac = 0; ac < AC_MAX; ac++) { + queue_idx = QUEUE_IDX(sta_idx, ac); + cl_single_cfm_flush_queue(cl_hw, queue_idx); + + cl_hw->ipc_env->ring_indices_elem->indices->txdesc_write_idx.single[queue_idx] = 0; + } + + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); +} + +static void cl_single_cfm_poll_timeout(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u32 queue_idx) +{ + /* + * When polling failed clear the enhanced TIM so that firmware will + * not try to transmit these packets. + */ + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue = &cl_hw->tx_queues->single[queue_idx]; + + cl_dbg_err(cl_hw, "Polling timeout (queue_idx = %u)\n", queue_idx); + + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + cl_enhanced_tim_clear_tx_single(cl_hw, queue_idx, tx_queue->hw_index, + false, tx_queue->cl_sta, tx_queue->tid); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); +} + +void cl_single_cfm_poll_empty(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u32 queue_idx) +{ + struct cl_single_cfm_queue *cfm_queue = &cl_hw->single_cfm_queues[queue_idx]; + bool empty = false; + int i = 0; + + if (test_bit(CL_DEV_FW_ERROR, &cl_hw->drv_flags)) + return; + + while (true) { + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + empty = list_empty(&cfm_queue->head); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + + if (empty) + return; + + if (++i == SINGLE_POLL_TIMEOUT) { + cl_single_cfm_poll_timeout(cl_hw, queue_idx); + return; + } + + msleep(20); + } +} + +static bool cl_list_hp_empty_sta(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u8 sta_idx) +{ + struct cl_single_cfm_queue *hp_cfm_queue = &cl_hw->single_cfm_queues[HIGH_PRIORITY_QUEUE]; + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr = NULL; + + list_for_each_entry(sw_txhdr, &hp_cfm_queue->head, cfm_list) + if (sw_txhdr->sta_idx == sta_idx) + return false; + + return true; +} + +static void cl_single_cfm_poll_empty_hp(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u8 sta_idx) +{ + bool empty = false; + int i = 0; + + if (test_bit(CL_DEV_FW_ERROR, &cl_hw->drv_flags)) + return; + + while (true) { + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + empty = cl_list_hp_empty_sta(cl_hw, sta_idx); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + + if (empty) + return; + + if (++i == SINGLE_POLL_TIMEOUT) { + cl_single_cfm_poll_timeout(cl_hw, HIGH_PRIORITY_QUEUE); + return; + } + + msleep(20); + } +} + +void cl_single_cfm_poll_empty_sta(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u8 sta_idx) +{ + /* + * Poll all single queues belonging to this station, and poll all + * packets belonging to this station in the high priority queue. + */ + u8 ac; + u16 queue_idx; + + for (ac = 0; ac < AC_MAX; ac++) { + queue_idx = QUEUE_IDX(sta_idx, ac); + cl_single_cfm_poll_empty(cl_hw, queue_idx); + } + + cl_single_cfm_poll_empty_hp(cl_hw, sta_idx); +} + +void cl_single_cfm_clear_tim_bit_sta(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u8 sta_idx) +{ + u8 ac; + u16 queue_idx; + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue = NULL; + + for (ac = 0; ac < AC_MAX; ac++) { + queue_idx = QUEUE_IDX(sta_idx, ac); + tx_queue = &cl_hw->tx_queues->single[queue_idx]; + + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + cl_enhanced_tim_clear_tx_single(cl_hw, queue_idx, tx_queue->hw_index, + false, tx_queue->cl_sta, tx_queue->tid); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + } + + tx_queue = &cl_hw->tx_queues->single[HIGH_PRIORITY_QUEUE]; + + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + cl_enhanced_tim_clear_tx_single(cl_hw, HIGH_PRIORITY_QUEUE, tx_queue->hw_index, + false, tx_queue->cl_sta, tx_queue->tid); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); +} + +static int cl_sw_txhdr_init_pool(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u16 sw_txhdr_pool) +{ + u16 i = 0; + u32 sw_txhdr_pool_size = sw_txhdr_pool * sizeof(struct cl_sw_txhdr); + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr; + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cl_hw->head_sw_txhdr_pool); + spin_lock_init(&cl_hw->lock_sw_txhdr_pool); + + for (i = 0; i < sw_txhdr_pool; i++) { + sw_txhdr = kzalloc(sizeof(*sw_txhdr), GFP_ATOMIC); + + if (unlikely(!sw_txhdr)) { + cl_dbg_verbose(cl_hw, "sw_txhdr NULL\n"); + return -1; + } + + list_add(&sw_txhdr->list_pool, &cl_hw->head_sw_txhdr_pool); + } + + cl_dbg_verbose(cl_hw, " - pool %u, size %u\n", sw_txhdr_pool, sw_txhdr_pool_size); + + return 0; +} + +static int cl_sw_txhdr_init_cache(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + char sw_txhdr_cache_name[MODULE_NAME_LEN + 32] = {0}; + + snprintf(sw_txhdr_cache_name, sizeof(sw_txhdr_cache_name), + "%s_sw_txhdr_cache", THIS_MODULE->name); + + cl_hw->sw_txhdr_cache = kmem_cache_create(sw_txhdr_cache_name, + sizeof(struct cl_sw_txhdr), + 0, + (SLAB_HWCACHE_ALIGN | SLAB_PANIC), + NULL); + + if (!cl_hw->sw_txhdr_cache) { + cl_dbg_verbose(cl_hw, "sw_txhdr_cache NULL\n"); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int cl_sw_txhdr_init(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + u16 sw_txhdr_pool = cl_hw->conf->ci_sw_txhdr_pool; + + if (sw_txhdr_pool) + return cl_sw_txhdr_init_pool(cl_hw, sw_txhdr_pool); + else + return cl_sw_txhdr_init_cache(cl_hw); +} + +static void cl_sw_txhdr_deinit_pool(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr, *tmp; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(sw_txhdr, tmp, &cl_hw->head_sw_txhdr_pool, list_pool) { + list_del(&sw_txhdr->list_pool); + kfree(sw_txhdr); + } +} + +static void cl_sw_txhdr_deinit_cache(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + kmem_cache_destroy(cl_hw->sw_txhdr_cache); +} + +void cl_sw_txhdr_deinit(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + if (cl_hw->conf->ci_sw_txhdr_pool) + cl_sw_txhdr_deinit_pool(cl_hw); + else + cl_sw_txhdr_deinit_cache(cl_hw); +} + +static inline struct cl_sw_txhdr *cl_sw_txhdr_alloc_pool(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr = NULL; + + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->lock_sw_txhdr_pool); + sw_txhdr = list_first_entry_or_null(&cl_hw->head_sw_txhdr_pool, + struct cl_sw_txhdr, list_pool); + + if (sw_txhdr) { + list_del(&sw_txhdr->list_pool); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->lock_sw_txhdr_pool); + return sw_txhdr; + } + + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->lock_sw_txhdr_pool); + return NULL; +} + +static inline struct cl_sw_txhdr *cl_sw_txhdr_alloc_cache(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + return kmem_cache_alloc(cl_hw->sw_txhdr_cache, GFP_ATOMIC); +} + +struct cl_sw_txhdr *cl_sw_txhdr_alloc(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + if (cl_hw->conf->ci_sw_txhdr_pool) + return cl_sw_txhdr_alloc_pool(cl_hw); + else + return cl_sw_txhdr_alloc_cache(cl_hw); +} + +static inline void cl_sw_txhdr_free_pool(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr) +{ + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->lock_sw_txhdr_pool); + list_add_tail(&sw_txhdr->list_pool, &cl_hw->head_sw_txhdr_pool); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->lock_sw_txhdr_pool); +} + +static inline void cl_sw_txhdr_free_cache(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr) +{ + kmem_cache_free(cl_hw->sw_txhdr_cache, sw_txhdr); +} + +void cl_sw_txhdr_free(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr) +{ + if (cl_hw->conf->ci_sw_txhdr_pool) + cl_sw_txhdr_free_pool(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + else + cl_sw_txhdr_free_cache(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); +} + +#define CL_AMSDU_HDR_LEN 14 + +static bool cl_tx_amsdu_is_sw(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + struct sk_buff *skb, u16 pkt_len) +{ + bool syn_rst_push = false; + bool tcp_ack = false; + + if (cl_hw->conf->ci_tx_sw_amsdu_max_packets <= 1) + return false; + + tcp_ack = cl_is_tcp_ack(skb, &syn_rst_push); + + if (!tcp_ack || syn_rst_push) + return false; + + if ((cl_wrs_api_get_tx_sta_data_rate(cl_sta) * cl_sta->ampdu_min_spacing) <= + (pkt_len << 3)) + return false; + + return true; +} + +static int cl_tx_amsdu_anchor_set(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + struct sk_buff *skb, u8 tid) +{ + /* + * Packet length calculation in HW - + * Add 802.11 header (maximum possible size) instead if 802.3 + * Add AMSDU header + * Add RFC1042 header (according to ether-type) + * Add IV and ICV (if there is encryption) + */ + struct cl_amsdu_ctrl *amsdu_anchor = &cl_sta->amsdu_anchor[tid]; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + struct ieee80211_key_conf *key_conf = tx_info->control.hw_key; + u16 ethertype = (skb->data[12] << 8) | skb->data[13]; + u16 pkt_len = skb->len + CL_WLAN_HEADER_MAX_SIZE; + + if (key_conf) + pkt_len += (key_conf->iv_len + key_conf->icv_len); + + if (ethertype >= ETH_P_802_3_MIN) + pkt_len += sizeof(rfc1042_header); + + amsdu_anchor->rem_len = amsdu_anchor->max_len - pkt_len; + amsdu_anchor->packet_cnt = 1; + amsdu_anchor->is_sw_amsdu = cl_tx_amsdu_is_sw(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb, pkt_len); + + return CL_AMSDU_ANCHOR_SET; +} + +static void cl_tx_amsdu_anchor_umacdesc_update(struct txdesc *txdesc, u8 idx, + u16 len, dma_addr_t dma_addr, + bool is_padding) +{ + struct lmacapi *umacdesc = &txdesc->umacdesc; + + umacdesc->packet_len[idx] = cpu_to_le16(len); + umacdesc->packet_addr[idx] = cpu_to_le32(dma_addr); + txdesc->host_info.packet_cnt++; + + /* Update padding bit of current msdu sub-frame */ + if (is_padding) + txdesc->host_info.host_padding |= BIT(idx); +} + +static struct cl_amsdu_txhdr *cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_alloc(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + if (cl_hw->conf->ci_amsdu_txhdr_pool) { + struct cl_amsdu_txhdr *amsdu_txhdr = + list_first_entry_or_null(&cl_hw->head_amsdu_txhdr_pool, + struct cl_amsdu_txhdr, + list_pool); + + if (amsdu_txhdr) { + list_del(&amsdu_txhdr->list_pool); + return amsdu_txhdr; + } + + return NULL; + } else { + return kmem_cache_alloc(cl_hw->amsdu_txhdr_cache, GFP_ATOMIC); + } +} + +static void _cl_tx_amsdu_transfer_single(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, + struct sk_buff *skb, + struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + u8 tid) +{ + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info; + + tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + tx_info->flags &= ~IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU; + tx_info->control.flags &= ~IEEE80211_TX_CTRL_AMSDU; + + if (cl_tx_8023_to_wlan(cl_hw, skb, cl_sta, tid) == 0) { + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.transfer.agg_to_single++; + cl_tx_single(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb, false, false); + } +} + +static void cl_tx_amsdu_set_sw_sub_amsdu_hdr(struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + u16 ethertype = (skb->data[12] << 8) | skb->data[13]; + int rfc1042_len = 0; + void *data; + struct ethhdr *amsdu_hdr; + + if (ethertype >= ETH_P_802_3_MIN) + rfc1042_len = sizeof(rfc1042_header); + + data = skb_push(skb, rfc1042_len + 2); + memmove(data, data + rfc1042_len + 2, 2 * ETH_ALEN); + + amsdu_hdr = (struct ethhdr *)data; + amsdu_hdr->h_proto = cpu_to_be16(skb->len - ETH_HLEN); + + memcpy(data + ETH_HLEN, rfc1042_header, rfc1042_len); +} + +static int cl_tx_amsdu_add_sw_amsdu_hdr(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, + struct cl_amsdu_ctrl *amsdu_anchor) +{ + struct cl_sw_txhdr *anchor_sw_txhdr = amsdu_anchor->sw_txhdr; + struct sk_buff *skb = anchor_sw_txhdr->skb; + struct cl_sta *cl_sta = anchor_sw_txhdr->cl_sta; + struct ieee80211_hdr hdr; + u16 ethertype = (skb->data[12] << 8) | skb->data[13]; + u16 hdrlen = cl_tx_prepare_wlan_hdr(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb, &hdr); + int rfc1042_len = 0; + int head_need = 0; + u8 enc_len = cl_key_get_cipher_len(skb); + u16 qos_ctrl = anchor_sw_txhdr->tid | IEEE80211_QOS_CTL_A_MSDU_PRESENT; + + if (!hdrlen) + return -EINVAL; + + if (ethertype >= ETH_P_802_3_MIN) + rfc1042_len = sizeof(rfc1042_header); + + amsdu_anchor->hdrlen = hdrlen; + head_need = hdrlen + enc_len + rfc1042_len - skb_headroom(skb); + if (head_need > 0) { + head_need = ((head_need + 3) & ~3); + if (pskb_expand_head(skb, head_need, 0, GFP_ATOMIC)) + return -ENOMEM; + } + + cl_tx_amsdu_set_sw_sub_amsdu_hdr(skb); + + skb_push(skb, hdrlen + enc_len); + memcpy(skb->data, &hdr, hdrlen - 2); + memcpy(skb->data + hdrlen - 2, &qos_ctrl, 2); + skb_reset_mac_header(skb); + anchor_sw_txhdr->txdesc.e2w_natt_param.hdr_conv_enable = false; + anchor_sw_txhdr->hdr80211 = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data; + + return 0; +} + +static int cl_tx_amsdu_sw_aggregate(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, + struct cl_amsdu_ctrl *amsdu_anchor, + struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + struct cl_sw_txhdr *anchor_sw_txhdr = amsdu_anchor->sw_txhdr; + struct sk_buff *anchor_skb = anchor_sw_txhdr->skb; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(anchor_skb); + struct ieee80211_key_conf *key_conf = tx_info->control.hw_key; + u16 total_frame_len = 0; + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue = anchor_sw_txhdr->tx_queue; + int head_pad = 0; + int sub_pad = 0; + bool syn_rst_push = false; + bool tcp_ack = cl_is_tcp_ack(skb, &syn_rst_push); + + /* Worst case: rfc1042(6) + ET(2) + pad(2) = 10 */ + if (!tcp_ack || + (skb_tailroom(anchor_skb) < (skb->len + 10))) { + if (tx_queue->num_packets == 1) + cl_txq_sched(cl_hw, tx_queue); + cl_tx_amsdu_anchor_init(amsdu_anchor); + return cl_tx_amsdu_anchor_set(cl_hw, anchor_sw_txhdr->cl_sta, + skb, anchor_sw_txhdr->tid); + } + + if (amsdu_anchor->packet_cnt == 1 && + cl_tx_amsdu_add_sw_amsdu_hdr(cl_hw, amsdu_anchor)) + return CL_AMSDU_FAILED; + + cl_tx_amsdu_set_sw_sub_amsdu_hdr(skb); + sub_pad = CL_SKB_DATA_ALIGN_PADS(anchor_skb->len - + amsdu_anchor->hdrlen); + memset(skb_push(skb, sub_pad), 0, sub_pad); + memcpy(skb_put(anchor_skb, skb->len), skb->data, skb->len); + + kfree_skb(skb); + amsdu_anchor->packet_cnt++; + anchor_sw_txhdr->sw_amsdu_packet_cnt++; + head_pad = CL_SKB_DATA_ALIGN_PADS(anchor_skb->data); + + if (head_pad) { + anchor_sw_txhdr->map_len = anchor_skb->len + head_pad; + anchor_sw_txhdr->txdesc.host_info.host_padding |= BIT(0); + } else { + anchor_sw_txhdr->map_len = anchor_skb->len; + anchor_sw_txhdr->txdesc.host_info.host_padding = 0; + } + + total_frame_len = anchor_skb->len; + if (key_conf) + total_frame_len += key_conf->icv_len; + + anchor_sw_txhdr->txdesc.umacdesc.packet_len[0] = cpu_to_le16(total_frame_len); + + if (amsdu_anchor->packet_cnt == cl_hw->conf->ci_tx_sw_amsdu_max_packets || + syn_rst_push) { + if (tx_queue->num_packets == 1) + cl_txq_sched(cl_hw, tx_queue); + cl_tx_amsdu_anchor_init(amsdu_anchor); + } + + return CL_AMSDU_SUB_FRAME_SET; +} + +void cl_tx_amsdu_anchor_init(struct cl_amsdu_ctrl *amsdu_anchor) +{ + amsdu_anchor->rem_len = amsdu_anchor->max_len; + amsdu_anchor->sw_txhdr = NULL; + amsdu_anchor->packet_cnt = 0; + amsdu_anchor->is_sw_amsdu = false; +} + +void cl_tx_amsdu_anchor_reset(struct cl_amsdu_ctrl *amsdu_anchor) +{ + amsdu_anchor->sw_txhdr = NULL; + amsdu_anchor->rem_len = 0; + amsdu_anchor->max_len = 0; + amsdu_anchor->packet_cnt = 0; + amsdu_anchor->is_sw_amsdu = false; +} + +void cl_tx_amsdu_set_max_len(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, u8 tid) +{ + struct ieee80211_sta_vht_cap *vht_cap = &cl_sta->sta->vht_cap; + struct cl_amsdu_ctrl *amsdu_anchor = &cl_sta->amsdu_anchor[tid]; + u32 length = U32_MAX; + + amsdu_anchor->max_len = 3839; + + if (cl_band_is_6g(cl_hw)) { + u16 capa = le16_to_cpu(cl_sta->sta->he_6ghz_capa.capa); + + length = (capa & IEEE80211_HE_6GHZ_CAP_MAX_MPDU_LEN) >> + HE_6GHZ_CAP_MAX_MPDU_LEN_OFFSET; + } else if (vht_cap->vht_supported) { + length = vht_cap->cap & IEEE80211_VHT_CAP_MAX_MPDU_MASK; + } + + switch (length) { + case IEEE80211_VHT_CAP_MAX_MPDU_LENGTH_3895: + amsdu_anchor->max_len = 3895; + break; + case IEEE80211_VHT_CAP_MAX_MPDU_LENGTH_7991: + amsdu_anchor->max_len = 7991; + break; + case IEEE80211_VHT_CAP_MAX_MPDU_LENGTH_11454: + amsdu_anchor->max_len = 11454; + break; + default: + break; + } + + amsdu_anchor->rem_len = amsdu_anchor->max_len; + + cl_dbg_trace(cl_hw, "AMSDU supported - sta_idx=%u, max_len=%d\n", + cl_sta->sta_idx, amsdu_anchor->max_len); +} + +void cl_tx_amsdu_first_sub_frame(struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + struct sk_buff *skb, u8 tid) +{ + /* Set the anchor sw_txhdr */ + cl_sta->amsdu_anchor[tid].sw_txhdr = sw_txhdr; + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sw_txhdr->amsdu_txhdr.list); + sw_txhdr->amsdu_txhdr.skb = skb; +} + +void cl_tx_amsdu_flush_sub_frames(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr) +{ + struct cl_amsdu_txhdr *amsdu_txhdr = NULL, *tmp = NULL; + struct sk_buff *sub_skb = NULL; + + /* Free mid & last AMSDU sub frames */ + list_for_each_entry_safe(amsdu_txhdr, tmp, &sw_txhdr->amsdu_txhdr.list, list) { + sub_skb = amsdu_txhdr->skb; + list_del(&amsdu_txhdr->list); + + dma_unmap_single(cl_hw->chip->dev, amsdu_txhdr->dma_addr, + (size_t)sub_skb->len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + kfree_skb(sub_skb); + cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_free(cl_hw, amsdu_txhdr); + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.queue_flush++; + sw_txhdr->cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[sw_txhdr->ac].tx_dropped++; + } + + /* Free first AMSDU sub frame */ + kfree_skb(sw_txhdr->skb); + cl_sw_txhdr_free(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); +} + +void cl_tx_amsdu_transfer_single(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr) +{ + /* + * Transfer all skbs in sw_txhdr to a temporary list, free sw_txhdr, + * and then push the temporary list to the single path. + */ + struct cl_amsdu_txhdr *amsdu_txhdr, *tmp; + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct cl_sta *cl_sta = sw_txhdr->cl_sta; + u8 tid = sw_txhdr->tid; + + /* Transfer first AMSDU sub frame */ + _cl_tx_amsdu_transfer_single(cl_hw, sw_txhdr->skb, cl_sta, tid); + + /* Transfer mid & last AMSDU sub frames */ + list_for_each_entry_safe(amsdu_txhdr, tmp, &sw_txhdr->amsdu_txhdr.list, list) { + skb = amsdu_txhdr->skb; + + list_del(&amsdu_txhdr->list); + dma_unmap_single(cl_hw->chip->dev, amsdu_txhdr->dma_addr, + (size_t)skb->len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_free(cl_hw, amsdu_txhdr); + + _cl_tx_amsdu_transfer_single(cl_hw, skb, cl_sta, tid); + } +} + +int cl_tx_amsdu_set(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, struct sk_buff *skb, u8 tid) +{ + struct cl_amsdu_ctrl *amsdu_anchor = &cl_sta->amsdu_anchor[tid]; + struct cl_sw_txhdr *anchor_sw_txhdr = amsdu_anchor->sw_txhdr; + u16 packet_len = skb->len; + u8 packet_cnt; + bool is_mesh = ieee80211_vif_is_mesh(cl_sta->cl_vif->vif); + u8 packet_cnt_max = cl_hw->txamsdu_en; + + /* Check if anchor exist */ + if (!anchor_sw_txhdr) { + /* Sanity check - skb len < amsdu_max_len */ + if (unlikely(packet_len > amsdu_anchor->max_len) || is_mesh) + return CL_AMSDU_SKIP; + else + return cl_tx_amsdu_anchor_set(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb, tid); + } + + if (amsdu_anchor->is_sw_amsdu) + return cl_tx_amsdu_sw_aggregate(cl_hw, amsdu_anchor, skb); + + /* + * 1. Check if there is enough space in AMSDU + * 2. Check if A-MSDU packet count is less than maximum. + */ + packet_cnt = amsdu_anchor->packet_cnt; + + if (amsdu_anchor->rem_len > packet_len && + packet_cnt < packet_cnt_max && + !is_mesh) { + struct cl_amsdu_txhdr *amsdu_txhdr = NULL; + u8 hdr_pads = CL_SKB_DATA_ALIGN_PADS(skb->data); + u16 ethertype = (skb->data[12] << 8) | skb->data[13]; + u16 total_packet_len = packet_len + hdr_pads; + u16 curr_amsdu_len = amsdu_anchor->max_len - amsdu_anchor->rem_len; + dma_addr_t dma_addr; + + if (ethertype >= ETH_P_802_3_MIN) + total_packet_len += sizeof(rfc1042_header); + + /* + * High number of MSDUs in AMSDU can cause underrun in the + * E2W module. + * Therefore, host is required to set Num MSDU in AMSDU using + * the following rules + * + * AMSDU Length AMSDU agg size + * len < 4*256 3 or less + * len >= 4*256 4 or less + * len >= 5*256 5 or less + * len >= 6*256 6 or less + * len >= 7*256 7 or less + * len >= 8*256 8 or less + */ + if (packet_cnt >= CL_AMSDU_MIN_AGG_SIZE) { + u16 new_amsdu_len = curr_amsdu_len + packet_len; + + if (new_amsdu_len < ((packet_cnt + 1) * CL_AMSDU_CONST_LEN)) + return cl_tx_amsdu_anchor_set(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb, tid); + } + + amsdu_txhdr = cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_alloc(cl_hw); + if (unlikely(!amsdu_txhdr)) { + kfree_skb(skb); + cl_dbg_err(cl_hw, "AMSDU FAILED to alloc amsdu txhdr\n"); + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.amsdu_alloc_fail++; + cl_sta->cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[anchor_sw_txhdr->ac].tx_errors++; + return CL_AMSDU_FAILED; + } + + amsdu_txhdr->skb = skb; + list_add_tail(&amsdu_txhdr->list, &anchor_sw_txhdr->amsdu_txhdr.list); + + /* Update anchor fields */ + amsdu_anchor->rem_len -= total_packet_len; + amsdu_anchor->packet_cnt++; + + /* Get DMA address for skb */ + dma_addr = dma_map_single(cl_hw->chip->dev, (u8 *)skb->data - hdr_pads, + packet_len + hdr_pads, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + if (WARN_ON(dma_mapping_error(cl_hw->chip->dev, dma_addr))) { + kfree_skb(skb); + cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_free(cl_hw, amsdu_txhdr); + cl_dbg_err(cl_hw, "dma_mapping_error\n"); + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.amsdu_dma_map_err++; + cl_sta->cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[anchor_sw_txhdr->ac].tx_errors++; + return CL_AMSDU_FAILED; + } + + /* Add AMSDU HDR len of the first packet */ + if (amsdu_anchor->packet_cnt == 2) + total_packet_len += CL_AMSDU_HDR_LEN; + + amsdu_txhdr->dma_addr = dma_addr; + + /* Update sw_txhdr packet_len, packet_addr, packet_cnt fields */ + cl_tx_amsdu_anchor_umacdesc_update(&anchor_sw_txhdr->txdesc, packet_cnt, + packet_len, dma_addr, hdr_pads); + + /* If we reached max AMSDU payload count, mark anchor as NULL */ + if (amsdu_anchor->packet_cnt >= packet_cnt_max) + cl_tx_amsdu_anchor_init(amsdu_anchor); + + return CL_AMSDU_SUB_FRAME_SET; + } + /* Not enough space remain, set new anchor length is ok */ + if (unlikely(packet_len > amsdu_anchor->max_len) || is_mesh) { + cl_tx_amsdu_anchor_init(amsdu_anchor); + return CL_AMSDU_SKIP; + } else { + return cl_tx_amsdu_anchor_set(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb, tid); + } +} + +void cl_tx_amsdu_unset(struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr) +{ + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(sw_txhdr->skb); + + tx_info->control.flags &= ~IEEE80211_TX_CTRL_AMSDU; + + sw_txhdr->txdesc.e2w_txhdr_param.qos_ctrl &= + ~cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_QOS_CTL_A_MSDU_PRESENT); +} + +/* + * Two options for allocating cl_amsdu_txhdr: + * 1) pool + * 2) cache + */ + +static int cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_init_pool(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + u16 amsdu_txhdr_pool = cl_hw->conf->ci_amsdu_txhdr_pool; + u32 i = 0; + u32 amsdu_txhdr_pool_size = amsdu_txhdr_pool * sizeof(struct cl_amsdu_txhdr); + struct cl_amsdu_txhdr *amsdu_txhdr; + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cl_hw->head_amsdu_txhdr_pool); + + for (i = 0; i < amsdu_txhdr_pool; i++) { + amsdu_txhdr = kzalloc(sizeof(*amsdu_txhdr), GFP_ATOMIC); + + if (unlikely(!amsdu_txhdr)) { + cl_dbg_err(cl_hw, "amsdu_txhdr NULL\n"); + return -1; + } + + list_add(&amsdu_txhdr->list_pool, &cl_hw->head_amsdu_txhdr_pool); + } + + cl_dbg_verbose(cl_hw, " - pool %u, size %u\n", + amsdu_txhdr_pool, amsdu_txhdr_pool_size); + + return 0; +} + +static int cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_init_cache(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + char amsdu_txhdr_cache_name[MODULE_NAME_LEN + 32] = {0}; + + snprintf(amsdu_txhdr_cache_name, sizeof(amsdu_txhdr_cache_name), + "%s_amsdu_txhdr_cache", THIS_MODULE->name); + + cl_hw->amsdu_txhdr_cache = kmem_cache_create(amsdu_txhdr_cache_name, + sizeof(struct cl_amsdu_txhdr), + 0, + (SLAB_HWCACHE_ALIGN | SLAB_PANIC), + NULL); + + if (!cl_hw->amsdu_txhdr_cache) { + cl_dbg_err(cl_hw, "amsdu_txhdr_cache NULL\n"); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_init(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + if (cl_hw->conf->ci_amsdu_txhdr_pool) + return cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_init_pool(cl_hw); + else + return cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_init_cache(cl_hw); +} + +static void cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_deinit_pool(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + struct cl_amsdu_txhdr *amsdu_txhdr, *tmp; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(amsdu_txhdr, tmp, &cl_hw->head_amsdu_txhdr_pool, list_pool) { + list_del(&amsdu_txhdr->list_pool); + kfree(amsdu_txhdr); + } +} + +static void cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_deinit_cache(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + kmem_cache_destroy(cl_hw->amsdu_txhdr_cache); +} + +void cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_deinit(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + if (cl_hw->conf->ci_amsdu_txhdr_pool) + cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_deinit_pool(cl_hw); + else + cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_deinit_cache(cl_hw); +} + +void cl_tx_amsdu_txhdr_free(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_amsdu_txhdr *amsdu_txhdr) +{ + if (cl_hw->conf->ci_amsdu_txhdr_pool) + list_add_tail(&amsdu_txhdr->list_pool, &cl_hw->head_amsdu_txhdr_pool); + else + kmem_cache_free(cl_hw->amsdu_txhdr_cache, amsdu_txhdr); +} + +static const u8 cl_tid2hwq[IEEE80211_NUM_TIDS] = { + CL_HWQ_BE, + CL_HWQ_BK, + CL_HWQ_BK, + CL_HWQ_BE, + CL_HWQ_VI, + CL_HWQ_VI, + CL_HWQ_VO, + CL_HWQ_VO, + /* At the moment, all others TID are mapped to BE */ + CL_HWQ_BE, + CL_HWQ_BE, + CL_HWQ_BE, + CL_HWQ_BE, + CL_HWQ_BE, + CL_HWQ_BE, + CL_HWQ_BE, + CL_HWQ_BE, +}; + +static void cl_txq_sched_list_add(struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue, struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + /* Add to schedule queue */ + if (tx_queue->sched) + return; + + tx_queue->sched = true; + if (tx_queue->type == QUEUE_TYPE_AGG) + list_add_tail(&tx_queue->sched_list, &cl_hw->list_sched_q_agg); + else + list_add_tail(&tx_queue->sched_list, &cl_hw->list_sched_q_single); +} + +static void cl_txq_sched_list_remove(struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue) +{ + /* Remove from schedule queue */ + if (tx_queue->sched) { + tx_queue->sched = false; + list_del(&tx_queue->sched_list); + } +} + +static void cl_txq_sched_list_remove_if_empty(struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue) +{ + /* If queue is empty remove it from schedule list */ + if (list_empty(&tx_queue->hdrs)) + cl_txq_sched_list_remove(tx_queue); +} + +static void cl_txq_transfer_single_to_agg(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, + struct cl_tx_queue *single_queue, + struct cl_tx_queue *agg_queue, u8 tid) +{ + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr, *sw_txhdr_tmp; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info; + struct sk_buff *skb; + u8 hdr_pads; + + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + + if (single_queue->num_packets == 0) + goto out; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(sw_txhdr, sw_txhdr_tmp, &single_queue->hdrs, tx_queue_list) { + if (sw_txhdr->tid != tid) + continue; + + if (!ieee80211_is_data_qos(sw_txhdr->fc)) + continue; + + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.transfer.single_to_agg++; + + /* Remove from single queue */ + list_del(&sw_txhdr->tx_queue_list); + + /* Update single queue counters */ + single_queue->num_packets--; + single_queue->total_packets--; + + /* Turn on AMPDU flag */ + skb = sw_txhdr->skb; + tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + tx_info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU; + + /* Convert header back and Push skb to agg queue */ + cl_tx_wlan_to_8023(skb); + hdr_pads = CL_SKB_DATA_ALIGN_PADS(skb->data); + cl_tx_agg_prep(cl_hw, sw_txhdr, skb->len, hdr_pads, true); + agg_queue->total_packets++; + sw_txhdr->hdr80211 = NULL; + sw_txhdr->tx_queue = agg_queue; + cl_txq_push(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + + /* Schedule tasklet to try and empty the queue */ + tasklet_schedule(&cl_hw->tx_task); + } + + /* If single queue is empty remove it from schedule list */ + cl_txq_sched_list_remove_if_empty(single_queue); + +out: + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); +} + +static void cl_txq_delete_packets(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue, u8 sta_idx) +{ + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr, *sw_txhdr_tmp; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(sw_txhdr, sw_txhdr_tmp, &tx_queue->hdrs, tx_queue_list) { + /* + * Brodcast frames do not have cl_sta and should not be + * deleted at station remove sequence. + */ + if (!sw_txhdr->cl_sta) + continue; + + if (sw_txhdr->sta_idx != sta_idx) + continue; + + list_del(&sw_txhdr->tx_queue_list); + tx_queue->num_packets--; + + cl_tx_single_free_skb(cl_hw, sw_txhdr->skb); + cl_sw_txhdr_free(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + } + + /* If queue is empty remove it from schedule list */ + cl_txq_sched_list_remove_if_empty(tx_queue); +} + +static void cl_txq_reset_counters(struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue) +{ + tx_queue->total_fw_push_desc = 0; + tx_queue->total_fw_push_skb = 0; + tx_queue->total_fw_cfm = 0; + tx_queue->total_packets = 0; + tx_queue->dump_queue_full = 0; + tx_queue->dump_dma_map_fail = 0; + + memset(tx_queue->stats_hw_amsdu_cnt, 0, + sizeof(tx_queue->stats_hw_amsdu_cnt)); + + memset(tx_queue->stats_sw_amsdu_cnt, 0, + sizeof(tx_queue->stats_sw_amsdu_cnt)); +} + +static void cl_txq_flush(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue) +{ + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr, *sw_txhdr_tmp; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info; + + if (tx_queue->num_packets == 0) + return; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(sw_txhdr, sw_txhdr_tmp, &tx_queue->hdrs, tx_queue_list) { + list_del(&sw_txhdr->tx_queue_list); + tx_queue->num_packets--; + + /* Can not send AMSDU frames as singles */ + tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(sw_txhdr->skb); + + /* Free mid & last AMSDU sub frames */ + if (cl_tx_ctrl_is_amsdu(tx_info)) { + cl_tx_amsdu_flush_sub_frames(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + } else { + if (tx_queue->type == QUEUE_TYPE_SINGLE) + cl_tx_single_free_skb(cl_hw, sw_txhdr->skb); + else + kfree_skb(sw_txhdr->skb); + + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.drop.queue_flush++; + sw_txhdr->cl_vif->trfc_cntrs[sw_txhdr->ac].tx_dropped++; + cl_sw_txhdr_free(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + } + } + + /* Remove from schedule queue */ + cl_txq_sched_list_remove(tx_queue); + + /* Sanity check that queue is empty */ + WARN_ON(tx_queue->num_packets > 0); +} + +static void cl_txq_agg_size_set(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue = NULL; + u16 new_size = 0; + u16 drv_max_size = 0; + int i = 0; + int j = 0; + + if (!cl_hw->used_agg_queues || !cl_hw->conf->ci_tx_packet_limit) + return; + + new_size = cl_hw->conf->ci_tx_packet_limit / cl_hw->used_agg_queues; + drv_max_size = max(new_size, cl_hw->conf->ci_tx_queue_size_agg); + + for (i = 0; i < IPC_MAX_BA_SESSIONS; i++) { + tx_queue = &cl_hw->tx_queues->agg[i]; + + if (!tx_queue->cl_sta) + continue; + + tx_queue->max_packets = drv_max_size; + + j++; + if (j == cl_hw->used_agg_queues) + break; + } + + cl_dbg_trace(cl_hw, "drv_max_size = %u\n", drv_max_size); +} + +static int cl_txq_request_find(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u8 sta_idx, u8 tid) +{ + int i = 0; + struct cl_req_agg_db *req_agg_db = NULL; + u8 req_agg_queues = 0; + + for (i = 0; (i < IPC_MAX_BA_SESSIONS) && (req_agg_queues < cl_hw->req_agg_queues); i++) { + req_agg_db = &cl_hw->req_agg_db[i]; + + if (!req_agg_db->is_used) + continue; + + req_agg_queues++; + + if (sta_idx == req_agg_db->sta_idx && tid == req_agg_db->tid) + return i; + } + + return -1; +} + +static void cl_txq_push_cntrs_update(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue, + u32 orig_drv_cnt, u32 orig_fw_cnt) +{ + u32 total_pushed; + u32 idx; + + if (!cl_hw->conf->ci_tx_push_cntrs_stat_en) + return; + + total_pushed = orig_drv_cnt - tx_queue->num_packets; + idx = tx_queue->push_cntrs_db.tx_push_logger_idx % TX_PUSH_LOGGER_SIZE; + tx_queue->push_cntrs_db.tx_push_cntr_hist[total_pushed]++; + tx_queue->push_cntrs_db.tx_push_logger[idx][TX_PUSH_LOGGER_DRV_CNT] = orig_drv_cnt; + tx_queue->push_cntrs_db.tx_push_logger[idx][TX_PUSH_LOGGER_FW_CNT] = orig_fw_cnt; + tx_queue->push_cntrs_db.tx_push_logger[idx][TX_PUSH_LOGGER_PKT_PUSHED] = total_pushed; + ++tx_queue->push_cntrs_db.tx_push_logger_idx; +} + +static void cl_txq_task_single(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + /* Schedule single queues */ + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue, *tx_queue_tmp; + + spin_lock(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + + list_for_each_entry_safe(tx_queue, tx_queue_tmp, &cl_hw->list_sched_q_single, sched_list) + cl_txq_sched(cl_hw, tx_queue); + + /* Rotate the queue so next schedule will start with a different queue */ + list_rotate_left(&cl_hw->list_sched_q_single); + + spin_unlock(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); +} + +static void cl_txq_task_agg(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + /* Schedule agg queueus */ + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue, *tx_queue_tmp; + + spin_lock(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); + + list_for_each_entry_safe(tx_queue, tx_queue_tmp, &cl_hw->list_sched_q_agg, sched_list) + cl_txq_sched(cl_hw, tx_queue); + + /* Rotate the queue so next schedule will start with a different queue */ + list_rotate_left(&cl_hw->list_sched_q_agg); + + spin_unlock(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); +} + +static void cl_txq_task(unsigned long data) +{ + struct cl_hw *cl_hw = (struct cl_hw *)data; + + cl_txq_task_single(cl_hw); + cl_txq_task_agg(cl_hw); +} + +static void cl_txq_agg_inc_usage_cntr(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + /* Should be called in cl_hw->tx_lock_agg context */ + cl_hw->used_agg_queues++; + cl_txq_agg_size_set(cl_hw); +} + +static void cl_txq_agg_dec_usage_cntr(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + /* Should be called in cl_hw->tx_lock_agg context */ + WARN_ON_ONCE(cl_hw->used_agg_queues == 0); + + cl_hw->used_agg_queues--; + cl_txq_agg_size_set(cl_hw); +} + +static void cl_txq_init_single(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue; + u32 i; + + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cl_hw->list_sched_q_single); + + for (i = 0; i < MAX_SINGLE_QUEUES; i++) { + tx_queue = &cl_hw->tx_queues->single[i]; + memset(tx_queue, 0, sizeof(struct cl_tx_queue)); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tx_queue->hdrs); + tx_queue->hw_index = i / FW_MAX_NUM_STA; + tx_queue->fw_max_size = IPC_TXDESC_CNT_SINGLE; + tx_queue->fw_free_space = IPC_TXDESC_CNT_SINGLE; + tx_queue->index = i; + tx_queue->max_packets = cl_hw->conf->ci_tx_queue_size_single; + tx_queue->type = QUEUE_TYPE_SINGLE; + } + + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); +} + +static void cl_txq_init_bcmc(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue; + + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_bcmc); + + tx_queue = &cl_hw->tx_queues->bcmc; + memset(tx_queue, 0, sizeof(struct cl_tx_queue)); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tx_queue->hdrs); + tx_queue->hw_index = CL_HWQ_BCN; + tx_queue->fw_max_size = IPC_TXDESC_CNT_BCMC; + tx_queue->fw_free_space = IPC_TXDESC_CNT_BCMC; + tx_queue->index = 0; + tx_queue->max_packets = 0; + tx_queue->type = QUEUE_TYPE_BCMC; + + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_bcmc); +} + +static void cl_txq_init_agg(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cl_hw->list_sched_q_agg); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); +} + +static void cl_txq_agg_request_reset(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + cl_hw->req_agg_queues = 0; + memset(cl_hw->req_agg_db, 0, sizeof(cl_hw->req_agg_db)); +} + +void cl_txq_init(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + tasklet_init(&cl_hw->tx_task, cl_txq_task, (unsigned long)cl_hw); + + cl_txq_agg_request_reset(cl_hw); + cl_txq_init_single(cl_hw); + cl_txq_init_bcmc(cl_hw); + cl_txq_init_agg(cl_hw); +} + +void cl_txq_stop(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + tasklet_kill(&cl_hw->tx_task); +} + +struct cl_tx_queue *cl_txq_get(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr) +{ + struct cl_sta *cl_sta = sw_txhdr->cl_sta; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(sw_txhdr->skb); + u8 hw_queue = sw_txhdr->hw_queue; + + if (!cl_sta && + hw_queue == CL_HWQ_VO && + is_multicast_ether_addr(sw_txhdr->hdr80211->addr1)) { + /* + * If HW queue is VO and packet is multicast, it was not buffered + * by mac80211, and it should be pushed to the high-priority queue + * and not to the bcmc queue. + */ + return &cl_hw->tx_queues->single[HIGH_PRIORITY_QUEUE]; + } else if (!cl_sta && + (hw_queue != CL_HWQ_BCN) && + !(tx_info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER)) { + /* + * If station is NULL, but HW queue is not BCN, + * it most go to the high-priority queue. + */ + tx_info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER; + sw_txhdr->hw_queue = CL_HWQ_VO; + return &cl_hw->tx_queues->single[HIGH_PRIORITY_QUEUE]; + } else if (cl_sta && (tx_info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU)) { + /* Agg packet */ + return cl_sta->agg_tx_queues[sw_txhdr->tid]; + } else if (hw_queue == CL_HWQ_BCN) { + return &cl_hw->tx_queues->bcmc; + } else if (tx_info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_PS_BUFFER) { + /* + * Only frames that are power save response or non-bufferable MMPDU + * will have this flag set our driver will push those frame to the + * highiest priority queue. + */ + return &cl_hw->tx_queues->single[HIGH_PRIORITY_QUEUE]; + } + + return &cl_hw->tx_queues->single[QUEUE_IDX(sw_txhdr->sta_idx, hw_queue)]; +} + +void cl_txq_push(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr) +{ + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue = sw_txhdr->tx_queue; + + if (tx_queue->num_packets < tx_queue->max_packets) { + tx_queue->num_packets++; + + /* + * This prioritization of action frames helps Samsung Galaxy Note 8 to + * open BA session more easily, when phy dev is PHY_DEV_OLYMPUS + * and helps open BA on all system emulators + */ + if (ieee80211_is_action(sw_txhdr->fc) && !IS_REAL_PHY(cl_hw->chip)) + list_add(&sw_txhdr->tx_queue_list, &tx_queue->hdrs); + else + list_add_tail(&sw_txhdr->tx_queue_list, &tx_queue->hdrs); + + /* If it is the first packet in the queue, add the queue to the sched list */ + cl_txq_sched_list_add(tx_queue, cl_hw); + } else { + struct cl_sta *cl_sta = sw_txhdr->cl_sta; + u8 tid = sw_txhdr->tid; + + /* If the SW queue full, release the packet */ + tx_queue->dump_queue_full++; + + if (cl_sta && cl_sta->amsdu_anchor[tid].sw_txhdr) { + if (cl_sta->amsdu_anchor[tid].sw_txhdr == sw_txhdr) { + cl_sta->amsdu_anchor[tid].sw_txhdr = NULL; + cl_sta->amsdu_anchor[tid].packet_cnt = 0; + } + } + + dev_kfree_skb_any(sw_txhdr->skb); + cl_sw_txhdr_free(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + + /* Schedule tasklet to try and empty the queue */ + tasklet_schedule(&cl_hw->tx_task); + } +} + +void cl_txq_sched(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue) +{ + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr, *sw_txhdr_tmp; + u32 orig_drv_cnt = tx_queue->num_packets; + u32 orig_fw_cnt = cl_txq_desc_in_fw(tx_queue); + struct cl_sta *cl_sta = tx_queue->cl_sta; + + if (!test_bit(CL_DEV_STARTED, &cl_hw->drv_flags) || + cl_hw->tx_disable_flags || + cl_txq_is_fw_full(tx_queue) || + (cl_sta && cl_sta->pause_tx)) + return; + + /* Go over all descriptors in queue */ + list_for_each_entry_safe(sw_txhdr, sw_txhdr_tmp, &tx_queue->hdrs, tx_queue_list) { + list_del(&sw_txhdr->tx_queue_list); + tx_queue->num_packets--; + + if (cl_hw->tx_db.force_amsdu && + sw_txhdr->txdesc.host_info.packet_cnt < cl_hw->txamsdu_en) + break; + + cl_tx_push(cl_hw, sw_txhdr, tx_queue); + + if (cl_txq_is_fw_full(tx_queue)) + break; + } + + cl_txq_push_cntrs_update(cl_hw, tx_queue, orig_drv_cnt, orig_fw_cnt); + + /* If queue is empty remove it from schedule list */ + cl_txq_sched_list_remove_if_empty(tx_queue); +} + +void cl_txq_agg_alloc(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta, + struct mm_ba_add_cfm *ba_add_cfm, u16 buf_size) +{ + u8 tid = ba_add_cfm->tid; + u8 fw_agg_idx = ba_add_cfm->agg_idx; + u8 sta_idx = cl_sta->sta_idx; + u8 ac = cl_tid2hwq[tid]; + u16 single_queue_idx = QUEUE_IDX(sta_idx, ac); + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue = &cl_hw->tx_queues->agg[fw_agg_idx]; + + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); + + /* Init aggregated queue struct */ + memset(tx_queue, 0, sizeof(struct cl_tx_queue)); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tx_queue->hdrs); + + /* + * Firmware agg queues size is static and set to 512, so that for the worst + * case of HE stations,that support AMPDU of 256, it has room for two full + * aggregation. + * To keep this logic, of room for two aggregations, for non-HE stations, or + * for HE stations that do not support AMPDU of 256, we initialize fw_max_size + to twice the buffer size supported by the station. + */ + tx_queue->fw_max_size = min_t(u16, TXDESC_AGG_Q_SIZE_MAX, buf_size * 2); + tx_queue->fw_free_space = tx_queue->fw_max_size; + + tx_queue->max_packets = cl_hw->conf->ci_tx_queue_size_agg; + tx_queue->hw_index = ac; + tx_queue->cl_sta = cl_sta; + tx_queue->type = QUEUE_TYPE_AGG; + tx_queue->tid = tid; + tx_queue->index = fw_agg_idx; + + /* Reset the synchronization counters between the fw and the IPC layer */ + cl_hw->ipc_env->ring_indices_elem->indices->txdesc_write_idx.agg[fw_agg_idx] = 0; + + /* Attach the cl_hw chosen queue to the station and agg queues DB */ + cl_sta->agg_tx_queues[tid] = tx_queue; + cl_agg_cfm_set_tx_queue(cl_hw, tx_queue, fw_agg_idx); + + /* Notify upper mac80211 layer of queues resources status */ + cl_txq_agg_inc_usage_cntr(cl_hw); + cl_txq_agg_request_del(cl_hw, sta_idx, tid); + + /* + * Move the qos descriptors to the new allocated aggregated queues, + * otherwise we might reorder packets) + */ + cl_txq_transfer_single_to_agg(cl_hw, &cl_hw->tx_queues->single[single_queue_idx], + tx_queue, tid); + /* Move the BA window pending packets to agg path */ + cl_baw_pending_to_agg(cl_hw, cl_sta, tid); + + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); + + cl_dbg_trace(cl_hw, "Allocate queue [%u] to station [%u] tid [%u]\n", + fw_agg_idx, sta_idx, tid); +} + +void cl_txq_agg_free(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue, + struct cl_sta *cl_sta, u8 tid) +{ + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); + + cl_dbg_trace(cl_hw, "Free queue [%u] of station [%u] tid [%u]\n", + tx_queue->index, cl_sta->sta_idx, tid); + + memset(tx_queue, 0, sizeof(struct cl_tx_queue)); + + cl_txq_agg_dec_usage_cntr(cl_hw); + + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); +} + +void cl_txq_agg_stop(struct cl_sta *cl_sta, u8 tid) +{ + cl_sta->agg_tx_queues[tid] = NULL; +} + +void cl_txq_sta_add(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta) +{ + /* Set cl_sta field for all single queues of this station */ + u8 ac; + u16 queue_idx; + + for (ac = 0; ac < AC_MAX; ac++) { + queue_idx = QUEUE_IDX(cl_sta->sta_idx, ac); + cl_hw->tx_queues->single[queue_idx].cl_sta = cl_sta; + } + + /* Reset pointers to TX agg queues */ + memset(cl_sta->agg_tx_queues, 0, sizeof(cl_sta->agg_tx_queues)); +} + +void cl_txq_sta_remove(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u8 sta_idx) +{ + /* Clear cl_sta field for all single queues of this station */ + u8 ac; + u16 queue_idx; + + for (ac = 0; ac < AC_MAX; ac++) { + queue_idx = QUEUE_IDX(sta_idx, ac); + cl_hw->tx_queues->single[queue_idx].cl_sta = NULL; + } +} + +void cl_txq_transfer_agg_to_single(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_tx_queue *agg_queue) +{ + /* + * 1) Remove from aggregation queue + * 2) Free sw_txhdr + * 3) Push to single queue + */ + struct cl_sw_txhdr *sw_txhdr, *sw_txhdr_tmp; + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct ieee80211_tx_info *tx_info; + struct cl_tx_queue *single_queue; + struct cl_sta *cl_sta = agg_queue->cl_sta; + u16 single_queue_idx = 0; + + if (agg_queue->num_packets == 0) + return; + + single_queue_idx = QUEUE_IDX(cl_sta->sta_idx, agg_queue->hw_index); + single_queue = &cl_hw->tx_queues->single[single_queue_idx]; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(sw_txhdr, sw_txhdr_tmp, &agg_queue->hdrs, tx_queue_list) { + list_del(&sw_txhdr->tx_queue_list); + agg_queue->num_packets--; + + skb = sw_txhdr->skb; + tx_info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb); + + if (cl_tx_ctrl_is_amsdu(tx_info)) { + cl_tx_amsdu_transfer_single(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + } else { + tx_info->flags &= ~IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU; + + if (cl_tx_8023_to_wlan(cl_hw, skb, cl_sta, sw_txhdr->tid) == 0) { + cl_hw->tx_packet_cntr.transfer.agg_to_single++; + cl_tx_single(cl_hw, cl_sta, skb, false, false); + } + } + + cl_sw_txhdr_free(cl_hw, sw_txhdr); + } + + /* If queue is empty remove it from schedule list */ + cl_txq_sched_list_remove_if_empty(agg_queue); +} + +void cl_txq_flush_agg(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue, bool lock) +{ + if (lock) { + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); + cl_txq_flush(cl_hw, tx_queue); + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); + } else { + cl_txq_flush(cl_hw, tx_queue); + } +} + +void cl_txq_flush_all_agg(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + int i = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < IPC_MAX_BA_SESSIONS; i++) + cl_txq_flush(cl_hw, &cl_hw->tx_queues->agg[i]); +} + +void cl_txq_flush_all_single(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + int i = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < MAX_SINGLE_QUEUES; i++) + cl_txq_flush(cl_hw, &cl_hw->tx_queues->single[i]); +} + +void cl_txq_flush_sta(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, struct cl_sta *cl_sta) +{ + int i = 0; + u8 sta_idx = cl_sta->sta_idx; + u32 queue_idx = 0; + struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue = NULL; + + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); + + /* Flush all aggregation queues for this station */ + for (i = 0; i < IEEE80211_NUM_TIDS; i++) + if (cl_sta->agg_tx_queues[i]) + cl_txq_flush(cl_hw, cl_sta->agg_tx_queues[i]); + + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_agg); + + spin_lock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); + + /* Flush all single queues for this station */ + for (i = 0; i < AC_MAX; i++) { + queue_idx = QUEUE_IDX(sta_idx, i); + tx_queue = &cl_hw->tx_queues->single[queue_idx]; + cl_txq_flush(cl_hw, tx_queue); + cl_txq_reset_counters(tx_queue); + } + + /* Go over high prioirty queue and delete packets belonging to this station */ + cl_txq_delete_packets(cl_hw, &cl_hw->tx_queues->single[HIGH_PRIORITY_QUEUE], sta_idx); + + spin_unlock_bh(&cl_hw->tx_lock_single); +} + +void cl_txq_agg_request_add(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u8 sta_idx, u8 tid) +{ + int i = cl_txq_request_find(cl_hw, sta_idx, tid); + struct cl_req_agg_db *req_agg_db = NULL; + + if (i != -1) { + cl_dbg_trace(cl_hw, "ALREADY_ADDED - entry = %d, sta_idx = %u, tid = %u\n", + i, sta_idx, tid); + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < IPC_MAX_BA_SESSIONS; i++) { + req_agg_db = &cl_hw->req_agg_db[i]; + + if (!req_agg_db->is_used) { + cl_dbg_trace(cl_hw, "ADD - entry = %d, sta_idx = %u, tid = %u\n", + i, sta_idx, tid); + req_agg_db->is_used = true; + req_agg_db->sta_idx = sta_idx; + req_agg_db->tid = tid; + cl_hw->req_agg_queues++; + return; + } + } +} + +void cl_txq_agg_request_del(struct cl_hw *cl_hw, u8 sta_idx, u8 tid) +{ + int i = cl_txq_request_find(cl_hw, sta_idx, tid); + + if (i != -1) { + cl_dbg_trace(cl_hw, "DEL - entry = %d, sta_idx = %u, tid = %u\n", + i, sta_idx, tid); + cl_hw->req_agg_db[i].is_used = false; + cl_hw->req_agg_queues--; + } +} + +bool cl_txq_is_agg_available(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + u8 total_agg_queues = cl_hw->used_agg_queues + cl_hw->req_agg_queues; + + return (total_agg_queues < IPC_MAX_BA_SESSIONS); +} + +bool cl_txq_is_fw_empty(struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue) +{ + return (tx_queue->fw_free_space == tx_queue->fw_max_size); +} + +bool cl_txq_is_fw_full(struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue) +{ + return (tx_queue->fw_free_space == 0); +} + +u16 cl_txq_desc_in_fw(struct cl_tx_queue *tx_queue) +{ + return (tx_queue->fw_max_size - tx_queue->fw_free_space); +} + +bool cl_txq_frames_pending(struct cl_hw *cl_hw) +{ + int i = 0; + + /* Check if we have multicast/bradcast frame in FW queues */ + if (!cl_txq_is_fw_empty(&cl_hw->tx_queues->bcmc)) + return true; + + /* Check if we have singles frame in FW queues */ + for (i = 0; i < MAX_SINGLE_QUEUES; i++) + if (!cl_txq_is_fw_empty(&cl_hw->tx_queues->single[i])) + return true; + + /* Check if we have aggregation frame in FW queues */ + for (i = 0; i < IPC_MAX_BA_SESSIONS; i++) + if (!cl_txq_is_fw_empty(&cl_hw->tx_queues->agg[i])) + return true; + + return false; +} +