new file mode 100755
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ip -Version > /dev/null 2>&1
+if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ echo "SKIP: Cannot not run test without ip tool"
+ exit 1
+sec=$(date +%s)
+rndh=$(printf %x "$sec")-$(mktemp -u XXXXXX)
+ echo "cleanup"
+ # Terminate the MPTCP connection and related processes
+ kill -SIGUSR1 $client4_pid > /dev/null 2>&1
+ kill $server4_pid > /dev/null 2>&1
+ kill -SIGUSR1 $client6_pid > /dev/null 2>&1
+ kill $server6_pid > /dev/null 2>&1
+ kill $evts_pid > /dev/null 2>&1
+ local netns
+ for netns in "$ns1" "$ns2" ;do
+ ip netns del "$netns"
+ done
+trap cleanup EXIT
+# Create and configure network namespaces for testing
+for i in "$ns1" "$ns2" ;do
+ ip netns add "$i" || exit 1
+ ip -net "$i" link set lo up
+ ip netns exec "$i" sysctl -q net.mptcp.enabled=1
+ ip netns exec "$i" sysctl -q net.mptcp.pm_type=1
+# "$ns1" ns2
+# ns1eth2 ns2eth1
+ip link add ns1eth2 netns "$ns1" type veth peer name ns2eth1 netns "$ns2"
+# Add IPv4/v6 addresses to the namespaces
+ip -net "$ns1" addr add dev ns1eth2
+ip -net "$ns1" addr add dev ns1eth2
+ip -net "$ns1" addr add dead:beef:1::1/64 dev ns1eth2 nodad
+ip -net "$ns1" addr add dead:beef:2::1/64 dev ns1eth2 nodad
+ip -net "$ns1" link set ns1eth2 up
+ip -net "$ns2" addr add dev ns2eth1
+ip -net "$ns2" addr add dev ns2eth1
+ip -net "$ns2" addr add dead:beef:1::2/64 dev ns2eth1 nodad
+ip -net "$ns2" addr add dead:beef:2::2/64 dev ns2eth1 nodad
+ip -net "$ns2" link set ns2eth1 up
+printf "Created network namespaces ns1, ns2 \t\t\t[OK]\n"
+ # Store a chunk of data in a file to transmit over an MPTCP connection
+ local name=$1
+ local ksize=1
+ dd if=/dev/urandom of="$name" bs=1024 count=$ksize 2> /dev/null
+ echo -e "\nMPTCP_TEST_FILE_END_MARKER" >> "$name"
+ local file
+ file=$(mktemp)
+ make_file "$file" "client"
+ local is_v6=$1
+ local app_port=$app4_port
+ local connect_addr=""
+ local listen_addr=""
+ if [ "$is_v6" = "v6" ]
+ then
+ connect_addr="dead:beef:1::1"
+ listen_addr="::"
+ app_port=$app6_port
+ else
+ is_v6="v4"
+ fi
+ # Capture netlink events over the two network namespaces running
+ # the MPTCP client and server
+ local client_evts
+ client_evts=$(mktemp)
+ :>"$client_evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl events >> "$client_evts" 2>&1 &
+ local client_evts_pid=$!
+ local server_evts
+ server_evts=$(mktemp)
+ :>"$server_evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl events >> "$server_evts" 2>&1 &
+ local server_evts_pid=$!
+ sleep 0.1
+ # Run the server
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" \
+ ./mptcp_connect -s MPTCP -w 300 -p $app_port -l $listen_addr > /dev/null 2>&1 &
+ local server_pid=$!
+ sleep 0.1
+ # Run the client, transfer $file and stay connected to the server
+ # to conduct tests
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" \
+ ./mptcp_connect -s MPTCP -w 300 -m sendfile -p $app_port $connect_addr\
+ 2>&1 > /dev/null < "$file" &
+ local client_pid=$!
+ sleep 0.1
+ # Capture client/server attributes from MPTCP connection netlink events
+ kill $client_evts_pid
+ local client_token
+ local client_port
+ local client_serverside
+ local server_token
+ local server_serverside
+ client_token=$(sed -n 's/.*\(token:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$client_evts")
+ client_port=$(sed -n 's/.*\(sport:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$client_evts")
+ client_serverside=$(sed -n 's/.*\(server_side:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q'\
+ "$client_evts")
+ kill $server_evts_pid
+ server_token=$(sed -n 's/.*\(token:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$server_evts")
+ server_serverside=$(sed -n 's/.*\(server_side:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q'\
+ "$server_evts")
+ rm -f "$client_evts" "$server_evts" "$file"
+ if [ "$client_token" != "" ] && [ "$server_token" != "" ] && [ "$client_serverside" = 0 ] &&
+ [ "$server_serverside" = 1 ]
+ then
+ printf "Established IP%s MPTCP Connection ns2 => ns1 \t\t[OK]\n" $is_v6
+ else
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ "$is_v6" = "v6" ]
+ then
+ client6_token=$client_token
+ server6_token=$server_token
+ client6_port=$client_port
+ client6_pid=$client_pid
+ server6_pid=$server_pid
+ else
+ client4_token=$client_token
+ server4_token=$server_token
+ client4_port=$client_port
+ client4_pid=$client_pid
+ server4_pid=$server_pid
+ fi
+ local evt=$1
+ local e_type=$2
+ local e_token=$3
+ local e_addr=$4
+ local e_id=$5
+ local e_dport=$6
+ local e_af=$7
+ local type
+ local token
+ local addr
+ local dport
+ local id
+ type=$(sed -n 's/.*\(type:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ token=$(sed -n 's/.*\(token:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ if [ "$e_af" = "v6" ]
+ then
+ addr=$(sed -n 's/.*\(daddr6:\)\([0-9a-f:.]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ else
+ addr=$(sed -n 's/.*\(daddr4:\)\([0-9.]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ fi
+ dport=$(sed -n 's/.*\(dport:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ id=$(sed -n 's/.*\(rem_id:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ if [ "$type" = "$e_type" ] && [ "$token" = "$e_token" ] &&
+ [ "$addr" = "$e_addr" ] && [ "$dport" = "$e_dport" ] &&
+ [ "$id" = "$e_id" ]
+ then
+ printf "[OK]\n"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ printf "[FAIL]\n"
+ exit 1
+ local evts
+ evts=$(mktemp)
+ # Capture events on the network namespace running the server
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl events >> "$evts" 2>&1 &
+ evts_pid=$!
+ sleep 0.1
+ # ADD_ADDR using an invalid token should result in no action
+ local invalid_token=$(( client4_token - 1))
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl ann token $invalid_token id\
+ $client_addr_id dev ns2eth1 > /dev/null 2>&1
+ local type
+ type=$(sed -n 's/.*\(type:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evts")
+ printf "ADD_ADDR (ns2) => ns1, invalid token \t\t"
+ if [ "$type" = "" ]
+ then
+ printf "[OK]\n"
+ else
+ printf "[FAIL]\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # ADD_ADDR from the client to server machine reusing the subflow port
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2"\
+ ./pm_nl_ctl ann token "$client4_token" id $client_addr_id dev\
+ ns2eth1 > /dev/null 2>&1
+ printf "ADD_ADDR id:%d (ns2) => ns1, reuse port \t\t" $client_addr_id
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_announce_event "$evts" "$ANNOUNCED" "$server4_token" "" "$client_addr_id"\
+ "$client4_port"
+ # ADD_ADDR6 from the client to server machine reusing the subflow port
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl ann\
+ dead:beef:2::2 token "$client6_token" id $client_addr_id dev ns2eth1 > /dev/null 2>&1
+ printf "ADD_ADDR6 id:%d dead:beef:2::2 (ns2) => ns1, reuse port\t\t" $client_addr_id
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_announce_event "$evts" "$ANNOUNCED" "$server6_token" "dead:beef:2::2"\
+ "$client_addr_id" "$client6_port" "v6"
+ # ADD_ADDR from the client to server machine using a new port
+ :>"$evts"
+ client_addr_id=$((client_addr_id+1))
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl ann token "$client4_token" id\
+ $client_addr_id dev ns2eth1 port $new4_port > /dev/null 2>&1
+ printf "ADD_ADDR id:%d (ns2) => ns1, new port \t\t\t" $client_addr_id
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_announce_event "$evts" "$ANNOUNCED" "$server4_token" ""\
+ "$client_addr_id" "$new4_port"
+ kill $evts_pid
+ # Capture events on the network namespace running the client
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl events >> "$evts" 2>&1 &
+ evts_pid=$!
+ sleep 0.1
+ # ADD_ADDR from the server to client machine reusing the subflow port
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl ann token "$server4_token" id\
+ $server_addr_id dev ns1eth2 > /dev/null 2>&1
+ printf "ADD_ADDR id:%d (ns1) => ns2, reuse port \t\t" $server_addr_id
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_announce_event "$evts" "$ANNOUNCED" "$client4_token" ""\
+ "$server_addr_id" "$app4_port"
+ # ADD_ADDR6 from the server to client machine reusing the subflow port
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl ann dead:beef:2::1 token "$server6_token" id\
+ $server_addr_id dev ns1eth2 > /dev/null 2>&1
+ printf "ADD_ADDR6 id:%d dead:beef:2::1 (ns1) => ns2, reuse port\t\t" $server_addr_id
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_announce_event "$evts" "$ANNOUNCED" "$client6_token" "dead:beef:2::1"\
+ "$server_addr_id" "$app6_port" "v6"
+ # ADD_ADDR from the server to client machine using a new port
+ :>"$evts"
+ server_addr_id=$((server_addr_id+1))
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl ann token "$server4_token" id\
+ $server_addr_id dev ns1eth2 port $new4_port > /dev/null 2>&1
+ printf "ADD_ADDR id:%d (ns1) => ns2, new port \t\t\t" $server_addr_id
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_announce_event "$evts" "$ANNOUNCED" "$client4_token" ""\
+ "$server_addr_id" "$new4_port"
+ kill $evts_pid
+ rm -f "$evts"
+ local evt=$1
+ local e_type=$2
+ local e_token=$3
+ local e_id=$4
+ local type
+ local token
+ local id
+ type=$(sed -n 's/.*\(type:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ token=$(sed -n 's/.*\(token:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ id=$(sed -n 's/.*\(rem_id:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ if [ "$type" = "$e_type" ] && [ "$token" = "$e_token" ] &&
+ [ "$id" = "$e_id" ]
+ then
+ printf "[OK]\n"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ printf "[FAIL]\n"
+ exit 1
+ local evts
+ evts=$(mktemp)
+ # Capture events on the network namespace running the server
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl events >> "$evts" 2>&1 &
+ evts_pid=$!
+ sleep 0.1
+ # RM_ADDR using an invalid token should result in no action
+ local invalid_token=$(( client4_token - 1 ))
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl rem token $invalid_token id\
+ $client_addr_id > /dev/null 2>&1
+ printf "RM_ADDR id:%d ns2 => ns1, invalid token \t"\
+ $client_addr_id
+ local type
+ type=$(sed -n 's/.*\(type:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evts")
+ if [ "$type" = "" ]
+ then
+ printf "[OK]\n"
+ else
+ printf "[FAIL]\n"
+ fi
+ # RM_ADDR using an invalid addr id should result in no action
+ local invalid_id=$(( client_addr_id + 1 ))
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl rem token "$client4_token" id\
+ $invalid_id > /dev/null 2>&1
+ printf "RM_ADDR id:%d ns2 => ns1, invalid id \t"\
+ $invalid_id
+ type=$(sed -n 's/.*\(type:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evts")
+ if [ "$type" = "" ]
+ then
+ printf "[OK]\n"
+ else
+ printf "[FAIL]\n"
+ fi
+ # RM_ADDR from the client to server machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl rem token "$client4_token" id\
+ $client_addr_id > /dev/null 2>&1
+ printf "RM_ADDR id:%d ns2 => ns1 \t"\
+ $client_addr_id
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_remove_event "$evts" "$REMOVED" "$server4_token" "$client_addr_id"
+ # RM_ADDR from the client to server machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ client_addr_id=$(( client_addr_id - 1 ))
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl rem token "$client4_token" id\
+ $client_addr_id > /dev/null 2>&1
+ printf "RM_ADDR id:%d ns2 => ns1 \t"\
+ $client_addr_id
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_remove_event "$evts" "$REMOVED" "$server4_token" "$client_addr_id"
+ # RM_ADDR6 from the client to server machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl rem token "$client6_token" id\
+ $client_addr_id > /dev/null 2>&1
+ printf "RM_ADDR6 id:%d ns2 => ns1 \t"\
+ $client_addr_id
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_remove_event "$evts" "$REMOVED" "$server6_token" "$client_addr_id"
+ kill $evts_pid
+ # Capture events on the network namespace running the client
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl events >> "$evts" 2>&1 &
+ evts_pid=$!
+ sleep 0.1
+ # RM_ADDR from the server to client machine
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl rem token "$server4_token" id\
+ $server_addr_id > /dev/null 2>&1
+ printf "RM_ADDR id:%d ns1 => ns2 \t"\
+ $server_addr_id
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_remove_event "$evts" "$REMOVED" "$client4_token" "$server_addr_id"
+ # RM_ADDR from the server to client machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ server_addr_id=$(( server_addr_id - 1 ))
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl rem token "$server4_token" id\
+ $server_addr_id > /dev/null 2>&1
+ printf "RM_ADDR id:%d ns1 => ns2 \t" $server_addr_id
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_remove_event "$evts" "$REMOVED" "$client4_token" "$server_addr_id"
+ # RM_ADDR6 from the server to client machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl rem token "$server6_token" id\
+ $server_addr_id > /dev/null 2>&1
+ printf "RM_ADDR6 id:%d ns1 => ns2 \t" $server_addr_id
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_remove_event "$evts" "$REMOVED" "$client6_token" "$server_addr_id"
+ kill $evts_pid
+ rm -f "$evts"
+ local evt=$1
+ local e_type=$2
+ local e_token=$3
+ local e_family=$4
+ local e_saddr=$5
+ local e_daddr=$6
+ local e_dport=$7
+ local e_locid=$8
+ local e_remid=$9
+ shift 2
+ local e_from=$8
+ local e_to=$9
+ local type
+ local token
+ local family
+ local saddr
+ local daddr
+ local dport
+ local locid
+ local remid
+ if [ "$e_type" = "$SUB_ESTABLISHED" ]
+ then
+ if [ "$e_family" = "$AF_INET6" ]
+ then
+ printf "CREATE_SUBFLOW6 %s (%s) => %s (%s) "\
+ "$e_saddr" "$e_from" "$e_daddr" "$e_to"
+ else
+ printf "CREATE_SUBFLOW %s (%s) => %s (%s) \t"\
+ "$e_saddr" "$e_from" "$e_daddr" "$e_to"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ "$e_family" = "$AF_INET6" ]
+ then
+ printf "DESTROY_SUBFLOW6 %s (%s) => %s (%s) "\
+ "$e_saddr" "$e_from" "$e_daddr" "$e_to"
+ else
+ printf "DESTROY_SUBFLOW %s (%s) => %s (%s) \t"\
+ "$e_saddr" "$e_from" "$e_daddr" "$e_to"
+ fi
+ fi
+ type=$(sed -n 's/.*\(type:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ token=$(sed -n 's/.*\(token:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ family=$(sed -n 's/.*\(family:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ dport=$(sed -n 's/.*\(dport:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ locid=$(sed -n 's/.*\(loc_id:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ remid=$(sed -n 's/.*\(rem_id:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ if [ "$family" = "$AF_INET6" ]
+ then
+ saddr=$(sed -n 's/.*\(saddr6:\)\([0-9a-f:.]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ daddr=$(sed -n 's/.*\(daddr6:\)\([0-9a-f:.]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ else
+ saddr=$(sed -n 's/.*\(saddr4:\)\([0-9.]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ daddr=$(sed -n 's/.*\(daddr4:\)\([0-9.]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evt")
+ fi
+ if [ "$type" = "$e_type" ] && [ "$token" = "$e_token" ] &&
+ [ "$daddr" = "$e_daddr" ] && [ "$e_dport" = "$dport" ] &&
+ [ "$family" = "$e_family" ] && [ "$saddr" = "$e_saddr" ] &&
+ [ "$e_locid" = "$locid" ] && [ "$e_remid" = "$remid" ]
+ then
+ printf "[OK]\n"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ printf "[FAIL]\n"
+ exit 1
+ local evts
+ evts=$(mktemp)
+ # Capture events on the network namespace running the server
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl events >> "$evts" 2>&1 &
+ evts_pid=$!
+ sleep 0.1
+ # Attempt to add a listener at<subflow-port>
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl listen\
+ "$client4_port" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
+ local listener_pid=$!
+ # ADD_ADDR from client to server machine reusing the subflow port
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl ann token "$client4_token" id\
+ $client_addr_id > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ # CREATE_SUBFLOW from server to client machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl csf lip lid 23 rip\
+ rport "$client4_port" token "$server4_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_subflow_events "$evts" "$SUB_ESTABLISHED" "$server4_token" "$AF_INET" ""\
+ "" "$client4_port" "23" "$client_addr_id" "ns1" "ns2"
+ # Delete the listener from the client ns, if one was created
+ kill $listener_pid > /dev/null 2>&1
+ local sport
+ sport=$(sed -n 's/.*\(sport:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evts")
+ # DESTROY_SUBFLOW from server to client machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl dsf lip lport "$sport" rip rport\
+ "$client4_port" token "$server4_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_subflow_events "$evts" "$SUB_CLOSED" "$server4_token" "$AF_INET" ""\
+ "" "$client4_port" "23" "$client_addr_id" "ns1" "ns2"
+ # RM_ADDR from client to server machine
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl rem id $client_addr_id token\
+ "$client4_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ # Attempt to add a listener at dead:beef:2::2:<subflow-port>
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl listen dead:beef:2::2\
+ "$client6_port" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
+ listener_pid=$!
+ # ADD_ADDR6 from client to server machine reusing the subflow port
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl ann dead:beef:2::2 token "$client6_token" id\
+ $client_addr_id > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ # CREATE_SUBFLOW6 from server to client machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl csf lip dead:beef:2::1 lid 23 rip\
+ dead:beef:2::2 rport "$client6_port" token "$server6_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_subflow_events "$evts" "$SUB_ESTABLISHED" "$server6_token" "$AF_INET6"\
+ "dead:beef:2::1" "dead:beef:2::2" "$client6_port" "23"\
+ "$client_addr_id" "ns1" "ns2"
+ # Delete the listener from the client ns, if one was created
+ kill $listener_pid > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sport=$(sed -n 's/.*\(sport:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evts")
+ # DESTROY_SUBFLOW6 from server to client machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl dsf lip dead:beef:2::1 lport "$sport" rip\
+ dead:beef:2::2 rport "$client6_port" token "$server6_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_subflow_events "$evts" "$SUB_CLOSED" "$server6_token" "$AF_INET6"\
+ "dead:beef:2::1" "dead:beef:2::2" "$client6_port" "23"\
+ "$client_addr_id" "ns1" "ns2"
+ # RM_ADDR from client to server machine
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl rem id $client_addr_id token\
+ "$client6_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ # Attempt to add a listener at<new-port>
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl listen\
+ $new4_port > /dev/null 2>&1 &
+ listener_pid=$!
+ # ADD_ADDR from client to server machine using a new port
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl ann token "$client4_token" id\
+ $client_addr_id port $new4_port > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ # CREATE_SUBFLOW from server to client machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl csf lip lid 23 rip rport\
+ $new4_port token "$server4_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_subflow_events "$evts" "$SUB_ESTABLISHED" "$server4_token" "$AF_INET"\
+ "" "" "$new4_port" "23"\
+ "$client_addr_id" "ns1" "ns2"
+ # Delete the listener from the client ns, if one was created
+ kill $listener_pid > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sport=$(sed -n 's/.*\(sport:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evts")
+ # DESTROY_SUBFLOW from server to client machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl dsf lip lport "$sport" rip rport\
+ $new4_port token "$server4_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_subflow_events "$evts" "$SUB_CLOSED" "$server4_token" "$AF_INET" ""\
+ "" "$new4_port" "23" "$client_addr_id" "ns1" "ns2"
+ # RM_ADDR from client to server machine
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl rem id $client_addr_id token\
+ "$client4_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ kill $evts_pid
+ # Capture events on the network namespace running the client
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl events >> "$evts" 2>&1 &
+ evts_pid=$!
+ sleep 0.1
+ # Attempt to add a listener at<subflow-port>
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl listen\
+ $app4_port > /dev/null 2>&1 &
+ listener_pid=$!
+ # ADD_ADDR from server to client machine reusing the subflow port
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl ann token "$server4_token" id\
+ $server_addr_id > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ # CREATE_SUBFLOW from client to server machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl csf lip lid 23 rip rport\
+ $app4_port token "$client4_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_subflow_events "$evts" "$SUB_ESTABLISHED" "$client4_token" "$AF_INET" ""\
+ "" "$app4_port" "23" "$server_addr_id" "ns2" "ns1"
+ # Delete the listener from the server ns, if one was created
+ kill $listener_pid> /dev/null 2>&1
+ sport=$(sed -n 's/.*\(sport:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evts")
+ # DESTROY_SUBFLOW from client to server machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl dsf lip lport "$sport" rip rport\
+ $app4_port token "$client4_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_subflow_events "$evts" "$SUB_CLOSED" "$client4_token" "$AF_INET" ""\
+ "" "$app4_port" "23" "$server_addr_id" "ns2" "ns1"
+ # RM_ADDR from server to client machine
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl rem id $server_addr_id token\
+ "$server4_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ # Attempt to add a listener at dead:beef:2::1:<subflow-port>
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl listen dead:beef:2::1\
+ $app6_port > /dev/null 2>&1 &
+ listener_pid=$!
+ # ADD_ADDR6 from server to client machine reusing the subflow port
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl ann dead:beef:2::1 token "$server6_token" id\
+ $server_addr_id > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ # CREATE_SUBFLOW6 from client to server machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl csf lip dead:beef:2::2 lid 23 rip\
+ dead:beef:2::1 rport $app6_port token "$client6_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_subflow_events "$evts" "$SUB_ESTABLISHED" "$client6_token"\
+ "$AF_INET6" "dead:beef:2::2"\
+ "dead:beef:2::1" "$app6_port" "23"\
+ "$server_addr_id" "ns2" "ns1"
+ # Delete the listener from the server ns, if one was created
+ kill $listener_pid > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sport=$(sed -n 's/.*\(sport:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evts")
+ # DESTROY_SUBFLOW6 from client to server machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl dsf lip dead:beef:2::2 lport "$sport" rip\
+ dead:beef:2::1 rport $app6_port token "$client6_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_subflow_events "$evts" "$SUB_CLOSED" "$client6_token" "$AF_INET6" "dead:beef:2::2"\
+ "dead:beef:2::1" "$app6_port" "23" "$server_addr_id" "ns2" "ns1"
+ # RM_ADDR6 from server to client machine
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl rem id $server_addr_id token\
+ "$server6_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ # Attempt to add a listener at<new-port>
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl listen\
+ $new4_port > /dev/null 2>&1 &
+ listener_pid=$!
+ # ADD_ADDR from server to client machine using a new port
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl ann token "$server4_token" id\
+ $server_addr_id port $new4_port > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ # CREATE_SUBFLOW from client to server machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl csf lip lid 23 rip rport\
+ $new4_port token "$client4_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_subflow_events "$evts" "$SUB_ESTABLISHED" "$client4_token" "$AF_INET"\
+ "" "" "$new4_port" "23" "$server_addr_id" "ns2" "ns1"
+ # Delete the listener from the server ns, if one was created
+ kill $listener_pid > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sport=$(sed -n 's/.*\(sport:\)\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\2/p;q' "$evts")
+ # DESTROY_SUBFLOW from client to server machine
+ :>"$evts"
+ ip netns exec "$ns2" ./pm_nl_ctl dsf lip lport "$sport" rip rport\
+ $new4_port token "$client4_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 0.1
+ verify_subflow_events "$evts" "$SUB_CLOSED" "$client4_token" "$AF_INET" ""\
+ "" "$new4_port" "23" "$server_addr_id" "ns2" "ns1"
+ # RM_ADDR from server to client machine
+ ip netns exec "$ns1" ./pm_nl_ctl rem id $server_addr_id token\
+ "$server4_token" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ kill $evts_pid
+ rm -f "$evts"
+make_connection "v6"
+exit 0
This change adds a selftest script that performs a comprehensive behavioral/functional test of all userspace PM capabilities by exercising all the newly added APIs and changes to support said capabilities. Signed-off-by: Kishen Maloor <> --- .../selftests/net/mptcp/ | 771 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 771 insertions(+) create mode 100755 tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/