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[v10,nf-next,0/3] Add nf_flow_encap_push() for xmit direct

Message ID 20250315195910.17659-1-ericwouds@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
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Series Add nf_flow_encap_push() for xmit direct | expand


Eric Woudstra March 15, 2025, 7:59 p.m. UTC
To have the ability to handle xmit direct with outgoing encaps in the
bridge fastpass bypass, we need to be able to handle them without going
through vlan/pppoe devices.

So I've applied, amended and squashed wenxu's patch-set.

This patch also makes it possible to egress from vlan-filtering brlan to
lan0 with vlan tagged packets, if the bridge master port is doing the
vlan tagging, instead of a vlan-device, as seen in the figure below.
Without this patch, this is currently not possible in the

         forward fastpath bypass
/                                          \
|                        IP - forwarding    |
|                       /                \  v
|                      /                  wan ...
|                     /
|                     |
|                     |
|    +-------------------------------+
|    |          untagged             |
|    |             to                |
|    |           vlan 1              |
|    |                               |
|    |     brlan (vlan-filtering)    |
|    +---------------+               |
|    |  DSA-SWITCH   |               |
|    |               |    vlan 1     |
|    |               |      to       |
|    |   vlan 1      |   untagged    |
|    +---------------+---------------+
.         /                   \
 ------>lan0                 wlan1
     vlan 1 tagged packets

Added patch to eliminate array of flexible structures warning.

Added patch to clean up structures.

Split from patch-set: bridge-fastpath and related improvements v9

Eric Woudstra (3):
  net: pppoe: avoid zero-length arrays in struct pppoe_hdr
  netfilter: nf_flow_table_offload: Add nf_flow_encap_push() for xmit
  netfilter: flow: remove hw_outdev, out.hw_ifindex and out.hw_ifidx

 drivers/net/ppp/pppoe.c               |  2 +-
 include/net/netfilter/nf_flow_table.h |  2 -
 include/uapi/linux/if_pppox.h         |  4 ++
 net/netfilter/nf_flow_table_core.c    |  1 -
 net/netfilter/nf_flow_table_ip.c      | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 net/netfilter/nf_flow_table_offload.c |  2 +-
 net/netfilter/nft_flow_offload.c      | 10 +--
 7 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)