@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
use core::{
- ptr::{addr_of_mut, NonNull},
+ ptr::NonNull,
sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering},
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ pub(crate) fn refcount(&self) -> &AtomicU64 {
pub(crate) unsafe fn refcount_ptr(this: *mut Self) -> *mut AtomicU64 {
// SAFETY: Because of the safety requirements of this function, the
// field projection is safe.
- unsafe { addr_of_mut!((*this).refcount) }
+ unsafe { &raw mut (*this).refcount }
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
//! C header: [`include/linux/device/faux.h`]
use crate::{bindings, device, error::code::*, prelude::*};
-use core::ptr::{addr_of_mut, null, null_mut, NonNull};
+use core::ptr::{null, null_mut, NonNull};
/// The registration of a faux device.
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ impl AsRef<device::Device> for Registration {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &device::Device {
// SAFETY: The underlying `device` in `faux_device` is guaranteed by the C API to be
// a valid initialized `device`.
- unsafe { device::Device::as_ref(addr_of_mut!((*self.as_raw()).dev)) }
+ unsafe { device::Device::as_ref((&raw mut (*self.as_raw()).dev)) }
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ pub fn flags(&self) -> u32 {
// SAFETY: The file is valid because the shared reference guarantees a nonzero refcount.
// FIXME(read_once): Replace with `read_once` when available on the Rust side.
- unsafe { core::ptr::addr_of!((*self.as_ptr()).f_flags).read_volatile() }
+ unsafe { (&raw const (*self.as_ptr()).f_flags).read_volatile() }
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
//! ```rust
//! # #![expect(unreachable_pub, clippy::disallowed_names)]
//! use kernel::{init, types::Opaque};
-//! use core::{ptr::addr_of_mut, marker::PhantomPinned, pin::Pin};
+//! use core::{marker::PhantomPinned, pin::Pin};
//! # mod bindings {
//! # #![expect(non_camel_case_types)]
//! # #![expect(clippy::missing_safety_doc)]
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
//! unsafe {
//! init::pin_init_from_closure(move |slot: *mut Self| {
//! // `slot` contains uninit memory, avoid creating a reference.
-//! let foo = addr_of_mut!((*slot).foo);
+//! let foo = &raw mut (*slot).foo;
//! // Initialize the `foo`
//! bindings::init_foo(Opaque::raw_get(foo));
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ macro_rules! stack_try_pin_init {
/// ```rust
/// # use kernel::{macros::{Zeroable, pin_data}, pin_init};
-/// # use core::{ptr::addr_of_mut, marker::PhantomPinned};
+/// # use core::marker::PhantomPinned;
/// #[pin_data]
/// #[derive(Zeroable)]
/// struct Buf {
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ macro_rules! stack_try_pin_init {
/// pin_init!(&this in Buf {
/// buf: [0; 64],
/// // SAFETY: TODO.
-/// ptr: unsafe { addr_of_mut!((*this.as_ptr()).buf).cast() },
+/// ptr: unsafe { &raw mut (*this.as_ptr()).buf.cast() },
/// pin: PhantomPinned,
/// });
/// pin_init!(Buf {
@@ -244,25 +244,25 @@
//! struct __InitOk;
//! // This is the expansion of `t,`, which is syntactic sugar for `t: t,`.
//! {
-//! unsafe { ::core::ptr::write(::core::addr_of_mut!((*slot).t), t) };
+//! unsafe { ::core::ptr::write(&raw mut (*slot).t, t) };
//! }
//! // Since initialization could fail later (not in this case, since the
//! // error type is `Infallible`) we will need to drop this field if there
//! // is an error later. This `DropGuard` will drop the field when it gets
//! // dropped and has not yet been forgotten.
//! let __t_guard = unsafe {
-//! ::pinned_init::__internal::DropGuard::new(::core::addr_of_mut!((*slot).t))
+//! ::pinned_init::__internal::DropGuard::new(&raw mut (*slot).t)
//! };
//! // Expansion of `x: 0,`:
//! // Since this can be an arbitrary expression we cannot place it inside
//! // of the `unsafe` block, so we bind it here.
//! {
//! let x = 0;
-//! unsafe { ::core::ptr::write(::core::addr_of_mut!((*slot).x), x) };
+//! unsafe { ::core::ptr::write(&raw mut (*slot).x, x) };
//! }
//! // We again create a `DropGuard`.
//! let __x_guard = unsafe {
-//! ::kernel::init::__internal::DropGuard::new(::core::addr_of_mut!((*slot).x))
+//! ::kernel::init::__internal::DropGuard::new(&raw mut (*slot).x)
//! };
//! // Since initialization has successfully completed, we can now forget
//! // the guards. This is not `mem::forget`, since we only have
@@ -459,15 +459,15 @@
//! {
//! struct __InitOk;
//! {
-//! unsafe { ::core::ptr::write(::core::addr_of_mut!((*slot).a), a) };
+//! unsafe { ::core::ptr::write(&raw mut (*slot).a, a) };
//! }
//! let __a_guard = unsafe {
-//! ::kernel::init::__internal::DropGuard::new(::core::addr_of_mut!((*slot).a))
+//! ::kernel::init::__internal::DropGuard::new(&raw mut (*slot).a)
//! };
//! let init = Bar::new(36);
-//! unsafe { data.b(::core::addr_of_mut!((*slot).b), b)? };
+//! unsafe { data.b(&raw mut (*slot).b, b)? };
//! let __b_guard = unsafe {
-//! ::kernel::init::__internal::DropGuard::new(::core::addr_of_mut!((*slot).b))
+//! ::kernel::init::__internal::DropGuard::new(&raw mut (*slot).b)
//! };
//! ::core::mem::forget(__b_guard);
//! ::core::mem::forget(__a_guard);
@@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@ fn assert_zeroable<T: $crate::init::Zeroable>(_: *mut T) {}
// SAFETY: `slot` is valid, because we are inside of an initializer closure, we
// return when an error/panic occurs.
// We also use the `data` to require the correct trait (`Init` or `PinInit`) for `$field`.
- unsafe { $data.$field(::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*$slot).$field), init)? };
+ unsafe { $data.$field(&raw mut (*$slot).$field, init)? };
// Create the drop guard:
// We rely on macro hygiene to make it impossible for users to access this local variable.
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ fn assert_zeroable<T: $crate::init::Zeroable>(_: *mut T) {}
::kernel::macros::paste! {
// SAFETY: We forget the guard later when initialization has succeeded.
let [< __ $field _guard >] = unsafe {
- $crate::init::__internal::DropGuard::new(::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*$slot).$field))
+ $crate::init::__internal::DropGuard::new(&raw mut (*$slot).$field)
@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ fn assert_zeroable<T: $crate::init::Zeroable>(_: *mut T) {}
// SAFETY: `slot` is valid, because we are inside of an initializer closure, we
// return when an error/panic occurs.
- unsafe { $crate::init::Init::__init(init, ::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*$slot).$field))? };
+ unsafe { $crate::init::Init::__init(init, &raw mut (*$slot).$field)? };
// Create the drop guard:
// We rely on macro hygiene to make it impossible for users to access this local variable.
@@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@ fn assert_zeroable<T: $crate::init::Zeroable>(_: *mut T) {}
::kernel::macros::paste! {
// SAFETY: We forget the guard later when initialization has succeeded.
let [< __ $field _guard >] = unsafe {
- $crate::init::__internal::DropGuard::new(::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*$slot).$field))
+ $crate::init::__internal::DropGuard::new(&raw mut (*$slot).$field)
@@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@ fn assert_zeroable<T: $crate::init::Zeroable>(_: *mut T) {}
// Initialize the field.
// SAFETY: The memory at `slot` is uninitialized.
- unsafe { ::core::ptr::write(::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*$slot).$field), $field) };
+ unsafe { ::core::ptr::write(&raw mut (*$slot).$field, $field) };
// Create the drop guard:
@@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@ fn assert_zeroable<T: $crate::init::Zeroable>(_: *mut T) {}
::kernel::macros::paste! {
// SAFETY: We forget the guard later when initialization has succeeded.
let [< __ $field _guard >] = unsafe {
- $crate::init::__internal::DropGuard::new(::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*$slot).$field))
+ $crate::init::__internal::DropGuard::new(&raw mut (*$slot).$field)
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
macro_rules! static_branch_unlikely {
($key:path, $keytyp:ty, $field:ident) => {{
- let _key: *const $keytyp = ::core::ptr::addr_of!($key);
- let _key: *const $crate::bindings::static_key_false = ::core::ptr::addr_of!((*_key).$field);
+ let _key: *const $keytyp = &raw const $key;
+ let _key: *const $crate::bindings::static_key_false = &raw const (*_key).$field;
let _key: *const $crate::bindings::static_key = _key.cast();
@@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ unsafe impl Sync for UnaryAssert {}
unsafe {
- core::ptr::addr_of!(LOCATION.0),
+ &raw const LOCATION.0,
- core::ptr::addr_of!(ASSERTION.0.assert),
+ &raw const ASSERTION.0.assert,
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ pub fn new() -> impl PinInit<Self> {
unsafe fn fields(me: *mut Self) -> *mut ListLinksFields {
// SAFETY: The caller promises that the pointer is valid.
- unsafe { Opaque::raw_get(ptr::addr_of!((*me).inner)) }
+ unsafe { Opaque::raw_get(&raw const (*me).inner) }
/// # Safety
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_has_list_links {
// SAFETY: The implementation of `raw_get_list_links` only compiles if the field has the
// right type.
- // The behavior of `raw_get_list_links` is not changed since the `addr_of_mut!` macro is
+ // The behavior of `raw_get_list_links` is not changed since the `&raw mut` op is
// equivalent to the pointer offset operation in the trait definition.
unsafe impl$(<$($implarg),*>)? $crate::list::HasListLinks$(<$id>)? for
$self $(<$($selfarg),*>)?
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ unsafe fn raw_get_list_links(ptr: *mut Self) -> *mut $crate::list::ListLinks$(<$
// SAFETY: The caller promises that the pointer is not dangling. We know that this
// expression doesn't follow any pointers, as the `offset_of!` invocation above
// would otherwise not compile.
- unsafe { ::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr)$(.$field)*) }
+ unsafe { &raw mut (*ptr)$(.$field)* }
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_has_list_links_self_ptr {
unsafe fn raw_get_list_links(ptr: *mut Self) -> *mut $crate::list::ListLinks$(<$id>)? {
// SAFETY: The caller promises that the pointer is not dangling.
let ptr: *mut $crate::list::ListLinksSelfPtr<$item_type $(, $id)?> =
- unsafe { ::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).$field) };
+ unsafe { &raw mut (*ptr).$field };
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
//! C headers: [`include/linux/phy.h`](srctree/include/linux/phy.h).
use crate::{error::*, prelude::*, types::Opaque};
-use core::{marker::PhantomData, ptr::addr_of_mut};
+use core::marker::PhantomData;
pub mod reg;
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ impl AsRef<kernel::device::Device> for Device {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &kernel::device::Device {
let phydev = self.0.get();
// SAFETY: The struct invariant ensures that `mdio.dev` is valid.
- unsafe { kernel::device::Device::as_ref(addr_of_mut!((*phydev).mdio.dev)) }
+ unsafe { kernel::device::Device::as_ref(&raw mut (*phydev).mdio.dev) }
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
types::{ARef, ForeignOwnable, Opaque},
-use core::{ops::Deref, ptr::addr_of_mut};
+use core::ops::Deref;
use kernel::prelude::*;
/// An adapter for the registration of PCI drivers.
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ extern "C" fn probe_callback(
) -> kernel::ffi::c_int {
// SAFETY: The PCI bus only ever calls the probe callback with a valid pointer to a
// `struct pci_dev`.
- let dev = unsafe { device::Device::get_device(addr_of_mut!((*pdev).dev)) };
+ let dev = unsafe { device::Device::get_device(&raw mut (*pdev).dev) };
// SAFETY: `dev` is guaranteed to be embedded in a valid `struct pci_dev` by the call
// above.
let mut pdev = unsafe { Device::from_dev(dev) };
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
-use core::ptr::addr_of_mut;
/// An adapter for the registration of platform drivers.
pub struct Adapter<T: Driver>(T);
@@ -55,7 +53,7 @@ unsafe fn unregister(pdrv: &Opaque<Self::RegType>) {
impl<T: Driver + 'static> Adapter<T> {
extern "C" fn probe_callback(pdev: *mut bindings::platform_device) -> kernel::ffi::c_int {
// SAFETY: The platform bus only ever calls the probe callback with a valid `pdev`.
- let dev = unsafe { device::Device::get_device(addr_of_mut!((*pdev).dev)) };
+ let dev = unsafe { device::Device::get_device(&raw mut (*pdev).dev) };
// SAFETY: `dev` is guaranteed to be embedded in a valid `struct platform_device` by the
// call above.
let mut pdev = unsafe { Device::from_dev(dev) };
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
cmp::{Ord, Ordering},
- ptr::{addr_of_mut, from_mut, NonNull},
+ ptr::{from_mut, NonNull},
/// A red-black tree with owned nodes.
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ pub fn values_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'_ mut V> {
/// Returns a cursor over the tree nodes, starting with the smallest key.
pub fn cursor_front(&mut self) -> Option<Cursor<'_, K, V>> {
- let root = addr_of_mut!(self.root);
+ let root = &raw mut self.root;
// SAFETY: `self.root` is always a valid root node
let current = unsafe { bindings::rb_first(root) };
NonNull::new(current).map(|current| {
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ pub fn cursor_front(&mut self) -> Option<Cursor<'_, K, V>> {
/// Returns a cursor over the tree nodes, starting with the largest key.
pub fn cursor_back(&mut self) -> Option<Cursor<'_, K, V>> {
- let root = addr_of_mut!(self.root);
+ let root = &raw mut self.root;
// SAFETY: `self.root` is always a valid root node
let current = unsafe { bindings::rb_last(root) };
NonNull::new(current).map(|current| {
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ pub fn cursor_lower_bound(&mut self, key: &K) -> Option<Cursor<'_, K, V>>
let best = best_match?;
// SAFETY: `best` is a non-null node so it is valid by the type invariants.
- let links = unsafe { addr_of_mut!((*best.as_ptr()).links) };
+ let links = unsafe { &raw mut (*best.as_ptr()).links };
NonNull::new(links).map(|current| {
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ pub fn remove_current(self) -> (Option<Self>, RBTreeNode<K, V>) {
let node = RBTreeNode { node };
// SAFETY: The reference to the tree used to create the cursor outlives the cursor, so
// the tree cannot change. By the tree invariant, all nodes are valid.
- unsafe { bindings::rb_erase(&mut (*this).links, addr_of_mut!(self.tree.root)) };
+ unsafe { bindings::rb_erase(&mut (*this).links, &raw mut self.tree.root) };
let current = match (prev, next) {
(_, Some(next)) => next,
@@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ fn remove_neighbor(&mut self, direction: Direction) -> Option<RBTreeNode<K, V>>
let neighbor = neighbor.as_ptr();
// SAFETY: The reference to the tree used to create the cursor outlives the cursor, so
// the tree cannot change. By the tree invariant, all nodes are valid.
- unsafe { bindings::rb_erase(neighbor, addr_of_mut!(self.tree.root)) };
+ unsafe { bindings::rb_erase(neighbor, &raw mut self.tree.root) };
// SAFETY: By the type invariant of `Self`, all non-null `rb_node` pointers stored in `self`
// point to the links field of `Node<K, V>` objects.
let this = unsafe { container_of!(neighbor, Node<K, V>, links) }.cast_mut();
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ unsafe fn to_key_value_raw<'b>(node: NonNull<bindings::rb_node>) -> (&'b K, *mut
let k = unsafe { &(*this).key };
// SAFETY: The passed `node` is the current node or a non-null neighbor,
// thus `this` is valid by the type invariants.
- let v = unsafe { addr_of_mut!((*this).value) };
+ let v = unsafe { &raw mut (*this).value };
(k, v)
@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
self.next = unsafe { bindings::rb_next(self.next) };
// SAFETY: By the same reasoning above, it is safe to dereference the node.
- Some(unsafe { (addr_of_mut!((*cur).key), addr_of_mut!((*cur).value)) })
+ Some(unsafe { (&raw mut (*cur).key, &raw mut (*cur).value) })
@@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ fn insert(self, node: RBTreeNode<K, V>) -> &'a mut V {
// SAFETY: `node` is valid at least until we call `Box::from_raw`, which only happens when
// the node is removed or replaced.
- let node_links = unsafe { addr_of_mut!((*node).links) };
+ let node_links = unsafe { &raw mut (*node).links };
// INVARIANT: We are linking in a new node, which is valid. It remains valid because we
// "forgot" it with `Box::into_raw`.
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@ fn insert(self, node: RBTreeNode<K, V>) -> &'a mut V {
unsafe { bindings::rb_link_node(node_links, self.parent, self.child_field_of_parent) };
// SAFETY: All pointers are valid. `node` has just been inserted into the tree.
- unsafe { bindings::rb_insert_color(node_links, addr_of_mut!((*self.rbtree).root)) };
+ unsafe { bindings::rb_insert_color(node_links, &raw mut (*self.rbtree).root) };
// SAFETY: The node is valid until we remove it from the tree.
unsafe { &mut (*node).value }
@@ -1261,7 +1261,7 @@ fn replace(self, node: RBTreeNode<K, V>) -> RBTreeNode<K, V> {
// SAFETY: `node` is valid at least until we call `Box::from_raw`, which only happens when
// the node is removed or replaced.
- let new_node_links = unsafe { addr_of_mut!((*node).links) };
+ let new_node_links = unsafe { &raw mut (*node).links };
// SAFETY: This updates the pointers so that `new_node_links` is in the tree where
// `self.node_links` used to be.
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ pub fn into_raw(self) -> *const T {
let ptr = self.ptr.as_ptr();
// SAFETY: The pointer is valid.
- unsafe { core::ptr::addr_of!((*ptr).data) }
+ unsafe { &raw const (*ptr).data }
/// Recreates an [`Arc`] instance previously deconstructed via [`Arc::into_raw`].
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut bindings::task_struct {
pub fn group_leader(&self) -> &Task {
// SAFETY: The group leader of a task never changes after initialization, so reading this
// field is not a data race.
- let ptr = unsafe { *ptr::addr_of!((*self.as_ptr()).group_leader) };
+ let ptr = unsafe { *(&raw const (*self.as_ptr()).group_leader) };
// SAFETY: The lifetime of the returned task reference is tied to the lifetime of `self`,
// and given that a task has a reference to its group leader, we know it must be valid for
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ pub fn group_leader(&self) -> &Task {
pub fn pid(&self) -> Pid {
// SAFETY: The pid of a task never changes after initialization, so reading this field is
// not a data race.
- unsafe { *ptr::addr_of!((*self.as_ptr()).pid) }
+ unsafe { *(&raw const (*self.as_ptr()).pid) }
/// Returns the UID of the given task.
@@ -401,9 +401,9 @@ pub fn new(name: &'static CStr, key: &'static LockClassKey) -> impl PinInit<Self
pub unsafe fn raw_get(ptr: *const Self) -> *mut bindings::work_struct {
// SAFETY: The caller promises that the pointer is aligned and not dangling.
- // A pointer cast would also be ok due to `#[repr(transparent)]`. We use `addr_of!` so that
- // the compiler does not complain that the `work` field is unused.
- unsafe { Opaque::raw_get(core::ptr::addr_of!((*ptr).work)) }
+ // A pointer cast would also be ok due to `#[repr(transparent)]`. We use `&raw const (*ptr).work`
+ // so that the compiler does not complain that the `work` field is unused.
+ unsafe { Opaque::raw_get(&raw const (*ptr).work) }
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_has_work {
unsafe fn raw_get_work(ptr: *mut Self) -> *mut $crate::workqueue::Work<$work_type $(, $id)?> {
// SAFETY: The caller promises that the pointer is not dangling.
unsafe {
- ::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).$field)
+ &raw mut (*ptr).$field
Replacing all occurrences of `addr_of!(place)` with `&raw const place`, and all occurrences of `addr_of_mut!(place)` with `&raw mut place`. Utilizing the new feature will allow us to reduce macro complexity, and improve consistency with existing reference syntax as `&raw const`, `&raw mut` is very similar to `&`, `&mut` making it fit more naturally with other existing code than the previously used macros. Suggested-by: Benno Lossin <benno.lossin@proton.me> Link: https://github.com/Rust-for-Linux/linux/issues/1148 Signed-off-by: Antonio Hickey <contact@antoniohickey.com> --- rust/kernel/block/mq/request.rs | 4 ++-- rust/kernel/faux.rs | 4 ++-- rust/kernel/fs/file.rs | 2 +- rust/kernel/init.rs | 8 ++++---- rust/kernel/init/macros.rs | 28 +++++++++++++------------- rust/kernel/jump_label.rs | 4 ++-- rust/kernel/kunit.rs | 4 ++-- rust/kernel/list.rs | 2 +- rust/kernel/list/impl_list_item_mod.rs | 6 +++--- rust/kernel/net/phy.rs | 4 ++-- rust/kernel/pci.rs | 4 ++-- rust/kernel/platform.rs | 4 +--- rust/kernel/rbtree.rs | 22 ++++++++++---------- rust/kernel/sync/arc.rs | 2 +- rust/kernel/task.rs | 4 ++-- rust/kernel/workqueue.rs | 8 ++++---- 16 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)