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[v5,3/5] Bluetooth: hci_event: Add vendor functions to handle vendor events

Message ID 20220525184510.v5.3.I63681490281b2392aa1ac05dff91a126394ab649@changeid (mailing list archive)
State Awaiting Upstream
Delegated to: Netdev Maintainers
Headers show
Series [v5,1/5] Bluetooth: mgmt: add MGMT_OP_SET_QUALITY_REPORT for quality report | expand

Commit Message

Joseph Hwang May 25, 2022, 10:45 a.m. UTC
This patch adds vendor_get_prefix and vendor_evt in the evt_prefixes
table so that any vendor driver can set up the functions to handle
particular vendor events.

The hci_vendor_evt function checks if a vendor event matches
the vendor prefix returned by vendor_get_prefix. If yes, the
event is pushed down to the driver's vendor_evt function to handle.
The driver function will call hdev->hci_recv_quality_report to
pass data through mgmt if needed.

Signed-off-by: Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Archie Pusaka <apusaka@chromium.org>

Changes in v5:
- Use vendor_get_ext_prefix and vendor_evt to invoke callbacks from
  drivers to handle vendor events.
- Use hdev->hci_recv_quality_report to pass vendor event data
  from drivers back to the kernel. The mgmt_quality_report is then
  used to surface the data through the mgmt socket.
- Remove the unnecessary "void *data" portion from vendor_evt.
- The Intel specifics are pushed down to the driver and are
  implemented in a separate subsequent patch.

Changes in v3:
- Move intel_vendor_evt() from hci_event.c to the btintel driver.

Changes in v2:
- Drop the pull_quality_report_data function from hci_dev.
  Do not bother hci_dev with it. Do not bleed the details
  into the core.

 include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h |  5 +++++
 net/bluetooth/hci_core.c         |  1 +
 net/bluetooth/hci_event.c        | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 25 insertions(+)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h b/include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h
index f89738c6b973..9e48d606591e 100644
--- a/include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h
+++ b/include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h
@@ -642,6 +642,11 @@  struct hci_dev {
 	void (*cmd_timeout)(struct hci_dev *hdev);
 	bool (*wakeup)(struct hci_dev *hdev);
 	int (*set_quality_report)(struct hci_dev *hdev, bool enable);
+	struct ext_vendor_prefix *(*vendor_get_ext_prefix)(
+							struct hci_dev *hdev);
+	void (*vendor_evt)(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb);
+	int (*hci_recv_quality_report)(struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data,
+				       u32 data_len, u8 quality_spec);
 	int (*get_data_path_id)(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u8 *data_path);
 	int (*get_codec_config_data)(struct hci_dev *hdev, __u8 type,
 				     struct bt_codec *codec, __u8 *vnd_len,
diff --git a/net/bluetooth/hci_core.c b/net/bluetooth/hci_core.c
index ad4f4ab0afca..3e22b4b452f1 100644
--- a/net/bluetooth/hci_core.c
+++ b/net/bluetooth/hci_core.c
@@ -2650,6 +2650,7 @@  int hci_register_dev(struct hci_dev *hdev)
+	hdev->hci_recv_quality_report = mgmt_quality_report;
 	return id;
diff --git a/net/bluetooth/hci_event.c b/net/bluetooth/hci_event.c
index c2c6725678ec..f9b03d7b4a22 100644
--- a/net/bluetooth/hci_event.c
+++ b/net/bluetooth/hci_event.c
@@ -4260,6 +4260,20 @@  static void hci_num_comp_blocks_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, void *data,
 	queue_work(hdev->workqueue, &hdev->tx_work);
+static struct ext_vendor_prefix *vendor_get_ext_prefix(struct hci_dev *hdev)
+	if (hdev->vendor_get_ext_prefix)
+		return hdev->vendor_get_ext_prefix(hdev);
+	return NULL;
+static void vendor_evt(struct hci_dev *hdev, struct sk_buff *skb)
+	if (hdev->vendor_evt)
+		hdev->vendor_evt(hdev, skb);
 /* Every distinct vendor specification must have a well-defined vendor
  * event prefix to determine if a vendor event meets the specification.
  * Some vendor prefixes are fixed values while some other vendor prefixes
@@ -4276,6 +4290,11 @@  struct ext_vendor_event_prefix {
 	{ aosp_get_ext_prefix, aosp_vendor_evt },
 	{ msft_get_ext_prefix, msft_vendor_evt },
+	/* Any vendor driver that handles particular vendor events should set
+	 * up hdev->vendor_get_prefix and hdev->vendor_evt callbacks in driver.
+	 */
+	{ vendor_get_ext_prefix, vendor_evt },
 	/* end with a null entry */