@@ -191,13 +191,44 @@ API allows to configure following rate object's parameters:
Maximum TX rate value.
+ Allows for usage of strict priority arbiter among siblings. This
+ arbitration scheme attempts to schedule nodes based on their priority
+ as long as the nodes remain within their bandwidth limit. The higher the
+ priority the higher the probability that the node will get selected for
+ scheduling.
+ Allows for usage of Weighted Fair Queuing arbitration scheme among
+ siblings. This arbitration scheme can be used simultaneously with the
+ strict priority. As a node is configured with a higher rate it gets more
+ BW relative to it's siblings. Values are relative like a percentage
+ points, they basically tell how much BW should node take relative to
+ it's siblings.
Parent node name. Parent node rate limits are considered as additional limits
to all node children limits. ``tx_max`` is an upper limit for children.
``tx_share`` is a total bandwidth distributed among children.
+``tx_priority`` and ``tx_weight`` can be used simultaneously. In that case
+nodes with the same priority form a WFQ subgroup in the sibling group
+and arbitration among them is based on assigned weights.
+Arbitration flow from the high level:
+#. Choose a node, or group of nodes with the highest priority that stays
+ within the BW limit and are not blocked. Use ``tx_priority`` as a
+ parameter for this arbitration.
+#. If group of nodes have the same priority perform WFQ arbitration on
+ that subgroup. Use ``tx_weight`` as a parameter for this arbitration.
+#. Select the winner node, and continue arbitration flow among it's children,
+ until leaf node is reached, and the winner is established.
+#. If all the nodes from the highest priority sub-group are satisfied, or
+ overused their assigned BW, move to the lower priority nodes.
Driver implementations are allowed to support both or either rate object types
-and setting methods of their parameters.
+and setting methods of their parameters. Additionally driver implementation
+may export nodes/leafs and their child-parent relationships.
Terms and Definitions
Provide documentation for newly introduced netlink attributes for devlink-rate: tx_priority and tx_weight. Mention the possibility to export tree from the driver. Signed-off-by: Michal Wilczynski <michal.wilczynski@intel.com> --- .../networking/devlink/devlink-port.rst | 33 ++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)