From patchwork Fri Apr 21 14:56:53 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Mikhail Golubev-Ciuchea X-Patchwork-Id: 13220256 X-Patchwork-Delegate: Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9FA27C7618E for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 15:19:23 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S231268AbjDUPTW (ORCPT ); Fri, 21 Apr 2023 11:19:22 -0400 Received: from ([]:54586 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S229877AbjDUPTV (ORCPT ); Fri, 21 Apr 2023 11:19:21 -0400 X-Greylist: delayed 1299 seconds by postgrey-1.37 at; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 08:19:15 PDT Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 7AFFE270A for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 08:19:15 -0700 (PDT) Received: from (unknown []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id D34271069DF6A for ; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 14:57:36 +0000 (UTC) Received: from (unknown []) by (Postfix) with SMTP id B7A89100014F9; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 14:57:33 +0000 (UTC) X-TM-MAIL-RECEIVED-TIME: 1682089051.604000 X-TM-MAIL-UUID: 8d4d4255-5976-445c-92b3-32c9dedc05bb Received: from (unknown []) by (Trend Micro Email Security) with ESMTPS id 939C210000825; Fri, 21 Apr 2023 14:57:31 +0000 (UTC) ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=TyhPPgMHw3dScqLikRwj4SibDRSdTJ/iavlo8IiIXr0lJnuj3Rnz4bweqzvTYnh8oMlPebkbv1lwCtTJZqw6jOcyOnAp+jxG+7Jx2tN9MGGJHgQukQZHr/jbHulfRm0lRTJNw4hpPvsPrg3Kl5hTE0XXBmFzoe2/wJ842HFXCggphjS5dMvOEOUfCqQw40oCUubxjvBDVndDFEALlOzCOwOY6EPMQ0do6lysU3E/lfykr9f2uFew1cd25R7BSwkBHB4RTx4j+U6MKm/VHN1WlyLaIuZHK+o53HC3c5bpoB4bVusqiBo8YCk3Wi+LBFHTvQs8FcAX0B3QVWMyxc3leA== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=LIdv1cyLsZz7KQ2lJ50I7yT9j+iSCCHfgEA1xXNSHsg=; b=mWJmlXNprYx7hnbVCUxAd6gk05le7xQzEVVf7NqDuPHHxPFypZJf7QFOpRr04Y5EHHBDx6gjXW0RhCYMYOfgET4bmCfWCI2C/ONnyfNBMJk4H3GXUZjC8JApoU4DhSgQ09QHWwYL9DACYjfPVMCvIXuBh2W5muqJC2dFSL4R406nmCRNH3LYJH2scWC0K339nfPPQcSQssAAsEzmrRz4WsVYK7xspAAQ+TjFFxJ/xIvjYOn4Y/bndoW1idn9GFxF7W6COEmtrKDfY+TokmW2jmo9XZuwThjLReeBCvgHqYXs0aHkw8h+CEV9XTq1Sgw+nBiR2zvyZzHqdo0AZsOs4Q== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass (sender ip is; dmarc=pass (p=none sp=none pct=100) action=none; dkim=none (message not signed); arc=none X-MS-Exchange-Authentication-Results: spf=pass (sender IP is; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=pass action=none; Received-SPF: Pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender); client-ip=;; pr=C From: Mikhail Golubev-Ciuchea To:,,,, Cc: Wolfgang Grandegger , Marc Kleine-Budde , "David S . Miller" , Eric Dumazet , Jakub Kicinski , Paolo Abeni , "Michael S . Tsirkin" , Jason Wang , Harald Mommer , Harald Mommer , Mikhail Golubev-Ciuchea Subject: [RFC PATCH v2] can: virtio: Initial virtio CAN driver. Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:56:53 +0200 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.34.1 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-EOPAttributedMessage: 0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: AM6EUR05FT020:EE_|FR2P281MB2491:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 6494c8ec-3642-4826-385a-08db4278ba48 X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: W73xpqsxd6QibafO16QJ7cUZzQR4DN9q0yyeH3WflW1oaQVXZENDvIuMtI4drTgQpRWuDE9owm4QRNPlK9UqR4b4CsUh9L9dSZ+LSokQrxFV9+1hoqK91w9TZf6aSwRbvHvDqkpUgWMHSJunRLOgf6grDoNo0YjnOjWKWxx7+ejYEJ+eJp7fyUHfru5rkeKnzSx7zOM3OemgMn3+lQhnT1hI/eaDs/b4lSbfSryjz7nGG/73ziuQS9ND0gTXd5G9iZqAP98xGBlOtcW3qLV69CqOoctaEj54fUEW4Y6xZfuSX+ZQDEpx6AS2DagKlkVG3DnBxg4M/dT7RGnjoYsHLihocWjXe4X+DU4Q2HYSXINFX9uirozK6HDPlqhm3pZe2YPcLwexvFwwPxYIqES/M8k2+/H4Dvs/FyfIhIQeCj9JOqyZlCJfT4q42PUvpwaaT1XeJnPWYHCusSXD8A2uhoq3WhCowgclxYLCxRk4FZ6prnCFZnHpod+aWcfVie5yJpivcI/A6Sh/DqGdYL/6KOkhR1qh3mO6dRrpIgyUmaGij1ilzcYWZm+giEmfT3maEY5/MvZ7KQZlN8oZlFWi/ExCxO8YycZHmhzuJhTHNZuZxvNOVArWz99X0qKyLQJYufBPv3Yc6f60UMZHP/TS5AY8f+3CiVeCKTBM4uJIiz1+Eb5pISf79OW4IkqJeQHK X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;CTRY:DE;LANG:en;SCL:1;SRV:;IPV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;;PTR:InfoDomainNonexistent;CAT:NONE;SFS:(13230028)(346002)(396003)(39830400003)(376002)(136003)(451199021)(36840700001)(46966006)(478600001)(54906003)(42186006)(83380400001)(40480700001)(36860700001)(47076005)(2616005)(1076003)(107886003)(36756003)(336012)(26005)(186003)(86362001)(81166007)(82310400005)(966005)(316002)(8936002)(7416002)(8676002)(30864003)(41300700001)(4326008)(70586007)(70206006)(5660300002)(2906002)(36900700001);DIR:OUT;SFP:1102; X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 21 Apr 2023 14:57:29.1079 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 6494c8ec-3642-4826-385a-08db4278ba48 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 800fae25-9b1b-4edc-993d-c939c4e84a64 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalAttributedTenantConnectingIp: TenantId=800fae25-9b1b-4edc-993d-c939c4e84a64;Ip=[];Helo=[] X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Anonymous X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: HybridOnPrem X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: FR2P281MB2491 X-TM-AS-ERS: X-TMASE-Version: StarCloud-1.3-9.1.1007-27580.000 X-TMASE-Result: 10--21.634700-4.000000 X-TMASE-MatchedRID: jqlPWUYVHrV12vpl9TLJ5TQmrIfRqtAkfOaYwP8dcX7cAmu1xqeetrw6 DyKtlkT+jOQ6n33pAxaQ8jX9l2qhLcYL8l78KeYrr4JCzA6K3s9SAphtkUXoaO4bNKpeEy8nEd+ K6O5Nt53o2lRNg6L0iCmmK7MHAYU+/4Qw6v18mZkv+0FNnM7lDQPZZctd3P4B9LMB0hXFSeglzg +7nCkWyCZle49VkKqHhcxbgA1cw6CFClSci0DxS31PaVvCiNKvCtzGvPCy/m5SuvtBzlaEqFH3r kvzbWPMeVs0skyEaS09ATl1LvME3lJXW5+4Qv25LT4SwCkKtFGuW2+UBGEpHR6OXxdRGLx8QcU8 dj0/qVE4zubZisoWTH4n+j7L37FS158YqQqQFFYSfYh4fgAsVYknvYO5kHSctOtXYgbXjdfT0wy 7YI+J8KeBffPJGMutgGzqIeUiWyXBJDTteZHLtmJHJG/db0P+lRdhw/BBzacXivwflisSrLwxqS K0GSPRY/IvU/7EqTy0EnyDrPv1ndVYdIVrd76fq6H6eyKIRsPyKt/vA0HdKJzTESO2R27LxuXV3 UE49jgtiAi8BOx+ly3gBCo25X5UDoqXgfIicDk1t42aLIqJRjCIlN/eSPB9WmOfr3aLpwiZtziF Un+D+SASGlv27YgtaDUcRNDN4u5ynoTP8fAVKsPp6CwcoGE4SHCU59h5KrEyhLY8urUHvgm+8vb PF0rkmBQvLjMBsUEwrllcYotxWv4/Z15iV7wGZt4OLrKo15Q4hD0Y/Y/a76VHZD7QW55u9cax+Z Civ67/rbbb+DqTH5LDa/+keL1rveeIAECAQ/JKb6w7iSI/H311ZumDuRp7fS0Ip2eEHnwUyRS/O CD9xZfQufW2jppOgZB+r3vA38kyz6YzwcKDH90H8LFZNFG7JQhrLH5KSJ0= X-TMASE-XGENCLOUD: b1e5f389-8d89-41e0-bcce-6f79bd4f2215-0-0-200-0 X-TM-Deliver-Signature: 42FF7AA7CBA2A8359A06D99B1ADB925A X-TM-Addin-Auth: PQHRXxNtfc483lSeMroaEuy2KJA23FkwyFaY3ZE25exP99a+934IHxZ6+mn z1Xd7FdNEA+lI91Z+nyS5FiexR2LQT29aaY6LkQvSYov6TeK3gdejCq0VWgHVnJuWA3X0E8umJ1 dCAOq0cQ8p4twoIRZu/7a2upsamtLFWVIeK1koF2TC8Xrt/00XUuvpyqtcv9FnQH/71Z6zf+xsB RC+OETSA/IEWiwc3ECxZkHgedrpqevDdkG2mPXiEcr0RRTqT5E76RlhTP7jh7dJwFNK2yanmvqw XsUvvM1N5TbT01EZGiNlyr50MOJ7n7tM364t.2P7B+65t/OH6gXW9nSBmAK7CSHAqtV9l5mscO3 pyF6VJIF5fyb7MB7hF4FgYJjbvwb31F7lZl8o8UfZujAHcNpnrprN9EGTcE9o8tdXy7TY9XgztV xLJGtl7KHztJRnh22/p1EzufE+AIEWfpwRUEVoihd8Yd7vqJ6TiD820XHAPUKZwMqerRjD7CRzZ Qjsr0cCNU2pH58OaIsxW1t0MyR3Q94WgL5rtW2pASdmIAFAsYSkLKfgejlx2VTKrWjC6Bw8i73B 85reLHQMZLJUAXjW0BbRAEIEbTWcCE0GNh3yLGva7tj6+Q9gOTVQGe4pt2cojKFQPd2FgZgqcl6 UMiw== X-TM-Addin-ProductCode: EMS DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=simple/simple;; s=TM-DKIM-20210503141657; t=1682089053; bh=SGZH9eHYPtp+ZA3IXKiMyAzi0wLWKaVQ2Jcgv7fiMDU=; l=36601; h=From:To:Date; b=mItHAIyBMFiGvNronuCTmRWUxXvGJkppIARxjxljY9wqAf+qpqyTddXZKFymtiUTm O/AkK97PJV3oNOBfKcenzBH3h9miHELDF7yCN6NSUzQDJmCTuJZObopuuiaHe3RnGs CyzlUQAbb4j/RfnoMOAhKH7D6fLgINERi5TUR22iZtcj1zmHKDZU488IdJjqkdUZMr 8G9aU87uy0o9X+zNmJurF+SzQcv6vs5f5B0fEUTnU9ffWYHbv4pa+r2r2ifkO/QGSz CDtzkShAsEEbdD55a7yfRf1CYd5lTk5b5Vu2EXrj6gZWKsUuE98rzUU+YRZhKqOlk1 HdUTR4792NBIw== Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: X-Patchwork-Delegate: X-Patchwork-State: RFC From: Harald Mommer - CAN Control - "ip link set up can0" starts the virtual CAN controller, - "ip link set up can0" stops the virtual CAN controller - CAN RX Receive CAN frames. CAN frames can be standard or extended, classic or CAN FD. Classic CAN RTR frames are supported. - CAN TX Send CAN frames. CAN frames can be standard or extended, classic or CAN FD. Classic CAN RTR frames are supported. - CAN BusOff indication CAN BusOff is handled now by a bit in the configuration space. This is version 3 of the driver after having gotten review comments. Signed-off-by: Harald Mommer Signed-off-by: Mikhail Golubev-Ciuchea --- V2: * Remove the event indication queue and use the config space instead, to indicate a bus off condition * Rework RX and TX messages having a length field and some more fields for CAN EXT * Fix CAN_EFF_MASK comparison * Remove MISRA style code (e.g. '! = 0u') * Remove priorities leftovers * Remove BUGONs * Based on virtio can spec RFCv3 * Tested with MAINTAINERS | 7 + drivers/net/can/Kconfig | 12 + drivers/net/can/Makefile | 1 + drivers/net/can/virtio_can.c | 1060 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ include/uapi/linux/virtio_can.h | 71 +++ 5 files changed, 1151 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/net/can/virtio_can.c create mode 100644 include/uapi/linux/virtio_can.h diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index 0e64787aace8..a8b118b344a8 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -22053,6 +22053,13 @@ F: drivers/vhost/scsi.c F: include/uapi/linux/virtio_blk.h F: include/uapi/linux/virtio_scsi.h +VIRTIO CAN DRIVER +M: "Harald Mommer" +L: +S: Maintained +F: drivers/net/can/virtio_can.c +F: include/uapi/linux/virtio_can.h + VIRTIO CONSOLE DRIVER M: Amit Shah L: diff --git a/drivers/net/can/Kconfig b/drivers/net/can/Kconfig index cd34e8dc9394..832621f5893f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/can/Kconfig @@ -198,6 +198,18 @@ config CAN_XILINXCAN Xilinx CAN driver. This driver supports both soft AXI CAN IP and Zynq CANPS IP. +config CAN_VIRTIO_CAN + depends on VIRTIO + tristate "Virtio CAN device support" + default n + help + Say Y here if you want to support for Virtio CAN. + + To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the + module will be called virtio-can. + + If unsure, say N. + source "drivers/net/can/c_can/Kconfig" source "drivers/net/can/cc770/Kconfig" source "drivers/net/can/ctucanfd/Kconfig" diff --git a/drivers/net/can/Makefile b/drivers/net/can/Makefile index 52b0f6e10668..d31949052acf 100644 --- a/drivers/net/can/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/can/Makefile @@ -30,5 +30,6 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_SJA1000) += sja1000/ obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_SUN4I) += sun4i_can.o obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_TI_HECC) += ti_hecc.o obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_XILINXCAN) += xilinx_can.o +obj-$(CONFIG_CAN_VIRTIO_CAN) += virtio_can.o subdir-ccflags-$(CONFIG_CAN_DEBUG_DEVICES) += -DDEBUG diff --git a/drivers/net/can/virtio_can.c b/drivers/net/can/virtio_can.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..23f9c1b6446d --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/can/virtio_can.c @@ -0,0 +1,1060 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only +/* + * CAN bus driver for the Virtio CAN controller + * Copyright (C) 2021-2023 OpenSynergy GmbH + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/* CAN device queues */ +#define VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_TX 0 /* Driver side view! The device receives here */ +#define VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_RX 1 /* Driver side view! The device transmits here */ +#define VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_CONTROL 2 +#define VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_COUNT 3 + +#define CAN_KNOWN_FLAGS \ + (VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_EXTENDED |\ + VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_FD |\ + VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_RTR) + +/* Max. number of in flight TX messages */ +#define VIRTIO_CAN_ECHO_SKB_MAX 128 + +struct virtio_can_tx { + struct list_head list; + int putidx; + struct virtio_can_tx_out tx_out; + struct virtio_can_tx_in tx_in; +}; + +/* virtio_can private data structure */ +struct virtio_can_priv { + struct can_priv can; /* must be the first member */ + /* NAPI for RX messages */ + struct napi_struct napi; + /* NAPI for TX messages */ + struct napi_struct napi_tx; + /* The network device we're associated with */ + struct net_device *dev; + /* The virtio device we're associated with */ + struct virtio_device *vdev; + /* The virtqueues */ + struct virtqueue *vqs[VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_COUNT]; + /* I/O callback function pointers for the virtqueues */ + vq_callback_t *io_callbacks[VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_COUNT]; + /* Lock for TX operations */ + spinlock_t tx_lock; + /* Control queue lock. Defensive programming, may be not needed */ + struct mutex ctrl_lock; + /* Wait for control queue processing without polling */ + struct completion ctrl_done; + /* List of virtio CAN TX message */ + struct list_head tx_list; + /* Array of receive queue messages */ + struct virtio_can_rx rpkt[128]; + /* Those control queue messages cannot live on the stack! */ + struct virtio_can_control_out cpkt_out; + struct virtio_can_control_in cpkt_in; + /* Data to get and maintain the putidx for local TX echo */ + struct list_head tx_putidx_free; + struct list_head *tx_putidx_list; + /* In flight TX messages */ + atomic_t tx_inflight; + /* Max. In flight TX messages */ + u16 tx_limit; + /* BusOff pending. Reset after successful indication to upper layer */ + bool busoff_pending; +}; + +/* Function copied from virtio_net.c */ +static void virtqueue_napi_schedule(struct napi_struct *napi, + struct virtqueue *vq) +{ + if (napi_schedule_prep(napi)) { + virtqueue_disable_cb(vq); + __napi_schedule(napi); + } +} + +/* Function copied from virtio_net.c */ +static void virtqueue_napi_complete(struct napi_struct *napi, + struct virtqueue *vq, int processed) +{ + int opaque; + + opaque = virtqueue_enable_cb_prepare(vq); + if (napi_complete_done(napi, processed)) { + if (unlikely(virtqueue_poll(vq, opaque))) + virtqueue_napi_schedule(napi, vq); + } else { + virtqueue_disable_cb(vq); + } +} + +static void virtio_can_free_candev(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + + kfree(priv->tx_putidx_list); + free_candev(ndev); +} + +static int virtio_can_alloc_tx_idx(struct virtio_can_priv *priv) +{ + struct list_head *entry; + + if (atomic_read(&priv->tx_inflight) >= priv->can.echo_skb_max) + return -1; /* Not expected to happen */ + + atomic_add(1, &priv->tx_inflight); + + if (list_empty(&priv->tx_putidx_free)) + return -1; /* Not expected to happen */ + + entry = priv->; + list_del(entry); + + return entry - priv->tx_putidx_list; +} + +static void virtio_can_free_tx_idx(struct virtio_can_priv *priv, int idx) +{ + if (idx >= priv->can.echo_skb_max) { + WARN_ON(true); /* Not expected to happen */ + return; + } + if (atomic_read(&priv->tx_inflight) == 0) { + WARN_ON(true); /* Not expected to happen */ + return; + } + + list_add(&priv->tx_putidx_list[idx], &priv->tx_putidx_free); + atomic_sub(1, &priv->tx_inflight); +} + +/* Create a scatter-gather list representing our input buffer and put + * it in the queue. + * + * Callers should take appropriate locks. + */ +static int virtio_can_add_inbuf(struct virtqueue *vq, void *buf, + unsigned int size) +{ + struct scatterlist sg[1]; + int ret; + + sg_init_one(sg, buf, size); + + ret = virtqueue_add_inbuf(vq, sg, 1, buf, GFP_ATOMIC); + virtqueue_kick(vq); + if (ret == 0) + ret = vq->num_free; + return ret; +} + +/* Send a control message with message type either + * + * - VIRTIO_CAN_SET_CTRL_MODE_START or + * - VIRTIO_CAN_SET_CTRL_MODE_STOP. + * + * Unlike AUTOSAR CAN Driver Can_SetControllerMode() there is no requirement + * for this Linux driver to have an asynchronous implementation of the mode + * setting function so in order to keep things simple the function is + * implemented as synchronous function. Design pattern is + * virtio_console.c/__send_control_msg() & virtio_net.c/virtnet_send_command(). + */ +static u8 virtio_can_send_ctrl_msg(struct net_device *ndev, u16 msg_type) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct device *dev = &priv->vdev->dev; + struct virtqueue *vq = priv->vqs[VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_CONTROL]; + struct scatterlist sg_out[1]; + struct scatterlist sg_in[1]; + struct scatterlist *sgs[2]; + int err; + unsigned int len; + + /* The function may be serialized by rtnl lock. Not sure. + * Better safe than sorry. + */ + mutex_lock(&priv->ctrl_lock); + + priv->cpkt_out.msg_type = cpu_to_le16(msg_type); + sg_init_one(&sg_out[0], &priv->cpkt_out, sizeof(priv->cpkt_out)); + sg_init_one(&sg_in[0], &priv->cpkt_in, sizeof(priv->cpkt_in)); + sgs[0] = sg_out; + sgs[1] = sg_in; + + err = virtqueue_add_sgs(vq, sgs, 1u, 1u, priv, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (err != 0) { + /* Not expected to happen */ + dev_err(dev, "%s(): virtqueue_add_sgs() failed\n", __func__); + } + + if (!virtqueue_kick(vq)) { + /* Not expected to happen */ + dev_err(dev, "%s(): Kick failed\n", __func__); + } + + while (!virtqueue_get_buf(vq, &len) && !virtqueue_is_broken(vq)) + wait_for_completion(&priv->ctrl_done); + + mutex_unlock(&priv->ctrl_lock); + + return priv->cpkt_in.result; +} + +static void virtio_can_start(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + u8 result; + + result = virtio_can_send_ctrl_msg(ndev, VIRTIO_CAN_SET_CTRL_MODE_START); + if (result != VIRTIO_CAN_RESULT_OK) { + /* Not expected to happen */ + netdev_err(ndev, "CAN controller start failed\n"); + } + + priv->busoff_pending = false; + priv->can.state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE; + + /* Switch carrier on if device was not connected to the bus */ + if (!netif_carrier_ok(ndev)) + netif_carrier_on(ndev); +} + +/* See also m_can.c/m_can_set_mode() + * + * It is interesting that not only the M-CAN implementation but also all other + * implementations I looked into only support CAN_MODE_START. + * That CAN_MODE_SLEEP is frequently not found to be supported anywhere did not + * come not as surprise but that CAN_MODE_STOP is also never supported was one. + * The function is accessible via the method pointer do_set_mode in + * struct can_priv. As usual no documentation there. + * May not play any role as grepping through the code did not reveal any place + * from where the method is actually called. + */ +static int virtio_can_set_mode(struct net_device *dev, enum can_mode mode) +{ + switch (mode) { + case CAN_MODE_START: + virtio_can_start(dev); + netif_wake_queue(dev); + break; + default: + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* Called by issuing "ip link set up can0" */ +static int virtio_can_open(struct net_device *dev) +{ + /* start the virtio_can controller */ + virtio_can_start(dev); + + /* RX and TX napi were already enabled in virtio_can_probe() */ + netif_start_queue(dev); + + return 0; +} + +static void virtio_can_stop(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct device *dev = &priv->vdev->dev; + u8 result; + + result = virtio_can_send_ctrl_msg(ndev, VIRTIO_CAN_SET_CTRL_MODE_STOP); + if (result != VIRTIO_CAN_RESULT_OK) + dev_err(dev, "CAN controller stop failed\n"); + + priv->busoff_pending = false; + priv->can.state = CAN_STATE_STOPPED; + + /* Switch carrier off if device was connected to the bus */ + if (netif_carrier_ok(ndev)) + netif_carrier_off(ndev); +} + +static int virtio_can_close(struct net_device *dev) +{ + netif_stop_queue(dev); + /* Keep RX napi active to allow dropping of pending RX CAN messages, + * keep TX napi active to allow processing of cancelled CAN messages + */ + virtio_can_stop(dev); + close_candev(dev); + + return 0; +} + +static netdev_tx_t virtio_can_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, + struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev); + struct canfd_frame *cf = (struct canfd_frame *)skb->data; + struct virtio_can_tx *can_tx_msg; + struct virtqueue *vq = priv->vqs[VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_TX]; + struct scatterlist sg_out[1]; + struct scatterlist sg_in[1]; + struct scatterlist *sgs[2]; + unsigned long flags; + size_t len; + u32 can_flags; + int err; + netdev_tx_t xmit_ret = NETDEV_TX_OK; + const unsigned int hdr_size = offsetof(struct virtio_can_tx_out, sdu); + + if (can_dropped_invalid_skb(dev, skb)) + goto kick; /* No way to return NET_XMIT_DROP here */ + + /* Virtio CAN does not support error message frames */ + if (cf->can_id & CAN_ERR_FLAG) { + kfree_skb(skb); + dev->stats.tx_dropped++; + goto kick; /* No way to return NET_XMIT_DROP here */ + } + + /* No local check for CAN_RTR_FLAG or FD frame against negotiated + * features. The device will reject those anyway if not supported. + */ + + can_tx_msg = kzalloc(sizeof(*can_tx_msg), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!can_tx_msg) + goto kick; /* No way to return NET_XMIT_DROP here */ + + can_tx_msg->tx_out.msg_type = cpu_to_le16(VIRTIO_CAN_TX); + can_flags = 0; + if (cf->can_id & CAN_EFF_FLAG) + can_flags |= VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_EXTENDED; + if (cf->can_id & CAN_RTR_FLAG) + can_flags |= VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_RTR; + if (can_is_canfd_skb(skb)) + can_flags |= VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_FD; + can_tx_msg->tx_out.flags = cpu_to_le32(can_flags); + can_tx_msg->tx_out.can_id = cpu_to_le32(cf->can_id & CAN_EFF_MASK); + len = cf->len; + can_tx_msg->tx_out.length = len; + if (len > sizeof(cf->data)) + len = sizeof(cf->data); + if (len > sizeof(can_tx_msg->tx_out.sdu)) + len = sizeof(can_tx_msg->tx_out.sdu); + if (!(can_flags & VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_RTR)) { + /* Copy if not a RTR frame. RTR frames have a DLC but no payload */ + memcpy(can_tx_msg->tx_out.sdu, cf->data, len); + } + + /* Prepare sending of virtio message */ + sg_init_one(&sg_out[0], &can_tx_msg->tx_out, hdr_size + len); + sg_init_one(&sg_in[0], &can_tx_msg->tx_in, sizeof(can_tx_msg->tx_in)); + sgs[0] = sg_out; + sgs[1] = sg_in; + + if (atomic_read(&priv->tx_inflight) >= priv->tx_limit) { + netif_stop_queue(dev); + kfree(can_tx_msg); + netdev_dbg(dev, "TX: Stop queue, tx_inflight >= tx_limit\n"); + xmit_ret = NETDEV_TX_BUSY; + goto kick; + } + + /* Normal queue stop when no transmission slots are left */ + if (atomic_read(&priv->tx_inflight) >= priv->tx_limit) { + netif_stop_queue(dev); + netdev_dbg(dev, "TX: Normal stop queue\n"); + } + + /* Protect list operations */ + spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->tx_lock, flags); + can_tx_msg->putidx = virtio_can_alloc_tx_idx(priv); + list_add_tail(&can_tx_msg->list, &priv->tx_list); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->tx_lock, flags); + + if (unlikely(can_tx_msg->putidx < 0)) { + WARN_ON(true); /* Not expected to happen */ + list_del(&can_tx_msg->list); + kfree(can_tx_msg); + xmit_ret = NETDEV_TX_OK; + goto kick; + } + + /* Push loopback echo. Will be looped back on TX interrupt/TX NAPI */ + can_put_echo_skb(skb, dev, can_tx_msg->putidx, 0); + + /* Protect queue and list operations */ + spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->tx_lock, flags); + err = virtqueue_add_sgs(vq, sgs, 1u, 1u, can_tx_msg, GFP_ATOMIC); + if (err != 0) { + list_del(&can_tx_msg->list); + virtio_can_free_tx_idx(priv, can_tx_msg->putidx); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->tx_lock, flags); + netif_stop_queue(dev); + kfree(can_tx_msg); + if (err == -ENOSPC) + netdev_dbg(dev, "TX: Stop queue, no space left\n"); + else + netdev_warn(dev, "TX: Stop queue, reason = %d\n", err); + xmit_ret = NETDEV_TX_BUSY; + goto kick; + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->tx_lock, flags); + +kick: + if (netif_queue_stopped(dev) || !netdev_xmit_more()) { + if (!virtqueue_kick(vq)) + netdev_err(dev, "%s(): Kick failed\n", __func__); + } + + return xmit_ret; +} + +static const struct net_device_ops virtio_can_netdev_ops = { + .ndo_open = virtio_can_open, + .ndo_stop = virtio_can_close, + .ndo_start_xmit = virtio_can_start_xmit, + .ndo_change_mtu = can_change_mtu, +}; + +static int register_virtio_can_dev(struct net_device *dev) +{ + dev->flags |= IFF_ECHO; /* we support local echo */ + dev->netdev_ops = &virtio_can_netdev_ops; + + return register_candev(dev); +} + +/* Compare with m_can.c/m_can_echo_tx_event() */ +static int virtio_can_read_tx_queue(struct virtqueue *vq) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *can_priv = vq->vdev->priv; + struct net_device *dev = can_priv->dev; + struct net_device_stats *stats = &dev->stats; + struct virtio_can_tx *can_tx_msg; + unsigned long flags; + unsigned int len; + u8 result; + + /* Protect list and virtio queue operations */ + spin_lock_irqsave(&can_priv->tx_lock, flags); + + can_tx_msg = virtqueue_get_buf(vq, &len); + if (!can_tx_msg) { + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&can_priv->tx_lock, flags); + return 0; /* No more data */ + } + + if (unlikely(len < sizeof(struct virtio_can_tx_in))) { + netdev_err(dev, "TX ACK: Device sent no result code\n"); + result = VIRTIO_CAN_RESULT_NOT_OK; /* Keep things going */ + } else { + result = can_tx_msg->tx_in.result; + } + + if (can_priv->can.state < CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF) { + /* Here also frames with result != VIRTIO_CAN_RESULT_OK are + * echoed. Intentional to bring a waiting process in an upper + * layer to an end. + * TODO: Any better means to indicate a problem here? + */ + if (result != VIRTIO_CAN_RESULT_OK) + netdev_warn(dev, "TX ACK: Result = %u\n", result); + + stats->tx_bytes += can_get_echo_skb(dev, can_tx_msg->putidx, + NULL); + stats->tx_packets++; + } else { + netdev_dbg(dev, "TX ACK: Controller inactive, drop echo\n"); + can_free_echo_skb(dev, can_tx_msg->putidx, NULL); + } + + list_del(&can_tx_msg->list); + virtio_can_free_tx_idx(can_priv, can_tx_msg->putidx); + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&can_priv->tx_lock, flags); + + kfree(can_tx_msg); + + /* Flow control */ + if (netif_queue_stopped(dev)) { + netdev_dbg(dev, "TX ACK: Wake up stopped queue\n"); + netif_wake_queue(dev); + } + + return 1; /* Queue was not empty so there may be more data */ +} + +/* Poll TX used queue for sent CAN messages + * See function + * int (*poll)(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget); + */ +static int virtio_can_tx_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int quota) +{ + struct net_device *dev = napi->dev; + struct virtio_can_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev); + struct virtqueue *vq = priv->vqs[VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_TX]; + int work_done = 0; + + while (work_done < quota && virtio_can_read_tx_queue(vq) != 0) + work_done++; + + if (work_done < quota) + virtqueue_napi_complete(napi, vq, work_done); + + return work_done; +} + +static void virtio_can_tx_intr(struct virtqueue *vq) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *can_priv = vq->vdev->priv; + + virtqueue_disable_cb(vq); + napi_schedule(&can_priv->napi_tx); +} + +/* This function is the NAPI RX poll function and NAPI guarantees that this + * function is not invoked simultaneously on multiple processors. + * Read a RX message from the used queue and sends it to the upper layer. + * (See also m_can.c / m_can_read_fifo()). + */ +static int virtio_can_read_rx_queue(struct virtqueue *vq) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *priv = vq->vdev->priv; + struct net_device *dev = priv->dev; + struct net_device_stats *stats = &dev->stats; + struct virtio_can_rx *can_rx; + struct canfd_frame *cf; + struct sk_buff *skb; + unsigned int transport_len; + unsigned int len; + const unsigned int header_size = offsetof(struct virtio_can_rx, sdu); + u16 msg_type; + u32 can_flags; + u32 can_id; + + can_rx = virtqueue_get_buf(vq, &transport_len); + if (!can_rx) + return 0; /* No more data */ + + if (transport_len < header_size) { + netdev_warn(dev, "RX: Message too small\n"); + goto putback; + } + + if (priv->can.state >= CAN_STATE_ERROR_PASSIVE) { + netdev_dbg(dev, "%s(): Controller not active\n", __func__); + goto putback; + } + + msg_type = le16_to_cpu(can_rx->msg_type); + if (msg_type != VIRTIO_CAN_RX) { + netdev_warn(dev, "RX: Got unknown msg_type %04x\n", msg_type); + goto putback; + } + + len = le16_to_cpu(can_rx->length); + can_flags = le32_to_cpu(can_rx->flags); + can_id = le32_to_cpu(can_rx->can_id); + + if (can_flags & ~CAN_KNOWN_FLAGS) { + stats->rx_dropped++; + netdev_warn(dev, "RX: CAN Id 0x%08x: Invalid flags 0x%x\n", + can_id, can_flags); + goto putback; + } + + if (can_flags & VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_EXTENDED) { + can_id &= CAN_EFF_MASK; + can_id |= CAN_EFF_FLAG; + } else { + can_id &= CAN_SFF_MASK; + } + + if (can_flags & VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_RTR) { + if (!virtio_has_feature(vq->vdev, VIRTIO_CAN_F_RTR_FRAMES)) { + stats->rx_dropped++; + netdev_warn(dev, "RX: CAN Id 0x%08x: RTR not negotiated\n", + can_id); + goto putback; + } + if (can_flags & VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_FD) { + stats->rx_dropped++; + netdev_warn(dev, "RX: CAN Id 0x%08x: RTR with FD not possible\n", + can_id); + goto putback; + } + + if (len > 0xF) { + stats->rx_dropped++; + netdev_warn(dev, "RX: CAN Id 0x%08x: RTR with DLC > 0xF\n", + can_id); + goto putback; + } + + if (len > 0x8) + len = 0x8; + + can_id |= CAN_RTR_FLAG; + } + + if (transport_len < header_size + len) { + netdev_warn(dev, "RX: Message too small for payload\n"); + goto putback; + } + + if (can_flags & VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_FD) { + if (!virtio_has_feature(vq->vdev, VIRTIO_CAN_F_CAN_FD)) { + stats->rx_dropped++; + netdev_warn(dev, "RX: CAN Id 0x%08x: FD not negotiated\n", + can_id); + goto putback; + } + + if (len > CANFD_MAX_DLEN) + len = CANFD_MAX_DLEN; + + skb = alloc_canfd_skb(priv->dev, &cf); + } else { + if (!virtio_has_feature(vq->vdev, VIRTIO_CAN_F_CAN_CLASSIC)) { + stats->rx_dropped++; + netdev_warn(dev, "RX: CAN Id 0x%08x: classic not negotiated\n", + can_id); + goto putback; + } + + if (len > CAN_MAX_DLEN) + len = CAN_MAX_DLEN; + + skb = alloc_can_skb(priv->dev, (struct can_frame **)&cf); + } + if (!skb) { + stats->rx_dropped++; + netdev_warn(dev, "RX: No skb available\n"); + goto putback; + } + + cf->can_id = can_id; + cf->len = len; + if (!(can_flags & VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_RTR)) { + /* RTR frames have a DLC but no payload */ + memcpy(cf->data, can_rx->sdu, len); + } + + if (netif_receive_skb(skb) == NET_RX_SUCCESS) { + stats->rx_packets++; + if (!(can_flags & VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_RTR)) + stats->rx_bytes += cf->len; + } + +putback: + /* Put processed RX buffer back into avail queue */ + virtio_can_add_inbuf(vq, can_rx, sizeof(struct virtio_can_rx)); + + return 1; /* Queue was not empty so there may be more data */ +} + +/* See m_can_poll() / m_can_handle_state_errors() m_can_handle_state_change() */ +static int virtio_can_handle_busoff(struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev); + struct can_frame *cf; + struct sk_buff *skb; + + if (!priv->busoff_pending) + return 0; + + if (priv->can.state < CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF) { + netdev_dbg(dev, "entered error bus off state\n"); + + /* bus-off state */ + priv->can.state = CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF; + priv->can.can_stats.bus_off++; + can_bus_off(dev); + } + + /* propagate the error condition to the CAN stack */ + skb = alloc_can_err_skb(dev, &cf); + if (unlikely(!skb)) + return 0; + + /* bus-off state */ + cf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_BUSOFF; + + /* Ensure that the BusOff indication does not get lost */ + if (netif_receive_skb(skb) == NET_RX_SUCCESS) + priv->busoff_pending = false; + + return 1; +} + +/* Poll RX used queue for received CAN messages + * See function + * int (*poll)(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget); + * Important: "The networking subsystem promises that poll() will not be + * invoked simultaneously (for the same napi_struct) on multiple processors" + */ +static int virtio_can_rx_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int quota) +{ + struct net_device *dev = napi->dev; + struct virtio_can_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev); + struct virtqueue *vq = priv->vqs[VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_RX]; + int work_done = 0; + + work_done += virtio_can_handle_busoff(dev); + + while (work_done < quota && virtio_can_read_rx_queue(vq) != 0) + work_done++; + + if (work_done < quota) + virtqueue_napi_complete(napi, vq, work_done); + + return work_done; +} + +static void virtio_can_rx_intr(struct virtqueue *vq) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *can_priv = vq->vdev->priv; + + virtqueue_disable_cb(vq); + napi_schedule(&can_priv->napi); +} + +static void virtio_can_control_intr(struct virtqueue *vq) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *can_priv = vq->vdev->priv; + + complete(&can_priv->ctrl_done); +} + +static void virtio_can_config_changed(struct virtio_device *vdev) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *can_priv = vdev->priv; + u16 status; + + status = virtio_cread16(vdev, offsetof(struct virtio_can_config, + status)); + + if (!(status & VIRTIO_CAN_S_CTRL_BUSOFF)) + return; + + if (!can_priv->busoff_pending && + can_priv->can.state < CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF) { + can_priv->busoff_pending = true; + napi_schedule(&can_priv->napi); + } +} + +static void virtio_can_populate_vqs(struct virtio_device *vdev) + +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *priv = vdev->priv; + struct virtqueue *vq; + unsigned int idx; + int ret; + + /* Fill RX queue */ + vq = priv->vqs[VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_RX]; + for (idx = 0; idx < ARRAY_SIZE(priv->rpkt); idx++) { + ret = virtio_can_add_inbuf(vq, &priv->rpkt[idx], + sizeof(struct virtio_can_rx)); + if (ret < 0) { + dev_dbg(&vdev->dev, "rpkt fill: ret=%d, idx=%u\n", + ret, idx); + break; + } + } + dev_dbg(&vdev->dev, "%u rpkt added\n", idx); +} + +static int virtio_can_find_vqs(struct virtio_can_priv *priv) +{ + /* The order of RX and TX is exactly the opposite as in console and + * network. Does not play any role but is a bad trap. + */ + static const char * const io_names[VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_COUNT] = { + "can-tx", + "can-rx", + "can-state-ctrl" + }; + + priv->io_callbacks[VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_TX] = virtio_can_tx_intr; + priv->io_callbacks[VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_RX] = virtio_can_rx_intr; + priv->io_callbacks[VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_CONTROL] = virtio_can_control_intr; + + /* Find the queues. */ + return virtio_find_vqs(priv->vdev, VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_COUNT, priv->vqs, + priv->io_callbacks, io_names, NULL); +} + +/* Function must not be called before virtio_can_find_vqs() has been run */ +static void virtio_can_del_vq(struct virtio_device *vdev) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *priv = vdev->priv; + struct list_head *cursor, *next; + struct virtqueue *vq; + + /* Reset the device */ + if (vdev->config->reset) + vdev->config->reset(vdev); + + /* From here we have dead silence from the device side so no locks + * are needed to protect against device side events. + */ + + vq = priv->vqs[VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_CONTROL]; + while (virtqueue_detach_unused_buf(vq)) + ; /* Do nothing, content allocated statically */ + + vq = priv->vqs[VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_RX]; + while (virtqueue_detach_unused_buf(vq)) + ; /* Do nothing, content allocated statically */ + + vq = priv->vqs[VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_TX]; + while (virtqueue_detach_unused_buf(vq)) + ; /* Do nothing, content to be de-allocated separately */ + + /* Is keeping track of allocated elements by an own linked list + * really necessary or may this be optimized using only + * virtqueue_detach_unused_buf()? + */ + list_for_each_safe(cursor, next, &priv->tx_list) { + struct virtio_can_tx *can_tx; + + can_tx = list_entry(cursor, struct virtio_can_tx, list); + list_del(cursor); + kfree(can_tx); + } + + if (vdev->config->del_vqs) + vdev->config->del_vqs(vdev); +} + +/* See virtio_net.c/virtnet_remove() and also m_can.c/m_can_plat_remove() */ +static void virtio_can_remove(struct virtio_device *vdev) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *priv = vdev->priv; + struct net_device *dev = priv->dev; + + unregister_candev(dev); + + /* No calls of netif_napi_del() needed as free_candev() will do this */ + + virtio_can_del_vq(vdev); + + virtio_can_free_candev(dev); +} + +static int virtio_can_validate(struct virtio_device *vdev) +{ + /* CAN needs always access to the config space. + * Check that the driver can access the config space + */ + if (!vdev->config->get) { + dev_err(&vdev->dev, "%s failure: config access disabled\n", + __func__); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (!virtio_has_feature(vdev, VIRTIO_F_VERSION_1)) { + dev_err(&vdev->dev, + "device does not comply with spec version 1.x\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int virtio_can_probe(struct virtio_device *vdev) +{ + struct net_device *dev; + struct virtio_can_priv *priv; + int err; + unsigned int echo_skb_max; + unsigned int idx; + u16 lo_tx = VIRTIO_CAN_ECHO_SKB_MAX; + + echo_skb_max = lo_tx; + dev = alloc_candev(sizeof(struct virtio_can_priv), echo_skb_max); + if (!dev) + return -ENOMEM; + + priv = netdev_priv(dev); + + priv->tx_putidx_list = + kcalloc(echo_skb_max, sizeof(struct list_head), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!priv->tx_putidx_list) { + free_candev(dev); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&priv->tx_putidx_free); + for (idx = 0; idx < echo_skb_max; idx++) + list_add_tail(&priv->tx_putidx_list[idx], + &priv->tx_putidx_free); + + netif_napi_add(dev, &priv->napi, virtio_can_rx_poll); + netif_napi_add(dev, &priv->napi_tx, virtio_can_tx_poll); + + SET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &vdev->dev); + + priv->dev = dev; + priv->vdev = vdev; + vdev->priv = priv; + + priv->can.do_set_mode = virtio_can_set_mode; + priv->can.state = CAN_STATE_STOPPED; + /* Set Virtio CAN supported operations */ + priv->can.ctrlmode_supported = CAN_CTRLMODE_BERR_REPORTING; + if (virtio_has_feature(vdev, VIRTIO_CAN_F_CAN_FD)) { + err = can_set_static_ctrlmode(dev, CAN_CTRLMODE_FD); + if (err != 0) + goto on_failure; + } + + /* Initialize virtqueues */ + err = virtio_can_find_vqs(priv); + if (err != 0) + goto on_failure; + + /* It is possible to consider the number of TX queue places to + * introduce a stricter TX flow control. Question is if this should + * be done permanently this way in the Linux virtio CAN driver. + */ + if (true) { + struct virtqueue *vq = priv->vqs[VIRTIO_CAN_QUEUE_TX]; + unsigned int tx_slots = vq->num_free; + + if (!virtio_has_feature(vdev, VIRTIO_RING_F_INDIRECT_DESC)) + tx_slots >>= 1; + if (lo_tx > tx_slots) + lo_tx = tx_slots; + } + + priv->tx_limit = lo_tx; + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&priv->tx_list); + + spin_lock_init(&priv->tx_lock); + mutex_init(&priv->ctrl_lock); + + init_completion(&priv->ctrl_done); + + virtio_can_populate_vqs(vdev); + + register_virtio_can_dev(dev); + + napi_enable(&priv->napi); + napi_enable(&priv->napi_tx); + + /* Request device going live */ + virtio_device_ready(vdev); /* Optionally done by virtio_dev_probe() */ + + return 0; + +on_failure: + virtio_can_free_candev(dev); + return err; +} + +#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP +/* Compare with m_can.c/m_can_suspend(), virtio_net.c/virtnet_freeze() and + * virtio_card.c/virtsnd_freeze() + */ +static int virtio_can_freeze(struct virtio_device *vdev) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *priv = vdev->priv; + struct net_device *ndev = priv->dev; + + napi_disable(&priv->napi); + napi_disable(&priv->napi_tx); + + if (netif_running(ndev)) { + netif_stop_queue(ndev); + netif_device_detach(ndev); + virtio_can_stop(ndev); + } + + priv->can.state = CAN_STATE_SLEEPING; + + virtio_can_del_vq(vdev); + + return 0; +} + +/* Compare with m_can.c/m_can_resume(), virtio_net.c/virtnet_restore() and + * virtio_card.c/virtsnd_restore() + */ +static int virtio_can_restore(struct virtio_device *vdev) +{ + struct virtio_can_priv *priv = vdev->priv; + struct net_device *ndev = priv->dev; + int err; + + err = virtio_can_find_vqs(priv); + if (err != 0) + return err; + virtio_can_populate_vqs(vdev); + + priv->can.state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE; + + if (netif_running(ndev)) { + virtio_can_start(ndev); + netif_device_attach(ndev); + netif_start_queue(ndev); + } + + napi_enable(&priv->napi); + napi_enable(&priv->napi_tx); + + return 0; +} +#endif /* #ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP */ + +static struct virtio_device_id virtio_can_id_table[] = { + { VIRTIO_ID_CAN, VIRTIO_DEV_ANY_ID }, + { 0 }, +}; + +static unsigned int features[] = { + VIRTIO_CAN_F_CAN_CLASSIC, + VIRTIO_CAN_F_CAN_FD, + VIRTIO_CAN_F_LATE_TX_ACK, + VIRTIO_CAN_F_RTR_FRAMES, +}; + +static struct virtio_driver virtio_can_driver = { + .feature_table = features, + .feature_table_size = ARRAY_SIZE(features), + .feature_table_legacy = NULL, + .feature_table_size_legacy = 0, + = KBUILD_MODNAME, + .driver.owner = THIS_MODULE, + .id_table = virtio_can_id_table, + .validate = virtio_can_validate, + .probe = virtio_can_probe, + .remove = virtio_can_remove, + .config_changed = virtio_can_config_changed, +#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP + .freeze = virtio_can_freeze, + .restore = virtio_can_restore, +#endif +}; + +module_virtio_driver(virtio_can_driver); +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(virtio, virtio_can_id_table); + +MODULE_AUTHOR("OpenSynergy GmbH"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("CAN bus driver for Virtio CAN controller"); diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/virtio_can.h b/include/uapi/linux/virtio_can.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..de85918aa7dc --- /dev/null +++ b/include/uapi/linux/virtio_can.h @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2021-2023 OpenSynergy GmbH + */ +#ifndef _LINUX_VIRTIO_VIRTIO_CAN_H +#define _LINUX_VIRTIO_VIRTIO_CAN_H + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/* Feature bit numbers */ +#define VIRTIO_CAN_F_CAN_CLASSIC 0 +#define VIRTIO_CAN_F_CAN_FD 1 +#define VIRTIO_CAN_F_LATE_TX_ACK 2 +#define VIRTIO_CAN_F_RTR_FRAMES 3 + +/* CAN Result Types */ +#define VIRTIO_CAN_RESULT_OK 0 +#define VIRTIO_CAN_RESULT_NOT_OK 1 + +/* CAN flags to determine type of CAN Id */ +#define VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_EXTENDED 0x8000 +#define VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_FD 0x4000 +#define VIRTIO_CAN_FLAGS_RTR 0x2000 + +struct virtio_can_config { +#define VIRTIO_CAN_S_CTRL_BUSOFF (1u << 0) /* Controller BusOff */ + /* CAN controller status */ + __le16 status; +}; + +/* TX queue message types */ +struct virtio_can_tx_out { +#define VIRTIO_CAN_TX 0x0001 + __le16 msg_type; + __le16 length; /* 0..8 CC, 0..64 CAN­FD, 0..2048 CAN­XL, 12 bits */ + __le32 reserved; /* May be needed in part for CAN XL priority */ + __le32 flags; + __le32 can_id; + __u8 sdu[64]; +}; + +struct virtio_can_tx_in { + __u8 result; +}; + +/* RX queue message types */ +struct virtio_can_rx { +#define VIRTIO_CAN_RX 0x0101 + __le16 msg_type; + __le16 length; /* 0..8 CC, 0..64 CAN­FD, 0..2048 CAN­XL, 12 bits */ + __le32 reserved; /* May be needed in part for CAN XL priority */ + __le32 flags; + __le32 can_id; + __u8 sdu[64]; +}; + +/* Control queue message types */ +struct virtio_can_control_out { +#define VIRTIO_CAN_SET_CTRL_MODE_START 0x0201 +#define VIRTIO_CAN_SET_CTRL_MODE_STOP 0x0202 + __le16 msg_type; +}; + +struct virtio_can_control_in { + __u8 result; +}; + +#endif /* #ifndef _LINUX_VIRTIO_VIRTIO_CAN_H */