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[iwl-net,v3] ice: Fix VF-VF filter rules in switchdev mode

Message ID 20231013134342.2466512-1-aniruddha.paul@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Awaiting Upstream
Delegated to: Netdev Maintainers
Headers show
Series [iwl-net,v3] ice: Fix VF-VF filter rules in switchdev mode | expand


Context Check Description
netdev/series_format success Single patches do not need cover letters
netdev/tree_selection success Clearly marked for net
netdev/fixes_present success Fixes tag present in non-next series
netdev/header_inline success No static functions without inline keyword in header files
netdev/build_32bit success Errors and warnings before: 1362 this patch: 1362
netdev/cc_maintainers fail 3 blamed authors not CCed: anthony.l.nguyen@intel.com marcin.szycik@linux.intel.com horms@kernel.org; 8 maintainers not CCed: pabeni@redhat.com horms@kernel.org edumazet@google.com jesse.brandeburg@intel.com kuba@kernel.org anthony.l.nguyen@intel.com davem@davemloft.net marcin.szycik@linux.intel.com
netdev/build_clang success Errors and warnings before: 1386 this patch: 1386
netdev/verify_signedoff success Signed-off-by tag matches author and committer
netdev/deprecated_api success None detected
netdev/check_selftest success No net selftest shell script
netdev/verify_fixes success Fixes tag looks correct
netdev/build_allmodconfig_warn success Errors and warnings before: 1386 this patch: 1386
netdev/checkpatch warning WARNING: line length of 81 exceeds 80 columns
netdev/kdoc success Errors and warnings before: 0 this patch: 0
netdev/source_inline success Was 0 now: 0

Commit Message

Aniruddha Paul Oct. 13, 2023, 1:43 p.m. UTC
Any packet leaving VSI i.e VF's VSI is considered as
egress traffic by HW, thus failing to match the added

Mark the direction for redirect rules as below:
1. VF-VF - Egress
2. Uplink-VF - Ingress
3. VF-Uplink - Egress
4. Link_Partner-Uplink - Ingress
5. Link_Partner-VF - Ingress

Fixes: 0960a27bd479 ("ice: Add direction metadata")
Reviewed-by: Przemek Kitszel <przemyslaw.kitszel@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Wojciech Drewek <wojciech.drewek@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Aniruddha Paul <aniruddha.paul@intel.com>
Change Log:
-Removed the unused variable

 drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_tc_lib.c | 90 ++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)


Simon Horman Oct. 16, 2023, 11:13 a.m. UTC | #1
On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 07:13:42PM +0530, Aniruddha Paul wrote:
> Any packet leaving VSI i.e VF's VSI is considered as
> egress traffic by HW, thus failing to match the added
> rule.
> Mark the direction for redirect rules as below:
> 1. VF-VF - Egress
> 2. Uplink-VF - Ingress
> 3. VF-Uplink - Egress
> 4. Link_Partner-Uplink - Ingress
> 5. Link_Partner-VF - Ingress
> Fixes: 0960a27bd479 ("ice: Add direction metadata")
> Reviewed-by: Przemek Kitszel <przemyslaw.kitszel@intel.com>
> Reviewed-by: Wojciech Drewek <wojciech.drewek@intel.com>
> Signed-off-by: Aniruddha Paul <aniruddha.paul@intel.com>

Reviewed-by: Simon Horman <horms@kernel.org>
Buvaneswaran, Sujai Oct. 30, 2023, 7:45 a.m. UTC | #2
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Intel-wired-lan <intel-wired-lan-bounces@osuosl.org> On Behalf Of
> Aniruddha Paul
> Sent: Friday, October 13, 2023 7:14 PM
> To: intel-wired-lan@lists.osuosl.org
> Cc: Kitszel, Przemyslaw <przemyslaw.kitszel@intel.com>;
> netdev@vger.kernel.org; Drewek, Wojciech <wojciech.drewek@intel.com>;
> Szycik, Marcin <marcin.szycik@intel.com>; Paul, Aniruddha
> <aniruddha.paul@intel.com>
> Subject: [Intel-wired-lan] [PATCH iwl-net, v3] ice: Fix VF-VF filter rules in
> switchdev mode
> Any packet leaving VSI i.e VF's VSI is considered as egress traffic by HW, thus
> failing to match the added rule.
> Mark the direction for redirect rules as below:
> 1. VF-VF - Egress
> 2. Uplink-VF - Ingress
> 3. VF-Uplink - Egress
> 4. Link_Partner-Uplink - Ingress
> 5. Link_Partner-VF - Ingress
> Fixes: 0960a27bd479 ("ice: Add direction metadata")
> Reviewed-by: Przemek Kitszel <przemyslaw.kitszel@intel.com>
> Reviewed-by: Wojciech Drewek <wojciech.drewek@intel.com>
> Signed-off-by: Aniruddha Paul <aniruddha.paul@intel.com>
> ---
> Change Log:
> v3:
> -Removed the unused variable
> Links:
> v1:
> -https://lore.kernel.org/netdev/20230927104253.1729049-1-
> aniruddha.paul@intel.com/
> v2:
> -https://lore.kernel.org/netdev/20231003081639.1915967-1-
> aniruddha.paul@intel.com/
> ---
>  drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_tc_lib.c | 90 ++++++++++++++-------
>  1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
Tested-by: Sujai Buvaneswaran <sujai.buvaneswaran@intel.com>
diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_tc_lib.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_tc_lib.c
index 37b54db91df2..0e75fc6b3c06 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_tc_lib.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_tc_lib.c
@@ -630,32 +630,61 @@  bool ice_is_tunnel_supported(struct net_device *dev)
 	return ice_tc_tun_get_type(dev) != TNL_LAST;
-static int
-ice_eswitch_tc_parse_action(struct ice_tc_flower_fltr *fltr,
-			    struct flow_action_entry *act)
+static bool ice_tc_is_dev_uplink(struct net_device *dev)
+	return netif_is_ice(dev) || ice_is_tunnel_supported(dev);
+static int ice_tc_setup_redirect_action(struct net_device *filter_dev,
+					struct ice_tc_flower_fltr *fltr,
+					struct net_device *target_dev)
 	struct ice_repr *repr;
+	fltr->action.fltr_act = ICE_FWD_TO_VSI;
+	if (ice_is_port_repr_netdev(filter_dev) &&
+	    ice_is_port_repr_netdev(target_dev)) {
+		repr = ice_netdev_to_repr(target_dev);
+		fltr->dest_vsi = repr->src_vsi;
+		fltr->direction = ICE_ESWITCH_FLTR_EGRESS;
+	} else if (ice_is_port_repr_netdev(filter_dev) &&
+		   ice_tc_is_dev_uplink(target_dev)) {
+		repr = ice_netdev_to_repr(filter_dev);
+		fltr->dest_vsi = repr->src_vsi->back->switchdev.uplink_vsi;
+		fltr->direction = ICE_ESWITCH_FLTR_EGRESS;
+	} else if (ice_tc_is_dev_uplink(filter_dev) &&
+		   ice_is_port_repr_netdev(target_dev)) {
+		repr = ice_netdev_to_repr(target_dev);
+		fltr->dest_vsi = repr->src_vsi;
+		fltr->direction = ICE_ESWITCH_FLTR_INGRESS;
+	} else {
+		NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD(fltr->extack,
+				   "Unsupported netdevice in switchdev mode");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int ice_eswitch_tc_parse_action(struct net_device *filter_dev,
+				       struct ice_tc_flower_fltr *fltr,
+				       struct flow_action_entry *act)
+	int err;
 	switch (act->id) {
 		fltr->action.fltr_act = ICE_DROP_PACKET;
-		fltr->action.fltr_act = ICE_FWD_TO_VSI;
-		if (ice_is_port_repr_netdev(act->dev)) {
-			repr = ice_netdev_to_repr(act->dev);
-			fltr->dest_vsi = repr->src_vsi;
-			fltr->direction = ICE_ESWITCH_FLTR_INGRESS;
-		} else if (netif_is_ice(act->dev) ||
-			   ice_is_tunnel_supported(act->dev)) {
-			fltr->direction = ICE_ESWITCH_FLTR_EGRESS;
-		} else {
-			NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD(fltr->extack, "Unsupported netdevice in switchdev mode");
-			return -EINVAL;
-		}
+		err = ice_tc_setup_redirect_action(filter_dev, fltr, act->dev);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
@@ -696,10 +725,6 @@  ice_eswitch_add_tc_fltr(struct ice_vsi *vsi, struct ice_tc_flower_fltr *fltr)
 		goto exit;
-	/* egress traffic is always redirect to uplink */
-	if (fltr->direction == ICE_ESWITCH_FLTR_EGRESS)
-		fltr->dest_vsi = vsi->back->switchdev.uplink_vsi;
 	rule_info.sw_act.fltr_act = fltr->action.fltr_act;
 	if (fltr->action.fltr_act != ICE_DROP_PACKET)
 		rule_info.sw_act.vsi_handle = fltr->dest_vsi->idx;
@@ -713,13 +738,21 @@  ice_eswitch_add_tc_fltr(struct ice_vsi *vsi, struct ice_tc_flower_fltr *fltr)
 	rule_info.flags_info.act_valid = true;
 	if (fltr->direction == ICE_ESWITCH_FLTR_INGRESS) {
+		/* Uplink to VF */
 		rule_info.sw_act.flag |= ICE_FLTR_RX;
 		rule_info.sw_act.src = hw->pf_id;
 		rule_info.flags_info.act = ICE_SINGLE_ACT_LB_ENABLE;
-	} else {
+	} else if (fltr->direction == ICE_ESWITCH_FLTR_EGRESS &&
+		   fltr->dest_vsi == vsi->back->switchdev.uplink_vsi) {
+		/* VF to Uplink */
 		rule_info.sw_act.flag |= ICE_FLTR_TX;
 		rule_info.sw_act.src = vsi->idx;
 		rule_info.flags_info.act = ICE_SINGLE_ACT_LAN_ENABLE;
+	} else {
+		/* VF to VF */
+		rule_info.sw_act.flag |= ICE_FLTR_TX;
+		rule_info.sw_act.src = vsi->idx;
+		rule_info.flags_info.act = ICE_SINGLE_ACT_LB_ENABLE;
 	/* specify the cookie as filter_rule_id */
@@ -1745,16 +1778,17 @@  ice_tc_parse_action(struct ice_vsi *vsi, struct ice_tc_flower_fltr *fltr,
  * ice_parse_tc_flower_actions - Parse the actions for a TC filter
+ * @filter_dev: Pointer to device on which filter is being added
  * @vsi: Pointer to VSI
  * @cls_flower: Pointer to TC flower offload structure
  * @fltr: Pointer to TC flower filter structure
  * Parse the actions for a TC filter
-static int
-ice_parse_tc_flower_actions(struct ice_vsi *vsi,
-			    struct flow_cls_offload *cls_flower,
-			    struct ice_tc_flower_fltr *fltr)
+static int ice_parse_tc_flower_actions(struct net_device *filter_dev,
+				       struct ice_vsi *vsi,
+				       struct flow_cls_offload *cls_flower,
+				       struct ice_tc_flower_fltr *fltr)
 	struct flow_rule *rule = flow_cls_offload_flow_rule(cls_flower);
 	struct flow_action *flow_action = &rule->action;
@@ -1769,7 +1803,7 @@  ice_parse_tc_flower_actions(struct ice_vsi *vsi,
 	flow_action_for_each(i, act, flow_action) {
 		if (ice_is_eswitch_mode_switchdev(vsi->back))
-			err = ice_eswitch_tc_parse_action(fltr, act);
+			err = ice_eswitch_tc_parse_action(filter_dev, fltr, act);
 			err = ice_tc_parse_action(vsi, fltr, act);
 		if (err)
@@ -1856,7 +1890,7 @@  ice_add_tc_fltr(struct net_device *netdev, struct ice_vsi *vsi,
 	if (err < 0)
 		goto err;
-	err = ice_parse_tc_flower_actions(vsi, f, fltr);
+	err = ice_parse_tc_flower_actions(netdev, vsi, f, fltr);
 	if (err < 0)
 		goto err;