From patchwork Wed Mar 5 04:51:35 2025 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Kumar Kartikeya Dwivedi X-Patchwork-Id: 14001987 X-Patchwork-Delegate: Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 535101C84AB for ; Wed, 5 Mar 2025 04:51:48 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; arc=none smtp.client-ip= ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1741150310; cv=none; b=bhHZKo8rb96JEqmpFjw8hQVwsdSODxooXNi9Z85RzxUqQxUDPd3UfTK7EY6fE7vcr2UlKwMO4ZBddJ4dN6KrOJQaIgmZ6ufMvdr/Jr2SekyqN19zrUuJ+BWx1AOCrfV9jZ/rWfbJURklrtCMLfLCG2f8K99SZU1htwIQDIqFHjo= ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1741150310; c=relaxed/simple; bh=slysNkpUffQAEcfXoEh9xtCnDkKYwPUlfov1ey/O/Wo=; h=From:To:Cc:Subject:Date:Message-ID:In-Reply-To:References: MIME-Version; b=tdxh+vlknkPm9CpqXVgIQyX5u2AY1V5Cu/Ptix89FDHXUAp6MPnl3qffmjixXrdfV4852b8Fnj7o35Mq8HYbyaAAKcN6Wi1+Li/ueQeZwVDMQaT2aR5PbEY8H/eqbz8K4qcJ8ooo+n6hrzIwLD+fei7nIkDpuntjsB8ntAeBdSg= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none); spf=pass; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b=FZ1zJdUK; arc=none smtp.client-ip= Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="FZ1zJdUK" Received: by with SMTP id 5b1f17b1804b1-43bccfa7b89so10515355e9.2 for ; Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:51:48 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1741150306; x=1741755106;; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:from:to:cc:subject:date :message-id:reply-to; bh=F0E9FLnKisKpuIMKajtkoq67cjJkfzNvNKyMMJbcxqY=; b=FZ1zJdUKjCzenNMYQw9TXvdJJJSH8ckHKUE2g3ETEsGeCNUuRVg94eAaOCJi7uSFX/ uaPYiroz+sAnoWkBc89/F7ey6ntIP/Z7KoHPbmZ4wfdmCBe3DWaJtW/lZlnXTWVhZ988 FvtpOWv7TSuufSxC0iaufFGLb+mEsrW/03Ym77j2sH8V1bZI2NG13UUvk746We3Vc29K pVfv6mAPH0d3ZzHfC7+UxX9PpOOC/t9pblj4y9EK6IyO4UhtK2B9KRYzcpHZY+xXOQFS wTzjnEAHcABrkDNSlRfTidWjgzjC51tUt9wnCFUQckwMJK/Rz+zW59+XysjihokFafBg s8Rg== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1741150306; x=1741755106; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=F0E9FLnKisKpuIMKajtkoq67cjJkfzNvNKyMMJbcxqY=; b=loAy0eZbLCeFP+29Xi2K9hdML/imMaKo2jPIQwhpjNJf+Vyugh0F1kfnRelq1IxTLp KAdfTDAiTwYts43aYh05KADev2BNTNyIgNyrEO0a0k/5wD8fFuNrtMIWDnMXlxq5tbhS ani34wrZHjbNR4QG0l1rmQiBAgqs2iE7zEFXzQY+msPXvArdzajN+yOoVOeyTJ/hmCu4 BonE41Hl8EMJhRntt/a6+WhH6ciJfXm5PQnxXcg+jx1lhjJg3yvrvET2xKL3p5YuPIDj oBwpSH/FwtOIemwgJbQ1qIQnVhipsOd5QtlNDliLp36rmfNKwG6NC/4Q7Jep104AHEaa OvtA== X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0Yz+FadsBlddIS6UyAhh8mp2TMx2YDJMPS8fP3ItYZ8Na2LHcVAL H0ip8lPzdANvQnRxQUWB85gNoRIu3p7FWEfJSHDmaaCaPNFCU4lMCJdV3XVy8/o= X-Gm-Gg: ASbGncsGUNNHz7kReutwitf29Vm4H2Uq7qN6qL9XqgEjqrwcB4kfb0NXADUWZsEwRDM C0X/Ea59sRrYJ6zupgGH37fLzCVMgu2PcpE9F0z+Nw3xFmE7vSMJx6Ag5B3QbbXYjIMtUP3oncT AYPK0zsX6ECE8B4ni/CU6N4e5WPoMj6f8HkTkqCbyLj5OZTSzFbW5jUrK1gZmWV8TBDFpUrImPm hf3a4jLg8oTphl/xpkN0d3fEcm6feYeyqOi1ZyJe6UGvD6VFUWVlU0FKAlMC6WCwZ8yJ0A8iLFh +m8/5iNIXrKJbL8PMthJAzQUysOjKL/4Mg== X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IHoTxg1SGKYeJLCS311P8lKpYHvHFRj19nG7j7Ki2J6YNc8oLo4PDxBCkufHq/wGIS7UmEc1Q== X-Received: by 2002:a05:600c:1d0e:b0:439:969e:d80f with SMTP id 5b1f17b1804b1-43bd2aefa41mr8805065e9.31.1741150305471; Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:51:45 -0800 (PST) Received: from localhost ([2a03:2880:31ff:6::]) by with ESMTPSA id 5b1f17b1804b1-43bd4352e29sm5458775e9.32.2025. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:51:44 -0800 (PST) From: Kumar Kartikeya Dwivedi To: Cc: Alexei Starovoitov , Andrii Nakryiko , Daniel Borkmann , Martin KaFai Lau , Eduard Zingerman , Tejun Heo , Emil Tsalapatis , Barret Rhoden , Josh Don , Dohyun Kim ,, Subject: [PATCH bpf-next v4 2/3] selftests/bpf: Introduce arena spin lock Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 20:51:35 -0800 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.47.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Developer-Signature: v=1; a=openpgp-sha256; l=21133; h=from:subject; bh=slysNkpUffQAEcfXoEh9xtCnDkKYwPUlfov1ey/O/Wo=; b=owEBbQKS/ZANAwAIAUzgyIZIvxHKAcsmYgBnx9WgosgCztbAZYUW9I4nR+W4l+sldruAhTxhp4IE l2jpEaOJAjMEAAEIAB0WIQRLvip+Buz51YI8YRFM4MiGSL8RygUCZ8fVoAAKCRBM4MiGSL8Ryu05EA CslItCrz9PsktIbjalN8/KRmQNGeGctVzv6TAPnnZidHuYeu6MPLnCJE6WzwNDKDWs6237egI1bYq3 mS6xucQQL/bugrP9z2Vd6wLscu603u08i+2oHdLaLnGdOuzJ2+AM9OvUH0TeROJGvYtNgrxuUVVkMD ybHKdyoLJ0tL0DPCYAfQkaSQablnV4Cf/KWa9PX1m+bYM5c+8B1mqNCdXqFN0cYi1TAKtWq5iP2mnU aS+Z5jJyWbzz1o9Xxyw9QNAki9U5tJptYNJIFWCB4OuTVh6rVFOgeBFd684VU2I0iHZwbRi6W8s4GO P98pc7pjyzAFOkxHKiCXauQmpe854FJntDP8a4lAQEv1eKYelxnyYuLq30pEv/EhQLxXHX2O5XYkm1 vXrAwTwXzSCoGyWAzEFOyVUqp1dgkNc5DeeeBjL2j3pv4uHDZBeULrFPUrZ4IrLGLotkva0huu3/Kc QFuYvPHdTvYCgtNMNb1L7UfF8t+0sI0jksg14ZiW6+YDDOQjgfORxLcSWuRh5EQXPRN5jWWtFsZW/B dmiPfQL13J1qlp1RRpTDpzJtZXmvCaT1bO8HUJsXpPxqklvzh7a6Y6QPVh1PdJNCmKSR2PRzKNAAix Ljv9o/EeVBdrGFkaU5Q/GdyAQzKocQPMFA/hT7uGVAhqj8QLo2At3Z0erWvQ== X-Developer-Key:; a=openpgp; fpr=4BBE2A7E06ECF9D5823C61114CE0C88648BF11CA X-Patchwork-Delegate: Implement queued spin lock algorithm as BPF program for lock words living in BPF arena. The algorithm is copied from kernel/locking/qspinlock.c and adapted for BPF use. We first implement abstract helpers for portable atomics and acquire/release load instructions, by relying on X86_64 presence to elide expensive barriers and rely on implementation details of the JIT, and fall back to slow but correct implementations elsewhere. When support for acquire/release load/stores lands, we can improve this state. Then, the qspinlock algorithm is adapted to remove dependence on multi-word atomics due to lack of support in BPF ISA. For instance, xchg_tail cannot use 16-bit xchg, and needs to be a implemented as a 32-bit try_cmpxchg loop. Loops which are seemingly infinite from verifier PoV are annotated with cond_break_label macro to return an error. Only 1024 NR_CPUs are supported. Note that the slow path is a global function, hence the verifier doesn't know the return value's precision. The recommended way of usage is to always test against zero for success, and not ret < 0 for error, as the verifier would assume ret > 0 has not been accounted for. Signed-off-by: Kumar Kartikeya Dwivedi --- .../selftests/bpf/bpf_arena_spin_lock.h | 495 ++++++++++++++++++ tools/testing/selftests/bpf/bpf_atomic.h | 133 +++++ 2 files changed, 628 insertions(+) create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/bpf_arena_spin_lock.h create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/bpf_atomic.h diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/bpf_arena_spin_lock.h b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/bpf_arena_spin_lock.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..342770979d1d --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/bpf_arena_spin_lock.h @@ -0,0 +1,495 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* Copyright (c) 2025 Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. */ +#ifndef BPF_ARENA_SPIN_LOCK_H +#define BPF_ARENA_SPIN_LOCK_H + +#include +#include +#include "bpf_atomic.h" + +#define arch_mcs_spin_lock_contended_label(l, label) smp_cond_load_acquire_label(l, VAL, label) +#define arch_mcs_spin_unlock_contended(l) smp_store_release((l), 1) + +#if defined(ENABLE_ATOMICS_TESTS) && defined(__BPF_FEATURE_ADDR_SPACE_CAST) + +#define EBUSY 16 +#define EOPNOTSUPP 95 +#define ETIMEDOUT 110 + +#ifndef __arena +#define __arena __attribute__((address_space(1))) +#endif + +extern unsigned long CONFIG_NR_CPUS __kconfig; + +#define arena_spinlock_t struct qspinlock +/* FIXME: Using typedef causes CO-RE relocation error */ +/* typedef struct qspinlock arena_spinlock_t; */ + +struct arena_mcs_spinlock { + struct arena_mcs_spinlock __arena *next; + int locked; + int count; +}; + +struct arena_qnode { + struct arena_mcs_spinlock mcs; +}; + +#define _Q_MAX_NODES 4 +#define _Q_PENDING_LOOPS 1 + +/* + * Bitfields in the atomic value: + * + * 0- 7: locked byte + * 8: pending + * 9-15: not used + * 16-17: tail index + * 18-31: tail cpu (+1) + */ +#define _Q_MAX_CPUS 1024 + +#define _Q_SET_MASK(type) (((1U << _Q_ ## type ## _BITS) - 1)\ + << _Q_ ## type ## _OFFSET) +#define _Q_LOCKED_OFFSET 0 +#define _Q_LOCKED_BITS 8 +#define _Q_LOCKED_MASK _Q_SET_MASK(LOCKED) + +#define _Q_PENDING_OFFSET (_Q_LOCKED_OFFSET + _Q_LOCKED_BITS) +#define _Q_PENDING_BITS 8 +#define _Q_PENDING_MASK _Q_SET_MASK(PENDING) + +#define _Q_TAIL_IDX_OFFSET (_Q_PENDING_OFFSET + _Q_PENDING_BITS) +#define _Q_TAIL_IDX_BITS 2 +#define _Q_TAIL_IDX_MASK _Q_SET_MASK(TAIL_IDX) + +#define _Q_TAIL_CPU_OFFSET (_Q_TAIL_IDX_OFFSET + _Q_TAIL_IDX_BITS) +#define _Q_TAIL_CPU_BITS (32 - _Q_TAIL_CPU_OFFSET) +#define _Q_TAIL_CPU_MASK _Q_SET_MASK(TAIL_CPU) + +#define _Q_TAIL_OFFSET _Q_TAIL_IDX_OFFSET +#define _Q_TAIL_MASK (_Q_TAIL_IDX_MASK | _Q_TAIL_CPU_MASK) + +#define _Q_LOCKED_VAL (1U << _Q_LOCKED_OFFSET) +#define _Q_PENDING_VAL (1U << _Q_PENDING_OFFSET) + +#define likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1) +#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0) + +struct arena_qnode __arena qnodes[_Q_MAX_CPUS][_Q_MAX_NODES]; + +static inline u32 encode_tail(int cpu, int idx) +{ + u32 tail; + + tail = (cpu + 1) << _Q_TAIL_CPU_OFFSET; + tail |= idx << _Q_TAIL_IDX_OFFSET; /* assume < 4 */ + + return tail; +} + +static inline struct arena_mcs_spinlock __arena *decode_tail(u32 tail) +{ + u32 cpu = (tail >> _Q_TAIL_CPU_OFFSET) - 1; + u32 idx = (tail & _Q_TAIL_IDX_MASK) >> _Q_TAIL_IDX_OFFSET; + + return &qnodes[cpu][idx].mcs; +} + +static inline +struct arena_mcs_spinlock __arena *grab_mcs_node(struct arena_mcs_spinlock __arena *base, int idx) +{ + return &((struct arena_qnode __arena *)base + idx)->mcs; +} + +#define _Q_LOCKED_PENDING_MASK (_Q_LOCKED_MASK | _Q_PENDING_MASK) + +/** + * xchg_tail - Put in the new queue tail code word & retrieve previous one + * @lock : Pointer to queued spinlock structure + * @tail : The new queue tail code word + * Return: The previous queue tail code word + * + * xchg(lock, tail) + * + * p,*,* -> n,*,* ; prev = xchg(lock, node) + */ +static __always_inline u32 xchg_tail(arena_spinlock_t __arena *lock, u32 tail) +{ + u32 old, new; + + old = atomic_read(&lock->val); + do { + new = (old & _Q_LOCKED_PENDING_MASK) | tail; + /* + * We can use relaxed semantics since the caller ensures that + * the MCS node is properly initialized before updating the + * tail. + */ + /* These loops are not expected to stall, but we still need to + * prove to the verifier they will terminate eventually. + */ + cond_break_label(out); + } while (!atomic_try_cmpxchg_relaxed(&lock->val, &old, new)); + + return old; +out: + bpf_printk("RUNTIME ERROR: %s unexpected cond_break exit!!!", __func__); + return old; +} + +/** + * clear_pending - clear the pending bit. + * @lock: Pointer to queued spinlock structure + * + * *,1,* -> *,0,* + */ +static __always_inline void clear_pending(arena_spinlock_t __arena *lock) +{ + WRITE_ONCE(lock->pending, 0); +} + +/** + * clear_pending_set_locked - take ownership and clear the pending bit. + * @lock: Pointer to queued spinlock structure + * + * *,1,0 -> *,0,1 + * + * Lock stealing is not allowed if this function is used. + */ +static __always_inline void clear_pending_set_locked(arena_spinlock_t __arena *lock) +{ + WRITE_ONCE(lock->locked_pending, _Q_LOCKED_VAL); +} + +/** + * set_locked - Set the lock bit and own the lock + * @lock: Pointer to queued spinlock structure + * + * *,*,0 -> *,0,1 + */ +static __always_inline void set_locked(arena_spinlock_t __arena *lock) +{ + WRITE_ONCE(lock->locked, _Q_LOCKED_VAL); +} + +static __always_inline +u32 arena_fetch_set_pending_acquire(arena_spinlock_t __arena *lock) +{ + u32 old, new; + + old = atomic_read(&lock->val); + do { + new = old | _Q_PENDING_VAL; + /* + * These loops are not expected to stall, but we still need to + * prove to the verifier they will terminate eventually. + */ + cond_break_label(out); + } while (!atomic_try_cmpxchg_acquire(&lock->val, &old, new)); + + return old; +out: + bpf_printk("RUNTIME ERROR: %s unexpected cond_break exit!!!", __func__); + return old; +} + +/** + * arena_spin_trylock - try to acquire the queued spinlock + * @lock : Pointer to queued spinlock structure + * Return: 1 if lock acquired, 0 if failed + */ +static __always_inline int arena_spin_trylock(arena_spinlock_t __arena *lock) +{ + int val = atomic_read(&lock->val); + + if (unlikely(val)) + return 0; + + return likely(atomic_try_cmpxchg_acquire(&lock->val, &val, _Q_LOCKED_VAL)); +} + +__noinline +int arena_spin_lock_slowpath(arena_spinlock_t __arena __arg_arena *lock, u32 val) +{ + struct arena_mcs_spinlock __arena *prev, *next, *node0, *node; + int ret = -ETIMEDOUT; + u32 old, tail; + int idx; + + /* + * Wait for in-progress pending->locked hand-overs with a bounded + * number of spins so that we guarantee forward progress. + * + * 0,1,0 -> 0,0,1 + */ + if (val == _Q_PENDING_VAL) { + int cnt = _Q_PENDING_LOOPS; + val = atomic_cond_read_relaxed_label(&lock->val, + (VAL != _Q_PENDING_VAL) || !cnt--, + release_err); + } + + /* + * If we observe any contention; queue. + */ + if (val & ~_Q_LOCKED_MASK) + goto queue; + + /* + * trylock || pending + * + * 0,0,* -> 0,1,* -> 0,0,1 pending, trylock + */ + val = arena_fetch_set_pending_acquire(lock); + + /* + * If we observe contention, there is a concurrent locker. + * + * Undo and queue; our setting of PENDING might have made the + * n,0,0 -> 0,0,0 transition fail and it will now be waiting + * on @next to become !NULL. + */ + if (unlikely(val & ~_Q_LOCKED_MASK)) { + + /* Undo PENDING if we set it. */ + if (!(val & _Q_PENDING_MASK)) + clear_pending(lock); + + goto queue; + } + + /* + * We're pending, wait for the owner to go away. + * + * 0,1,1 -> *,1,0 + * + * this wait loop must be a load-acquire such that we match the + * store-release that clears the locked bit and create lock + * sequentiality; this is because not all + * clear_pending_set_locked() implementations imply full + * barriers. + */ + if (val & _Q_LOCKED_MASK) + smp_cond_load_acquire_label(&lock->locked, !VAL, release_err); + + /* + * take ownership and clear the pending bit. + * + * 0,1,0 -> 0,0,1 + */ + clear_pending_set_locked(lock); + return 0; + + /* + * End of pending bit optimistic spinning and beginning of MCS + * queuing. + */ +queue: + node0 = &(qnodes[bpf_get_smp_processor_id()])[0].mcs; + idx = node0->count++; + tail = encode_tail(bpf_get_smp_processor_id(), idx); + + /* + * 4 nodes are allocated based on the assumption that there will not be + * nested NMIs taking spinlocks. That may not be true in some + * architectures even though the chance of needing more than 4 nodes + * will still be extremely unlikely. When that happens, we simply return + * an error. Original qspinlock has a trylock fallback in this case. + */ + if (unlikely(idx >= _Q_MAX_NODES)) { + ret = -EBUSY; + goto release_node_err; + } + + node = grab_mcs_node(node0, idx); + + /* + * Ensure that we increment the head node->count before initialising + * the actual node. If the compiler is kind enough to reorder these + * stores, then an IRQ could overwrite our assignments. + */ + barrier(); + + node->locked = 0; + node->next = NULL; + + /* + * We touched a (possibly) cold cacheline in the per-cpu queue node; + * attempt the trylock once more in the hope someone let go while we + * weren't watching. + */ + if (arena_spin_trylock(lock)) + goto release; + + /* + * Ensure that the initialisation of @node is complete before we + * publish the updated tail via xchg_tail() and potentially link + * @node into the waitqueue via WRITE_ONCE(prev->next, node) below. + */ + smp_wmb(); + + /* + * Publish the updated tail. + * We have already touched the queueing cacheline; don't bother with + * pending stuff. + * + * p,*,* -> n,*,* + */ + old = xchg_tail(lock, tail); + next = NULL; + + /* + * if there was a previous node; link it and wait until reaching the + * head of the waitqueue. + */ + if (old & _Q_TAIL_MASK) { + prev = decode_tail(old); + + /* Link @node into the waitqueue. */ + WRITE_ONCE(prev->next, node); + + arch_mcs_spin_lock_contended_label(&node->locked, release_node_err); + + /* + * While waiting for the MCS lock, the next pointer may have + * been set by another lock waiter. We cannot prefetch here + * due to lack of equivalent instruction in BPF ISA. + */ + next = READ_ONCE(node->next); + } + + /* + * we're at the head of the waitqueue, wait for the owner & pending to + * go away. + * + * *,x,y -> *,0,0 + * + * this wait loop must use a load-acquire such that we match the + * store-release that clears the locked bit and create lock + * sequentiality; this is because the set_locked() function below + * does not imply a full barrier. + */ + val = atomic_cond_read_acquire_label(&lock->val, !(VAL & _Q_LOCKED_PENDING_MASK), + release_node_err); + + /* + * claim the lock: + * + * n,0,0 -> 0,0,1 : lock, uncontended + * *,*,0 -> *,*,1 : lock, contended + * + * If the queue head is the only one in the queue (lock value == tail) + * and nobody is pending, clear the tail code and grab the lock. + * Otherwise, we only need to grab the lock. + */ + + /* + * In the PV case we might already have _Q_LOCKED_VAL set, because + * of lock stealing; therefore we must also allow: + * + * n,0,1 -> 0,0,1 + * + * Note: at this point: (val & _Q_PENDING_MASK) == 0, because of the + * above wait condition, therefore any concurrent setting of + * PENDING will make the uncontended transition fail. + */ + if ((val & _Q_TAIL_MASK) == tail) { + if (atomic_try_cmpxchg_relaxed(&lock->val, &val, _Q_LOCKED_VAL)) + goto release; /* No contention */ + } + + /* + * Either somebody is queued behind us or _Q_PENDING_VAL got set + * which will then detect the remaining tail and queue behind us + * ensuring we'll see a @next. + */ + set_locked(lock); + + /* + * contended path; wait for next if not observed yet, release. + */ + if (!next) + next = smp_cond_load_relaxed_label(&node->next, (VAL), release_node_err); + + arch_mcs_spin_unlock_contended(&next->locked); + +release:; + /* + * release the node + * + * Doing a normal dec vs this_cpu_dec is fine. An upper context always + * decrements count it incremented before returning, thus we're fine. + * For contexts interrupting us, they either observe our dec or not. + * Just ensure the compiler doesn't reorder this statement, as a + * this_cpu_dec implicitly implied that. + */ + barrier(); + node0->count--; + return 0; +release_node_err: + barrier(); + node0->count--; + goto release_err; +release_err: + return ret; +} + +/** + * arena_spin_lock - acquire a queued spinlock + * @lock: Pointer to queued spinlock structure + * + * The return value _must_ be tested against zero for success. + * On error, returned value will be negative. + */ +static __always_inline int arena_spin_lock(arena_spinlock_t __arena *lock) +{ + int val = 0; + + if (CONFIG_NR_CPUS > 1024) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + + bpf_preempt_disable(); + if (likely(atomic_try_cmpxchg_acquire(&lock->val, &val, _Q_LOCKED_VAL))) + return 0; + + val = arena_spin_lock_slowpath(lock, val); + /* FIXME: bpf_assert_range(-MAX_ERRNO, 0) once we have it working for all cases. */ + if (val) + bpf_preempt_enable(); + return val; +} + +/** + * arena_spin_unlock - release a queued spinlock + * @lock : Pointer to queued spinlock structure + */ +static __always_inline void arena_spin_unlock(arena_spinlock_t __arena *lock) +{ + /* + * unlock() needs release semantics: + */ + smp_store_release(&lock->locked, 0); + bpf_preempt_enable(); +} + +#define arena_spin_lock_irqsave(lock, flags) \ + ({ \ + int __ret; \ + bpf_local_irq_save(&(flags)); \ + __ret = arena_spin_lock((lock)); \ + if (__ret) \ + bpf_local_irq_restore(&(flags)); \ + (__ret); \ + }) + +#define arena_spin_unlock_irqrestore(lock, flags) \ + ({ \ + arena_spin_unlock((lock)); \ + bpf_local_irq_restore(&(flags)); \ + }) + +#endif + +#endif /* BPF_ARENA_SPIN_LOCK_H */ diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/bpf_atomic.h b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/bpf_atomic.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..788f18ddcf62 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/bpf_atomic.h @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* Copyright (c) 2025 Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. */ +#ifndef BPF_ATOMIC_H +#define BPF_ATOMIC_H + +#include +#include +#include "bpf_experimental.h" + +extern bool CONFIG_X86_64 __kconfig __weak; + +#define __scalar_type_to_expr_cases(type) \ + unsigned type : (unsigned type)0, signed type : (signed type)0 +/* + * This is lifted from __unqual_scalar_typeof in the kernel (which is used to + * lose const qualifier etc.), but adapted to also cover pointers. It is + * necessary because we ascertain type to create local variables in macros + * below, but for pointers with __arena tag, we'll ascertain the underlying type + * with the tag, causing a compilation error (as local variables that are not + * pointers may not have __arena tag). This trick allows losing the qualifier + * when necessary. + */ +#define __unqual_typeof(x) \ + typeof(_Generic((x), \ + char: (char)0, \ + __scalar_type_to_expr_cases(char), \ + __scalar_type_to_expr_cases(short), \ + __scalar_type_to_expr_cases(int), \ + __scalar_type_to_expr_cases(long), \ + __scalar_type_to_expr_cases(long long), \ + default: (typeof(x))0)) + +/* No-op for BPF */ +#define cpu_relax() ({}) + +#define READ_ONCE(x) (*(volatile typeof(x) *)&(x)) + +#define WRITE_ONCE(x, val) ((*(volatile typeof(x) *)&(x)) = (val)) + +#define cmpxchg(p, old, new) __sync_val_compare_and_swap((p), old, new) + +#define try_cmpxchg(p, pold, new) \ + ({ \ + __unqual_typeof(*(pold)) __o = *(pold); \ + __unqual_typeof(*(p)) __r = cmpxchg(p, __o, new); \ + if (__r != __o) \ + *(pold) = __r; \ + __r == __o; \ + }) + +#define try_cmpxchg_relaxed(p, pold, new) try_cmpxchg(p, pold, new) + +#define try_cmpxchg_acquire(p, pold, new) try_cmpxchg(p, pold, new) + +#define smp_mb() \ + ({ \ + unsigned long __val; \ + __sync_fetch_and_add(&__val, 0); \ + }) + +#define smp_rmb() \ + ({ \ + if (!CONFIG_X86_64) \ + smp_mb(); \ + else \ + barrier(); \ + }) + +#define smp_wmb() \ + ({ \ + if (!CONFIG_X86_64) \ + smp_mb(); \ + else \ + barrier(); \ + }) + +/* Control dependency provides LOAD->STORE, provide LOAD->LOAD */ +#define smp_acquire__after_ctrl_dep() ({ smp_rmb(); }) + +#define smp_load_acquire(p) \ + ({ \ + __unqual_typeof(*(p)) __v = READ_ONCE(*(p)); \ + if (!CONFIG_X86_64) \ + smp_mb(); \ + barrier(); \ + __v; \ + }) + +#define smp_store_release(p, val) \ + ({ \ + if (!CONFIG_X86_64) \ + smp_mb(); \ + barrier(); \ + WRITE_ONCE(*(p), val); \ + }) + +#define smp_cond_load_relaxed_label(p, cond_expr, label) \ + ({ \ + typeof(p) __ptr = (p); \ + __unqual_typeof(*(p)) VAL; \ + for (;;) { \ + VAL = (__unqual_typeof(*(p)))READ_ONCE(*__ptr); \ + if (cond_expr) \ + break; \ + cond_break_label(label); \ + cpu_relax(); \ + } \ + (typeof(*(p)))VAL; \ + }) + +#define smp_cond_load_acquire_label(p, cond_expr, label) \ + ({ \ + __unqual_typeof(*p) __val = \ + smp_cond_load_relaxed_label(p, cond_expr, label); \ + smp_acquire__after_ctrl_dep(); \ + (typeof(*(p)))__val; \ + }) + +#define atomic_read(p) READ_ONCE((p)->counter) + +#define atomic_cond_read_relaxed_label(p, cond_expr, label) \ + smp_cond_load_relaxed_label(&(p)->counter, cond_expr, label) + +#define atomic_cond_read_acquire_label(p, cond_expr, label) \ + smp_cond_load_acquire_label(&(p)->counter, cond_expr, label) + +#define atomic_try_cmpxchg_relaxed(p, pold, new) \ + try_cmpxchg_relaxed(&(p)->counter, pold, new) + +#define atomic_try_cmpxchg_acquire(p, pold, new) \ + try_cmpxchg_acquire(&(p)->counter, pold, new) + +#endif /* BPF_ATOMIC_H */