diff mbox series

[iwl-next,v8,08/15] ixgbe: add .info_get extension specific for E610 devices

Message ID 20250313150346.356612-9-jedrzej.jagielski@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Awaiting Upstream
Delegated to: Netdev Maintainers
Headers show
Series ixgbe: Add basic devlink support | expand


Context Check Description
netdev/series_format warning Target tree name not specified in the subject
netdev/tree_selection success Guessed tree name to be net-next
netdev/ynl success Generated files up to date; no warnings/errors; no diff in generated;
netdev/fixes_present success Fixes tag not required for -next series
netdev/header_inline success No static functions without inline keyword in header files
netdev/build_32bit success Errors and warnings before: 0 this patch: 0
netdev/build_tools success No tools touched, skip
netdev/cc_maintainers warning 7 maintainers not CCed: edumazet@google.com pabeni@redhat.com andrew+netdev@lunn.ch kuba@kernel.org linux-doc@vger.kernel.org corbet@lwn.net jiri@resnulli.us
netdev/build_clang success Errors and warnings before: 0 this patch: 0
netdev/verify_signedoff success Signed-off-by tag matches author and committer
netdev/deprecated_api success None detected
netdev/check_selftest success No net selftest shell script
netdev/verify_fixes success No Fixes tag
netdev/build_allmodconfig_warn success Errors and warnings before: 0 this patch: 0
netdev/checkpatch warning CHECK: Alignment should match open parenthesis
netdev/build_clang_rust success No Rust files in patch. Skipping build
netdev/kdoc success Errors and warnings before: 0 this patch: 0
netdev/source_inline success Was 0 now: 0

Commit Message

Jedrzej Jagielski March 13, 2025, 3:03 p.m. UTC
E610 devices give possibility to show more detailed info than the previous
Extend reporting NVM info with following pieces:
 fw.mgmt.api -> version number of the API
 fw.mgmt.build -> identifier of the source for the FW
 fw.psid.api -> version defining the format of the flash contents
 fw.netlist -> version of the netlist module
 fw.netlist.build -> first 4 bytes of the netlist hash

Reviewed-by: Mateusz Polchlopek <mateusz.polchlopek@intel.com>
Tested-by: Bharath R <bharath.r@intel.com>
Co-developed-by: Slawomir Mrozowicz <slawomirx.mrozowicz@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Slawomir Mrozowicz <slawomirx.mrozowicz@intel.com>
Co-developed-by: Piotr Kwapulinski <piotr.kwapulinski@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Piotr Kwapulinski <piotr.kwapulinski@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Jedrzej Jagielski <jedrzej.jagielski@intel.com>
 Documentation/networking/devlink/ixgbe.rst    |  26 ++++
 .../ethernet/intel/ixgbe/devlink/devlink.c    | 132 +++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 153 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/Documentation/networking/devlink/ixgbe.rst b/Documentation/networking/devlink/ixgbe.rst
index b63645de37e8..a41073a62776 100644
--- a/Documentation/networking/devlink/ixgbe.rst
+++ b/Documentation/networking/devlink/ixgbe.rst
@@ -38,3 +38,29 @@  The ``ixgbe`` driver reports the following versions
       - 0x80000d0d
       - Unique identifier of the firmware image file that was loaded onto
         the device. Also referred to as the EETRACK identifier of the NVM.
+    * - ``fw.mgmt.api``
+      - running
+      - 1.5.1
+      - 3-digit version number (major.minor.patch) of the API exported over
+        the AdminQ by the management firmware. Used by the driver to
+        identify what commands are supported. Historical versions of the
+        kernel only displayed a 2-digit version number (major.minor).
+    * - ``fw.mgmt.build``
+      - running
+      - 0x305d955f
+      - Unique identifier of the source for the management firmware.
+    * - ``fw.psid.api``
+      - running
+      - 0.80
+      - Version defining the format of the flash contents.
+    * - ``fw.netlist``
+      - running
+      - 1.1.2000-6.7.0
+      - The version of the netlist module. This module defines the device's
+        Ethernet capabilities and default settings, and is used by the
+        management firmware as part of managing link and device
+        connectivity.
+    * - ``fw.netlist.build``
+      - running
+      - 0xee16ced7
+      - The first 4 bytes of the hash of the netlist module contents.
diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/devlink/devlink.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/devlink/devlink.c
index d91252da4a61..365310a6910d 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/devlink/devlink.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe/devlink/devlink.c
@@ -19,14 +19,22 @@  static void ixgbe_info_get_dsn(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter,
 	snprintf(ctx->buf, sizeof(ctx->buf), "%8phD", dsn);
-static void ixgbe_info_nvm_ver(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter,
-			       struct ixgbe_info_ctx *ctx)
+static void ixgbe_info_orom_ver(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter,
+				struct ixgbe_info_ctx *ctx)
 	struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw;
 	struct ixgbe_nvm_version nvm_ver;
 	ctx->buf[0] = '\0';
+	if (hw->mac.type == ixgbe_mac_e610) {
+		struct ixgbe_orom_info *orom = &adapter->hw.flash.orom;
+		snprintf(ctx->buf, sizeof(ctx->buf), "%u.%u.%u",
+			 orom->major, orom->build, orom->patch);
+		return;
+	}
 	ixgbe_get_oem_prod_version(hw, &nvm_ver);
 	if (nvm_ver.oem_valid) {
 		snprintf(ctx->buf, sizeof(ctx->buf), "%x.%x.%x",
@@ -48,6 +56,12 @@  static void ixgbe_info_eetrack(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter,
 	struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw;
 	struct ixgbe_nvm_version nvm_ver;
+	if (hw->mac.type == ixgbe_mac_e610) {
+		snprintf(ctx->buf, sizeof(ctx->buf), "0x%08x",
+			 hw->flash.nvm.eetrack);
+		return;
+	}
 	ixgbe_get_oem_prod_version(hw, &nvm_ver);
 	/* No ETRACK version for OEM */
@@ -60,6 +74,112 @@  static void ixgbe_info_eetrack(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter,
 	snprintf(ctx->buf, sizeof(ctx->buf), "0x%08x", nvm_ver.etk_id);
+static void ixgbe_info_fw_api(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter,
+			      struct ixgbe_info_ctx *ctx)
+	struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw;
+	snprintf(ctx->buf, sizeof(ctx->buf), "%u.%u.%u",
+		 hw->api_maj_ver, hw->api_min_ver, hw->api_patch);
+static void ixgbe_info_fw_build(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter,
+				struct ixgbe_info_ctx *ctx)
+	struct ixgbe_hw *hw = &adapter->hw;
+	snprintf(ctx->buf, sizeof(ctx->buf), "0x%08x", hw->fw_build);
+static void ixgbe_info_fw_srev(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter,
+			       struct ixgbe_info_ctx *ctx)
+	struct ixgbe_nvm_info *nvm = &adapter->hw.flash.nvm;
+	snprintf(ctx->buf, sizeof(ctx->buf), "%u", nvm->srev);
+static void ixgbe_info_orom_srev(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter,
+				 struct ixgbe_info_ctx *ctx)
+	struct ixgbe_orom_info *orom = &adapter->hw.flash.orom;
+	snprintf(ctx->buf, sizeof(ctx->buf), "%u", orom->srev);
+static void ixgbe_info_nvm_ver(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter,
+			       struct ixgbe_info_ctx *ctx)
+	struct ixgbe_nvm_info *nvm = &adapter->hw.flash.nvm;
+	snprintf(ctx->buf, sizeof(ctx->buf), "%x.%02x", nvm->major, nvm->minor);
+static void ixgbe_info_netlist_ver(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter,
+				   struct ixgbe_info_ctx *ctx)
+	struct ixgbe_netlist_info *netlist = &adapter->hw.flash.netlist;
+	/* The netlist version fields are BCD formatted */
+	snprintf(ctx->buf, sizeof(ctx->buf), "%x.%x.%x-%x.%x.%x",
+		 netlist->major, netlist->minor,
+		 netlist->type >> 16, netlist->type & 0xFFFF,
+		 netlist->rev, netlist->cust_ver);
+static void ixgbe_info_netlist_build(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter,
+				     struct ixgbe_info_ctx *ctx)
+	struct ixgbe_netlist_info *netlist = &adapter->hw.flash.netlist;
+	snprintf(ctx->buf, sizeof(ctx->buf), "0x%08x", netlist->hash);
+static int ixgbe_devlink_info_get_e610(struct ixgbe_adapter *adapter,
+				       struct devlink_info_req *req,
+				       struct ixgbe_info_ctx *ctx)
+	int err;
+	ixgbe_info_fw_api(adapter, ctx);
+	err = devlink_info_version_running_put(req,
+				ctx->buf);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	ixgbe_info_fw_build(adapter, ctx);
+	err = devlink_info_version_running_put(req, "fw.mgmt.build", ctx->buf);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	ixgbe_info_fw_srev(adapter, ctx);
+	err = devlink_info_version_running_put(req, "fw.mgmt.srev", ctx->buf);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	ixgbe_info_orom_srev(adapter, ctx);
+	err = devlink_info_version_running_put(req, "fw.undi.srev", ctx->buf);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	ixgbe_info_nvm_ver(adapter, ctx);
+	err = devlink_info_version_running_put(req, "fw.psid.api", ctx->buf);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	ixgbe_info_netlist_ver(adapter, ctx);
+	err = devlink_info_version_running_put(req, "fw.netlist", ctx->buf);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	ixgbe_info_netlist_build(adapter, ctx);
+	err = devlink_info_version_running_put(req, "fw.netlist.build",
+					       ctx->buf);
+	return err;
 static int ixgbe_devlink_info_get(struct devlink *devlink,
 				  struct devlink_info_req *req,
 				  struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)
@@ -88,17 +208,19 @@  static int ixgbe_devlink_info_get(struct devlink *devlink,
 	if (err)
 		goto free_ctx;
-	ixgbe_info_nvm_ver(adapter, ctx);
+	ixgbe_info_orom_ver(adapter, ctx);
 	err = devlink_info_version_running_put(req,
-	if (err)
-		goto free_ctx;
 	ixgbe_info_eetrack(adapter, ctx);
 	err = devlink_info_version_running_put(req,
+	if (err || hw->mac.type != ixgbe_mac_e610)
+		goto free_ctx;
+	err = ixgbe_devlink_info_get_e610(adapter, req, ctx);
 	return err;