From patchwork Sun Mar 16 04:05:24 2025 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Kumar Kartikeya Dwivedi X-Patchwork-Id: 14018281 X-Patchwork-Delegate: Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id E02CD181CFD; Sun, 16 Mar 2025 04:05:55 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; arc=none smtp.client-ip= ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1742097957; cv=none; b=a3HFG9B66t2gr874erL5+1RWGwh8FRaqxHnEFzYGA7u3E0/OMbw5csBdBIUnWMU7NFn10ZcyZ9caZRyWfqsw7gVcLLpIwj8t+1U2hjBLLFOqMfNU6VS2vY1Ew+7S2qArk1zfzb4Ni7zV2gcyJsROt4WUuJhxTA64csw4Abihovc= ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1742097957; c=relaxed/simple; bh=lKBJ9aBAw973+or/w6UqktipL8hdcm3y+5hYOVP0ZOk=; h=From:To:Cc:Subject:Date:Message-ID:In-Reply-To:References: MIME-Version; b=H46vlqJvMyUhtgYcGtlAe7olrgyMBlpFOTI8a5Y9x5GlVMZuwziFrhFOjEye6I2AzSlaTARhux5HiD1ZAFvOQPUSKgZgGVKUPvR97U9+sp1KR66w7Em/FAOvpDU0vTAm+vr69M2EKo4fBes3nVVDNLzUr9cKFGTEuvKy1OH+gh8= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none); spf=pass; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b=M+Ji1RIe; arc=none smtp.client-ip= Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="M+Ji1RIe" Received: by with SMTP id 5b1f17b1804b1-43d0618746bso7043485e9.2; Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:05:55 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1742097953; x=1742702753;; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:from:to:cc:subject:date :message-id:reply-to; bh=zFK9QP2ryp6S9vfpdoBhpsIqnMqrZRtjhBu2k3+ZF1k=; b=M+Ji1RIeKKXYAXjx0rj32Nh27HypTbunzD9AE4oXM8wJ0fsGgJYyKMoa1/kyf/fqrB CTuK2NptxwqNrv2XyaXkBDIlN1wltVeI9aezOv30/v/ngPoYK9j+v6ll9xv/CHYNkN/f 0Bvtazu27YQaKqtlEFQypuNId8+DwGt8H0Ew3IWJFlaUMqwZP8YggvD3BTudnAPRMDzW /AxP6vO33TNzvmUj7QLOFOLbUzqmC9T0vjGbilArQemIelKHPGhg9TeBNM4t2lZ2BcTr MgQ06vzJwGZj7IN7uFQsQ3kb/0LNuHpranTGikmQ001QhSkJGQMQ8JhyJJMurw89xlvO VG4g== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1742097953; x=1742702753; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=zFK9QP2ryp6S9vfpdoBhpsIqnMqrZRtjhBu2k3+ZF1k=; b=RXotwSamRTRiYdp/OFqGWeZ5Pn4WVMYtDmGqJsVEtC1IgAZ4iRRE23ZABqpCT2vJ6S Z6GHo/kKD2le9CsPw78vusN0SsrLBRDgNqMEE//EdntwDRA4aaolNU2QZub+HtRgnndY sm/lwwzTgnNzkHGTGNwhkuc9W0pGS4ie0slQJ+oEq6VrZBJKZGysll+hV2yYzlSUjB1e r2ZV6G4UY6A0I+342QNcoNCXbQyyIVskCHYIKH+Oy3x4sCgIotMehAlGB8ndYuWTDvP4 pF8AXy7sAuZBSuK+5pm7x/FFZzZd51joBENTyK/4fCcaAKO+GLAV3Q1KBml5bikAWePp jncg== X-Forwarded-Encrypted: i=1; AJvYcCWbdZFUoeF3qMxXeea5MSPJNAlz0zcr/ X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0YxePdmyibB4vf054k1OjJO5IutACeAUFfbLmCPoVd1FA6bTM9uE 84Z+aQrBH2yB4yrNOf0/FcEzGSDsLARYqhS4Uv69EJY2pixr4WRVhMmEFQxRD5U= X-Gm-Gg: ASbGncuF2Vmq3DZF5sCUQgPls65/soL7x/sCQF7CiLTOgk64Vs3yhkHRog/SNCqGK/z 3Z1G7td6jLRKW9VJuTDRjTKXh1voh/GzcDTZ1PpWGV1mSXS079Y9Wwvj+ROwuD4soPYXhpawFwW Gmtx8i3s4faClQTraAvrBffSzIzqgrxkx27SQBQBX9m7ON/P1KSOVIlI+tB0oyCHcuTMVO669lx ytZLxDBCmzmpLKLYgFddcmj0kcBb6+mpYIJonYoJDND/wI3rN9pSJqxhIUrc9E45UX25m2ZmcSC H+lXrnkRGsQtJg/VcvKBvJieO2DRG92bIA== X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IGhUW+f1q1VNdCXhZBFgRFdmfv75hlIFEK2IxoeJXmnqDxRW8wtCa/CmOIyhQqKD2xosxaDyg== X-Received: by 2002:a05:6000:1aca:b0:390:d6ab:6c49 with SMTP id ffacd0b85a97d-397209627cbmr11722558f8f.35.1742097953204; Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:05:53 -0700 (PDT) Received: from localhost ([2a03:2880:31ff:5::]) by with ESMTPSA id 5b1f17b1804b1-43d1fe60b91sm67304495e9.31.2025. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:05:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Kumar Kartikeya Dwivedi To:, Cc: Ankur Arora , Linus Torvalds , Peter Zijlstra , Will Deacon , Waiman Long , Alexei Starovoitov , Andrii Nakryiko , Daniel Borkmann , Martin KaFai Lau , Eduard Zingerman , "Paul E. McKenney" , Tejun Heo , Barret Rhoden , Josh Don , Dohyun Kim ,,, Subject: [PATCH bpf-next v4 08/25] rqspinlock: Hardcode cond_acquire loops for arm64 Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:05:24 -0700 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.47.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Developer-Signature: v=1; a=openpgp-sha256; l=6176; h=from:subject; bh=lKBJ9aBAw973+or/w6UqktipL8hdcm3y+5hYOVP0ZOk=; b=owEBbQKS/ZANAwAIAUzgyIZIvxHKAcsmYgBn1k3cMbmNKFvx4Ik3/qHmmldYWMH/I0PyXp8ZVeBa UGufzLyJAjMEAAEIAB0WIQRLvip+Buz51YI8YRFM4MiGSL8RygUCZ9ZN3AAKCRBM4MiGSL8RynLiD/ 9hx5tU4NN3EbyQPx9n+eKNGaPXqNZPXxhQCFKmNLAzfKnq/pcezJXwAaBvF3MvIZVzVlUV27hYJOaT VPdqeyvrqyrQLXnxKw6ZyYJH2pYpdUil8/2N6BpCLOUHygH+NSQiJ34gEdnURzGDh3RFatKjQifwQj lDUDg2B3dBHy3a6sRr+8+0JMw9/DK+acuvbq6yAHzyfOVH7EAeE7PdjvyFOsJ6AfH1Ljn2Ef3zbnuU 4Kqfx0mCHSNEKwZ0r8BjSLhmMaDqE/5s0iAaMrUyXfyyyNVJOuJXT1uPjOdz+svu+4lrBlI5NJUzSw vc3EODS08XuQXKt5+uiNPa+moqvRfm9TtSz/S9Rm6uUPIqM4LPg45KROS4P27UjPZ8jACSk0pQRrk1 IQrUW4DQinLN6Jf2g6ub0hZHFhXkkBZp9VYetZWXYCyaDyoLnKM2lzdUeRof5bkUQac+W3mWbGSYhs 1ZNsPxQs2uHgi2xFAHk3Z5vYT46PZIa1+0Dv3eLErjz6D62AmpZar3lhqeQ7Ta7XuCzKvDvHNqyisy aDrHLSUt2eVz4sbmWW6daJ4kEbOdjsCeHybPzY3n20R7UPwcoiGQld4ZgBGXkP06x2uAvOfgJMIG0M 9QbNJoAG58//G++hEQlk7Pm0zJfn+jEgToyvLCWCL5AFtls4uNh/Ru6sTjkA== X-Developer-Key:; a=openpgp; fpr=4BBE2A7E06ECF9D5823C61114CE0C88648BF11CA X-Patchwork-Delegate: Currently, for rqspinlock usage, the implementation of smp_cond_load_acquire (and thus, atomic_cond_read_acquire) are susceptible to stalls on arm64, because they do not guarantee that the conditional expression will be repeatedly invoked if the address being loaded from is not written to by other CPUs. When support for event-streams is absent (which unblocks stuck WFE-based loops every ~100us), we may end up being stuck forever. This causes a problem for us, as we need to repeatedly invoke the RES_CHECK_TIMEOUT in the spin loop to break out when the timeout expires. Let us import the smp_cond_load_acquire_timewait implementation Ankur is proposing in [0], and then fallback to it once it is merged. While we rely on the implementation to amortize the cost of sampling check_timeout for us, it will not happen when event stream support is unavailable. This is not the common case, and it would be difficult to fit our logic in the time_expr_ns >= time_limit_ns comparison, hence just let it be. [0]: Cc: Ankur Arora Signed-off-by: Kumar Kartikeya Dwivedi --- arch/arm64/include/asm/rqspinlock.h | 93 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ kernel/bpf/rqspinlock.c | 15 +++++ 2 files changed, 108 insertions(+) create mode 100644 arch/arm64/include/asm/rqspinlock.h diff --git a/arch/arm64/include/asm/rqspinlock.h b/arch/arm64/include/asm/rqspinlock.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5b80785324b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm64/include/asm/rqspinlock.h @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +#ifndef _ASM_RQSPINLOCK_H +#define _ASM_RQSPINLOCK_H + +#include + +/* + * Hardcode res_smp_cond_load_acquire implementations for arm64 to a custom + * version based on [0]. In rqspinlock code, our conditional expression involves + * checking the value _and_ additionally a timeout. However, on arm64, the + * WFE-based implementation may never spin again if no stores occur to the + * locked byte in the lock word. As such, we may be stuck forever if + * event-stream based unblocking is not available on the platform for WFE spin + * loops (arch_timer_evtstrm_available). + * + * Once support for smp_cond_load_acquire_timewait [0] lands, we can drop this + * copy-paste. + * + * While we rely on the implementation to amortize the cost of sampling + * cond_expr for us, it will not happen when event stream support is + * unavailable, time_expr check is amortized. This is not the common case, and + * it would be difficult to fit our logic in the time_expr_ns >= time_limit_ns + * comparison, hence just let it be. In case of event-stream, the loop is woken + * up at microsecond granularity. + * + * [0]: + */ + +#ifndef smp_cond_load_acquire_timewait + +#define smp_cond_time_check_count 200 + +#define __smp_cond_load_relaxed_spinwait(ptr, cond_expr, time_expr_ns, \ + time_limit_ns) ({ \ + typeof(ptr) __PTR = (ptr); \ + __unqual_scalar_typeof(*ptr) VAL; \ + unsigned int __count = 0; \ + for (;;) { \ + VAL = READ_ONCE(*__PTR); \ + if (cond_expr) \ + break; \ + cpu_relax(); \ + if (__count++ < smp_cond_time_check_count) \ + continue; \ + if ((time_expr_ns) >= (time_limit_ns)) \ + break; \ + __count = 0; \ + } \ + (typeof(*ptr))VAL; \ +}) + +#define __smp_cond_load_acquire_timewait(ptr, cond_expr, \ + time_expr_ns, time_limit_ns) \ +({ \ + typeof(ptr) __PTR = (ptr); \ + __unqual_scalar_typeof(*ptr) VAL; \ + for (;;) { \ + VAL = smp_load_acquire(__PTR); \ + if (cond_expr) \ + break; \ + __cmpwait_relaxed(__PTR, VAL); \ + if ((time_expr_ns) >= (time_limit_ns)) \ + break; \ + } \ + (typeof(*ptr))VAL; \ +}) + +#define smp_cond_load_acquire_timewait(ptr, cond_expr, \ + time_expr_ns, time_limit_ns) \ +({ \ + __unqual_scalar_typeof(*ptr) _val; \ + int __wfe = arch_timer_evtstrm_available(); \ + \ + if (likely(__wfe)) { \ + _val = __smp_cond_load_acquire_timewait(ptr, cond_expr, \ + time_expr_ns, \ + time_limit_ns); \ + } else { \ + _val = __smp_cond_load_relaxed_spinwait(ptr, cond_expr, \ + time_expr_ns, \ + time_limit_ns); \ + smp_acquire__after_ctrl_dep(); \ + } \ + (typeof(*ptr))_val; \ +}) + +#endif + +#define res_smp_cond_load_acquire_timewait(v, c) smp_cond_load_acquire_timewait(v, c, 0, 1) + +#include + +#endif /* _ASM_RQSPINLOCK_H */ diff --git a/kernel/bpf/rqspinlock.c b/kernel/bpf/rqspinlock.c index 0d8964b4d44a..d429b923b58f 100644 --- a/kernel/bpf/rqspinlock.c +++ b/kernel/bpf/rqspinlock.c @@ -92,12 +92,21 @@ static noinline int check_timeout(struct rqspinlock_timeout *ts) return 0; } +/* + * Do not amortize with spins when res_smp_cond_load_acquire is defined, + * as the macro does internal amortization for us. + */ +#ifndef res_smp_cond_load_acquire #define RES_CHECK_TIMEOUT(ts, ret) \ ({ \ if (!(ts).spin++) \ (ret) = check_timeout(&(ts)); \ (ret); \ }) +#else +#define RES_CHECK_TIMEOUT(ts, ret, mask) \ + ({ (ret) = check_timeout(&(ts)); }) +#endif /* * Initialize the 'spin' member. @@ -118,6 +127,12 @@ static noinline int check_timeout(struct rqspinlock_timeout *ts) */ static DEFINE_PER_CPU_ALIGNED(struct qnode, rqnodes[_Q_MAX_NODES]); +#ifndef res_smp_cond_load_acquire +#define res_smp_cond_load_acquire(v, c) smp_cond_load_acquire(v, c) +#endif + +#define res_atomic_cond_read_acquire(v, c) res_smp_cond_load_acquire(&(v)->counter, (c)) + /** * resilient_queued_spin_lock_slowpath - acquire the queued spinlock * @lock: Pointer to queued spinlock structure