@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ TEST_PROGS += veth.sh
TEST_PROGS += ioam6.sh
TEST_PROGS += gro.sh
TEST_PROGS += gre_gso.sh
+TEST_PROGS += gre_ipv6_lladdr.sh
TEST_PROGS += cmsg_so_mark.sh
TEST_PROGS += cmsg_so_priority.sh
TEST_PROGS += cmsg_time.sh cmsg_ipv6.sh
new file mode 100755
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ERR=4 # Return 4 by default, which is the SKIP code for kselftest
+readonly NS0=$(mktemp -u ns0-XXXXXXXX)
+# Exit the script after having removed the network namespaces it created
+# Parameters:
+# * The list of network namespaces to delete before exiting.
+ for ns in "$@"; do
+ ip netns delete "${ns}" 2>/dev/null || true
+ done
+ if [ "${ERR}" -eq 4 ]; then
+ echo "Error: Setting up the testing environment failed." >&2
+ fi
+ exit "${ERR}"
+# Create the network namespaces used by the script (NS0)
+ ip netns add "${NS0}" || exit_cleanup
+# The trap function handler
+ exit_cleanup "${NS0}"
+# Add fake IPv4 and IPv6 networks on the loopback device, to be used as
+# underlay by future GRE devices.
+ ip -netns "${NS0}" link set dev lo up
+ ip -netns "${NS0}" address add dev lo
+ ip -netns "${NS0}" address add dev lo 2001:db8::10/64 nodad
+# Check if network device has an IPv6 link-local address assigned.
+# Parameters:
+# * $1: The network device to test
+# * $2: An extra regular expression that should be matched (to verify the
+# presence of extra attributes)
+# * $3: The expected return code from grep (to allow checking the abscence of
+# a link-local address)
+# * $4: The user visible name for the scenario being tested
+ local DEV="$1"
+ local EXTRA_MATCH="$2"
+ local XRET="$3"
+ local MSG="$4"
+ local RET
+ printf "%-75s " "${MSG}"
+ set +e
+ ip -netns "${NS0}" -6 address show dev "${DEV}" scope link | grep "fe80::" | grep -q "${EXTRA_MATCH}"
+ RET=$?
+ set -e
+ if [ "${RET}" -eq "${XRET}" ]; then
+ printf "[ OK ]\n"
+ else
+ ERR=1
+ printf "[FAIL]\n"
+ if [ "${PAUSE_ON_FAIL}" = "yes" ]; then
+ printf "\nHit enter to continue, 'q' to quit\n"
+ read -r a
+ if [ "$a" = "q" ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+# Create a GRE device and verify that it gets an IPv6 link-local address as
+# expected.
+# Parameters:
+# * $1: The device type (gre, ip6gre, gretap or ip6gretap)
+# * $2: The local underlay IP address (can be an IPv4, an IPv6 or "any")
+# * $3: The remote underlay IP address (can be an IPv4, an IPv6 or "any")
+# * $4: The IPv6 interface identifier generation mode to use for the GRE
+# device (eui64, none, stable-privacy or random).
+ local GRE_TYPE="$1"
+ local LOCAL_IP="$2"
+ local REMOTE_IP="$3"
+ local MODE="$4"
+ local MSG
+ ip link add netns "${NS0}" name gretest type "${GRE_TYPE}" local "${LOCAL_IP}" remote "${REMOTE_IP}"
+ case "${MODE}" in
+ "eui64")
+ MSG="${GRE_TYPE}, mode: 0 (EUI64), ${LOCAL_IP} -> ${REMOTE_IP}"
+ XRET=0
+ ;;
+ "none")
+ MSG="${GRE_TYPE}, mode: 1 (none), ${LOCAL_IP} -> ${REMOTE_IP}"
+ XRET=1 # No link-local address should be generated
+ ;;
+ "stable-privacy")
+ MATCH_REGEXP="stable-privacy"
+ MSG="${GRE_TYPE}, mode: 2 (stable privacy), ${LOCAL_IP} -> ${REMOTE_IP}"
+ XRET=0
+ # Initialise stable_secret (required for stable-privacy mode)
+ ip netns exec "${NS0}" sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.gretest.stable_secret="2001:db8::abcd"
+ ;;
+ "random")
+ MATCH_REGEXP="stable-privacy"
+ MSG="${GRE_TYPE}, mode: 3 (random), ${LOCAL_IP} -> ${REMOTE_IP}"
+ XRET=0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Check that IPv6 link-local address is generated when device goes up
+ ip netns exec "${NS0}" sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.gretest.addr_gen_mode="${ADDR_GEN_MODE}"
+ ip -netns "${NS0}" link set dev gretest up
+ check_ipv6_ll_addr gretest "${MATCH_REGEXP}" "${XRET}" "config: ${MSG}"
+ # Now disable link-local address generation
+ ip -netns "${NS0}" link set dev gretest down
+ ip netns exec "${NS0}" sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.gretest.addr_gen_mode=1
+ ip -netns "${NS0}" link set dev gretest up
+ # Check that link-local address generation works when re-enabled while
+ # the device is already up
+ ip netns exec "${NS0}" sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.gretest.addr_gen_mode="${ADDR_GEN_MODE}"
+ check_ipv6_ll_addr gretest "${MATCH_REGEXP}" "${XRET}" "update: ${MSG}"
+ ip -netns "${NS0}" link del dev gretest
+ local GRE_TYPE
+ local MODE
+ for GRE_TYPE in "gre" "gretap"; do
+ printf "\n####\nTesting IPv6 link-local address generation on ${GRE_TYPE} devices\n####\n\n"
+ for MODE in "eui64" "none" "stable-privacy" "random"; do
+ test_gre_device "${GRE_TYPE}" "${MODE}"
+ test_gre_device "${GRE_TYPE}" any "${MODE}"
+ test_gre_device "${GRE_TYPE}" any "${MODE}"
+ done
+ done
+ local GRE_TYPE
+ local MODE
+ for GRE_TYPE in "ip6gre" "ip6gretap"; do
+ printf "\n####\nTesting IPv6 link-local address generation on ${GRE_TYPE} devices\n####\n\n"
+ for MODE in "eui64" "none" "stable-privacy" "random"; do
+ test_gre_device "${GRE_TYPE}" 2001:db8::10 2001:db8::11 "${MODE}"
+ test_gre_device "${GRE_TYPE}" any 2001:db8::11 "${MODE}"
+ test_gre_device "${GRE_TYPE}" 2001:db8::10 any "${MODE}"
+ done
+ done
+ echo "Usage: $0 [-p]"
+ exit 1
+while getopts :p o
+ case $o in
+ p) PAUSE_ON_FAIL="yes";;
+ *) usage;;
+ esac
+# Create namespaces before setting up the exit trap.
+# Otherwise, exit_cleanup_all() could delete namespaces that were not created
+# by this script.
+set -e
+trap exit_cleanup_all EXIT
+if [ "${ERR}" -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo "Some tests failed." >&2
+ ERR=0