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[3/7] data: Add T-Mobile MVNO IoT/M2M 'Public' APN.

Message ID 3e4d9e3b9ac4539601a5767a80b5ff1d48dd1fd6.1738805694.git.gerickson@nuovations.com (mailing list archive)
State Under Review
Headers show
Series Add AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon MVNO IoT/M2M APNs | expand

Commit Message

Grant Erickson Feb. 6, 2025, 1:37 a.m. UTC
At least in North America / United States, there exist Cellular MVNOs
(particularly in the IoT / M2M veritical) that neither use mobile
virtual network operator (MVNO) service provider names (SPNs) nor use
unique home network identifiers (HNIs) (that is, mobile country code
(MCC) + mobile network code (MNC) pairs). Instead, they simply use the
HNI of the parent operator.

In addition, those MVNOs typically have two or three APN schemes:

    1. A "public" APN that is broadly used by one or more MVNOs for
       the parent operator that issues PUBLIC IP addresses and does
       NOT route through the MVNOs or parent operator data center

    2. A "private" APN that may or may NOT be broadly used by one
       or more MVNOs for the parent operator that issues PRIVATE IP
       addresses and does route through the MVNOs or parent operator
       data center infrastructure.

    3. A "private" APN that is used only by the MVNO that issues
       static or dynamic PRIVATE IP addresses, does route through the
       MVNO data center infrastructure and, from there, via a VPN to
       the customer services infrastructure.

       These are sufficiently MVNO-specific where they do not or
       should not play a role in a generic provisioning database.

KORE Wireless is one such IoT / M2M MVNO that uses AT&T, T-Mobile, and
Verizon as parent operators.

This adds a MNVO-generic IoT / M2M APN of type (1) above that is used
by KORE Wireless as well as by other MVNOs for the T-Mobile parent
 data/provision.json | 9 +++++++++
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/data/provision.json b/data/provision.json
index 751e1ea6e1df..bd10068f6b3e 100644
--- a/data/provision.json
+++ b/data/provision.json
@@ -14250,6 +14250,15 @@ 
         "tags": "iot"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "T-Mobile LTE MVNO IoT/M2M (Public)",
+        "apn": "iot.tmowholesale",
+        "type": [
+          "internet",
+          "ia"
+        ],
+        "tags": "kore-m2m-public"