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[v2,0/2] Enhanced VSTART and VL Checks for Vector Instructions

Message ID cover.1734504907.git.lc00631@tecorigin.com (mailing list archive)
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Series Enhanced VSTART and VL Checks for Vector Instructions | expand


Chao Liu Dec. 18, 2024, 7:15 a.m. UTC
Hi, all:

In the second version of this patch, I addressed the issue that other vector
instructions didn't check for vstart >= vl correctly.

I refactored the VSTART_CHECK_EARLY_EXIT() macro. This change is intended to:
Vector instructions with special vl values can also be checked with this macro,
such as vlm.v instruction (real vl = ceil(vl / 8)).


Chao Liu (2):
  target/riscv: refactor VSTART_CHECK_EARLY_EXIT() to accept vl as a
  target/riscv: fix handling of nop for vstart >= vl in some vector

 target/riscv/vcrypto_helper.c   | 32 ++++++-------
 target/riscv/vector_helper.c    | 83 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
 target/riscv/vector_internals.c |  4 +-
 target/riscv/vector_internals.h | 12 ++---
 4 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)