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[PULL,18/42] hw/core: Remove device_class_set_props function

Message ID 20241220143431.653644-3-pbonzini@redhat.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
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Series None | expand

Commit Message

Paolo Bonzini Dec. 20, 2024, 2:34 p.m. UTC
From: Richard Henderson <richard.henderson@linaro.org>

All uses of device_class_set_props() are now using arrays.
Validate this compile-time in the device_class_set_props macro and
call device_class_set_props_n using the known size of the array.

Signed-off-by: Richard Henderson <richard.henderson@linaro.org>
Tested-by: Lei Yang <leiyang@redhat.com>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20241218134251.4724-19-richard.henderson@linaro.org
Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <pbonzini@redhat.com>
 include/hw/qdev-core.h    | 16 ++++++----------
 hw/core/qdev-properties.c | 16 ----------------
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/include/hw/qdev-core.h b/include/hw/qdev-core.h
index e9b4891f55a..afa667b68f3 100644
--- a/include/hw/qdev-core.h
+++ b/include/hw/qdev-core.h
@@ -948,22 +948,18 @@  char *qdev_get_own_fw_dev_path_from_handler(BusState *bus, DeviceState *dev);
  * To modify an inherited property you need to use????
  * Validate that @props has at least one Property plus the terminator.
+ * Validate that @props is an array, not a pointer, via ARRAY_SIZE.
  * Validate that the array is terminated at compile-time (with -O2),
  * which requires the array to be const.
-void device_class_set_props(DeviceClass *dc, const Property *props);
 #define device_class_set_props(dc, props) \
     do {                                                                \
-        QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(props) != sizeof(const Property *) &&  \
-                          sizeof(props) < 2 * sizeof(Property));        \
-        if (sizeof(props) != sizeof(const Property *)) {                \
-            size_t props_count_ = sizeof(props) / sizeof(Property) - 1; \
-            if ((props)[props_count_].name != NULL) {                   \
-                qemu_build_not_reached();                               \
-            }                                                           \
+        QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(props) == 0);                          \
+        size_t props_count_ = ARRAY_SIZE(props) - 1;                    \
+        if ((props)[props_count_].name != NULL) {                       \
+            qemu_build_not_reached();                                   \
         }                                                               \
-        (device_class_set_props)((dc), (props));                        \
+        device_class_set_props_n((dc), (props), props_count_);          \
     } while (0)
diff --git a/hw/core/qdev-properties.c b/hw/core/qdev-properties.c
index 31e3072b559..a3d49e20202 100644
--- a/hw/core/qdev-properties.c
+++ b/hw/core/qdev-properties.c
@@ -1058,22 +1058,6 @@  static void qdev_class_add_legacy_property(DeviceClass *dc, const Property *prop
         NULL, NULL, (Property *)prop);
-void (device_class_set_props)(DeviceClass *dc, const Property *props)
-    const Property *prop;
-    size_t n;
-    dc->props_ = props;
-    for (prop = props, n = 0; prop && prop->name; prop++, n++) {
-        qdev_class_add_legacy_property(dc, prop);
-        qdev_class_add_property(dc, prop->name, prop);
-    }
-    /* We used a hole in DeviceClass because that's still a lot. */
-    assert(n <= UINT16_MAX);
-    dc->props_count_ = n;
 void device_class_set_props_n(DeviceClass *dc, const Property *props, size_t n)
     /* We used a hole in DeviceClass because that's still a lot. */