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[v4,03/11] qapi: golang: Generate alternate types

Message ID 20250214202944.69897-4-victortoso@redhat.com (mailing list archive)
State New
Headers show
Series [v4,01/11] qapi: golang: first level unmarshalling type | expand

Commit Message

Victor Toso Feb. 14, 2025, 8:29 p.m. UTC
This patch handles QAPI alternate types and generates data structures
in Go that handles it.

Alternate types are similar to Union but without a discriminator that
can be used to identify the underlying value on the wire.

1. Over the wire, we need to infer underlying value by its type

2. Pointer to types are mapped as optional. Absent value can be a
   valid value.

3. We use Go's standard 'encoding/json' library with its Marshal
   and Unmarshal interfaces.

4. As an exceptional but valid case, there are types that accept
   JSON NULL as value. Due to limitations with Go's standard library
   (point 3) combined with Absent being a possibility (point 2), we
   translante NULL values to a boolean field called 'IsNull'. See the
   second example and docs/devel/qapi-golang-code-gen.rst under
   Alternate section.

* First example:

  | ##
  | # @BlockdevRef:
  | #
  | # Reference to a block device.
  | #
  | # @definition: defines a new block device inline
  | #
  | # @reference: references the ID of an existing block device
  | #
  | # Since: 2.9
  | ##
  | { 'alternate': 'BlockdevRef',
  |   'data': { 'definition': 'BlockdevOptions',
  |             'reference': 'str' } }

  | // Reference to a block device.
  | //
  | // Since: 2.9
  | type BlockdevRef struct {
  | 	// defines a new block device inline
  | 	Definition *BlockdevOptions
  | 	// references the ID of an existing block device
  | 	Reference *string
  | }
  | func (s BlockdevRef) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  |     ...
  | }
  | func (s *BlockdevRef) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
  |     ...
  | }

  | input := `{"driver":"qcow2","data-file":"/some/place/my-image"}`
  | k := BlockdevRef{}
  | err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &k)
  | if err != nil {
  |     panic(err)
  | }
  | // *k.Definition.Qcow2.DataFile.Reference == "/some/place/my-image"

* Second example:

 | { 'alternate': 'StrOrNull',
 |   'data': { 's': 'str',
 |             'n': 'null' } }

  | // This is a string value or the explicit lack of a string (null
  | // pointer in C).  Intended for cases when 'optional absent' already
  | // has a different meaning.
  | //
  | // Since: 2.10
  | type StrOrNull struct {
  | 	// the string value
  | 	S *string
  | 	// no string value
  | 	IsNull bool
  | }
  | // Helper function to get its underlying Go value or absent of value
  | func (s *StrOrNull) ToAnyOrAbsent() (any, bool) {
  |     ...
  | }
  | func (s StrOrNull) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  |     ...
  | }
  | func (s *StrOrNull) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
  |     ...
  | }

Signed-off-by: Victor Toso <victortoso@redhat.com>
 scripts/qapi/golang/golang.py | 306 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 scripts/qapi/golang/utils.go  |  26 +++
 2 files changed, 329 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 scripts/qapi/golang/utils.go
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diff --git a/scripts/qapi/golang/golang.py b/scripts/qapi/golang/golang.py
index f074ec1f6f..aa1a18a501 100644
--- a/scripts/qapi/golang/golang.py
+++ b/scripts/qapi/golang/golang.py
@@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ 
 from __future__ import annotations
 import os, shutil, textwrap
-from typing import List, Optional
+from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
 from ..schema import (
+    QAPISchemaAlternateType,
@@ -30,6 +31,8 @@ 
 from ..source import QAPISourceInfo
+FOUR_SPACES = "    "
  * Copyright 2025 Red Hat, Inc.
@@ -56,6 +59,57 @@ 
+    // Check for json-null first
+    if string(data) == "null" {{
+        return errors.New(`null not supported for {name}`)
+    }}"""
+        }} else if s.{var_name} != nil {{
+            return *s.{var_name}, false"""
+    if s.{var_name} != nil {{
+        return json.Marshal(s.{var_name})
+    }} else """
+    // Check for {var_type}
+    {{
+        s.{var_name} = new({var_type})
+        if err := strictDecode(s.{var_name}, data); err == nil {{
+            return nil
+        }}
+        s.{var_name} = nil
+    }}
+    if s.IsNull {
+        return []byte("null"), nil
+    } else """
+    // Check for json-null first
+    if string(data) == "null" {
+        s.IsNull = true
+        return nil
+    }"""
+func (s {name}) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {{
+    return {marshal_return_default}
+func (s *{name}) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {{
+    return fmt.Errorf("Can't convert to {name}: %s", string(data))
 # Takes the documentation object of a specific type and returns
 # that type's documentation and its member's docs.
@@ -96,10 +150,88 @@  def gen_golang(schema: QAPISchema, output_dir: str, prefix: str) -> None:
+def qapi_to_field_name(name: str) -> str:
+    return name.title().replace("_", "").replace("-", "")
 def qapi_to_field_name_enum(name: str) -> str:
     return name.title().replace("-", "")
+def qapi_schema_type_to_go_type(qapitype: str) -> str:
+    schema_types_to_go = {
+        "str": "string",
+        "null": "nil",
+        "bool": "bool",
+        "number": "float64",
+        "size": "uint64",
+        "int": "int64",
+        "int8": "int8",
+        "int16": "int16",
+        "int32": "int32",
+        "int64": "int64",
+        "uint8": "uint8",
+        "uint16": "uint16",
+        "uint32": "uint32",
+        "uint64": "uint64",
+        "any": "any",
+        "QType": "QType",
+    }
+    prefix = ""
+    if qapitype.endswith("List"):
+        prefix = "[]"
+        qapitype = qapitype[:-4]
+    qapitype = schema_types_to_go.get(qapitype, qapitype)
+    return prefix + qapitype
+# Helper for Alternate generation
+def qapi_field_to_alternate_go_field(
+    member_name: str, type_name: str
+) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
+    # Nothing to generate on null types. We update some
+    # variables to handle json-null on marshalling methods.
+    if type_name == "null":
+        return "IsNull", "bool", ""
+    # On Alternates, fields are optional represented in Go as pointer
+    return (
+        qapi_to_field_name(member_name),
+        qapi_schema_type_to_go_type(type_name),
+        "*",
+    )
+def fetch_indent_blocks_over_args(
+    args: List[dict[str:str]],
+) -> Tuple[int, int]:
+    maxname, maxtype = 0, 0
+    blocks: tuple(int, int) = []
+    for arg in args:
+        if "comment" in arg or "doc" in arg:
+            blocks.append((maxname, maxtype))
+            maxname, maxtype = 0, 0
+            if "comment" in arg:
+                # They are single blocks
+                continue
+        if "type" not in arg:
+            # Embed type are on top of the struct and the following
+            # fields do not consider it for formatting
+            blocks.append((maxname, maxtype))
+            maxname, maxtype = 0, 0
+            continue
+        maxname = max(maxname, len(arg.get("name", "")))
+        maxtype = max(maxtype, len(arg.get("type", "")))
+    blocks.append((maxname, maxtype))
+    return blocks
 def fetch_indent_blocks_over_enum_with_docs(
     name: str, members: List[QAPISchemaEnumMember], docfields: Dict[str, str]
 ) -> Tuple[int]:
@@ -122,6 +254,137 @@  def fetch_indent_blocks_over_enum_with_docs(
     return blocks
+# Helper function for boxed or self contained structures.
+def generate_struct_type(
+    type_name,
+    type_doc: str = "",
+    args: List[dict[str:str]] = None,
+    indent: int = 0,
+) -> str:
+    base_indent = FOUR_SPACES * indent
+    with_type = ""
+    if type_name != "":
+        with_type = f"\n{base_indent}type {type_name}"
+    if type_doc != "":
+        # Append line jump only if type_doc exists
+        type_doc = f"\n{type_doc}"
+    if args is None:
+        # No args, early return
+        return f"""{type_doc}{with_type} struct{{}}"""
+    # The logic below is to generate fields of the struct.
+    # We have to be mindful of the different indentation possibilities between
+    # $var_name $var_type $var_tag that are vertically indented with gofmt.
+    #
+    # So, we first have to iterate over all args and find all indent blocks
+    # by calculating the spaces between (1) member and type and between (2)
+    # the type and tag. (1) and (2) is the tuple present in List returned
+    # by the helper function fetch_indent_blocks_over_args.
+    inner_indent = base_indent + FOUR_SPACES
+    doc_indent = inner_indent + "// "
+    fmt = textwrap.TextWrapper(
+        width=70, initial_indent=doc_indent, subsequent_indent=doc_indent
+    )
+    indent_block = iter(fetch_indent_blocks_over_args(args))
+    maxname, maxtype = next(indent_block)
+    members = " {\n"
+    for index, arg in enumerate(args):
+        if "comment" in arg:
+            maxname, maxtype = next(indent_block)
+            members += f"""    // {arg["comment"]}\n"""
+            # comments are single blocks, so we can skip to next arg
+            continue
+        name2type = ""
+        if "doc" in arg:
+            maxname, maxtype = next(indent_block)
+            members += fmt.fill(arg["doc"])
+            members += "\n"
+        name = arg["name"]
+        if "type" in arg:
+            namelen = len(name)
+            name2type = " " * max(1, (maxname - namelen + 1))
+        type2tag = ""
+        if "tag" in arg:
+            typelen = len(arg["type"])
+            type2tag = " " * max(1, (maxtype - typelen + 1))
+        gotype = arg.get("type", "")
+        tag = arg.get("tag", "")
+        members += (
+            f"""{inner_indent}{name}{name2type}{gotype}{type2tag}{tag}\n"""
+        )
+    members += f"{base_indent}}}\n"
+    return f"""{type_doc}{with_type} struct{members}"""
+def generate_template_alternate(
+    self: QAPISchemaGenGolangVisitor,
+    name: str,
+    variants: Optional[QAPISchemaVariants],
+) -> str:
+    args: List[dict[str:str]] = []
+    nullable = name in self.accept_null_types
+    if nullable:
+        # Examples in QEMU QAPI schema: StrOrNull and BlockdevRefOrNull
+        marshal_return_default = """[]byte("{}"), nil"""
+        marshal_check_fields = TEMPLATE_ALTERNATE_NULLABLE_MARSHAL_CHECK[1:]
+    else:
+        marshal_return_default = f'nil, errors.New("{name} has empty fields")'
+        marshal_check_fields = ""
+        unmarshal_check_fields = (
+        )
+    doc = self.docmap.get(name, None)
+    content, docfields = qapi_to_golang_struct_docs(doc)
+    if variants:
+        for var in variants.variants:
+            var_name, var_type, isptr = qapi_field_to_alternate_go_field(
+                var.name, var.type.name
+            )
+            args.append(
+                {
+                    "name": f"{var_name}",
+                    "type": f"{isptr}{var_type}",
+                    "doc": docfields.get(var.name, ""),
+                }
+            )
+            # Null is special, handled first
+            if var.type.name == "null":
+                assert nullable
+                continue
+            skip_indent = 1 + len(FOUR_SPACES)
+            if marshal_check_fields == "":
+                skip_indent = 1
+            marshal_check_fields += TEMPLATE_ALTERNATE_MARSHAL_CHECK[
+                skip_indent:
+            ].format(var_name=var_name)
+            unmarshal_check_fields += TEMPLATE_ALTERNATE_UNMARSHAL_CHECK[
+                :-1
+            ].format(var_name=var_name, var_type=var_type)
+    content += string_to_code(generate_struct_type(name, args=args))
+    content += string_to_code(
+            name=name,
+            marshal_check_fields=marshal_check_fields[:-6],
+            marshal_return_default=marshal_return_default,
+            unmarshal_check_fields=unmarshal_check_fields[1:],
+        )
+    )
+    return "\n" + content
 def generate_content_from_dict(data: dict[str, str]) -> str:
     content = ""
@@ -131,6 +394,25 @@  def generate_content_from_dict(data: dict[str, str]) -> str:
     return content.replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n")
+def string_to_code(text: str) -> str:
+    result = ""
+    for line in text.splitlines():
+        # replace left four spaces with tabs
+        limit = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
+        result += line[:limit].replace(FOUR_SPACES, "\t")
+        # work with the rest of the line
+        if line[limit : limit + 2] == "//":
+            # gofmt tool does not like comments with backticks.
+            result += line[limit:].replace(DOUBLE_BACKTICK, '"')
+        else:
+            result += line[limit:]
+        result += "\n"
+    return result
 def generate_template_imports(words: List[str]) -> str:
     if len(words) == 0:
         return ""
@@ -147,9 +429,10 @@  class QAPISchemaGenGolangVisitor(QAPISchemaVisitor):
     # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
     def __init__(self, _: str):
-        gofiles = ("protocol.go",)
+        gofiles = ("protocol.go", "utils.go")
         # Map each qapi type to the necessary Go imports
         types = {
+            "alternate": ["encoding/json", "errors", "fmt"],
             "enum": [],
@@ -157,6 +440,8 @@  def __init__(self, _: str):
         self.golang_package_name = "qapi"
         self.duplicate = list(gofiles)
         self.enums: dict[str, str] = {}
+        self.alternates: dict[str, str] = {}
+        self.accept_null_types = []
         self.docmap = {}
         self.types = dict.fromkeys(types, "")
@@ -165,6 +450,17 @@  def __init__(self, _: str):
     def visit_begin(self, schema: QAPISchema) -> None:
         self.schema = schema
+        # We need to be aware of any types that accept JSON NULL
+        for name, entity in self.schema._entity_dict.items():
+            if not isinstance(entity, QAPISchemaAlternateType):
+                # Assume that only Alternate types accept JSON NULL
+                continue
+            for var in entity.alternatives.variants:
+                if var.type.name == "null":
+                    self.accept_null_types.append(name)
+                    break
         # iterate once in schema.docs to map doc objects to its name
         for doc in schema.docs:
             if doc.symbol is None:
@@ -180,6 +476,7 @@  def visit_begin(self, schema: QAPISchema) -> None:
     def visit_end(self) -> None:
         del self.schema
         self.types["enum"] += generate_content_from_dict(self.enums)
+        self.types["alternate"] += generate_content_from_dict(self.alternates)
     def visit_object_type(
@@ -201,7 +498,10 @@  def visit_alternate_type(
         features: List[QAPISchemaFeature],
         variants: QAPISchemaVariants,
     ) -> None:
-        pass
+        assert name not in self.alternates
+        self.alternates[name] = generate_template_alternate(
+            self, name, variants
+        )
     def visit_enum_type(
diff --git a/scripts/qapi/golang/utils.go b/scripts/qapi/golang/utils.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f00c0a5d83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/qapi/golang/utils.go
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ 
+ * Copyright 2025 Red Hat, Inc.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ *  Victor Toso <victortoso@redhat.com>
+ */
+package qapi
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"strings"
+// Creates a decoder that errors on unknown Fields
+// Returns nil if successfully decoded @from payload to @into type
+// Returns error if failed to decode @from payload to @into type
+func strictDecode(into interface{}, from []byte) error {
+	dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(string(from)))
+	dec.DisallowUnknownFields()
+	if err := dec.Decode(into); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return nil