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[v2,62/62] docs: add qapi-domain syntax documentation

Message ID 20250309083550.5155-63-jsnow@redhat.com (mailing list archive)
State New
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Series docs: Add new QAPI transmogrifier | expand

Commit Message

John Snow March 9, 2025, 8:35 a.m. UTC
Who documents the documentation?

Me, I guess.

Signed-off-by: John Snow <jsnow@redhat.com>
 docs/devel/index-build.rst |   1 +
 docs/devel/qapi-domain.rst | 670 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 671 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 docs/devel/qapi-domain.rst
diff mbox series


diff --git a/docs/devel/index-build.rst b/docs/devel/index-build.rst
index 0745c81a264..3f3cb21b9b4 100644
--- a/docs/devel/index-build.rst
+++ b/docs/devel/index-build.rst
@@ -12,4 +12,5 @@  some of the basics if you are adding new files and targets to the build.
+   qapi-domain
diff --git a/docs/devel/qapi-domain.rst b/docs/devel/qapi-domain.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1475870ca6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/devel/qapi-domain.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@ 
+The Sphinx QAPI Domain
+An extension to the `rST syntax
+in Sphinx is provided by the QAPI Domain, located in
+``docs/sphinx/qapi_domain.py``. This extension is analogous to the
+`Python Domain
+included with Sphinx, but provides special directives and roles
+speciically for annotating and documenting QAPI definitions
+A `Domain
+provides a set of special rST directives and cross-referencing roles to
+Sphinx for understanding rST markup written to document a specific
+language. By itself, this QAPI extension is only sufficient to parse rST
+markup written by hand; the `autodoc
+functionality is provided elsewhere, in ``docs/sphinx/qapidoc.py``, by
+the "Transmogrifier".
+It is not expected that any developer nor documentation writer would
+never need to write *nor* read these special rST forms. However, in the
+event that something needs to be debugged, knowing the syntax of the
+domain is quite handy. This reference may also be useful as a guide for
+understanding the QAPI Domain extension code itself. Although most of
+these forms will not be needed for documentation writing purposes,
+understanding the cross-referencing syntax *will* be helpful when
+writing rST documentation elsewhere, or for enriching the body of
+QAPIDoc blocks themselves.
+The QAPI Domain itself provides no mechanisms for reading the QAPI
+Schema or generating documentation from code that exists. It is merely
+the rST syntax used to describe things. For instance, the Sphinx Python
+domain adds syntax like ``:py:func:`` for describing Python functions in
+documentation, but it's the autodoc module that is responsible for
+reading python code and generating such syntax. QAPI is analagous here:
+qapidoc.py is responsible for reading the QAPI Schema and generating rST
+syntax, and qapi_domain.py is responsible for translating that special
+syntax and providing APIs for Sphinx internals.
+In other words:
+qapi_domain.py adds syntax like ``.. qapi:command::`` to Sphinx, and
+qapidoc.py transforms the documentation in ``qapi/*.json`` into rST
+using directives defined by the domain.
+Or even shorter:
+``:py:`` is to ``:qapi:`` as *autodoc* is to *qapidoc*.
+Info Field Lists
+`Field lists
+are a standard syntax in reStructuredText. Sphinx `extends that syntax
+to give certain field list entries special meaning and parsing to, for
+example, add cross-references. The QAPI Domain takes advantage of this
+field list extension to document things like Arguments, Members, Values,
+and so on.
+The special parsing and handling of info field lists in Sphinx is provided by
+three main classes; Field, GroupedField, and TypedField. The behavior
+and formatting for each configured field list entry in the domain
+changes depending on which class is used.
+  * Creates an ungrouped field: i.e., each entry will create its own
+    section and they will not be combined.
+  * May *optionally* support an argument.
+  * May apply cross-reference roles to *either* the argument *or* the
+    content body, both, or neither.
+This is used primarily for entries which are not expected to be
+repeated, i.e., items that may only show up at most once. The QAPI
+domain uses this class for "Errors" section.
+  * Creates a grouped field: i.e. multiple adjacent entries will be
+    merged into one section, and the content will form a bulleted list.
+  * *Must* take an argument.
+  * May optionally apply a cross-reference role to the argument, but not
+    the body.
+  * Can be configured to remove the bulleted list if there is only a
+    single entry.
+  * All items will be generated with the form: "argument -- body"
+This is used for entries which are expected to be repeated, but aren't
+expected to have two arguments, i.e. types without names, or names
+without types. The QAPI domain uses this class for features, returns,
+and enum values.
+  * Creates a grouped, typed field. Multiple adjacent entres will be
+    merged into one section, and the content will form a bulleted list.
+  * *Must* take at least one argument, but supports up to two -
+    nominally, a name and a type.
+  * May optionally apply a cross-reference role to the type or the name
+    argument, but not the body.
+  * Can be configured to remove the bulleted list if there is only a
+    single entry.
+  * All items will be generated with the form "name (type) -- body"
+This is used for entries that are expected to be repeated and will have
+a name, a type, and a description. The QAPI domain uses this class for
+arguments, alternatives, and members. Wherever type names are referenced
+below, They must be a valid, documented type that will be
+cross-referenced in the HTML output; or one of the built-in JSON types
+(string, number, int, boolean, null, value, q_empty).
+Document a feature attached to a QAPI definition.
+:availability: This field list is available in the body of Command,
+               Event, Enum, Object and Alternate directives.
+:syntax: ``:feat name: Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet...``
+:type: `sphinx.util.docfields.GroupedField
+       <https://pydoc.dev/sphinx/latest/sphinx.util.docfields.GroupedField.html?private=1>`_
+   .. qapi:object:: BlockdevOptionsVirtioBlkVhostVdpa
+      :since: 7.2
+      :ifcond: CONFIG_BLKIO
+      Driver specific block device options for the virtio-blk-vhost-vdpa
+      backend.
+   :memb string path: path to the vhost-vdpa character device.
+   :feat fdset: Member ``path`` supports the special "/dev/fdset/N" path
+       (since 8.1)
+Document an argument to a QAPI command.
+:availability: This field list is only available in the body of the
+               Command directive.
+:syntax: ``:arg type name: description``
+:type: `sphinx.util.docfields.TypedField
+       <https://pydoc.dev/sphinx/latest/sphinx.util.docfields.TypedField.html?private=1>`_
+   .. qapi:command:: job-pause
+      :since: 3.0
+      Pause an active job.
+      This command returns immediately after marking the active job for
+      pausing.  Pausing an already paused job is an error.
+      The job will pause as soon as possible, which means transitioning
+      into the PAUSED state if it was RUNNING, or into STANDBY if it was
+      READY.  The corresponding JOB_STATUS_CHANGE event will be emitted.
+      Cancelling a paused job automatically resumes it.
+      :arg string id: The job identifier.
+Document the error condition(s) of a QAPI command.
+:availability: This field list is only available in the body of the
+               Command directive.
+:syntax: ``:error: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...``
+:type: `sphinx.util.docfields.Field
+       <https://pydoc.dev/sphinx/latest/sphinx.util.docfields.Field.html?private=1>`_
+The format of the :errors: field list description is free-form rST. The
+alternative spelling ":errors:" is also permitted, but strictly
+   .. qapi:command:: block-job-set-speed
+      :since: 1.1
+      Set maximum speed for a background block operation.
+      This command can only be issued when there is an active block job.
+      Throttling can be disabled by setting the speed to 0.
+      :arg string device: The job identifier.  This used to be a device
+          name (hence the name of the parameter), but since QEMU 2.7 it
+          can have other values.
+      :arg int speed: the maximum speed, in bytes per second, or 0 for
+          unlimited.  Defaults to 0.
+      :error:
+          - If no background operation is active on this device,
+            DeviceNotActive
+Document the return type(s) and value(s) of a QAPI command.
+:availability: This field list is only available in the body of the
+               Command directive.
+:syntax: ``:return type: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...``
+:type: `sphinx.util.docfields.GroupedField
+       <https://pydoc.dev/sphinx/latest/sphinx.util.docfields.GroupedField.html?private=1>`_
+   .. qapi:command:: query-replay
+      :since: 5.2
+      Retrieve the record/replay information.  It includes current
+      instruction count which may be used for ``replay-break`` and
+      ``replay-seek`` commands.
+      :return ReplayInfo: record/replay information.
+      .. qmp-example::
+          -> { "execute": "query-replay" }
+          <- { "return": {
+                 "mode": "play", "filename": "log.rr", "icount": 220414 }
+             }
+Document a possible value for a QAPI enum.
+:availability: This field list is only available in the body of the Enum
+               directive.
+:syntax: ``:value name: Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet ...``
+:type: `sphinx.util.docfields.GroupedField
+       <https://pydoc.dev/sphinx/latest/sphinx.util.docfields.GroupedField.html?private=1>`_
+   .. qapi:enum:: QapiErrorClass
+      :since: 1.2
+      QEMU error classes
+      :value GenericError: this is used for errors that don't require a specific
+          error class.  This should be the default case for most errors
+      :value CommandNotFound: the requested command has not been found
+      :value DeviceNotActive: a device has failed to be become active
+      :value DeviceNotFound: the requested device has not been found
+      :value KVMMissingCap: the requested operation can't be fulfilled because a
+          required KVM capability is missing
+Document a possible branch for a QAPI alternate.
+:availability: This field list is only available in the body of the
+               Alternate directive.
+:syntax: ``:alt type name: Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet ...``
+:type: `sphinx.util.docfields.TypedField
+       <https://pydoc.dev/sphinx/latest/sphinx.util.docfields.TypedField.html?private=1>`_
+As a limitation of Sphinx, we must document the "name" of the branch in
+addition to the type, even though this information is not visible on the
+wire in the QMP protocol format. This limitation *may* be lifted at a
+future date.
+   .. qapi:alternate:: StrOrNull
+      :since: 2.10
+      This is a string value or the explicit lack of a string (null
+      pointer in C).  Intended for cases when 'optional absent' already
+      has a different meaning.
+       :alt string s: the string value
+       :alt null n: no string value
+Document a member of an Event or Object.
+:availability: This field list is available in the body of Event or
+               Object directives.
+:syntax: ``:memb type name: Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet ...``
+:type: `sphinx.util.docfields.TypedField
+       <https://pydoc.dev/sphinx/latest/sphinx.util.docfields.TypedField.html?private=1>`_
+This is fundamentally the same as ``:arg:`` and ``:alt:``, but uses the
+"Members" phrasing for Events and Objects (Structs and Unions).
+   .. qapi:event:: JOB_STATUS_CHANGE
+      :since: 3.0
+      Emitted when a job transitions to a different status.
+      :memb string id: The job identifier
+      :memb JobStatus status: The new job status
+Arbitrary field lists
+Other field list names, while valid rST syntax, are prohibited inside of
+QAPI directives to help prevent accidental misspellings of info field
+list names. If you want to add a new arbitrary "non-value-added" field
+list to QAPI documentation, you must add the field name to the allow
+list in ``docs/conf.py``
+For example::
+   qapi_allowed_fields = {
+       "see also",
+   }
+Will allow you to add arbitrary field lists in QAPI directives::
+   .. qapi:command:: x-fake-command
+      :see also: Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet ...
+Cross-reference `roles
+in the QAPI domain are modeled closely after the `Python
+cross-referencing syntax
+QAPI definitions can be referenced using the standard `any
+role cross-reference syntax, such as with ```query-blockstats```.  In
+the event that disambiguation is needed, cross-references can also be
+written using a number of explicit cross-reference roles:
+* ``:qapi:mod:`block-core``` -- Reference a QAPI module. The link will
+  take you to the beginning of that section in the documentation.
+* ``:qapi:cmd:`query-block``` -- Reference a QAPI command.
+* ``:qapi:event:`JOB_STATUS_CHANGE``` -- Reference a QAPI event.
+* ``:qapi:enum:`QapiErrorClass``` -- Reference a QAPI enum.
+* ``:qapi:obj:`BlockdevOptionsVirtioBlkVhostVdpa`` -- Reference a QAPI
+  object (struct or union)
+* ``:qapi:alt:`StrOrNull``` -- Reference a QAPI alternate.
+* ``:qapi:type:`BlockDirtyInfo``` -- Reference *any* QAPI type; this
+  excludes modules, commands, and events.
+* ``:qapi:any:`block-job-set-speed``` -- Reference absolutely any QAPI entity.
+Type arguments in info field lists are converted into references as if
+you had used the ``:qapi:type:`` role. All of the special syntax below
+applies to both info field lists and standalone explicit
+Type decorations
+Type names in references can be surrounded by brackets, like
+``[typename]``, to indicate an array of that type.  The cross-reference
+will apply only to the type name between the brackets. For example;
+``:qapi:type:`[Qcow2BitmapInfoFlags]``` renders to:
+To indicate an optional argument/member in a field list, the type name
+can be suffixed with ``?``. The cross-reference will be transformed to
+"type, Optional" with the link applying only to the type name. For
+example; ``:qapi:type:`BitmapSyncMode?``` renders to:
+Mimicking the `Python domain target specification syntax
+QAPI allows you to specify the fully qualified path for a data
+type. QAPI enforces globally unique names, so it's unlikely you'll need
+this specific feature, but it may be extended in the near future to
+allow referencing identically named commands and data types from
+different utilities; i.e. QEMU Storage Daemon vs QMP.
+* A module can be explicitly provided;
+  ``:qapi:type:`block-core.BitmapSyncMode``` will render to:
+  :qapi:type:`block-core.BitmapSyncMode`
+* If you don't want to display the "fully qualified" name, it can be
+  prefixed with a tilde; ``:qapi:type:`~block-core.BitmapSyncMode```
+  will render to: :qapi:type:`~block-core.BitmapSyncMode`
+Custom link text
+The name of a cross-reference link can be explicitly overridden like
+`most stock Sphinx references
+using the ``custom text <target>`` syntax.
+For example, ``:qapi:cmd:`Merge dirty bitmaps
+<block-dirty-bitmap-merge>``` will render as: :qapi:cmd:`Merge dirty
+bitmaps <block-dirty-bitmap-merge>`
+The QAPI domain adds a number of custom directives for documenting
+various QAPI/QMP entities. The syntax is plain rST, and follows this
+general format::
+  .. qapi:directive:: argument
+     :option:
+     :another-option: with an argument
+     Content body, arbitrary rST is allowed here.
+Sphinx standard options
+All QAPI directives inherit a number of `standard options
+from Sphinx's ObjectDescription class.
+The dashed spellings of the below options were added in Sphinx 7.2, the
+undashed spellings are currently retained as aliases, but will be
+removed in a future version.
+* ``:no-index:`` and ``:noindex:`` -- Do not add this item into the
+  Index, and do not make it available for cross-referencing.
+* ``no-index-entry:`` and ``:noindexentry:`` -- Do not add this item
+  into the Index, but allow it to be cross-referenced.
+* ``no-contents-entry`` and ``:nocontentsentry:`` -- Exclude this item
+  from the Table of Contents.
+* ``no-typesetting`` -- Create TOC, Index and cross-referencing
+  entities, but don't actually display the content.
+QAPI standard options
+All QAPI directives -- *except* for module -- support these common options.
+* ``:module: modname`` -- Borrowed from the Python domain, this option allows
+  you to override the module association of a given definition.
+* ``:since: x.y`` -- Allows the documenting of "Since" information, which is
+  displayed in the signature bar.
+* ``:ifcond: CONDITION`` -- Allows the documenting of conditional availability
+  information, which is displayed in an eyecatch just below the
+  signature bar.
+* ``:deprecated:`` -- Adds an eyecatch just below the signature bar that
+  advertises that this definition is deprecated and should be avoided.
+* ``:unstable:`` -- Adds an eyecatch just below the signature bar that
+  advertises that this definition is unstable and should not be used in
+  production code.
+The ``qapi:module`` directive marks the start of a QAPI module. It may have
+a content body, but it can be omitted. All subsequent QAPI directives
+are associated with the most recent module; this effects their "fully
+qualified" name, but has no other effect.
+   .. qapi:module:: block-core
+      Welcome to the block-core module!
+Will be rendered as:
+.. qapi:module:: block-core
+   :noindex:
+   Welcome to the block-core module!
+This directive documents a QMP command. It may use any of the standard
+Sphinx or QAPI options, and the documentation body may contain
+``:arg:``, ``:feat:``, ``:error:``, or ``:return:`` info field list
+  .. qapi:command:: x-fake-command
+     :since: 42.0
+     :unstable:
+     This command is fake, so it can't hurt you!
+     :arg int foo: Your favorite number.
+     :arg string? bar: Your favorite season.
+     :return [string]: A lovely computer-written poem for you.
+Will be rendered as:
+  .. qapi:command:: x-fake-command
+     :noindex:
+     :since: 42.0
+     :unstable:
+     This command is fake, so it can't hurt you!
+     :arg int foo: Your favorite number.
+     :arg string? bar: Your favorite season.
+     :return [string]: A lovely computer-written poem for you.
+This directive documents a QMP event. It may use any of the standard
+Sphinx or QAPI options, and the documentation body may contain
+``:memb:`` or ``:feat:`` info field list entries.
+  .. qapi:event:: COMPUTER_IS_RUINED
+     :since: 0.1
+     :deprecated:
+     This event is emitted when your computer is *extremely* ruined.
+     :memb string reason: Diagnostics as to what caused your computer to
+        be ruined.
+     :feat sadness: When present, the diagnostic message will also
+        explain how sad the computer is as a result of your wrongdoings.
+Will be rendered as:
+.. qapi:event:: COMPUTER_IS_RUINED
+   :noindex:
+   :since: 0.1
+   :deprecated:
+   This event is emitted when your computer is *extremely* ruined.
+   :memb string reason: Diagnostics as to what caused your computer to
+      be ruined.
+   :feat sadness: When present, the diagnostic message will also explain
+      how sad the computer is as a result of your wrongdoings.
+This directive documents a QAPI enum. It may use any of the standard
+Sphinx or QAPI options, and the documentation body may contain
+``:value:`` or ``:feat:`` info field list entries.
+  .. qapi:enum:: Mood
+     :ifcond: LIB_PERSONALITY
+     This enum represents your virtual machine's current mood!
+     :value Happy: Your VM is content and well-fed.
+     :value Hungry: Your VM needs food.
+     :value Melancholic: Your VM is experiencing existential angst.
+     :value Petulant: Your VM is throwing a temper tantrum.
+Will be rendered as:
+.. qapi:enum:: Mood
+   :noindex:
+   :ifcond: LIB_PERSONALITY
+   This enum represents your virtual machine's current mood!
+   :value Happy: Your VM is content and well-fed.
+   :value Hungry: Your VM needs food.
+   :value Melancholic: Your VM is experiencing existential angst.
+   :value Petulant: Your VM is throwing a temper tantrum.
+This directive documents a QAPI structure or union and represents a QMP
+object. It may use any of the standard Sphinx or QAPI options, and the
+documentation body may contain ``:memb:`` or ``:feat:`` info field list
+  .. qapi:object:: BigBlobOfStuff
+     This object has a bunch of disparate and unrelated things in it.
+     :memb int Birthday: Your birthday, represented in seconds since the
+                         UNIX epoch.
+     :memb [string] Fav-Foods: A list of your favorite foods.
+     :memb boolean? Bizarre-Docs: True if the documentation reference
+        should be strange.
+Will be rendered as:
+.. qapi:object:: BigBlobOfStuff
+   :noindex:
+   This object has a bunch of disparate and unrelated things in it.
+   :memb int Birthday: Your birthday, represented in seconds since the
+                       UNIX epoch.
+   :memb [string] Fav-Foods: A list of your favorite foods.
+   :memb boolean? Bizarre-Docs: True if the documentation reference
+      should be strange.
+This directive documents a QAPI alternate. It may use any of the
+standard Sphinx or QAPI options, and the documentation body may contain
+``:alt:`` or ``:feat:`` info field list entries.
+  .. qapi:alternate:: ErrorCode
+     This alternate represents an Error Code from the VM.
+     :alt int ec: An error code, like the type you're used to.
+     :alt string em: An expletive-laced error message, if your
+        computer is feeling particularly cranky and tired of your
+        antics.
+Will be rendered as:
+.. qapi:alternate:: ErrorCode
+   :noindex:
+   This alternate represents an Error Code from the VM.
+   :alt int ec: An error code, like the type you're used to.
+   :alt string em: An expletive-laced error message, if your
+      computer is feeling particularly cranky and tired of your
+      antics.