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[v3,48/63] docs/qapidoc: add visit_feature() method

Message ID 20250311034303.75779-49-jsnow@redhat.com (mailing list archive)
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Series docs: Add new QAPI transmogrifier | expand

Commit Message

John Snow March 11, 2025, 3:42 a.m. UTC
This adds a simple ":feat name: lorem ipsum ..." line to the generated
rST document, so at the moment it's only for "top level" features.

Features not attached directly to a QAPI definition are not currently
handled! This is a small regression over the prior documentation
generator that will be addressed in a future patch.

Signed-off-by: John Snow <jsnow@redhat.com>
 docs/sphinx/qapidoc.py | 9 +++++++++
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/docs/sphinx/qapidoc.py b/docs/sphinx/qapidoc.py
index 2f85fe0bc3e..208d7ca1446 100644
--- a/docs/sphinx/qapidoc.py
+++ b/docs/sphinx/qapidoc.py
@@ -195,6 +195,15 @@  def visit_paragraph(self, section: QAPIDoc.Section) -> None:
         self.add_lines(section.text, section.info)
+    def visit_feature(self, section: QAPIDoc.ArgSection) -> None:
+        # FIXME - ifcond for features is not handled at all yet!
+        # Proposal: decorate the right-hand column with some graphical
+        # element to indicate conditional availability?
+        assert section.text  # Guaranteed by parser.py
+        assert section.member
+        self.generate_field("feat", section.member, section.text, section.info)
     def visit_errors(self, section: QAPIDoc.Section) -> None:
         # FIXME: the formatting for errors may be inconsistent and may
         # or may not require different newline placement to ensure