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[RFC,v2,19/20] hw/arm/virt-acpi-build: Update IORT with multiple smmuv3-accel nodes

Message ID 20250311141045.66620-20-shameerali.kolothum.thodi@huawei.com (mailing list archive)
State New
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Series hw/arm/virt: Add support for user-creatable accelerated SMMUv3 | expand

Commit Message

Shameer Kolothum March 11, 2025, 2:10 p.m. UTC
Now that we can have multiple user-creatable smmuv3-accel devices,
each associated with different pci buses, update IORT ID mappings

Signed-off-by: Shameer Kolothum <shameerali.kolothum.thodi@huawei.com>
 hw/arm/virt-acpi-build.c | 113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 97 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/hw/arm/virt-acpi-build.c b/hw/arm/virt-acpi-build.c
index 3ac8f8e178..c232850e36 100644
--- a/hw/arm/virt-acpi-build.c
+++ b/hw/arm/virt-acpi-build.c
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ 
 #include "hw/acpi/generic_event_device.h"
 #include "hw/acpi/tpm.h"
 #include "hw/acpi/hmat.h"
+#include "hw/arm/smmuv3-accel.h"
 #include "hw/pci/pcie_host.h"
 #include "hw/pci/pci.h"
 #include "hw/pci/pci_bus.h"
@@ -233,6 +234,51 @@  struct AcpiIortIdMapping {
 typedef struct AcpiIortIdMapping AcpiIortIdMapping;
+struct SMMUv3Accel {
+    int irq;
+    hwaddr base;
+    AcpiIortIdMapping smmu_idmap;
+typedef struct SMMUv3Accel SMMUv3Accel;
+static int smmuv3_accel_idmap_compare(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
+    SMMUv3Accel *accel_a = (SMMUv3Accel *)a;
+    SMMUv3Accel *accel_b = (SMMUv3Accel *)b;
+    return accel_a->smmu_idmap.input_base - accel_b->smmu_idmap.input_base;
+static int get_smmuv3_accel(Object *obj, void *opaque)
+    GArray *s_accel_blob = opaque;
+    if (object_dynamic_cast(obj, TYPE_ARM_SMMUV3_ACCEL)) {
+        PCIBus *bus = (PCIBus *) object_property_get_link(obj, "primary-bus",
+                                                          &error_abort);
+        if (bus && !pci_bus_bypass_iommu(bus)) {
+            SMMUv3Accel accel;
+            int min_bus, max_bus;
+            VirtMachineState *v = VIRT_MACHINE(qdev_get_machine());
+            PlatformBusDevice *pbus = PLATFORM_BUS_DEVICE(v->platform_bus_dev);
+            SysBusDevice *sbdev = SYS_BUS_DEVICE(obj);
+            hwaddr base = platform_bus_get_mmio_addr(pbus, sbdev, 0);
+            int irq = platform_bus_get_irqn(pbus, sbdev, 0);
+            base += v->memmap[VIRT_PLATFORM_BUS].base;
+            irq += v->irqmap[VIRT_PLATFORM_BUS];
+            pci_bus_range(bus, &min_bus, &max_bus);
+            accel.smmu_idmap.input_base = min_bus << 8;
+            accel.smmu_idmap.id_count = (max_bus - min_bus + 1) << 8;
+            accel.base = base;
+            accel.irq = irq + ARM_SPI_BASE;
+            g_array_append_val(s_accel_blob, accel);
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
 /* Build the iort ID mapping to SMMUv3 for a given PCI host bridge */
 static int
 iort_host_bridges(Object *obj, void *opaque)
@@ -275,30 +321,51 @@  static void
 build_iort(GArray *table_data, BIOSLinker *linker, VirtMachineState *vms)
     int i, nb_nodes, rc_mapping_count;
-    size_t node_size, smmu_offset = 0;
+    size_t node_size, *smmu_offset = NULL;
     AcpiIortIdMapping *idmap;
+    SMMUv3Accel *accel;
+    int num_smmus = 0;
     uint32_t id = 0;
     GArray *smmu_idmaps = g_array_new(false, true, sizeof(AcpiIortIdMapping));
     GArray *its_idmaps = g_array_new(false, true, sizeof(AcpiIortIdMapping));
+    GArray *smmuv3_accel = g_array_new(false, true, sizeof(SMMUv3Accel));
     AcpiTable table = { .sig = "IORT", .rev = 3, .oem_id = vms->oem_id,
                         .oem_table_id = vms->oem_table_id };
     /* Table 2 The IORT */
     acpi_table_begin(&table, table_data);
-    if (vms->iommu == VIRT_IOMMU_SMMUV3) {
-        AcpiIortIdMapping next_range = {0};
+    nb_nodes = 2; /* RC, ITS */
+    if (vms->iommu == VIRT_IOMMU_SMMUV3_ACCEL) {
+        object_child_foreach_recursive(object_get_root(),
+                                       get_smmuv3_accel, smmuv3_accel);
+        /* Sort the smmuv3-accel by smmu idmap input_base */
+        g_array_sort(smmuv3_accel, smmuv3_accel_idmap_compare);
+        /*  Fill smmu idmap from sorted accel array */
+        for (i = 0; i < smmuv3_accel->len; i++) {
+            accel = &g_array_index(smmuv3_accel, SMMUv3Accel, i);
+            g_array_append_val(smmu_idmaps, accel->smmu_idmap);
+        }
+        num_smmus = smmuv3_accel->len;
+    } else if (vms->iommu == VIRT_IOMMU_SMMUV3) {
                                        iort_host_bridges, smmu_idmaps);
         /* Sort the smmu idmap by input_base */
         g_array_sort(smmu_idmaps, iort_idmap_compare);
+        num_smmus = 1;
+    }
-        /*
-         * Split the whole RIDs by mapping from RC to SMMU,
-         * build the ID mapping from RC to ITS directly.
-         */
+    /*
+     * Split the whole RIDs by mapping from RC to SMMU,
+     * build the ID mapping from RC to ITS directly.
+     */
+    if (num_smmus) {
+        AcpiIortIdMapping next_range = {0};
+        smmu_offset = g_new0(size_t, num_smmus);
+        nb_nodes += num_smmus;
         for (i = 0; i < smmu_idmaps->len; i++) {
             idmap = &g_array_index(smmu_idmaps, AcpiIortIdMapping, i);
@@ -316,10 +383,8 @@  build_iort(GArray *table_data, BIOSLinker *linker, VirtMachineState *vms)
             g_array_append_val(its_idmaps, next_range);
-        nb_nodes = 3; /* RC, ITS, SMMUv3 */
         rc_mapping_count = smmu_idmaps->len + its_idmaps->len;
     } else {
-        nb_nodes = 2; /* RC, ITS */
         rc_mapping_count = 1;
     /* Number of IORT Nodes */
@@ -341,10 +406,19 @@  build_iort(GArray *table_data, BIOSLinker *linker, VirtMachineState *vms)
     /* GIC ITS Identifier Array */
     build_append_int_noprefix(table_data, 0 /* MADT translation_id */, 4);
-    if (vms->iommu == VIRT_IOMMU_SMMUV3) {
-        int irq =  vms->irqmap[VIRT_SMMU] + ARM_SPI_BASE;
+    for (i = 0; i < num_smmus; i++) {
+        hwaddr base;
+        int irq;
+        if (vms->iommu == VIRT_IOMMU_SMMUV3_ACCEL) {
+            accel = &g_array_index(smmuv3_accel, SMMUv3Accel, i);
+            base = accel->base;
+            irq = accel->irq;
+        } else {
+            base = vms->memmap[VIRT_SMMU].base;
+            irq = vms->irqmap[VIRT_SMMU] + ARM_SPI_BASE;
+        }
-        smmu_offset = table_data->len - table.table_offset;
+        smmu_offset[i] = table_data->len - table.table_offset;
         /* Table 9 SMMUv3 Format */
         build_append_int_noprefix(table_data, 4 /* SMMUv3 */, 1); /* Type */
         node_size =  SMMU_V3_ENTRY_SIZE + ID_MAPPING_ENTRY_SIZE;
@@ -355,7 +429,7 @@  build_iort(GArray *table_data, BIOSLinker *linker, VirtMachineState *vms)
         /* Reference to ID Array */
         build_append_int_noprefix(table_data, SMMU_V3_ENTRY_SIZE, 4);
         /* Base address */
-        build_append_int_noprefix(table_data, vms->memmap[VIRT_SMMU].base, 8);
+        build_append_int_noprefix(table_data, base, 8);
         /* Flags */
         build_append_int_noprefix(table_data, 1 /* COHACC Override */, 4);
         build_append_int_noprefix(table_data, 0, 4); /* Reserved */
@@ -404,15 +478,22 @@  build_iort(GArray *table_data, BIOSLinker *linker, VirtMachineState *vms)
     build_append_int_noprefix(table_data, 0, 3); /* Reserved */
     /* Output Reference */
-    if (vms->iommu == VIRT_IOMMU_SMMUV3) {
+    if (num_smmus) {
         AcpiIortIdMapping *range;
+        size_t offset;
         /* translated RIDs connect to SMMUv3 node: RC -> SMMUv3 -> ITS */
         for (i = 0; i < smmu_idmaps->len; i++) {
+            if (vms->iommu == VIRT_IOMMU_SMMUV3_ACCEL) {
+                offset = smmu_offset[i];
+            } else {
+                offset = smmu_offset[0];
+            }
             range = &g_array_index(smmu_idmaps, AcpiIortIdMapping, i);
             /* output IORT node is the smmuv3 node */
             build_iort_id_mapping(table_data, range->input_base,
-                                  range->id_count, smmu_offset);
+                                  range->id_count, offset);
         /* bypassed RIDs connect to ITS group node directly: RC -> ITS */