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[2/2] target/riscv: Restrict midelegh access to S-mode harts

Message ID 20250318070136.38898-2-jay.chang@sifive.com (mailing list archive)
State New
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Series [1/2] target/riscv: Restrict mideleg/medeleg/medelegh access to S-mode harts | expand

Commit Message

Jay Chang March 18, 2025, 7:01 a.m. UTC
RISC-V AIA Spec states:
"For a machine-level environment, extension Smaia encompasses all added
CSRs and all modifications to interrupt response behavior that the AIA
specifies for a hart, over all privilege levels. For a supervisor-level
environment, extension Ssaia is essentially the same as Smaia except
excluding the machine-level CSRs and behavior not directly visible to
supervisor level."

Since midelegh is an AIA machine-mode CSR, add Smaia extension check in
aia_smode32 predicate.

Reviewed-by: Frank Chang <frank.chang@sifive.com>
Signed-off-by: Jay Chang <jay.chang@sifive.com>
 target/riscv/csr.c | 7 +++++--
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/target/riscv/csr.c b/target/riscv/csr.c
index 975d6e307f..c3dd8e6cda 100644
--- a/target/riscv/csr.c
+++ b/target/riscv/csr.c
@@ -372,8 +372,11 @@  static RISCVException aia_smode(CPURISCVState *env, int csrno)
 static RISCVException aia_smode32(CPURISCVState *env, int csrno)
     int ret;
+    int csr_priv;
-    if (!riscv_cpu_cfg(env)->ext_ssaia) {
+    if (csr_priv == PRV_M && !riscv_cpu_cfg(env)->ext_smaia) {
+        return RISCV_EXCP_ILLEGAL_INST;
+    } else if (!riscv_cpu_cfg(env)->ext_ssaia) {
         return RISCV_EXCP_ILLEGAL_INST;
@@ -5832,7 +5835,7 @@  riscv_csr_operations csr_ops[CSR_TABLE_SIZE] = {
     [CSR_MVIP]     = { "mvip",     aia_any, NULL, NULL, rmw_mvip    },
     /* Machine-Level High-Half CSRs (AIA) */
-    [CSR_MIDELEGH] = { "midelegh", aia_any32, NULL, NULL, rmw_midelegh },
+    [CSR_MIDELEGH] = { "midelegh", aia_smode32, NULL, NULL, rmw_midelegh },
     [CSR_MIEH]     = { "mieh",     aia_any32, NULL, NULL, rmw_mieh     },
     [CSR_MVIENH]   = { "mvienh",   aia_any32, NULL, NULL, rmw_mvienh   },
     [CSR_MVIPH]    = { "mviph",    aia_any32, NULL, NULL, rmw_mviph    },