From patchwork Thu Feb 11 12:27:18 2021 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Mike Christie X-Patchwork-Id: 12083105 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-18.7 required=3.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID,DKIM_VALID_AU,HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS,INCLUDES_CR_TRAILER, INCLUDES_PATCH,MAILING_LIST_MULTI,MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER,SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS,URIBL_BLOCKED,USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=ham autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 75886C433E0 for ; Thu, 11 Feb 2021 12:34:57 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3ED9564E05 for ; Thu, 11 Feb 2021 12:34:57 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S231559AbhBKMeR (ORCPT ); Thu, 11 Feb 2021 07:34:17 -0500 Received: from ([]:44354 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S230474AbhBKMa6 (ORCPT ); Thu, 11 Feb 2021 07:30:58 -0500 Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with SMTP id 11BCO18R139515; Thu, 11 Feb 2021 12:27:46 GMT DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h=from : to : cc : subject : date : message-id : in-reply-to : references : content-transfer-encoding : content-type : mime-version; s=corp-2020-01-29; bh=pmZfKSFF2u9HV5P4RAb6IslzlbYKwVdkQUe53+3I4Ao=; b=yBvgZZFnCpTIV3EOSbpGVaXgjUMpfINbE/HaZcV46ANf4UOfwgxpVDMBG27fGJvXW6Ip at53b3o4g3yv2wv5LKBDC+qxc/vIF3rvwht2ONwj8M5sPh2mPA/ahrV4QYOIXL0tLZQp ORWDXJHMEFBRCMyA2tDOAIQJoEeSLGH2jzJ77Ob1D5p0ao+vvVCy7VepVrD7iIU4kd1w JEkitzt7fumk5T2izbuE9tV6RkwK39EwgzNODtThvXrGVgXZ2zKiaYEOHnJpNeTm1yN6 3CP2TyJMmefLaKQHOUvolp68Z6V8APPC13eEv76PsR7fV4yZeN4RiXMk1rCySG/5X1kF pQ== Received: from ( []) by with ESMTP id 36hkrn76ev-1 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 bits=256 verify=OK); Thu, 11 Feb 2021 12:27:46 +0000 Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with SMTP id 11BCP7qM052228; Thu, 11 Feb 2021 12:27:45 GMT Received: from ( []) by with ESMTP id 36j51yxtx1-1 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 bits=256 verify=OK); Thu, 11 Feb 2021 12:27:45 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=cN0r0WHEt3t+bdsAOeSs/7ZDta4uwRpl9z10iVDIqxIUI6Vp4vTWhF1ZpySvY+ZyuWXJht3/u9zgePUDJfAr69rIIK6+61MJ/qk+JLxUHHi/V5ycHpDys6gbEHIjvMtyJSnTAfXLwvvtUoyludPNkydEWRiI8CfuqhmcMks+EcskbMGXMJszmuKFO9O9PcSApff0VJfTUWCWqcLY/JM+8cLjgMtH7V3V0eVjn4DAh5IUSlrMQYD++7mlA5O054zhloFHYLrGSNMfIGFJO8oT6Zst9tfyytTidw/AiNGAk9vyYXvQ79VK6+NIYZ+kF1SPgjFadSgMrw3LTwywjesZlA== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=pmZfKSFF2u9HV5P4RAb6IslzlbYKwVdkQUe53+3I4Ao=; b=X8bdmO+CTj75cNKajl83LYeZJ6k5N0MxMsrcBr0V+/ecsushLVyP5xIgFRP1BzgR7tV6/hxziEeQEi1RxzlNB6lJBkAYmzQX2ta8NOeMoicqma4Ckuib+oyYo9hsx9BpWwnF64RXRoCVp+hkZyV5KPhz4D8MfbeBvwTFy14JAySJyaFuweKoMwFVGruYACqF35LZWCuhg0mcyE76a+e/pU8g/nzVhTS+Cpz/BLOrYFz7/9MBWa8tun7Dl6PNQVbB2oAe/7qqXELn8yinn1Z5McpICvNLtPOlnqbPY0ma2Xik5DJszPio4I7hD0g1JK0pbmo1F5gQfn93bM9hqH/6Gw== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-oracle-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=pmZfKSFF2u9HV5P4RAb6IslzlbYKwVdkQUe53+3I4Ao=; b=Yua8jOP5Uh+VTvQPRTiLYPfSMeHKf4lC6vQpkGYVRdvUdZtARZoRBwf/KjDUOrokRvPq01e65eIJI+2WBtm0/VsK4DIWnVxGY1TDUDHwsRCN/RCIpQBMv4M3Tuy5IQyuOw4GxSg8QYJ/ubpMnCpLb4gVhf3R0EvPdqMiMNnaDFo= Authentication-Results:; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10b6:a03:11e::32) by (2603:10b6:a03:20a::11) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.3846.27; Thu, 11 Feb 2021 12:27:43 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::1d86:b9d7:c9ef:ba20]) by ([fe80::1d86:b9d7:c9ef:ba20%7]) with mapi id 15.20.3825.030; Thu, 11 Feb 2021 12:27:43 +0000 From: Mike Christie To:,,,,,, Cc: Mike Christie , Bart Van Assche , Juergen Gross , Hannes Reinecke , Nilesh Javali , Michael Cyr , Chris Boot , Felipe Balbi Subject: [PATCH 04/14] target: break up target_submit_cmd_map_sgls Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 06:27:18 -0600 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-Originating-IP: [] X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:10b6:610:77::35) To (2603:10b6:a03:11e::32) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-MessageSentRepresentingType: 1 Received: from localhost.localdomain ( by (2603:10b6:610:77::35) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.3846.25 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 11 Feb 2021 12:27:41 +0000 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 1affbcd1-67fb-4e91-2797-08d8ce886dee X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: BY5PR10MB4339: X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:9508; X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;CTRY:;LANG:en;SCL:1;SRV:;IPV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;;PTR:;CAT:NONE;SFS:(366004)(346002)(39860400002)(136003)(376002)(396003)(83380400001)(1076003)(6512007)(16526019)(2906002)(4326008)(6506007)(478600001)(316002)(186003)(6486002)(8936002)(26005)(52116002)(66946007)(30864003)(86362001)(6666004)(54906003)(8676002)(2616005)(36756003)(5660300002)(66556008)(69590400011)(7416002)(956004)(66476007);DIR:OUT;SFP:1101; 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The above functions must be used by drivers that either: 1. rely on lio for session shutdown synchronization by calling target_stop_session. 2. need to map sgls When the next patches are applied then simple drivers that do not need the extra functionality above can use target_submit_cmd and not worry about failures being returned and how to handle them, since many drivers were getting this wrong and would have hit refcount bugs. Also, by breaking target_submit_cmd_map_sgls up into these 3 helper functions, we can allow the later patches to do the init/prep from interrupt context and then do the submission from a workqueue. Cc: Bart Van Assche Cc: Juergen Gross Cc: Hannes Reinecke Cc: Nilesh Javali Cc: Michael Cyr Cc: Chris Boot Cc: Felipe Balbi Cc: "Michael S. Tsirkin" Cc: Stefan Hajnoczi Signed-off-by: Mike Christie Reviewed-by: Christoph Hellwig --- drivers/target/target_core_transport.c | 200 +++++++++++++++++-------- include/target/target_core_fabric.h | 8 + 2 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/target/target_core_transport.c b/drivers/target/target_core_transport.c index 013f4a5e8972..a82b7da09872 100644 --- a/drivers/target/target_core_transport.c +++ b/drivers/target/target_core_transport.c @@ -1571,46 +1571,31 @@ transport_generic_map_mem_to_cmd(struct se_cmd *cmd, struct scatterlist *sgl, } /** - * target_submit_cmd_map_sgls - lookup unpacked lun and submit uninitialized - * se_cmd + use pre-allocated SGL memory. - * - * @se_cmd: command descriptor to submit + * target_init_cmd - initialize se_cmd + * @se_cmd: command descriptor to init * @se_sess: associated se_sess for endpoint - * @cdb: pointer to SCSI CDB * @sense: pointer to SCSI sense buffer * @unpacked_lun: unpacked LUN to reference for struct se_lun * @data_length: fabric expected data transfer length * @task_attr: SAM task attribute * @data_dir: DMA data direction * @flags: flags for command submission from target_sc_flags_tables - * @sgl: struct scatterlist memory for unidirectional mapping - * @sgl_count: scatterlist count for unidirectional mapping - * @sgl_bidi: struct scatterlist memory for bidirectional READ mapping - * @sgl_bidi_count: scatterlist count for bidirectional READ mapping - * @sgl_prot: struct scatterlist memory protection information - * @sgl_prot_count: scatterlist count for protection information * * Task tags are supported if the caller has set @se_cmd->tag. * - * Returns non zero to signal active I/O shutdown failure. All other - * setup exceptions will be returned as a SCSI CHECK_CONDITION response, - * but still return zero here. + * Returns: + * - less than zero to signal active I/O shutdown failure. + * - zero on success. * - * This may only be called from process context, and also currently - * assumes internal allocation of fabric payload buffer by target-core. + * If the fabric driver calls target_stop_session, then it must check the + * return code and handle failures. This will never fail for other drivers, + * and the return code can be ignored. */ -int target_submit_cmd_map_sgls(struct se_cmd *se_cmd, struct se_session *se_sess, - unsigned char *cdb, unsigned char *sense, u64 unpacked_lun, - u32 data_length, int task_attr, int data_dir, int flags, - struct scatterlist *sgl, u32 sgl_count, - struct scatterlist *sgl_bidi, u32 sgl_bidi_count, - struct scatterlist *sgl_prot, u32 sgl_prot_count) +int target_init_cmd(struct se_cmd *se_cmd, struct se_session *se_sess, + unsigned char *sense, u64 unpacked_lun, + u32 data_length, int task_attr, int data_dir, int flags) { struct se_portal_group *se_tpg; - sense_reason_t rc; - int ret; - - might_sleep(); se_tpg = se_sess->se_tpg; BUG_ON(!se_tpg); @@ -1618,53 +1603,69 @@ int target_submit_cmd_map_sgls(struct se_cmd *se_cmd, struct se_session *se_sess if (flags & TARGET_SCF_USE_CPUID) se_cmd->se_cmd_flags |= SCF_USE_CPUID; + /* + * Signal bidirectional data payloads to target-core + */ + if (flags & TARGET_SCF_BIDI_OP) + se_cmd->se_cmd_flags |= SCF_BIDI; + + if (flags & TARGET_SCF_UNKNOWN_SIZE) + se_cmd->unknown_data_length = 1; /* * Initialize se_cmd for target operation. From this point * exceptions are handled by sending exception status via * target_core_fabric_ops->queue_status() callback */ - __target_init_cmd(se_cmd, se_tpg->se_tpg_tfo, se_sess, - data_length, data_dir, task_attr, sense, - unpacked_lun); + __target_init_cmd(se_cmd, se_tpg->se_tpg_tfo, se_sess, data_length, + data_dir, task_attr, sense, unpacked_lun); - if (flags & TARGET_SCF_UNKNOWN_SIZE) - se_cmd->unknown_data_length = 1; /* * Obtain struct se_cmd->cmd_kref reference. A second kref_get here is * necessary for fabrics using TARGET_SCF_ACK_KREF that expect a second * kref_put() to happen during fabric packet acknowledgement. */ - ret = target_get_sess_cmd(se_cmd, flags & TARGET_SCF_ACK_KREF); - if (ret) - return ret; - /* - * Signal bidirectional data payloads to target-core - */ - if (flags & TARGET_SCF_BIDI_OP) - se_cmd->se_cmd_flags |= SCF_BIDI; + return target_get_sess_cmd(se_cmd, flags & TARGET_SCF_ACK_KREF); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(target_init_cmd); + +/** + * target_submit_prep - prepare cmd for submission + * @se_cmd: command descriptor to prep + * @cdb: pointer to SCSI CDB + * @sgl: struct scatterlist memory for unidirectional mapping + * @sgl_count: scatterlist count for unidirectional mapping + * @sgl_bidi: struct scatterlist memory for bidirectional READ mapping + * @sgl_bidi_count: scatterlist count for bidirectional READ mapping + * @sgl_prot: struct scatterlist memory protection information + * @sgl_prot_count: scatterlist count for protection information + * + * Returns: + * - less than zero to signal failure. + * - zero on success. + * If failure is returned, lio will the callers queue_status to complete + * the cmd. + */ +int target_submit_prep(struct se_cmd *se_cmd, unsigned char *cdb, + struct scatterlist *sgl, u32 sgl_count, + struct scatterlist *sgl_bidi, u32 sgl_bidi_count, + struct scatterlist *sgl_prot, u32 sgl_prot_count) +{ + sense_reason_t rc; rc = target_cmd_init_cdb(se_cmd, cdb); - if (rc) { - transport_send_check_condition_and_sense(se_cmd, rc, 0); - target_put_sess_cmd(se_cmd); - return 0; - } + if (rc) + goto send_cc_direct; /* * Locate se_lun pointer and attach it to struct se_cmd */ rc = transport_lookup_cmd_lun(se_cmd); - if (rc) { - transport_send_check_condition_and_sense(se_cmd, rc, 0); - target_put_sess_cmd(se_cmd); - return 0; - } + if (rc) + goto send_cc_direct; rc = target_cmd_parse_cdb(se_cmd); - if (rc != 0) { - transport_generic_request_failure(se_cmd, rc); - return 0; - } + if (rc != 0) + goto generic_fail; /* * Save pointers for SGLs containing protection information, @@ -1684,6 +1685,41 @@ int target_submit_cmd_map_sgls(struct se_cmd *se_cmd, struct se_session *se_sess if (sgl_count != 0) { BUG_ON(!sgl); + rc = transport_generic_map_mem_to_cmd(se_cmd, sgl, sgl_count, + sgl_bidi, sgl_bidi_count); + if (rc != 0) + goto generic_fail; + } + + return 0; + +send_cc_direct: + transport_send_check_condition_and_sense(se_cmd, rc, 0); + target_put_sess_cmd(se_cmd); + return -EIO; + +generic_fail: + transport_generic_request_failure(se_cmd, rc); + return -EIO; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(target_submit_prep); + +/** + * target_submit - perform final initialization and submit cmd to LIO core + * @se_cmd: command descriptor to submit + * + * target_submit_prep must have been called on the cmd, and this must be + * called from process context. + */ +void target_submit(struct se_cmd *se_cmd) +{ + struct scatterlist *sgl = se_cmd->t_data_sg; + unsigned char *buf = NULL; + + might_sleep(); + + if (se_cmd->t_data_nents != 0) { + BUG_ON(!sgl); /* * A work-around for tcm_loop as some userspace code via * scsi-generic do not memset their associated read buffers, @@ -1694,8 +1730,6 @@ int target_submit_cmd_map_sgls(struct se_cmd *se_cmd, struct se_session *se_sess */ if (!(se_cmd->se_cmd_flags & SCF_SCSI_DATA_CDB) && se_cmd->data_direction == DMA_FROM_DEVICE) { - unsigned char *buf = NULL; - if (sgl) buf = kmap(sg_page(sgl)) + sgl->offset; @@ -1705,12 +1739,6 @@ int target_submit_cmd_map_sgls(struct se_cmd *se_cmd, struct se_session *se_sess } } - rc = transport_generic_map_mem_to_cmd(se_cmd, sgl, sgl_count, - sgl_bidi, sgl_bidi_count); - if (rc != 0) { - transport_generic_request_failure(se_cmd, rc); - return 0; - } } /* @@ -1720,6 +1748,56 @@ int target_submit_cmd_map_sgls(struct se_cmd *se_cmd, struct se_session *se_sess core_alua_check_nonop_delay(se_cmd); transport_handle_cdb_direct(se_cmd); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(target_submit); + +/** + * target_submit_cmd_map_sgls - lookup unpacked lun and submit uninitialized + * se_cmd + use pre-allocated SGL memory. + * + * @se_cmd: command descriptor to submit + * @se_sess: associated se_sess for endpoint + * @cdb: pointer to SCSI CDB + * @sense: pointer to SCSI sense buffer + * @unpacked_lun: unpacked LUN to reference for struct se_lun + * @data_length: fabric expected data transfer length + * @task_attr: SAM task attribute + * @data_dir: DMA data direction + * @flags: flags for command submission from target_sc_flags_tables + * @sgl: struct scatterlist memory for unidirectional mapping + * @sgl_count: scatterlist count for unidirectional mapping + * @sgl_bidi: struct scatterlist memory for bidirectional READ mapping + * @sgl_bidi_count: scatterlist count for bidirectional READ mapping + * @sgl_prot: struct scatterlist memory protection information + * @sgl_prot_count: scatterlist count for protection information + * + * Task tags are supported if the caller has set @se_cmd->tag. + * + * Returns non zero to signal active I/O shutdown failure. All other + * setup exceptions will be returned as a SCSI CHECK_CONDITION response, + * but still return zero here. + * + * This may only be called from process context, and also currently + * assumes internal allocation of fabric payload buffer by target-core. + */ +int target_submit_cmd_map_sgls(struct se_cmd *se_cmd, struct se_session *se_sess, + unsigned char *cdb, unsigned char *sense, u64 unpacked_lun, + u32 data_length, int task_attr, int data_dir, int flags, + struct scatterlist *sgl, u32 sgl_count, + struct scatterlist *sgl_bidi, u32 sgl_bidi_count, + struct scatterlist *sgl_prot, u32 sgl_prot_count) +{ + int rc; + + rc = target_init_cmd(se_cmd, se_sess, sense, unpacked_lun, + data_length, task_attr, data_dir, flags); + if (rc < 0) + return rc; + + + target_submit_prep(se_cmd, cdb, sgl, sgl_count, sgl_bidi, + sgl_bidi_count, sgl_prot, sgl_prot_count); + target_submit(se_cmd); return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(target_submit_cmd_map_sgls); diff --git a/include/target/target_core_fabric.h b/include/target/target_core_fabric.h index 4975c4d2a933..4b5f6687393a 100644 --- a/include/target/target_core_fabric.h +++ b/include/target/target_core_fabric.h @@ -151,6 +151,14 @@ void transport_deregister_session(struct se_session *); void __target_init_cmd(struct se_cmd *, const struct target_core_fabric_ops *, struct se_session *, u32, int, int, unsigned char *, u64); +int target_init_cmd(struct se_cmd *se_cmd, struct se_session *se_sess, + unsigned char *sense, u64 unpacked_lun, u32 data_length, + int task_attr, int data_dir, int flags); +int target_submit_prep(struct se_cmd *se_cmd, unsigned char *cdb, + struct scatterlist *sgl, u32 sgl_count, + struct scatterlist *sgl_bidi, u32 sgl_bidi_count, + struct scatterlist *sgl_prot, u32 sgl_prot_count); +void target_submit(struct se_cmd *se_cmd); sense_reason_t transport_lookup_cmd_lun(struct se_cmd *); sense_reason_t target_cmd_init_cdb(struct se_cmd *, unsigned char *); sense_reason_t target_cmd_parse_cdb(struct se_cmd *);