new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# tarballs checksum
+# -----------------
+# 974b3091232d781c4fc410ccca98fb62ba9febe9e6a988e348804483c4f66742 binutils-2.26.1-1.1.fc25.tar
+FROM lambdalinuxfedora/baseimage-fedora
+CMD ["/sbin/my_init"]
+COPY [ \
+ "./binutils-2.26.1-1.1.fc25.tar", \
+ \
+ "./run", \
+ "/tmp/docker-build/" \
+RUN \
+ # dnf
+ echo "Running dnf update..." && \
+ dnf update -y && \
+ dnf install -y less && \
+ dnf install -y sudo && \
+ \
+ # circleci container requirements
+ #
+ dnf install -y git && \
+ dnf install -y openssh-clients && \
+ dnf install -y tar && \
+ dnf install -y gzip && \
+ dnf install -y ca-certificates && \
+ \
+ # install `binutils`
+ pushd /tmp/docker-build && \
+ # verify checksum
+ echo "974b3091232d781c4fc410ccca98fb62ba9febe9e6a988e348804483c4f66742 binutils-2.26.1-1.1.fc25.tar" | sha256sum -c - && \
+ tar xvf binutils-2.26.1-1.1.fc25.tar && \
+ dnf install -y ./binutils/2.26.1/1.1.fc25/x86_64/binutils-2.26.1-1.1.fc25.x86_64.rpm && \
+ popd && \
+ \
+ dnf install -y @buildsys-build && \
+ \
+ # Having `ipdb` around is useful when debugging `run` script. Uncomment this
+ # section as required
+ # dnf install -y python2-devel && \
+ # dnf install -y python-pip && \
+ # su -l root -c "pip2 install --user ipdb==0.8 ipython==5.3.0" && \
+ \
+ # Note: xen and qemu has some duplicate package dependencies. We are
+ # explicitly calling out dependencies for xen and qemu
+ #
+ # xen build dependencies
+ dnf install -y bridge-utils && \
+ dnf install -y gettext && \
+ dnf install -y glib2-devel && \
+ dnf install -y glibc-devel.i686 && \
+ dnf install -y grub2 && \
+ dnf install -y iasl && \
+ dnf install -y libaio-devel && \
+ dnf install -y libuuid-devel && \
+ dnf install -y ncurses-devel && \
+ dnf install -y openssl-devel && \
+ dnf install -y pixman-devel && \
+ dnf install -y python2-devel && \
+ dnf install -y wget && \
+ dnf install -y yajl-devel && \
+ \
+ # qemu build dependencies
+ dnf install -y glib2-devel && \
+ dnf install -y libaio-devel && \
+ dnf install -y libattr-devel && \
+ dnf install -y libcap-devel && \
+ dnf install -y libcap-ng-devel && \
+ dnf install -y pixman-devel && \
+ dnf install -y zlib-devel && \
+ \
+ # rkt build dependencies
+ dnf install -y autoconf && \
+ dnf install -y automake && \
+ dnf install -y git && \
+ dnf install -y glibc-static && \
+ dnf install -y gnupg && \
+ dnf install -y golang && \
+ dnf install -y libacl-devel && \
+ dnf install -y squashfs-tools && \
+ dnf install -y systemd-devel && \
+ dnf install -y wget && \
+ \
+ # stage1-xen build dependencies
+ dnf install -y bc && \
+ dnf install -y busybox && \
+ dnf install -y glide && \
+ dnf install -y golang && \
+ dnf install -y jq && \
+ dnf install -y libacl-devel && \
+ dnf install -y wget && \
+ \
+ # copy `run` file
+ su -l root -c "mkdir /root/bin" && \
+ su -l root -c "cp /tmp/docker-build/run /root/bin" && \
+ \
+ # create `stage1-xen` directory
+ mkdir -p /root/gopath/src/ && \
+ \
+ # cleanup
+ rm -rf /tmp/docker-build && \
+ dnf clean all && \
+ rm -rf /var/cache/dnf/* && \
+ rm -rf /tmp/* && \
+ rm -rf /var/tmp/*
From: Rajiv M Ranganath <> --- build/fedora/buildroot-Dockerfile | 108 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 108 insertions(+) create mode 100644 build/fedora/buildroot-Dockerfile