@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ D1...D5 are the trace data.
Data is dumped onto the standard output (which must not be a TTY) or a
I<FILE> specified on the command line.
-The output should be parsed using the tool xentrace_format, which can
+The output should be parsed using the tool xenalyze, which can
produce human-readable output in ASCII format.
@@ -157,6 +157,3 @@ B<xentrace> collects the following events from the trace buffer:
Mark A. Williamson <mark.a.williamson@intel.com>
-=head1 SEE ALSO
deleted file mode 100644
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-xentrace_format - pretty-print Xen trace data
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<xentrace_format> [ I<DEFS-FILE> ]
-B<xentrace_format> parses trace data in B<xentrace> binary format from
-standard input and reformats it according to the rules in a file of
-definitions (I<DEFS-FILE>), printing to standard output.
-The rules in I<DEFS-FILE> should have the format shown below:
-I<event_id> I<whitespace> I<format>
-Each rule should start on a new line.
-The format string may include format specifiers, such as:
-%(cpu)d, %(tsc)d, %(event)d, %(1)d, %(2)d, %(3)d, %(4)d, %(5)d
-[ the `d' format specifier output in decimal, alternatively `x'
- will output in hexadecimal and `o' will output in octal ]
-These correspond to the CPU number, event ID, timestamp counter and
-the 5 data fields from the trace record. There should be one such
-rule for each type of event to be pretty-printed (events which do not
-have formatting rules are ignored).
-A sample format file for Xen's predefined trace events is available
-in the file tools/xentrace/formats in the Xen source tree.
-Depending on your system and the rate at which trace data is produced,
-this script may not be able to keep up with the output of
-B<xentrace> if it is piped directly. In these circumstances you
-should have B<xentrace> output to a file for processing off-line.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Mark A. Williamson <mark.a.williamson@intel.com>
-=head1 SEE ALSO
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ LDLIBS += $(ARGP_LDFLAGS)
BIN := xenalyze
SBIN := xentrace xentrace_setsize
LIBBIN := xenctx
-SCRIPTS := xentrace_format
@@ -24,13 +23,11 @@ install: all
$(INSTALL_PROG) $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
$(INSTALL_PROG) $(SBIN) $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
.PHONY: uninstall
rm -f $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXEC_BIN)/, $(LIBBIN))
- rm -f $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/, $(SCRIPTS))
rm -f $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/, $(SBIN))
rm -f $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/, $(BIN))
deleted file mode 100644
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-0x00000000 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) unknown (0x%(event)016x) [ 0x%(1)08x 0x%(2)08x 0x%(3)08x 0x%(4)08x 0x%(5)08x 0x%(6)08x 0x%(7)08x ]
-0x0001f001 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) lost_records 0x%(1)08x
-0x0001f002 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) wrap_buffer 0x%(1)08x
-0x0001f003 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) cpu_change 0x%(1)08x
-0x0001f004 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) trace_irq [ vector = %(1)d, count = %(2)d, tot_cycles = 0x%(3)08x, max_cycles = 0x%(4)08x ]
-0x00021002 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) continue_running [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00021011 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) running_to_runnable [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00021021 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) running_to_blocked [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00021031 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) running_to_offline [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00021101 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) runnable_to_running [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00021121 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) runnable_to_blocked [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00021131 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) runnable_to_offline [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00021201 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) blocked_to_running [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00021211 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) blocked_to_runnable [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00021231 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) blocked_to_offline [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00021301 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) offline_to_running [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00021311 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) offline_to_runnable [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00021321 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) offline_to_blocked [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00028001 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) sched_add_domain [ domid = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00028002 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) sched_rem_domain [ domid = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00028003 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) domain_sleep [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)04x%(2)04x ]
-0x00028004 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) domain_wake [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)04x%(2)04x ]
-0x00028005 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) do_yield [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)04x%(2)04x ]
-0x00028006 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) do_block [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)04x%(2)04x ]
-0x00028007 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) domain_shutdown [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)04x%(2)04x, reason = 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x00028008 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) sched_ctl
-0x00028009 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) sched_adjdom [ domid = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0002800a CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) __enter_scheduler [ prev<dom:vcpu> = 0x%(1)04x%(2)04x, next<dom:vcpu> = 0x%(3)04x%(4)04x ]
-0x0002800b CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) s_timer_fn
-0x0002800c CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) t_timer_fn
-0x0002800d CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) dom_timer_fn
-0x0002800e CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) switch_infprev [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)04x%(2)04x, runtime = %(3)d ]
-0x0002800f CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) switch_infnext [ new_dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)04x%(2)04x, time = %(3)d, r_time = %(4)d ]
-0x00028010 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) domain_shutdown_code [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)04x%(2)04x, reason = 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x00028011 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) switch_infcont [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)04x%(2)04x, runtime = %(3)d, r_time = %(4)d ]
-0x00022001 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched:sched_tasklet
-0x00022002 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched:account_start [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)04x%(2)04x, active = %(3)d ]
-0x00022003 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched:account_stop [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)04x%(2)04x, active = %(3)d ]
-0x00022004 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched:stolen_vcpu [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(2)04x%(3)04x, from = %(1)d ]
-0x00022005 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched:picked_cpu [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)04x%(2)04x, cpu = %(3)d ]
-0x00022006 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched:tickle [ cpu = %(1)d ]
-0x00022007 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched:boost [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)04x%(2)04x ]
-0x00022008 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched:unboost [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)04x%(2)04x ]
-0x00022009 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched:schedule [ cpu[16]:tasklet[8]:idle[8] = %(1)08x ]
-0x0002200A CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched:ratelimit [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, runtime = %(2)d ]
-0x0002200B CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched:steal_check [ peer_cpu = %(1)d, checked = %(2)d ]
-0x00022201 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:tick
-0x00022202 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:runq_pos [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, pos = %(2)d]
-0x00022203 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:credit burn [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, credit = %(2)d, budget = %(3)d, delta = %(4)d ]
-0x00022204 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:credit_add
-0x00022205 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:tickle_check [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, credit = %(2)d, score = %(3)d ]
-0x00022206 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:tickle [ cpu = %(1)d ]
-0x00022207 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:credit_reset [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, cr_start = %(2)d, cr_end = %(3)d ]
-0x00022208 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:sched_tasklet
-0x00022209 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:update_load
-0x0002220a CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:runq_assign [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, rq_id = %(2)d ]
-0x0002220b CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:updt_vcpu_load [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(3)08x, vcpuload = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, wshift = %(4)d ]
-0x0002220c CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:updt_runq_load [ rq_load[16]:rq_id[8]:wshift[8] = 0x%(5)08x, rq_avgload = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, b_avgload = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x ]
-0x0002220d CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:tickle_new [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, processor = %(2)d credit = %(3)d ]
-0x0002220e CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:runq_max_weight [ rq_id[16]:max_weight[16] = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0002220f CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:migrrate [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, rq_id[16]:trq_id[16] = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00022210 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:load_check [ lrq_id[16]:orq_id[16] = 0x%(1)08x, delta = %(2)d ]
-0x00022211 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:load_balance [ l_bavgload = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, o_bavgload = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x, lrq_id[16]:orq_id[16] = 0x%(5)08x ]
-0x00022212 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:pick_cpu [ b_avgload = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, dom:vcpu = 0x%(3)08x, rq_id[16]:new_cpu[16] = %(4)d ]
-0x00022213 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:runq_candidate [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, credit = %(3)d, tickled_cpu = %(2)d ]
-0x00022214 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:schedule [ rq:cpu = 0x%(1)08x, tasklet[8]:idle[8]:smt_idle[8]:tickled[8] = %(2)08x ]
-0x00022215 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:ratelimit [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, runtime = %(2)d ]
-0x00022216 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) csched2:runq_cand_chk [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00022801 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) rtds:tickle [ cpu = %(1)d ]
-0x00022802 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) rtds:runq_pick [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, cur_deadline = 0x%(3)08x%(2)08x, cur_budget = 0x%(5)08x%(4)08x ]
-0x00022803 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) rtds:burn_budget [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, cur_budget = 0x%(3)08x%(2)08x, delta = %(4)d ]
-0x00022804 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) rtds:repl_budget [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, cur_deadline = 0x%(3)08x%(2)08x, cur_budget = 0x%(5)08x%(4)08x ]
-0x00022805 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) rtds:sched_tasklet
-0x00022806 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) rtds:schedule [ cpu[16]:tasklet[8]:idle[4]:tickled[4] = %(1)08x ]
-0x00022A01 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) null:pick_cpu [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, new_cpu = %(2)d ]
-0x00022A02 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) null:assign [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, cpu = %(2)d ]
-0x00022A03 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) null:deassign [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, cpu = %(2)d ]
-0x00022A04 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) null:migrate [ dom:vcpu = 0x%(1)08x, new_cpu:cpu = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00022A05 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) null:schedule [ cpu[16]:tasklet[16] = %(1)08x, dom:vcpu = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00022A06 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) null:sched_tasklet
-0x00041001 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) domain_create [ dom = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00041002 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) domain_destroy [ dom = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00081001 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) VMENTRY
-0x00081002 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) VMX_EXIT [ exitcode = 0x%(1)08x, rIP = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00081102 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) VMX_EXIT [ exitcode = 0x%(1)08x, rIP = 0x%(3)08x%(2)08x ]
-0x00081003 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) SVM_EXIT [ exitcode = 0x%(1)08x, rIP = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00081103 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) SVM_EXIT [ exitcode = 0x%(1)08x, rIP = 0x%(3)08x%(2)08x ]
-0x00081401 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) nVMENTRY
-0x00081402 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) nVMEXIT [ exitcode = 0x%(1)08x, rIP = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00081502 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) nVMEXIT [ exitcode = 0x%(1)08x, rIP = 0x%(3)08x%(2)08x ]
-0x00082001 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) PF_XEN [ errorcode = 0x%(2)02x, virt = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00082101 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) PF_XEN [ errorcode = 0x%(3)02x, virt = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x00082002 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) PF_INJECT [ errorcode = 0x%(1)02x, virt = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00082102 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) PF_INJECT [ errorcode = 0x%(1)02x, virt = 0x%(3)08x%(2)08x ]
-0x00082003 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) INJ_EXC [ vector = 0x%(1)02x, errorcode = 0x%(2)04x ]
-0x00082004 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) INJ_VIRQ [ vector = 0x%(1)02x, fake = %(2)d ]
-0x00082005 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) REINJ_VIRQ [ vector = 0x%(1)02x ]
-0x00082006 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) IO_READ [ port = 0x%(1)04x, size = %(2)d ]
-0x00082007 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) IO_WRITE [ port = 0x%(1)04x, size = %(2)d ]
-0x00082008 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) CR_READ [ CR# = %(1)d, value = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00082108 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) CR_READ [ CR# = %(1)d, value = 0x%(3)08x%(2)08x ]
-0x00082009 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) CR_WRITE [ CR# = %(1)d, value = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00082109 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) CR_WRITE [ CR# = %(1)d, value = 0x%(3)08x%(2)08x ]
-0x0008200A CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) DR_READ
-0x0008200B CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) DR_WRITE
-0x0008200C CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) MSR_READ [ MSR# = 0x%(1)08x, value = 0x%(3)08x%(2)08x ]
-0x0008200D CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) MSR_WRITE [ MSR# = 0x%(1)08x, value = 0x%(3)08x%(2)08x ]
-0x0008200E CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) CPUID [ func = 0x%(1)08x, eax = 0x%(2)08x, ebx = 0x%(3)08x, ecx=0x%(4)08x, edx = 0x%(5)08x ]
-0x0008200F CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) INTR [ vector = 0x%(1)02x ]
-0x00082010 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) NMI
-0x00082011 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) SMI
-0x00082012 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) VMMCALL [ func = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00082013 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) HLT [ intpending = %(1)d ]
-0x00082014 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) INVLPG [ is invlpga? = %(1)d, virt = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00082114 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) INVLPG [ is invlpga? = %(1)d, virt = 0x%(3)08x%(2)08x ]
-0x00082015 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) MCE
-0x00082016 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) IOPORT_READ [ port = 0x%(1)04x, data = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00082216 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) IOPORT_WRITE [ port = 0x%(1)04x, data = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00082017 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) MMIO_READ [ port = 0x%(1)08x, data = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00082217 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) MMIO_WRITE [ port = 0x%(1)08x, data = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00082018 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) CLTS
-0x00082019 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) LMSW [ value = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00082119 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) LMSW [ value = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x0008201a CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) RDTSC [ value = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x00082020 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) INTR_WINDOW [ value = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00082021 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) NPF [ gpa = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x mfn = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x qual = 0x%(5)04x p2mt = 0x%(6)04x ]
-0x00082023 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) TRAP [ vector = 0x%(1)02x ]
-0x0010f001 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) page_grant_map [ domid = %(1)d ]
-0x0010f002 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) page_grant_unmap [ domid = %(1)d ]
-0x0010f003 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) page_grant_transfer [ domid = %(1)d ]
-0x0010f005 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) decrease_reservation [ d%(3)d gfn 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, order %(4)u ]
-0x0010f010 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) pod_populate [ d%(5)d gfn 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x => mfn 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x, order %(6)u ]
-0x0010f011 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) pod_zero_reclaim [ d%(5)d gfn 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x => mfn 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x, order %(6)u ]
-0x0010f012 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) pod_superpage_splinter [ d%(3)d gfn 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, order %(4)u ]
-0x00201001 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) hypercall [ eip = 0x%(1)08x, eax = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00201101 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) hypercall [ rip = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, eax = 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x00201003 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) trap [ eip = 0x%(1)08x, trapnr:error = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00201103 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) trap [ rip = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, trapnr:error = 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x00201004 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) page_fault [ eip = 0x%(1)08x, addr = 0x%(2)08x, error = 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x00201104 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) page_fault [ rip = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, addr = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x, error = 0x%(5)08x ]
-0x00201005 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) forced_invalid_op [ eip = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00201105 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) forced_invalid_op [ rip = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x00201006 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) emulate_privop [ eip = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00201106 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) emulate_privop [ rip = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x00201007 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) emulate_4G [ eip = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00201107 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) emulate_4G [ rip = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x00201008 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) math_state_restore
-0x00201108 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) math_state_restore
-0x00201009 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) paging_fixup [ eip = 0x%(1)08x, addr = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00201109 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) paging_fixup [ rip = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, addr = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x ]
-0x0020100a CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) gdt_ldt_mapping_fault [ eip = 0x%(1)08x, offset = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x0020110a CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) gdt_ldt_mapping_fault [ rip = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, offset = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x ]
-0x0020100b CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) ptwr_emulation [ addr = 0x%(3)08x, eip = 0x%(4)08x, npte = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x0020110b CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) ptwr_emulation [ addr = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x, rip = 0x%(6)08x%(5)08x, npte = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x0020100c CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) ptwr_emulation_pae [ addr = 0x%(3)08x, eip = 0x%(4)08x, npte = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x0020110c CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) ptwr_emulation_pae [ addr = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x, rip = 0x%(6)08x%(5)08x, npte = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x0020100d CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) hypercall [ op = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0020200e CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) hypercall [ op = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f001 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_not_shadow [ gl1e = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, va = 0x%(3)08x, flags = 0x%(4)08x ]
-0x0040f101 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_not_shadow [ gl1e = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, va = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x, flags = 0x%(5)08x ]
-0x0040f002 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_fast_propagate [ va = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f102 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_fast_propagate [ va = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f003 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_fast_mmio [ va = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f103 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_fast_mmio [ va = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f004 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_false_fast_path [ va = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f104 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_false_fast_path [ va = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f005 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_mmio [ va = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f105 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_mmio [ va = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f006 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_fixup [ gl1e = 0x%(1)08x, va = 0x%(2)08x, flags = 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x0040f106 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_fixup [ gl1e = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, va = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x, flags = 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x0040f007 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_domf_dying [ va = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f107 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_domf_dying [ va = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f008 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate [ gl1e = 0x%(1)08x, write_val = 0x%(2)08x, va = 0x%(3)08x, flags = 0x%(4)08x ]
-0x0040f108 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate [ gl1e = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, write_val = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x, va = 0x%(6)08x%(5)08x, flags = 0x%(7)08x ]
-0x0040f009 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate_unshadow_user [ va = 0x%(1)08x, gfn = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x0040f109 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate_unshadow_user [ va = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, gfn = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x ]
-0x0040f00a CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate_unshadow_evtinj [ va = 0x%(1)08x, gfn = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x0040f10a CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate_unshadow_evtinj [ va = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, gfn = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x ]
-0x0040f00b CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate_unshadow_unhandled [ va = 0x%(1)08x, gfn = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x0040f10b CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate_unshadow_unhandled [ va = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x, gfn = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x ]
-0x0040f00c CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate_wrmap_bf [ gfn = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f10c CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate_wrmap_bf [ gfn = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f00d CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate_prealloc_unpin [ gfn = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f10d CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate_prealloc_unpin [ gfn = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f00e CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate_resync_full [ gfn = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f10e CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate_resync_full [ gfn = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f00f CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate_resync_only [ gfn = 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0040f10f CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) shadow_emulate_resync_only [ gfn = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x ]
-0x00801001 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) cpu_freq_change [ %(1)dMHz -> %(2)dMHz ]
-0x00801002 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) cpu_idle_entry [ C0 -> C%(1)d, acpi_pm_tick = %(2)d, expected = %(3)dus, predicted = %(4)dus ]
-0x00801003 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) cpu_idle_exit [ C%(1)d -> C0, acpi_pm_tick = %(2)d, irq = %(3)d %(4)d %(5)d %(6)d ]
-0x00802001 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) cleanup_move_delayed [ irq = %(1)d, vector 0x%(2)x on CPU%(3)d ]
-0x00802002 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) cleanup_move [ irq = %(1)d, vector 0x%(2)x on CPU%(3)d ]
-0x00802003 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) bind_vector [ irq = %(1)d = vector 0x%(2)x, CPU mask: 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x00802004 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) clear_vector [ irq = %(1)d = vector 0x%(2)x, CPU mask: 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x00802005 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) move_vector [ irq = %(1)d had vector 0x%(2)x on CPU%(3)d ]
-0x00802006 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) assign_vector [ irq = %(1)d = vector 0x%(2)x, CPU mask: 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x00802007 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) bogus_vector [ 0x%(1)x ]
-0x00802008 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) do_irq [ irq = %(1)d, began = %(2)dus, ended = %(3)dus ]
-0x00084001 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) hpet create [ tn = %(1)d, irq = %(2)d, delta = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x, period = 0x%(6)08x%(5)08x ]
-0x00084002 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) pit create [ delta = 0x%(1)08x, period = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00084003 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) rtc create [ delta = 0x%(1)08x, period = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00084004 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) vlapic create [ delta = 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x , period = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x, irq = %(5)d ]
-0x00084005 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) hpet destroy [ tn = %(1)d ]
-0x00084006 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) pit destroy [ ]
-0x00084007 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) rtc destroy [ ]
-0x00084008 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) vlapic destroy [ ]
-0x00084009 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) pit callback [ ]
-0x0008400a CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) vlapic callback [ ]
-0x0008400b CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) vpic_update_int_output [ int_output = %(1)d, is_master = %(2)d, irq = %(3)d ]
-0x0008400c CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) vpic vcpu_kick [ irq = %(1)d ]
-0x0008400d CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) __vpic_intack [ is_master = %(1)d, irq = %(2)d ]
-0x0008400e CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) vpic_irq_positive_edge [ irq = %(1)d ]
-0x0008400f CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) vpic_irq_negative_edge [ irq = %(1)d ]
-0x00084010 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) vpic_ack_pending_irq [ accept_pic_intr = %(1)d, int_output = %(2)d ]
-0x00084011 CPU%(cpu)d %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d) vlapic_accept_pic_intr [ i8259_target = %(1)d, accept_pic_int = %(2)d ]
@@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ static void usage(int status)
"\n" \
" CPU(uint) TSC(uint64_t) EVENT(uint32_t) D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 (all uint32_t)\n" \
"\n" \
-"The output should be parsed using the tool xentrace_format,\n" \
+"The output should be parsed using the tool xenalyze,\n" \
"which can produce human-readable output in ASCII format.\n"
deleted file mode 100644
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# by Mark Williamson, (C) 2004 Intel Research Cambridge
-# Program for reformatting trace buffer output according to user-supplied rules
-from __future__ import division
-from __future__ import print_function
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from builtins import str
-import re, sys, string, signal, struct, os, getopt
-def usage():
- print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + """ defs-file
- Parses trace data in binary format, as output by Xentrace and
- reformats it according to the rules in a file of definitions. The
- rules in this file should have the format ({ and } show grouping
- and are not part of the syntax):
- {event_id}{whitespace}{text format string}
- The textual format string may include format specifiers, such as:
- %(cpu)d, %(tsc)d, %(event)d, %(1)d, %(2)d, %(3)d, %(4)d, ...
- [ the 'd' format specifier outputs in decimal, alternatively 'x'
- will output in hexadecimal and 'o' will output in octal ]
- Which correspond to the CPU number, event ID, timestamp counter and
- the 7 data fields from the trace record. There should be one such
- rule for each type of event.
- Depending on your system and the volume of trace buffer data,
- this script may not be able to keep up with the output of xentrace
- if it is piped directly. In these circumstances you should have
- xentrace output to a file for processing off-line.
- """, file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
-def read_defs(defs_file):
- defs = {}
- fd = open(defs_file)
- reg = re.compile('(\S+)\s+(\S.*)')
- while True:
- line = fd.readline()
- if not line:
- break
- if line[0] == '#' or line[0] == '\n':
- continue
- m = reg.match(line)
- if not m: print("Bad format file", file=sys.stderr) ; sys.exit(1)
- defs[str(eval(m.group(1)))] = m.group(2)
- return defs
-def sighand(x,y):
- global interrupted
- interrupted = 1
-##### Main code
-mhz = 0
-if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- usage()
- opts, arg = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "c:" )
- for opt in opts:
- if opt[0] == '-c' : mhz = int(opt[1])
-except getopt.GetoptError:
- usage()
-signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sighand)
-signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, sighand)
-signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sighand)
-interrupted = 0
- defs = read_defs(arg[0])
-except IOError as exn:
- print(exn)
- sys.exit(1)
-# structure of trace record (as output by xentrace):
-# HDR(I) {TSC(Q)} D1(I) D2(I) D3(I) D4(I) D5(I) D6(I) D7(I)
-# HDR consists of EVENT:28:, n_data:3:, tsc_in:1:
-# EVENT means Event ID
-# n_data means number of data (like D1, D2, ...)
-# tsc_in means TSC data exists(1) or not(0).
-# if tsc_in == 0, TSC(Q) does not exists.
-# CPU ID exists on trace data of EVENT=0x0001f003
-D1REC = "I"
-D2REC = "II"
-D3REC = "III"
-last_tsc = [0]
-TRC_TRACE_IRQ = 0x1f004
-TRC_PV_HYPERCALL_V2 = 0x20100d
-irq_measure = [{'count':0, 'tot_cycles':0, 'max_cycles':0}] * NR_VECTORS
-if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
- stdin_bytes = sys.stdin.buffer
- stdin_bytes = sys.stdin
-while not interrupted:
- try:
- i=i+1
- line = stdin_bytes.read(struct.calcsize(HDRREC))
- if not line:
- break
- event = struct.unpack(HDRREC, line)[0]
- n_data = event >> 28 & 0x7
- tsc_in = event >> 31
- d1 = 0
- d2 = 0
- d3 = 0
- d4 = 0
- d5 = 0
- d6 = 0
- d7 = 0
- tsc = 0
- if tsc_in == 1:
- line = stdin_bytes.read(struct.calcsize(TSCREC))
- if not line:
- break
- tsc = struct.unpack(TSCREC, line)[0]
- if n_data == 1:
- line = stdin_bytes.read(struct.calcsize(D1REC))
- if not line:
- break
- d1 = struct.unpack(D1REC, line)[0]
- if n_data == 2:
- line = stdin_bytes.read(struct.calcsize(D2REC))
- if not line:
- break
- (d1, d2) = struct.unpack(D2REC, line)
- if n_data == 3:
- line = stdin_bytes.read(struct.calcsize(D3REC))
- if not line:
- break
- (d1, d2, d3) = struct.unpack(D3REC, line)
- if n_data == 4:
- line = stdin_bytes.read(struct.calcsize(D4REC))
- if not line:
- break
- (d1, d2, d3, d4) = struct.unpack(D4REC, line)
- if n_data == 5:
- line = stdin_bytes.read(struct.calcsize(D5REC))
- if not line:
- break
- (d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) = struct.unpack(D5REC, line)
- if n_data == 6:
- line = stdin_bytes.read(struct.calcsize(D6REC))
- if not line:
- break
- (d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) = struct.unpack(D6REC, line)
- if n_data == 7:
- line = stdin_bytes.read(struct.calcsize(D7REC))
- if not line:
- break
- (d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7) = struct.unpack(D7REC, line)
- # Event field is 28bit of 'uint32_t' in header, not 'long'.
- event &= 0x0fffffff
- if event == 0x1f003:
- cpu = d1
- if event == TRC_TRACE_IRQ:
- # IN - d1:vector, d2:tsc_in, d3:tsc_out
- # OUT - d1:vector, d2:count, d3:tot_cycles, d4:max_cycles
- tsc_diff = d3 - d2
- if tsc_diff < 0:
- break
- irq_measure[d1]['count'] += 1
- irq_measure[d1]['tot_cycles'] += tsc_diff
- if irq_measure[d1]['max_cycles'] < tsc_diff:
- irq_measure[d1]['max_cycles'] = tsc_diff
- d2 = irq_measure[d1]['count']
- d3 = irq_measure[d1]['tot_cycles']
- d4 = irq_measure[d1]['max_cycles']
- # Mask off the argument present bits.
- d1 &= 0x000fffff
- #tsc = (tscH<<32) | tscL
- #print i, tsc
- if cpu >= len(last_tsc):
- last_tsc += [0] * (cpu - len(last_tsc) + 1)
- elif tsc < last_tsc[cpu] and tsc_in == 1:
- print("TSC stepped backward cpu %d ! %d %d" % (cpu,tsc,last_tsc[cpu]))
- # provide relative TSC
- if last_tsc[cpu] > 0 and tsc_in == 1:
- reltsc = tsc - last_tsc[cpu]
- else:
- reltsc = 0
- if tsc_in == 1:
- last_tsc[cpu] = tsc
- if mhz:
- tsc = tsc / (mhz*1000000.0)
- args = {'cpu' : cpu,
- 'tsc' : tsc,
- 'event' : event,
- 'reltsc': reltsc,
- '1' : d1,
- '2' : d2,
- '3' : d3,
- '4' : d4,
- '5' : d5,
- '6' : d6,
- '7' : d7 }
- try:
- if str(event) in defs:
- print(defs[str(event)] % args)
- else:
- if str(0) in defs: print(defs[str(0)] % args)
- except TypeError:
- if str(event) in defs:
- print(defs[str(event)])
- print(args)
- else:
- if str(0) in defs:
- print(defs[str(0)])
- print(args)
- except (IOError, struct.error): sys.exit()
xentrace_format was always of limited utility, since trace records across pcpus were processed out of order; it was superseded by xenalyze over a decade ago. But for several releases, the `formats` file it has depended on for proper operation has not even been included in `make install` (which generally means it doesn't get picked up by distros either); yet nobody has seemed to complain. Simple remove xentrace_format, and point people to xenalyze instead. NB that there is no man page for xenalyze, so the "see also" on the xentrace man page is simply removed for now. Signed-off-by: George Dunlap <george.dunlap@cloud.com> --- CC: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@citrix.com> CC: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@suse.com> CC: Roger Pau Monne <roger.pau@cloud.com> CC: Anthony Perard <anthony.perard@cloud.com> CC: Olaf Hering <olaf@aepfle.de> --- docs/man/xentrace.8.pod | 5 +- docs/man/xentrace_format.1.pod | 46 ------ tools/xentrace/Makefile | 3 - tools/xentrace/formats | 231 ----------------------------- tools/xentrace/xentrace.c | 2 +- tools/xentrace/xentrace_format | 264 --------------------------------- 6 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 549 deletions(-)