Show patches with: Series = Refactoring and error handling from Coverity scan fixes       |   3 patches
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[v3,3/3] xfs_repair: catch strtol() errors Refactoring and error handling from Coverity scan fixes - 2 - --- 2024-04-17 Andrey Albershteyn Accepted
[v3,2/3] xfs_db: add helper for flist_find_type for clearer field matching Refactoring and error handling from Coverity scan fixes - 2 - --- 2024-04-17 Andrey Albershteyn Accepted
[v3,1/3] xfs_fsr: replace atoi() with strtol() Refactoring and error handling from Coverity scan fixes - 2 - --- 2024-04-17 Andrey Albershteyn Accepted