From patchwork Thu Mar 23 02:52:28 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Yinbo Zhu X-Patchwork-Id: 13184849 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3D8B9C6FD1F for ; Thu, 23 Mar 2023 02:52:44 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S229589AbjCWCwn (ORCPT ); Wed, 22 Mar 2023 22:52:43 -0400 Received: from ([]:42440 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S229496AbjCWCwm (ORCPT ); Wed, 22 Mar 2023 22:52:42 -0400 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4219520573; Wed, 22 Mar 2023 19:52:40 -0700 (PDT) Received: from (unknown []) by gateway (Coremail) with SMTP id _____8Axz__2vhtk3CwQAA--.24599S3; Thu, 23 Mar 2023 10:52:38 +0800 (CST) Received: from user-pc. (unknown []) by localhost.localdomain (Coremail) with SMTP id AQAAf8BxLL7uvhtkXhEKAA--.3341S2; Thu, 23 Mar 2023 10:52:37 +0800 (CST) From: Yinbo Zhu To: Michael Turquette , Stephen Boyd , Rob Herring , Krzysztof Kozlowski ,,, Cc: Jianmin Lv ,, Liu Peibao ,, Yinbo Zhu , Krzysztof Kozlowski Subject: [PATCH v16 1/2] dt-bindings: clock: add loongson-2 boot clock index Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2023 10:52:28 +0800 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.20.1 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-CM-TRANSID: AQAAf8BxLL7uvhtkXhEKAA--.3341S2 X-CM-SenderInfo: 52kx5xhqerqz5rrqw2lrqou0/ X-Coremail-Antispam: 1Uk129KBjvJXoW7KFW8CF1xKw4xXFWkArWkWFg_yoW8Jw4fpF sYkrykGFWjyFWSkFsFvr1xGrn5Za17J3srAayjka4UAr43Jw1xXrs7Ja48Ar90qrW3ZFW7 ZF17Cw4rZF4Du3DanT9S1TB71UUUUUJqnTZGkaVYY2UrUUUUj1kv1TuYvTs0mT0YCTnIWj qI5I8CrVACY4xI64kE6c02F40Ex7xfYxn0WfASr-VFAUDa7-sFnT9fnUUIcSsGvfJTRUUU b38Fc2x0x2IEx4CE42xK8VAvwI8IcIk0rVWrJVCq3wAFIxvE14AKwVWUXVWUAwA2ocxC64 kIII0Yj41l84x0c7CEw4AK67xGY2AK021l84ACjcxK6xIIjxv20xvE14v26r4j6ryUM28E F7xvwVC0I7IYx2IY6xkF7I0E14v26r4j6F4UM28EF7xvwVC2z280aVAFwI0_Gr1j6F4UJw A2z4x0Y4vEx4A2jsIEc7CjxVAFwI0_Gr1j6F4UJwAaw2AFwI0_Jrv_JF1le2I262IYc4CY 6c8Ij28IcVAaY2xG8wAqjxCEc2xF0cIa020Ex4CE44I27wAqx4xG64xvF2IEw4CE5I8CrV C2j2WlYx0E2Ix0cI8IcVAFwI0_Jrv_JF1lYx0Ex4A2jsIE14v26r1j6r4UMcvjeVCFs4IE 7xkEbVWUJVW8JwACjcxG0xvY0x0EwIxGrwCF04k20xvY0x0EwIxGrwCF04k20xvE74AGY7 Cv6cx26rWl4I8I3I0E4IkC6x0Yz7v_Jr0_Gr1l4IxYO2xFxVAFwI0_Jrv_JF1lx2IqxVAq x4xG67AKxVWUJVWUGwC20s026x8GjcxK67AKxVWUGVWUWwC2zVAF1VAY17CE14v26r1q6r 43MIIYrxkI7VAKI48JMIIF0xvE2Ix0cI8IcVAFwI0_Jr0_JF4lIxAIcVC0I7IYx2IY6xkF 7I0E14v26r1j6r4UMIIF0xvE42xK8VAvwI8IcIk0rVWUJVWUCwCI42IY6I8E87Iv67AKxV WUJVW8JwCI42IY6I8E87Iv6xkF7I0E14v26r4j6r4UJbIYCTnIWIevJa73UjIFyTuYvjxU 7J3vUUUUU Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: The Loongson-2 boot clock was used to spi and lio peripheral and this patch was to add boot clock index number. Signed-off-by: Yinbo Zhu Acked-by: Krzysztof Kozlowski --- Change in v16: 1. NO change, but other patch in this series of patches has changes. Change in v15: 1. Add the acked-by for review information. Change in v14: 1. Add the history changelog for this patch. 2. Move the boot clock index in ending. Change in v13: 1. Add this patch as new patch and the clock driver patch need depend on this patch so add this patch as a series and set version number was v13. Change in v2 to v12: 1. This patch doesn't exit, so no changelog. include/dt-bindings/clock/loongson,ls2k-clk.h | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/clock/loongson,ls2k-clk.h b/include/dt-bindings/clock/loongson,ls2k-clk.h index db1e27e792ff..3bc4dfc193c2 100644 --- a/include/dt-bindings/clock/loongson,ls2k-clk.h +++ b/include/dt-bindings/clock/loongson,ls2k-clk.h @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ #define LOONGSON2_SATA_CLK 14 #define LOONGSON2_PIX0_CLK 15 #define LOONGSON2_PIX1_CLK 16 -#define LOONGSON2_CLK_END 17 +#define LOONGSON2_BOOT_CLK 17 +#define LOONGSON2_CLK_END 18 #endif From patchwork Thu Mar 23 02:52:29 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Yinbo Zhu X-Patchwork-Id: 13184850 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3A463C76196 for ; Thu, 23 Mar 2023 02:52:45 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S229794AbjCWCwo (ORCPT ); Wed, 22 Mar 2023 22:52:44 -0400 Received: from ([]:42440 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S229694AbjCWCwn (ORCPT ); Wed, 22 Mar 2023 22:52:43 -0400 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3A4DB2056D; Wed, 22 Mar 2023 19:52:39 -0700 (PDT) Received: from (unknown []) by gateway (Coremail) with SMTP id _____8BxMI_2vhtk4SwQAA--.24708S3; Thu, 23 Mar 2023 10:52:38 +0800 (CST) Received: from user-pc. (unknown []) by localhost.localdomain (Coremail) with SMTP id AQAAf8BxLL7uvhtkXhEKAA--.3341S3; Thu, 23 Mar 2023 10:52:37 +0800 (CST) From: Yinbo Zhu To: Michael Turquette , Stephen Boyd , Rob Herring , Krzysztof Kozlowski ,,, Cc: Jianmin Lv ,, Liu Peibao ,, Yinbo Zhu Subject: [PATCH v16 2/2] clk: clk-loongson2: add clock controller driver support Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2023 10:52:29 +0800 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.20.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-CM-TRANSID: AQAAf8BxLL7uvhtkXhEKAA--.3341S3 X-CM-SenderInfo: 52kx5xhqerqz5rrqw2lrqou0/ X-Coremail-Antispam: 1Uk129KBjvAXoW3ZFW7CrW7Cr43ZF1DZFyDGFg_yoW8XrWxuo WfuFnxJr4fJ348XFW0vw15tr47XFsIvFnIyw1fArn8CayY9r98JrW8A3W3GFn7ZFyrKFnx AFyfKayrJF4xXrZrn29KB7ZKAUJUUUU7529EdanIXcx71UUUUU7KY7ZEXasCq-sGcSsGvf J3Ic02F40EFcxC0VAKzVAqx4xG6I80ebIjqfuFe4nvWSU5nxnvy29KBjDU0xBIdaVrnRJU UUBY1xkIjI8I6I8E6xAIw20EY4v20xvaj40_Wr0E3s1l1IIY67AEw4v_Jrv_JF1l8cAvFV AK0II2c7xJM28CjxkF64kEwVA0rcxSw2x7M28EF7xvwVC0I7IYx2IY67AKxVW8JVW5JwA2 z4x0Y4vE2Ix0cI8IcVCY1x0267AKxVW8JVWxJwA2z4x0Y4vEx4A2jsIE14v26r4UJVWxJr 1l84ACjcxK6I8E87Iv6xkF7I0E14v26r4UJVWxJr1ln4kS14v26r1Y6r17M2AIxVAIcxkE cVAq07x20xvEncxIr21l57IF6xkI12xvs2x26I8E6xACxx1l5I8CrVACY4xI64kE6c02F4 0Ex7xfMcIj6xIIjxv20xvE14v26r1q6rW5McIj6I8E87Iv67AKxVW8JVWxJwAm72CE4IkC 6x0Yz7v_Jr0_Gr1lF7xvr2IYc2Ij64vIr41lc7CjxVAaw2AFwI0_JF0_Jw1l42xK82IYc2 Ij64vIr41l42xK82IY6x8ErcxFaVAv8VWrMxC20s026xCaFVCjc4AY6r1j6r4UMxCIbckI 1I0E14v26r1Y6r17MI8I3I0E5I8CrVAFwI0_Jr0_Jr4lx2IqxVCjr7xvwVAFwI0_JrI_Jr Wlx4CE17CEb7AF67AKxVWUtVW8ZwCIc40Y0x0EwIxGrwCI42IY6xIIjxv20xvE14v26r1I 6r4UMIIF0xvE2Ix0cI8IcVCY1x0267AKxVW8JVWxJwCI42IY6xAIw20EY4v20xvaj40_Jr 0_JF4lIxAIcVC2z280aVAFwI0_Gr0_Cr1lIxAIcVC2z280aVCY1x0267AKxVW8JVW8JrUv cSsGvfC2KfnxnUUI43ZEXa7IU8AuctUUUUU== Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: This driver provides support for clock controller on Loongson-2 SoC, the Loongson-2 SoC uses a 100MHz clock as the PLL reference clock, there are five independent PLLs inside, each of which PLL can provide up to three sets of frequency dependent clock outputs. Signed-off-by: Yinbo Zhu --- Change in v16: 1. Remove useless comment. 2. Return an error instead of be void on loongson2_check_clk_hws. 3. Replace clk_hw_register_divider with devm_clk_hw_register_divider. 4. Return an error code when call devm_of_clk_add_hw_provider. 5. Move the loongson2_clk_match_table above loongson2_clk_driver. 6. Use IS_ERR to judge loongson2_pll_base whether was a err pointer. 7. Get rid of the function loongson2_clocks_init() and move the code in that function into probe function. Change in v15: 1. Remove the depends on COMMON_CLK && OF and add depend on LOONGARCH || COMPILE_TEST. 2. Remove some head file that include "linux/of.h", "linux/of_address.h" and "linux/clk.h". 3. Remove the initialization of .name in struct clk_parent_data. 4. Replace device node with struct device. 5. Replace of_clk_hw_register with devm_clk_hw_register. 6. Remove the initialized operaion in loongson2_calc_pll_rate. 7. Inline the function about loongson2_clocks_init. 8. Replace of_iomap with devm_platform_ioremap_resource. 9. Drop error messages when mapping. 10. Replace kzalloc with devm_kzalloc. Change in v14: 1. For some board's config file doesn't enable CONFIG_64BIT and will report readq undefine error, and this version was to add include to fix this issue. Change in v13: 1. Add the Loongson-2 boot clk support. Change in v12: 1. Change driver register way that use platform driver register. Change in v11: 1. Remove the repetitive COMMON_CLK config in loongarch Kconfig. 2. Fixup the help paragraph descprition in COMMON_CLK_LOONGSON2. 3. Drop the . 4. Drop the cast in clock driver. 5. Use div_u64() replace do_div(). 6. Inline this function for loongson2_check_clk_hws. 7. Fixup the comma deposition on the loongson2_check_clk_hws. 8. Drop the loongson2_obtain_fixed_clk_hw and rework this driver use clk_parent_data and the 'fw_name'. Change in v10: 1. Detach of_clk_init to another patch. Change in v9: 1. Add all history changelog information. Change in v8: 1. Remove the flag "CLK_IS_BASIC". Change in v7: 1. Adjust position alphabetically in Kconfig and Makefile. 2. Add static for loongson2_pll_base. 3. Move other file-scope variables in probe. Change in v6: 1. NO change, but other patch in this series of patches has changes. Change in v5: 1. Replace loongson2 with Loongson-2 in commit info. 2. Replace Loongson2 with Loongson-2 in binding and Kconfig file. 3. Replace soc with SoC. Change in v4: 1. Fixup clock-names that replace "xxx-clk" with "xxx". Change in v3: 1. NO change, but other patch in this series of patches has changes. Change in v2: 1. Update the include filename. 2. Change string from refclk/REFCLK to ref/REF. MAINTAINERS | 1 + drivers/clk/Kconfig | 9 + drivers/clk/Makefile | 1 + drivers/clk/clk-loongson2.c | 341 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4 files changed, 352 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/clk/clk-loongson2.c diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index 25a0981c74b6..a6983bf85956 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -12155,6 +12155,7 @@ M: Yinbo Zhu L: S: Maintained F: Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clock/loongson,ls2k-clk.yaml +F: drivers/clk/clk-loongson2.c F: include/dt-bindings/clock/loongson,ls2k-clk.h LSILOGIC MPT FUSION DRIVERS (FC/SAS/SPI) diff --git a/drivers/clk/Kconfig b/drivers/clk/Kconfig index 1eef05bb1f99..6da372fcc56a 100644 --- a/drivers/clk/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/clk/Kconfig @@ -325,6 +325,15 @@ config COMMON_CLK_LOCHNAGAR This driver supports the clocking features of the Cirrus Logic Lochnagar audio development board. +config COMMON_CLK_LOONGSON2 + bool "Clock driver for Loongson-2 SoC" + depends on LOONGARCH || COMPILE_TEST + help + This driver provides support for clock controller on Loongson-2 SoC. + The clock controller can generates and supplies clock to various + peripherals within the SoC. + Say Y here to support Loongson-2 SoC clock driver. + config COMMON_CLK_NXP def_bool COMMON_CLK && (ARCH_LPC18XX || ARCH_LPC32XX) select REGMAP_MMIO if ARCH_LPC32XX diff --git a/drivers/clk/Makefile b/drivers/clk/Makefile index e3ca0d058a25..b298c5dabc1a 100644 --- a/drivers/clk/Makefile +++ b/drivers/clk/Makefile @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_K210) += clk-k210.o obj-$(CONFIG_LMK04832) += clk-lmk04832.o obj-$(CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_LAN966X) += clk-lan966x.o obj-$(CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_LOCHNAGAR) += clk-lochnagar.o +obj-$(CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_LOONGSON2) += clk-loongson2.o obj-$(CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_MAX77686) += clk-max77686.o obj-$(CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_MAX9485) += clk-max9485.o obj-$(CONFIG_ARCH_MILBEAUT_M10V) += clk-milbeaut.o diff --git a/drivers/clk/clk-loongson2.c b/drivers/clk/clk-loongson2.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..70ae1dd2e474 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/clk/clk-loongson2.c @@ -0,0 +1,341 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ +/* + * Author: Yinbo Zhu + * Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Loongson Technology Corporation Limited + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#define LOONGSON2_PLL_MULT_SHIFT 32 +#define LOONGSON2_PLL_MULT_WIDTH 10 +#define LOONGSON2_PLL_DIV_SHIFT 26 +#define LOONGSON2_PLL_DIV_WIDTH 6 +#define LOONGSON2_APB_FREQSCALE_SHIFT 20 +#define LOONGSON2_APB_FREQSCALE_WIDTH 3 +#define LOONGSON2_USB_FREQSCALE_SHIFT 16 +#define LOONGSON2_USB_FREQSCALE_WIDTH 3 +#define LOONGSON2_SATA_FREQSCALE_SHIFT 12 +#define LOONGSON2_SATA_FREQSCALE_WIDTH 3 +#define LOONGSON2_BOOT_FREQSCALE_SHIFT 8 +#define LOONGSON2_BOOT_FREQSCALE_WIDTH 3 + +static void __iomem *loongson2_pll_base; + +static const struct clk_parent_data pdata[] = { + { .fw_name = "ref_100m",}, +}; + +static struct clk_hw *loongson2_clk_register(struct device *dev, + const char *name, + const char *parent_name, + const struct clk_ops *ops, + unsigned long flags) +{ + int ret; + struct clk_hw *hw; + struct clk_init_data init; + + hw = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*hw), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!hw) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + + = name; + init.ops = ops; + init.flags = flags; + init.num_parents = 1; + + if (!parent_name) + init.parent_data = pdata; + else + init.parent_names = &parent_name; + + hw->init = &init; + + ret = devm_clk_hw_register(dev, hw); + if (ret) + hw = ERR_PTR(ret); + + return hw; +} + +static unsigned long loongson2_calc_pll_rate(int offset, unsigned long rate) +{ + u64 val; + u32 mult, div; + + val = readq(loongson2_pll_base + offset); + + mult = (val >> LOONGSON2_PLL_MULT_SHIFT) & + clk_div_mask(LOONGSON2_PLL_MULT_WIDTH); + div = (val >> LOONGSON2_PLL_DIV_SHIFT) & + clk_div_mask(LOONGSON2_PLL_DIV_WIDTH); + + return div_u64((u64)rate * mult, div); +} + +static unsigned long loongson2_node_recalc_rate(struct clk_hw *hw, + unsigned long parent_rate) +{ + return loongson2_calc_pll_rate(0x0, parent_rate); +} + +static const struct clk_ops loongson2_node_clk_ops = { + .recalc_rate = loongson2_node_recalc_rate, +}; + +static unsigned long loongson2_ddr_recalc_rate(struct clk_hw *hw, + unsigned long parent_rate) +{ + return loongson2_calc_pll_rate(0x10, parent_rate); +} + +static const struct clk_ops loongson2_ddr_clk_ops = { + .recalc_rate = loongson2_ddr_recalc_rate, +}; + +static unsigned long loongson2_dc_recalc_rate(struct clk_hw *hw, + unsigned long parent_rate) +{ + return loongson2_calc_pll_rate(0x20, parent_rate); +} + +static const struct clk_ops loongson2_dc_clk_ops = { + .recalc_rate = loongson2_dc_recalc_rate, +}; + +static unsigned long loongson2_pix0_recalc_rate(struct clk_hw *hw, + unsigned long parent_rate) +{ + return loongson2_calc_pll_rate(0x30, parent_rate); +} + +static const struct clk_ops loongson2_pix0_clk_ops = { + .recalc_rate = loongson2_pix0_recalc_rate, +}; + +static unsigned long loongson2_pix1_recalc_rate(struct clk_hw *hw, + unsigned long parent_rate) +{ + return loongson2_calc_pll_rate(0x40, parent_rate); +} + +static const struct clk_ops loongson2_pix1_clk_ops = { + .recalc_rate = loongson2_pix1_recalc_rate, +}; + +static unsigned long loongson2_calc_rate(unsigned long rate, + int shift, int width) +{ + u64 val; + u32 mult; + + val = readq(loongson2_pll_base + 0x50); + + mult = (val >> shift) & clk_div_mask(width); + + return div_u64((u64)rate * (mult + 1), 8); +} + +static unsigned long loongson2_boot_recalc_rate(struct clk_hw *hw, + unsigned long parent_rate) +{ + return loongson2_calc_rate(parent_rate, + LOONGSON2_BOOT_FREQSCALE_SHIFT, + LOONGSON2_BOOT_FREQSCALE_WIDTH); +} + +static const struct clk_ops loongson2_boot_clk_ops = { + .recalc_rate = loongson2_boot_recalc_rate, +}; + +static unsigned long loongson2_apb_recalc_rate(struct clk_hw *hw, + unsigned long parent_rate) +{ + return loongson2_calc_rate(parent_rate, + LOONGSON2_APB_FREQSCALE_SHIFT, + LOONGSON2_APB_FREQSCALE_WIDTH); +} + +static const struct clk_ops loongson2_apb_clk_ops = { + .recalc_rate = loongson2_apb_recalc_rate, +}; + +static unsigned long loongson2_usb_recalc_rate(struct clk_hw *hw, + unsigned long parent_rate) +{ + return loongson2_calc_rate(parent_rate, + LOONGSON2_USB_FREQSCALE_SHIFT, + LOONGSON2_USB_FREQSCALE_WIDTH); +} + +static const struct clk_ops loongson2_usb_clk_ops = { + .recalc_rate = loongson2_usb_recalc_rate, +}; + +static unsigned long loongson2_sata_recalc_rate(struct clk_hw *hw, + unsigned long parent_rate) +{ + return loongson2_calc_rate(parent_rate, + LOONGSON2_SATA_FREQSCALE_SHIFT, + LOONGSON2_SATA_FREQSCALE_WIDTH); +} + +static const struct clk_ops loongson2_sata_clk_ops = { + .recalc_rate = loongson2_sata_recalc_rate, +}; + +static inline int loongson2_check_clk_hws(struct clk_hw *clks[], unsigned int count) +{ + unsigned int i; + + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) + if (IS_ERR(clks[i])) { + pr_err("Loongson2 clk %u: register failed with %ld\n", + i, PTR_ERR(clks[i])); + return PTR_ERR(clks[i]); + } + + return 0; +} + +static int loongson2_clk_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + int ret; + struct clk_hw **hws; + struct clk_hw_onecell_data *clk_hw_data; + spinlock_t loongson2_clk_lock; + struct device *dev = &pdev->dev; + + loongson2_pll_base = devm_platform_ioremap_resource(pdev, 0); + if (IS_ERR(loongson2_pll_base)) + return PTR_ERR(loongson2_pll_base); + + clk_hw_data = devm_kzalloc(dev, struct_size(clk_hw_data, hws, LOONGSON2_CLK_END), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (WARN_ON(!clk_hw_data)) + return -ENOMEM; + + clk_hw_data->num = LOONGSON2_CLK_END; + hws = clk_hw_data->hws; + + hws[LOONGSON2_NODE_PLL] = loongson2_clk_register(dev, "node_pll", + NULL, + &loongson2_node_clk_ops, 0); + + hws[LOONGSON2_DDR_PLL] = loongson2_clk_register(dev, "ddr_pll", + NULL, + &loongson2_ddr_clk_ops, 0); + + hws[LOONGSON2_DC_PLL] = loongson2_clk_register(dev, "dc_pll", + NULL, + &loongson2_dc_clk_ops, 0); + + hws[LOONGSON2_PIX0_PLL] = loongson2_clk_register(dev, "pix0_pll", + NULL, + &loongson2_pix0_clk_ops, 0); + + hws[LOONGSON2_PIX1_PLL] = loongson2_clk_register(dev, "pix1_pll", + NULL, + &loongson2_pix1_clk_ops, 0); + + hws[LOONGSON2_BOOT_CLK] = loongson2_clk_register(dev, "boot", + NULL, + &loongson2_boot_clk_ops, 0); + + hws[LOONGSON2_NODE_CLK] = devm_clk_hw_register_divider(dev, "node", + "node_pll", 0, + loongson2_pll_base + 0x8, 0, + 6, CLK_DIVIDER_ONE_BASED, + &loongson2_clk_lock); + + /* + * The hda clk divisor in the upper 32bits and the clk-prodiver + * layer code doesn't support 64bit io operation thus a conversion + * is required that subtract shift by 32 and add 4byte to the hda + * address + */ + hws[LOONGSON2_HDA_CLK] = devm_clk_hw_register_divider(dev, "hda", + "ddr_pll", 0, + loongson2_pll_base + 0x22, 12, + 7, CLK_DIVIDER_ONE_BASED, + &loongson2_clk_lock); + + hws[LOONGSON2_GPU_CLK] = devm_clk_hw_register_divider(dev, "gpu", + "ddr_pll", 0, + loongson2_pll_base + 0x18, 22, + 6, CLK_DIVIDER_ONE_BASED, + &loongson2_clk_lock); + + hws[LOONGSON2_DDR_CLK] = devm_clk_hw_register_divider(dev, "ddr", + "ddr_pll", 0, + loongson2_pll_base + 0x18, 0, + 6, CLK_DIVIDER_ONE_BASED, + &loongson2_clk_lock); + + hws[LOONGSON2_GMAC_CLK] = devm_clk_hw_register_divider(dev, "gmac", + "dc_pll", 0, + loongson2_pll_base + 0x28, 22, + 6, CLK_DIVIDER_ONE_BASED, + &loongson2_clk_lock); + + hws[LOONGSON2_DC_CLK] = devm_clk_hw_register_divider(dev, "dc", + "dc_pll", 0, + loongson2_pll_base + 0x28, 0, + 6, CLK_DIVIDER_ONE_BASED, + &loongson2_clk_lock); + + hws[LOONGSON2_APB_CLK] = loongson2_clk_register(dev, "apb", + "gmac", + &loongson2_apb_clk_ops, 0); + + hws[LOONGSON2_USB_CLK] = loongson2_clk_register(dev, "usb", + "gmac", + &loongson2_usb_clk_ops, 0); + + hws[LOONGSON2_SATA_CLK] = loongson2_clk_register(dev, "sata", + "gmac", + &loongson2_sata_clk_ops, 0); + + hws[LOONGSON2_PIX0_CLK] = clk_hw_register_divider(NULL, "pix0", + "pix0_pll", 0, + loongson2_pll_base + 0x38, 0, 6, + CLK_DIVIDER_ONE_BASED, + &loongson2_clk_lock); + + hws[LOONGSON2_PIX1_CLK] = clk_hw_register_divider(NULL, "pix1", + "pix1_pll", 0, + loongson2_pll_base + 0x48, 0, 6, + CLK_DIVIDER_ONE_BASED, + &loongson2_clk_lock); + + ret = loongson2_check_clk_hws(hws, LOONGSON2_CLK_END); + if (ret) + return ret; + + return devm_of_clk_add_hw_provider(dev, of_clk_hw_onecell_get, clk_hw_data); +} + +static const struct of_device_id loongson2_clk_match_table[] = { + { .compatible = "loongson,ls2k-clk" }, + { } +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, loongson2_clk_match_table); + +static struct platform_driver loongson2_clk_driver = { + .probe = loongson2_clk_probe, + .driver = { + .name = "loongson2-clk", + .of_match_table = loongson2_clk_match_table, + }, +}; +module_platform_driver(loongson2_clk_driver); + +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Loongson2 clock driver"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");