diff mbox

staging/rdma/hfi1: Convert dd_dev_info() to hfi1_cdbg() in process startup

Message ID 1446696897-25892-1-git-send-email-jubin.john@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Not Applicable
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Commit Message

jubin.john@intel.com Nov. 5, 2015, 4:14 a.m. UTC
From: Sebastian Sanchez <sebastian.sanchez@intel.com>

Replacing dd_dev_info() for hfi1_cdbg() to avoid generating syslog
output for every context that is open by PSM.

Reviewed-by: Mitko Haralanov <mitko.haralanov@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Sanchez <sebastian.sanchez@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Jubin John <jubin.john@intel.com>
 drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/file_ops.c |   10 +++++-----
 drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/init.c     |   31 ++++++++++++++++++-------------
 drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/pio.c      |   19 ++++++++++---------
 3 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)


Dan Carpenter Nov. 5, 2015, 7:58 a.m. UTC | #1
On Wed, Nov 04, 2015 at 11:14:57PM -0500, jubin.john@intel.com wrote:
> From: Sebastian Sanchez <sebastian.sanchez@intel.com>
> Replacing dd_dev_info() for hfi1_cdbg() to avoid generating syslog
> output for every context that is open by PSM.

Just delete it...  People get scared about deleting debug code but you
can add it back if there is really a bug.

/me chants, "delete.  delete.  delete."

dan carpenter

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Dennis Dalessandro Nov. 5, 2015, 2:51 p.m. UTC | #2
On Thu, Nov 05, 2015 at 10:58:36AM +0300, Dan Carpenter wrote:
>On Wed, Nov 04, 2015 at 11:14:57PM -0500, jubin.john@intel.com wrote:
>> From: Sebastian Sanchez <sebastian.sanchez@intel.com>
>> Replacing dd_dev_info() for hfi1_cdbg() to avoid generating syslog
>> output for every context that is open by PSM.
>Just delete it...  People get scared about deleting debug code but you
>can add it back if there is really a bug.
>/me chants, "delete.  delete.  delete."

I would tend to agree with that, but in this case we want to keep a way to 
get this information without making code changes. We just don't want it to 
spew to the console/syslog all the time. Instead we are using the trace 
mechanism which lets the user selectively turn on the messages when needed.

Perhaps we should expand on the commit message to make this more clear?

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the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
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Dan Carpenter Nov. 5, 2015, 2:53 p.m. UTC | #3
On Thu, Nov 05, 2015 at 09:51:20AM -0500, Dennis Dalessandro wrote:
> >/me chants, "delete.  delete.  delete."
> I would tend to agree with that, but in this case we want to keep a
> way to get this information without making code changes. We just
> don't want it to spew to the console/syslog all the time. Instead we
> are using the trace mechanism which lets the user selectively turn
> on the messages when needed.
> Perhaps we should expand on the commit message to make this more clear?

No no.  It's fine.  So long as you aren't just keeping it around because
you are afraid to delete things.

dan carpenter
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-rdma" in
the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
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diff mbox


diff --git a/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/file_ops.c b/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/file_ops.c
index aae9826..fba5889 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/file_ops.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/file_ops.c
@@ -687,9 +687,9 @@  static int hfi1_file_mmap(struct file *fp, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
 	vma->vm_flags = flags;
-	dd_dev_info(dd,
-		    "%s: %u:%u type:%u io/vf:%d/%d, addr:0x%llx, len:%lu(%lu), flags:0x%lx\n",
-		    __func__, ctxt, subctxt, type, mapio, vmf, memaddr, memlen,
+	hfi1_cdbg(PROC,
+		  "%u:%u type:%u io/vf:%d/%d, addr:0x%llx, len:%lu(%lu), flags:0x%lx\n",
+		    ctxt, subctxt, type, mapio, vmf, memaddr, memlen,
 		    vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start, vma->vm_flags);
 	pfn = (unsigned long)(memaddr >> PAGE_SHIFT);
 	if (vmf) {
@@ -1011,8 +1011,8 @@  static int allocate_ctxt(struct file *fp, struct hfi1_devdata *dd,
 	if (!uctxt->sc)
 		return -ENOMEM;
-	dbg("allocated send context %u(%u)\n", uctxt->sc->sw_index,
-		uctxt->sc->hw_context);
+	hfi1_cdbg(PROC, "allocated send context %u(%u)\n", uctxt->sc->sw_index,
+		  uctxt->sc->hw_context);
 	ret = sc_enable(uctxt->sc);
 	if (ret)
 		return ret;
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/init.c b/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/init.c
index 47a1202..2e1efa7 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/init.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/init.c
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ 
 #include "hfi.h"
 #include "device.h"
 #include "common.h"
+#include "trace.h"
 #include "mad.h"
 #include "sdma.h"
 #include "debugfs.h"
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@  struct hfi1_ctxtdata *hfi1_create_ctxtdata(struct hfi1_pportdata *ppd, u32 ctxt)
 	if (rcd) {
 		u32 rcvtids, max_entries;
-		dd_dev_info(dd, "%s: setting up context %u\n", __func__, ctxt);
+		hfi1_cdbg(PROC, "setting up context %u\n", ctxt);
 		rcd->ppd = ppd;
@@ -279,8 +280,9 @@  struct hfi1_ctxtdata *hfi1_create_ctxtdata(struct hfi1_pportdata *ppd, u32 ctxt)
 			rcd->egrbufs.count = MAX_EAGER_ENTRIES;
-		dd_dev_info(dd, "ctxt%u: max Eager buffer RcvArray entries: %u\n",
-			    rcd->ctxt, rcd->egrbufs.count);
+		hfi1_cdbg(PROC,
+			  "ctxt%u: max Eager buffer RcvArray entries: %u\n",
+			  rcd->ctxt, rcd->egrbufs.count);
 		 * Allocate array that will hold the eager buffer accounting
@@ -308,8 +310,8 @@  struct hfi1_ctxtdata *hfi1_create_ctxtdata(struct hfi1_pportdata *ppd, u32 ctxt)
 		if (rcd->egrbufs.size < hfi1_max_mtu) {
 			rcd->egrbufs.size = __roundup_pow_of_two(hfi1_max_mtu);
-			dd_dev_info(dd,
-				    "ctxt%u: eager bufs size too small. Adjusting to %zu\n",
+			hfi1_cdbg(PROC,
+				  "ctxt%u: eager bufs size too small. Adjusting to %zu\n",
 				    rcd->ctxt, rcd->egrbufs.size);
 		rcd->egrbufs.rcvtid_size = HFI1_MAX_EAGER_BUFFER_SIZE;
@@ -1660,9 +1662,11 @@  int hfi1_setup_eagerbufs(struct hfi1_ctxtdata *rcd)
 	rcd->egrbufs.numbufs = idx;
 	rcd->egrbufs.size = alloced_bytes;
-	dd_dev_info(dd, "ctxt%u: Alloced %u rcv tid entries @ %uKB, total %zuKB\n",
-		rcd->ctxt, rcd->egrbufs.alloced, rcd->egrbufs.rcvtid_size,
-		rcd->egrbufs.size);
+	hfi1_cdbg(PROC,
+		  "ctxt%u: Alloced %u rcv tid entries @ %uKB, total %zuKB\n",
+		  rcd->ctxt, rcd->egrbufs.alloced, rcd->egrbufs.rcvtid_size,
+		  rcd->egrbufs.size);
 	 * Set the contexts rcv array head update threshold to the closest
@@ -1683,13 +1687,14 @@  int hfi1_setup_eagerbufs(struct hfi1_ctxtdata *rcd)
 		rcd->expected_count = MAX_TID_PAIR_ENTRIES * 2;
 	rcd->expected_base = rcd->eager_base + egrtop;
-	dd_dev_info(dd, "ctxt%u: eager:%u, exp:%u, egrbase:%u, expbase:%u\n",
-		    rcd->ctxt, rcd->egrbufs.alloced, rcd->expected_count,
-		    rcd->eager_base, rcd->expected_base);
+	hfi1_cdbg(PROC, "ctxt%u: eager:%u, exp:%u, egrbase:%u, expbase:%u\n",
+		  rcd->ctxt, rcd->egrbufs.alloced, rcd->expected_count,
+		  rcd->eager_base, rcd->expected_base);
 	if (!hfi1_rcvbuf_validate(rcd->egrbufs.rcvtid_size, PT_EAGER, &order)) {
-		dd_dev_err(dd, "ctxt%u: current Eager buffer size is invalid %u\n",
-			   rcd->ctxt, rcd->egrbufs.rcvtid_size);
+		hfi1_cdbg(PROC,
+			  "ctxt%u: current Eager buffer size is invalid %u\n",
+			  rcd->ctxt, rcd->egrbufs.rcvtid_size);
 		ret = -EINVAL;
 		goto bail;
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/pio.c b/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/pio.c
index e5c32db..eab58c1 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/pio.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/pio.c
@@ -815,15 +815,16 @@  struct send_context *sc_alloc(struct hfi1_devdata *dd, int type,
-	dd_dev_info(dd,
-		"Send context %u(%u) %s group %u credits %u credit_ctrl 0x%llx threshold %u\n",
-		sw_index,
-		hw_context,
-		sc_type_name(type),
-		sc->group,
-		sc->credits,
-		sc->credit_ctrl,
-		thresh);
+	hfi1_cdbg(PIO,
+		  "Send context %u(%u) %s group %u credits %u credit_ctrl 0x%llx threshold %u\n",
+		  sw_index,
+		  hw_context,
+		  sc_type_name(type),
+		  sc->group,
+		  sc->credits,
+		  sc->credit_ctrl,
+		  thresh);
 	return sc;