diff mbox series

[v3,5/8] wifi: ath12k: fix incorrect TID updation in DP monitor status path

Message ID 20241217084511.2981515-6-quic_periyasa@quicinc.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted
Delegated to: Jeff Johnson
Headers show
Series wifi: ath12k: Refactor the monitor status Rx path | expand

Commit Message

Karthikeyan Periyasamy Dec. 17, 2024, 8:45 a.m. UTC
Currently, an incorrect TID value gets populated in the monitor status Rx
path due to an incorrect bitmap value given to the ffs() built-in helper
function. Therefore, avoid the decrement and directly provide the TID
bitmap to the ffs() built-in helper function for the correct TID update
in the monitor status Rx path.

Tested-on: QCN9274 hw2.0 PCI WLAN.WBE.1.3.1-00173-QCAHKSWPL_SILICONZ-1
Tested-on: WCN7850 hw2.0 PCI WLAN.HMT.1.0.c5-00481-QCAHMTSWPL_V1.0_V2.0_SILICONZ-3

Signed-off-by: Karthikeyan Periyasamy <quic_periyasa@quicinc.com>
Acked-by: Jeff Johnson <quic_jjohnson@quicinc.com>
 drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath12k/dp_mon.c | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)


Kalle Valo Dec. 17, 2024, 7:53 p.m. UTC | #1
Karthikeyan Periyasamy <quic_periyasa@quicinc.com> writes:

> Currently, an incorrect TID value gets populated in the monitor status Rx
> path due to an incorrect bitmap value given to the ffs() built-in helper
> function. Therefore, avoid the decrement and directly provide the TID
> bitmap to the ffs() built-in helper function for the correct TID update
> in the monitor status Rx path.
> Tested-on: QCN9274 hw2.0 PCI WLAN.WBE.1.3.1-00173-QCAHKSWPL_SILICONZ-1
> Tested-on: WCN7850 hw2.0 PCI WLAN.HMT.1.0.c5-00481-QCAHMTSWPL_V1.0_V2.0_SILICONZ-3
> Signed-off-by: Karthikeyan Periyasamy <quic_periyasa@quicinc.com>
> Acked-by: Jeff Johnson <quic_jjohnson@quicinc.com>

Acked-by: Kalle Valo <kvalo@kernel.org>
diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath12k/dp_mon.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath12k/dp_mon.c
index 2d53404095d6..25486917d6b5 100644
--- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath12k/dp_mon.c
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath12k/dp_mon.c
@@ -617,6 +617,7 @@  ath12k_dp_mon_rx_parse_status_tlv(struct ath12k_base *ab,
 		struct hal_rx_ppdu_end_user_stats *eu_stats =
 			(struct hal_rx_ppdu_end_user_stats *)tlv_data;
+		u32 tid_bitmap;
 		info[0] = __le32_to_cpu(eu_stats->info0);
 		info[1] = __le32_to_cpu(eu_stats->info1);
@@ -629,10 +630,9 @@  ath12k_dp_mon_rx_parse_status_tlv(struct ath12k_base *ab,
 			u32_get_bits(info[2], HAL_RX_PPDU_END_USER_STATS_INFO2_AST_INDEX);
 		ppdu_info->fc_valid =
 			u32_get_bits(info[1], HAL_RX_PPDU_END_USER_STATS_INFO1_FC_VALID);
-		ppdu_info->tid =
-			ffs(u32_get_bits(info[6],
-					 - 1);
+		tid_bitmap = u32_get_bits(info[6],
+		ppdu_info->tid = ffs(tid_bitmap) - 1;
 		ppdu_info->tcp_msdu_count =