diff mbox series

[RFC,v2,net-next,10/14] net: dsa: mt7530: switch to if/else statements on mt7530_setup_port6()

Message ID 20230407134626.47928-11-arinc.unal@arinc9.com (mailing list archive)
State New, archived
Headers show
Series [RFC,v2,net-next,01/14] net: dsa: mt7530: fix comments regarding port 5 and 6 for both switches | expand

Commit Message

Arınç ÜNAL April 7, 2023, 1:46 p.m. UTC
From: Arınç ÜNAL <arinc.unal@arinc9.com>

This code is from before this driver was converted to phylink API. Phylink
deals with the unsupported interface cases before mt7530_setup_port6() is
run. Therefore, the default case would never run. However, it must be
defined nonetheless to handle all the remaining enumeration values, the

Switch to if/else statements which simplifies the code.

Tested-by: Arınç ÜNAL <arinc.unal@arinc9.com>
Signed-off-by: Arınç ÜNAL <arinc.unal@arinc9.com>
 drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.c | 26 +++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.c b/drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.c
index 70a673347cf9..fe496d865478 100644
--- a/drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.c
+++ b/drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.c
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@  static int
 mt7530_setup_port6(struct dsa_switch *ds, phy_interface_t interface)
 	struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv;
-	u32 ncpo1, ssc_delta, trgint, xtal, val;
+	u32 ncpo1, ssc_delta, xtal, val;
 	val = mt7530_read(priv, MT7530_MHWTRAP);
 	val &= ~MHWTRAP_P6_DIS;
@@ -419,16 +419,18 @@  mt7530_setup_port6(struct dsa_switch *ds, phy_interface_t interface)
 		return -EINVAL;
-	switch (interface) {
-		trgint = 0;
-		break;
-		trgint = 1;
+	if (interface == PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RGMII) {
+		mt7530_rmw(priv, MT7530_P6ECR, P6_INTF_MODE_MASK,
+			   P6_INTF_MODE(0));
+	} else {
+		mt7530_rmw(priv, MT7530_P6ECR, P6_INTF_MODE_MASK,
+			   P6_INTF_MODE(1));
 		if (xtal == HWTRAP_XTAL_25MHZ)
 			ssc_delta = 0x57;
 			ssc_delta = 0x87;
 		if (priv->id == ID_MT7621) {
 			/* PLL frequency: 150MHz: 1.2GBit */
 			if (xtal == HWTRAP_XTAL_40MHZ)
@@ -441,17 +443,7 @@  mt7530_setup_port6(struct dsa_switch *ds, phy_interface_t interface)
 			if (xtal == HWTRAP_XTAL_25MHZ)
 				ncpo1 = 0x1400;
-		break;
-	default:
-		dev_err(priv->dev, "xMII interface %d not supported\n",
-			interface);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	mt7530_rmw(priv, MT7530_P6ECR, P6_INTF_MODE_MASK,
-		   P6_INTF_MODE(trgint));
-	if (trgint) {
 		/* Disable the MT7530 TRGMII clocks */