diff mbox

staging/rdma/hfi1: Clear the QSFP reset that is asserted on FLR

Message ID 1446697373-26094-1-git-send-email-jubin.john@intel.com (mailing list archive)
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Commit Message

jubin.john@intel.com Nov. 5, 2015, 4:22 a.m. UTC
From: Easwar Hariharan <easwar.hariharan@intel.com>

The FLR on driver load asserts the QSFP reset pin and the driver does
not deassert it after. This patch allows the external QSFP cable to exit
reset by writing 1 to all the QSFP pins.

Reviewed-by: Dean Luick <dean.luick@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Easwar Hariharan <easwar.hariharan@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Jubin John <jubin.john@intel.com>
 drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/chip.c |   13 +++++--------
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff mbox


diff --git a/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/chip.c b/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/chip.c
index e489819..e309828 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/chip.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/rdma/hfi1/chip.c
@@ -9929,19 +9929,16 @@  static void init_chip(struct hfi1_devdata *dd)
 		setextled(dd, 0);
 	 * Clear the QSFP reset.
-	 * A0 leaves the out lines floating on power on, then on an FLR
-	 * enforces a 0 on all out pins.  The driver does not touch
+	 * An FLR enforces a 0 on all out pins. The driver does not touch
 	 * ASIC_QSFPn_OUT otherwise.  This leaves RESET_N low and
-	 * anything  plugged constantly in reset, if it pays attention
+	 * anything plugged constantly in reset, if it pays attention
 	 * to RESET_N.
-	 * A prime example of this is SiPh. For now, set all pins high.
+	 * Prime examples of this are optical cables. Set all pins high.
 	 * I2CCLK and I2CDAT will change per direction, and INT_N and
 	 * MODPRS_N are input only and their value is ignored.
-	if (is_a0(dd)) {
-		write_csr(dd, ASIC_QSFP1_OUT, 0x1f);
-		write_csr(dd, ASIC_QSFP2_OUT, 0x1f);
-	}
+	write_csr(dd, ASIC_QSFP1_OUT, 0x1f);
+	write_csr(dd, ASIC_QSFP2_OUT, 0x1f);
 static void init_early_variables(struct hfi1_devdata *dd)