@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ rdma_cython_module(pyverbs
+ qp.pyx
@@ -325,6 +325,84 @@ cdef extern from 'infiniband/verbs.h':
qp_type qp_type
unnamed unnamed
+ cdef struct ibv_qp_cap:
+ unsigned int max_send_wr
+ unsigned int max_recv_wr
+ unsigned int max_send_sge
+ unsigned int max_recv_sge
+ unsigned int max_inline_data
+ cdef struct ibv_qp_init_attr:
+ void *qp_context
+ ibv_cq *send_cq
+ ibv_cq *recv_cq
+ ibv_srq *srq
+ ibv_qp_cap cap
+ ibv_qp_type qp_type
+ int sq_sig_all
+ cdef struct ibv_xrcd:
+ pass
+ cdef struct ibv_rwq_ind_table:
+ pass
+ cdef struct ibv_rx_hash_conf:
+ pass
+ cdef struct ibv_qp_init_attr_ex:
+ void *qp_context
+ ibv_cq *send_cq
+ ibv_cq *recv_cq
+ ibv_srq *srq
+ ibv_qp_cap cap
+ ibv_qp_type qp_type
+ int sq_sig_all
+ unsigned int comp_mask
+ ibv_pd *pd
+ ibv_xrcd *xrcd
+ unsigned int create_flags
+ unsigned short max_tso_header
+ ibv_rwq_ind_table *rwq_ind_tbl
+ ibv_rx_hash_conf rx_hash_conf
+ unsigned int source_qpn
+ unsigned long send_ops_flags
+ cdef struct ibv_qp_attr:
+ ibv_qp_state qp_state
+ ibv_qp_state cur_qp_state
+ ibv_mtu path_mtu
+ ibv_mig_state path_mig_state
+ unsigned int qkey
+ unsigned int rq_psn
+ unsigned int sq_psn
+ unsigned int dest_qp_num
+ unsigned int qp_access_flags
+ ibv_qp_cap cap
+ ibv_ah_attr ah_attr
+ ibv_ah_attr alt_ah_attr
+ unsigned short pkey_index
+ unsigned short alt_pkey_index
+ unsigned char en_sqd_async_notify
+ unsigned char sq_draining
+ unsigned char max_rd_atomic
+ unsigned char max_dest_rd_atomic
+ unsigned char min_rnr_timer
+ unsigned char port_num
+ unsigned char timeout
+ unsigned char retry_cnt
+ unsigned char rnr_retry
+ unsigned char alt_port_num
+ unsigned char alt_timeout
+ unsigned int rate_limit
+ cdef struct ibv_srq:
+ ibv_context *context
+ void *srq_context
+ ibv_pd *pd
+ unsigned int handle
+ unsigned int events_completed
ibv_device **ibv_get_device_list(int *n)
void ibv_free_device_list(ibv_device **list)
ibv_context *ibv_open_device(ibv_device *device)
@@ -63,3 +63,7 @@ cdef class PD(PyverbsCM):
raise PyverbsError('Unrecognized object type')
+ @property
+ def _pd(self):
+ return <object>self.pd
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR Linux-OpenIB)
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Mellanox Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
+from pyverbs.base cimport PyverbsObject, PyverbsCM
+cimport pyverbs.libibverbs as v
+cdef class QPCap(PyverbsObject):
+ cdef v.ibv_qp_cap cap
+cdef class QPInitAttr(PyverbsObject):
+ cdef v.ibv_qp_init_attr attr
+ cdef object scq
+ cdef object rcq
+cdef class QPInitAttrEx(PyverbsObject):
+ cdef v.ibv_qp_init_attr_ex attr
+ cdef object scq
+ cdef object rcq
+ cdef object pd
+cdef class QPAttr(PyverbsObject):
+ cdef v.ibv_qp_attr attr
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR Linux-OpenIB)
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Mellanox Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
+from pyverbs.utils import gid_str, qp_type_to_str, qp_state_to_str, mtu_to_str
+from pyverbs.utils import access_flags_to_str, mig_state_to_str
+from pyverbs.pyverbs_error import PyverbsUserError
+cimport pyverbs.libibverbs_enums as e
+from pyverbs.addr cimport AHAttr, GID
+from pyverbs.addr cimport GlobalRoute
+from pyverbs.cq cimport CQ, CQEX
+cimport pyverbs.libibverbs as v
+from pyverbs.pd cimport PD
+cdef class QPCap(PyverbsObject):
+ def __cinit__(self, max_send_wr=1, max_recv_wr=10, max_send_sge=1,
+ max_recv_sge=1, max_inline_data=0):
+ """
+ Initializes a QPCap object with user-provided or default values.
+ :param max_send_wr: max number of outstanding WRs in the SQ
+ :param max_recv_wr: max number of outstanding WRs in the RQ
+ :param max_send_sge: Requested max number of scatter-gather elements in
+ a WR in the SQ
+ :param max_recv_sge: Requested max number of scatter-gather elements in
+ a WR in the RQ
+ :param max_inline_data: max number of data (bytes) that can be posted
+ inline to the SQ, otherwise 0
+ :return:
+ """
+ self.cap.max_send_wr = max_send_wr
+ self.cap.max_recv_wr = max_recv_wr
+ self.cap.max_send_sge = max_send_sge
+ self.cap.max_recv_sge = max_recv_sge
+ self.cap.max_inline_data = max_inline_data
+ @property
+ def max_send_wr(self):
+ return self.cap.max_send_wr
+ @max_send_wr.setter
+ def max_send_wr(self, val):
+ self.cap.max_send_wr = val
+ @property
+ def max_recv_wr(self):
+ return self.cap.max_recv_wr
+ @max_recv_wr.setter
+ def max_recv_wr(self, val):
+ self.cap.max_recv_wr = val
+ @property
+ def max_send_sge(self):
+ return self.cap.max_send_sge
+ @max_send_sge.setter
+ def max_send_sge(self, val):
+ self.cap.max_send_sge = val
+ @property
+ def max_recv_sge(self):
+ return self.cap.max_recv_sge
+ @max_recv_sge.setter
+ def max_recv_sge(self, val):
+ self.cap.max_recv_sge = val
+ @property
+ def max_inline_data(self):
+ return self.cap.max_inline_data
+ @max_inline_data.setter
+ def max_inline_data(self, val):
+ self.cap.max_inline_data = val
+ def __str__(self):
+ print_format = '{:20}: {:<20}\n'
+ return print_format.format('max send wrs', self.cap.max_send_wr) +\
+ print_format.format('max recv wrs', self.cap.max_recv_wr) +\
+ print_format.format('max send sges', self.cap.max_send_sge) +\
+ print_format.format('max recv sges', self.cap.max_recv_sge) +\
+ print_format.format('max inline data', self.cap.max_inline_data)
+cdef class QPInitAttr(PyverbsObject):
+ def __cinit__(self, qp_type=e.IBV_QPT_UD, qp_context=None,
+ PyverbsObject scq=None, PyverbsObject rcq=None,
+ object srq=None, QPCap cap=None, sq_sig_all=1):
+ """
+ Initializes a QpInitAttr object representing ibv_qp_init_attr struct.
+ Note that SRQ object is not yet supported in pyverbs so can't be passed
+ as a parameter. None should be used until such support is added.
+ :param qp_type: The desired QP type (see enum ibv_qp_type)
+ :param qp_context: Associated QP context
+ :param scq: Send CQ to be used for this QP
+ :param rcq: Receive CQ to be used for this QP
+ :param srq: Not yet supported
+ :param cap: A QPCap object
+ :param sq_sig_all: If set, each send WR will generate a completion
+ entry
+ :return: A QpInitAttr object
+ """
+ _copy_caps(cap, self)
+ self.attr.qp_context = <void*>qp_context
+ if scq is not None:
+ if type(scq) is CQ:
+ self.attr.send_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>scq._cq
+ elif type(scq) is CQEX:
+ self.attr.send_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>scq._ibv_cq
+ else:
+ raise PyverbsUserError('Expected CQ/CQEX, got {t}'.\
+ format(t=type(scq)))
+ self.scq = scq
+ if rcq is not None:
+ if type(rcq) is CQ:
+ self.attr.recv_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>rcq._cq
+ elif type(rcq) is CQEX:
+ self.attr.recv_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>rcq._ibv_cq
+ else:
+ raise PyverbsUserError('Expected CQ/CQEX, got {t}'.\
+ format(t=type(rcq)))
+ self.rcq = rcq
+ self.attr.srq = NULL # Until SRQ support is added
+ self.attr.qp_type = qp_type
+ self.attr.sq_sig_all = sq_sig_all
+ @property
+ def send_cq(self):
+ return self.scq
+ @send_cq.setter
+ def send_cq(self, val):
+ if type(val) is CQ:
+ self.attr.send_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>val._cq
+ elif type(val) is CQEX:
+ self.attr.send_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>val._ibv_cq
+ self.scq = val
+ @property
+ def recv_cq(self):
+ return self.rcq
+ @recv_cq.setter
+ def recv_cq(self, val):
+ if type(val) is CQ:
+ self.attr.recv_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>val._cq
+ elif type(val) is CQEX:
+ self.attr.recv_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>val._ibv_cq
+ self.rcq = val
+ @property
+ def cap(self):
+ return QPCap(max_send_wr=self.attr.cap.max_send_wr,
+ max_recv_wr=self.attr.cap.max_recv_wr,
+ max_send_sge=self.attr.cap.max_send_sge,
+ max_recv_sge=self.attr.cap.max_recv_sge,
+ max_inline_data=self.attr.cap.max_inline_data)
+ @cap.setter
+ def cap(self, val):
+ _copy_caps(val, self)
+ @property
+ def qp_type(self):
+ return self.attr.qp_type
+ @qp_type.setter
+ def qp_type(self, val):
+ self.attr.qp_type = val
+ @property
+ def sq_sig_all(self):
+ return self.attr.sq_sig_all
+ @sq_sig_all.setter
+ def sq_sig_all(self, val):
+ self.attr.sq_sig_all = val
+ def __str__(self):
+ print_format = '{:20}: {:<20}\n'
+ ident_format = ' {:20}: {:<20}\n'
+ return print_format.format('QP type', qp_type_to_str(self.qp_type)) +\
+ print_format.format('SQ sig. all', self.sq_sig_all) +\
+ 'QP caps:\n' +\
+ ident_format.format('max send WR', self.attr.cap.max_send_wr) +\
+ ident_format.format('max recv WR', self.attr.cap.max_recv_wr) +\
+ ident_format.format('max send SGE',
+ self.attr.cap.max_send_sge) +\
+ ident_format.format('max recv SGE',
+ self.attr.cap.max_recv_sge) +\
+ ident_format.format('max inline data',
+ self.attr.cap.max_inline_data)
+cdef class QPInitAttrEx(PyverbsObject):
+ def __cinit__(self, qp_type=e.IBV_QPT_UD, qp_context=None,
+ PyverbsObject scq=None, PyverbsObject rcq=None,
+ object srq=None, QPCap cap=None, sq_sig_all=0, comp_mask=0,
+ PD pd=None, object xrcd=None, create_flags=0,
+ max_tso_header=0, source_qpn=0, object hash_conf=None,
+ object ind_table=None):
+ """
+ Initialize a QPInitAttrEx object with user-defined or default values.
+ :param qp_type: QP type to be created
+ :param qp_context: Associated user context
+ :param scq: Send CQ to be used for this QP
+ :param rcq: Recv CQ to be used for this QP
+ :param srq: Not yet supported
+ :param cap: A QPCap object
+ :param sq_sig_all: If set, each send WR will generate a completion
+ entry
+ :param comp_mask: bit mask to determine which of the following fields
+ are valid
+ :param pd: A PD object to be associated with this QP
+ :param xrcd: Not yet supported
+ :param create_flags: Creation flags for this QP
+ :param max_tso_header: Maximum TSO header size
+ :param source_qpn: Source QP number (requires IBV_QP_CREATE_SOURCE_QPN
+ set in create_flags)
+ :param hash_conf: Not yet supported
+ :param ind_table: Not yet supported
+ :return: An initialized QPInitAttrEx object
+ """
+ _copy_caps(cap, self)
+ if scq is not None:
+ if type(scq) is CQ:
+ self.attr.send_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>scq._cq
+ elif type(scq) is CQEX:
+ self.attr.send_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>scq._ibv_cq
+ else:
+ raise PyverbsUserError('Expected CQ/CQEX, got {t}'.\
+ format(t=type(scq)))
+ self.scq = scq
+ if rcq is not None:
+ if type(rcq) is CQ:
+ self.attr.recv_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>rcq._cq
+ elif type(rcq) is CQEX:
+ self.attr.recv_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>rcq._ibv_cq
+ else:
+ raise PyverbsUserError('Expected CQ/CQEX, got {t}'.\
+ format(type(rcq)))
+ self.rcq = rcq
+ self.attr.srq = NULL # Until SRQ support is added
+ self.attr.xrcd = NULL # Until XRCD support is added
+ self.attr.rwq_ind_tbl = NULL # Until RSS support is added
+ self.attr.qp_type = qp_type
+ self.attr.sq_sig_all = sq_sig_all
+ if comp_mask & unsupp_flags:
+ raise PyverbsUserError('XRCD and RSS are not yet supported in pyverbs')
+ self.attr.comp_mask = comp_mask
+ if pd is not None:
+ self.attr.pd = <v.ibv_pd*>pd._pd
+ self.pd = pd
+ self.attr.create_flags = create_flags
+ self.attr.max_tso_header = max_tso_header
+ self.attr.source_qpn = source_qpn
+ @property
+ def send_cq(self):
+ return self.scq
+ @send_cq.setter
+ def send_cq(self, val):
+ if type(val) is CQ:
+ self.attr.send_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>val._cq
+ elif type(val) is CQEX:
+ self.attr.send_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>val._ibv_cq
+ self.scq = val
+ @property
+ def recv_cq(self):
+ return self.rcq
+ @recv_cq.setter
+ def recv_cq(self, val):
+ if type(val) is CQ:
+ self.attr.recv_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>val._cq
+ elif type(val) is CQEX:
+ self.attr.recv_cq = <v.ibv_cq*>val._ibv_cq
+ self.rcq = val
+ @property
+ def cap(self):
+ return QPCap(max_send_wr=self.attr.cap.max_send_wr,
+ max_recv_wr=self.attr.cap.max_recv_wr,
+ max_send_sge=self.attr.cap.max_send_sge,
+ max_recv_sge=self.attr.cap.max_recv_sge,
+ max_inline_data=self.attr.cap.max_inline_data)
+ @cap.setter
+ def cap(self, val):
+ _copy_caps(val, self)
+ @property
+ def qp_type(self):
+ return self.attr.qp_type
+ @qp_type.setter
+ def qp_type(self, val):
+ self.attr.qp_type = val
+ @property
+ def sq_sig_all(self):
+ return self.attr.sq_sig_all
+ @sq_sig_all.setter
+ def sq_sig_all(self, val):
+ self.attr.sq_sig_all = val
+ @property
+ def comp_mask(self):
+ return self.attr.comp_mask
+ @comp_mask.setter
+ def comp_mask(self, val):
+ self.attr.comp_mask = val
+ @property
+ def pd(self):
+ return self.pd
+ @pd.setter
+ def pd(self, val):
+ self.attr.pd = <v.ibv_pd*>val._pd
+ self.pd = val
+ @property
+ def create_flags(self):
+ return self.attr.create_flags
+ @create_flags.setter
+ def create_flags(self, val):
+ self.attr.create_flags = val
+ @property
+ def max_tso_header(self):
+ return self.attr.max_tso_header
+ @max_tso_header.setter
+ def max_tso_header(self, val):
+ self.attr.max_tso_header = val
+ @property
+ def source_qpn(self):
+ return self.attr.source_qpn
+ @source_qpn.setter
+ def source_qpn(self, val):
+ self.attr.source_qpn = val
+ def mask_to_str(self, mask):
+ comp_masks = {1: 'PD', 2: 'XRCD', 4: 'Create Flags',
+ 8: 'Max TSO header', 16: 'Indirection Table',
+ 32: 'RX hash'}
+ mask_str = ''
+ for f in comp_masks:
+ if mask & f:
+ mask_str += comp_masks[f]
+ mask_str += ' '
+ return mask_str
+ def flags_to_str(self, flags):
+ create_flags = {1: 'Block self mcast loopback', 2: 'Scatter FCS',
+ 4: 'CVLAN stripping', 8: 'Source QPN',
+ 16: 'PCI write end padding'}
+ create_str = ''
+ for f in create_flags:
+ if flags & f:
+ create_str += create_flags[f]
+ create_str += ' '
+ return create_str
+ def __str__(self):
+ print_format = '{:20}: {:<20}\n'
+ return print_format.format('QP type', qp_type_to_str(self.qp_type)) +\
+ print_format.format('SQ sig. all', self.sq_sig_all) +\
+ 'QP caps:\n' +\
+ print_format.format(' max send WR',
+ self.attr.cap.max_send_wr) +\
+ print_format.format(' max recv WR',
+ self.attr.cap.max_recv_wr) +\
+ print_format.format(' max send SGE',
+ self.attr.cap.max_send_sge) +\
+ print_format.format(' max recv SGE',
+ self.attr.cap.max_recv_sge) +\
+ print_format.format(' max inline data',
+ self.attr.cap.max_inline_data) +\
+ print_format.format('comp mask',
+ self.mask_to_str(self.attr.comp_mask)) +\
+ print_format.format('create flags',
+ self.flags_to_str(self.attr.create_flags)) +\
+ print_format.format('max TSO header',
+ self.attr.max_tso_header) +\
+ print_format.format('Source QPN', self.attr.source_qpn)
+cdef class QPAttr(PyverbsObject):
+ def __cinit__(self, qp_state=e.IBV_QPS_INIT, cur_qp_state=e.IBV_QPS_RESET,
+ port_num=1, path_mtu=e.IBV_MTU_1024):
+ """
+ Initializes a QPQttr object which represents ibv_qp_attr structs. It
+ can be used to modify a QP.
+ This function initializes default values for reset-to-init transition.
+ :param qp_state: Desired QP state
+ :param cur_qp_state: Current QP state
+ :return: An initialized QpAttr object
+ """
+ self.attr.qp_state = qp_state
+ self.attr.cur_qp_state = cur_qp_state
+ self.attr.port_num = port_num
+ self.attr.path_mtu = path_mtu
+ @property
+ def qp_state(self):
+ return self.attr.qp_state
+ @qp_state.setter
+ def qp_state(self, val):
+ self.attr.qp_state = val
+ @property
+ def cur_qp_state(self):
+ return self.attr.cur_qp_state
+ @cur_qp_state.setter
+ def cur_qp_state(self, val):
+ self.attr.cur_qp_state = val
+ @property
+ def path_mtu(self):
+ return self.attr.path_mtu
+ @path_mtu.setter
+ def path_mtu(self, val):
+ self.attr.path_mtu = val
+ @property
+ def path_mig_state(self):
+ return self.attr.path_mig_state
+ @path_mig_state.setter
+ def path_mig_state(self, val):
+ self.attr.path_mig_state = val
+ @property
+ def qkey(self):
+ return self.attr.qkey
+ @qkey.setter
+ def qkey(self, val):
+ self.attr.qkey = val
+ @property
+ def rq_psn(self):
+ return self.attr.rq_psn
+ @rq_psn.setter
+ def rq_psn(self, val):
+ self.attr.rq_psn = val
+ @property
+ def sq_psn(self):
+ return self.attr.sq_psn
+ @sq_psn.setter
+ def sq_psn(self, val):
+ self.attr.sq_psn = val
+ @property
+ def dest_qp_num(self):
+ return self.attr.dest_qp_num
+ @dest_qp_num.setter
+ def dest_qp_num(self, val):
+ self.attr.dest_qp_num = val
+ @property
+ def qp_access_flags(self):
+ return self.attr.qp_access_flags
+ @qp_access_flags.setter
+ def qp_access_flags(self, val):
+ self.attr.qp_access_flags = val
+ @property
+ def cap(self):
+ return QPCap(max_send_wr=self.attr.cap.max_send_wr,
+ max_recv_wr=self.attr.cap.max_recv_wr,
+ max_send_sge=self.attr.cap.max_send_sge,
+ max_recv_sge=self.attr.cap.max_recv_sge,
+ max_inline_data=self.attr.cap.max_inline_data)
+ @cap.setter
+ def cap(self, val):
+ _copy_caps(val, self)
+ @property
+ def ah_attr(self):
+ if self.attr.ah_attr.is_global:
+ gid = gid_str(self.attr.ah_attr.grh.dgid._global.subnet_prefix,
+ self.attr.ah_attr.grh.dgid._global.interface_id)
+ g = GID(gid)
+ gr = GlobalRoute(flow_label=self.attr.ah_attr.grh.flow_label,
+ sgid_index=self.attr.ah_attr.grh.sgid_index,
+ hop_limit=self.attr.ah_attr.grh.hop_limit, dgid=g,
+ traffic_class=self.attr.ah_attr.grh.traffic_class)
+ else:
+ gr = None
+ ah = AHAttr(dlid=self.attr.ah_attr.dlid, sl=self.attr.ah_attr.sl,
+ src_path_bits=self.attr.ah_attr.src_path_bits,
+ static_rate=self.attr.ah_attr.static_rate,
+ is_global=self.attr.ah_attr.is_global, gr=gr)
+ return ah
+ @ah_attr.setter
+ def ah_attr(self, val):
+ self._copy_ah(val)
+ @property
+ def alt_ah_attr(self):
+ if self.attr.alt_ah_attr.is_global:
+ gid = gid_str(self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.dgid._global.subnet_prefix,
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.dgid._global.interface_id)
+ g = GID(gid)
+ gr = GlobalRoute(flow_label=self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.flow_label,
+ sgid_index=self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.sgid_index,
+ hop_limit=self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.hop_limit,
+ dgid=g,
+ traffic_class=self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.traffic_class)
+ else:
+ gr = None
+ ah = AHAttr(dlid=self.attr.alt_ah_attr.dlid,
+ sl=self.attr.alt_ah_attr.sl,
+ src_path_bits=self.attr.alt_ah_attr.src_path_bits,
+ static_rate=self.attr.alt_ah_attr.static_rate,
+ is_global=self.attr.alt_ah_attr.is_global, gr=gr)
+ return ah
+ @alt_ah_attr.setter
+ def alt_ah_attr(self, val):
+ self._copy_ah(val, True)
+ def _copy_ah(self, AHAttr ah_attr, is_alt=False):
+ if ah_attr is None:
+ return
+ if not is_alt:
+ for i in range(16):
+ self.attr.ah_attr.grh.dgid.raw[i] = \
+ ah_attr.ah_attr.grh.dgid.raw[i]
+ self.attr.ah_attr.grh.flow_label = ah_attr.ah_attr.grh.flow_label
+ self.attr.ah_attr.grh.sgid_index = ah_attr.ah_attr.grh.sgid_index
+ self.attr.ah_attr.grh.hop_limit = ah_attr.ah_attr.grh.hop_limit
+ self.attr.ah_attr.grh.traffic_class = \
+ ah_attr.ah_attr.grh.traffic_class
+ self.attr.ah_attr.dlid = ah_attr.ah_attr.dlid
+ self.attr.ah_attr.sl = ah_attr.ah_attr.sl
+ self.attr.ah_attr.src_path_bits = ah_attr.ah_attr.src_path_bits
+ self.attr.ah_attr.static_rate = ah_attr.ah_attr.static_rate
+ self.attr.ah_attr.is_global = ah_attr.ah_attr.is_global
+ self.attr.ah_attr.port_num = ah_attr.ah_attr.port_num
+ else:
+ for i in range(16):
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.dgid.raw[i] = \
+ ah_attr.ah_attr.grh.dgid.raw[i]
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.flow_label = \
+ ah_attr.ah_attr.grh.flow_label
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.sgid_index = \
+ ah_attr.ah_attr.grh.sgid_index
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.hop_limit = ah_attr.ah_attr.grh.hop_limit
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.traffic_class = \
+ ah_attr.ah_attr.grh.traffic_class
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.dlid = ah_attr.ah_attr.dlid
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.sl = ah_attr.ah_attr.sl
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.src_path_bits = ah_attr.ah_attr.src_path_bits
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.static_rate = ah_attr.ah_attr.static_rate
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.is_global = ah_attr.ah_attr.is_global
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.port_num = ah_attr.ah_attr.port_num
+ @property
+ def pkey_index(self):
+ return self.attr.pkey_index
+ @pkey_index.setter
+ def pkey_index(self, val):
+ self.attr.pkey_index = val
+ @property
+ def alt_pkey_index(self):
+ return self.attr.alt_pkey_index
+ @alt_pkey_index.setter
+ def alt_pkey_index(self, val):
+ self.attr.alt_pkey_index = val
+ @property
+ def en_sqd_async_notify(self):
+ return self.attr.en_sqd_async_notify
+ @en_sqd_async_notify.setter
+ def en_sqd_async_notify(self, val):
+ self.attr.en_sqd_async_notify = val
+ @property
+ def sq_draining(self):
+ return self.attr.sq_draining
+ @sq_draining.setter
+ def sq_draining(self, val):
+ self.attr.sq_draining = val
+ @property
+ def max_rd_atomic(self):
+ return self.attr.max_rd_atomic
+ @max_rd_atomic.setter
+ def max_rd_atomic(self, val):
+ self.attr.max_rd_atomic = val
+ @property
+ def max_dest_rd_atomic(self):
+ return self.attr.max_dest_rd_atomic
+ @max_dest_rd_atomic.setter
+ def max_dest_rd_atomic(self, val):
+ self.attr.max_dest_rd_atomic = val
+ @property
+ def min_rnr_timer(self):
+ return self.attr.min_rnr_timer
+ @min_rnr_timer.setter
+ def min_rnr_timer(self, val):
+ self.attr.min_rnr_timer = val
+ @property
+ def port_num(self):
+ return self.attr.port_num
+ @port_num.setter
+ def port_num(self, val):
+ self.attr.port_num = val
+ @property
+ def timeout(self):
+ return self.attr.timeout
+ @timeout.setter
+ def timeout(self, val):
+ self.attr.timeout = val
+ @property
+ def retry_cnt(self):
+ return self.attr.retry_cnt
+ @retry_cnt.setter
+ def retry_cnt(self, val):
+ self.attr.retry_cnt = val
+ @property
+ def rnr_retry(self):
+ return self.attr.rnr_retry
+ @rnr_retry.setter
+ def rnr_retry(self, val):
+ self.attr.rnr_retry = val
+ @property
+ def alt_port_num(self):
+ return self.attr.alt_port_num
+ @alt_port_num.setter
+ def alt_port_num(self, val):
+ self.attr.alt_port_num = val
+ @property
+ def alt_timeout(self):
+ return self.attr.alt_timeout
+ @alt_timeout.setter
+ def alt_timeout(self, val):
+ self.attr.alt_timeout = val
+ @property
+ def rate_limit(self):
+ return self.attr.rate_limit
+ @rate_limit.setter
+ def rate_limit(self, val):
+ self.attr.rate_limit = val
+ def __str__(self):
+ print_format = '{:22}: {:<20}\n'
+ ah_format = ' {:22}: {:<20}\n'
+ ident_format = ' {:22}: {:<20}\n'
+ if self.attr.ah_attr.is_global:
+ global_ah = ah_format.format('dgid',
+ gid_str(self.attr.ah_attr.grh.dgid._global.subnet_prefix,
+ self.attr.ah_attr.grh.dgid._global.interface_id)) +\
+ ah_format.format('flow label',
+ self.attr.ah_attr.grh.flow_label) +\
+ ah_format.format('sgid index',
+ self.attr.ah_attr.grh.sgid_index) +\
+ ah_format.format('hop limit',
+ self.attr.ah_attr.grh.hop_limit) +\
+ ah_format.format('traffic_class',
+ self.attr.ah_attr.grh.traffic_class)
+ else:
+ global_ah = ''
+ if self.attr.alt_ah_attr.is_global:
+ alt_global_ah = ah_format.format('dgid',
+ gid_str(self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.dgid._global.subnet_prefix,
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.dgid._global.interface_id)) +\
+ ah_format.format('flow label',
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.flow_label) +\
+ ah_format.format('sgid index',
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.sgid_index) +\
+ ah_format.format('hop limit',
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.hop_limit) +\
+ ah_format.format('traffic_class',
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.grh.traffic_class)
+ else:
+ alt_global_ah = ''
+ return print_format.format('QP state',
+ qp_state_to_str(self.attr.qp_state)) +\
+ print_format.format('QP current state',
+ qp_state_to_str(self.attr.cur_qp_state)) +\
+ print_format.format('Path MTU',
+ mtu_to_str(self.attr.path_mtu)) +\
+ print_format.format('Path mig. state',
+ mig_state_to_str(self.attr.path_mig_state)) +\
+ print_format.format('QKey', self.attr.qkey) +\
+ print_format.format('RQ PSN', self.attr.rq_psn) +\
+ print_format.format('SQ PSN', self.attr.sq_psn) +\
+ print_format.format('Dest QP number', self.attr.dest_qp_num) +\
+ print_format.format('QP access flags',
+ access_flags_to_str(self.attr.qp_access_flags)) +\
+ 'QP caps:\n' +\
+ ident_format.format('max send WR',
+ self.attr.cap.max_send_wr) +\
+ ident_format.format('max recv WR',
+ self.attr.cap.max_recv_wr) +\
+ ident_format.format('max send SGE',
+ self.attr.cap.max_send_sge) +\
+ ident_format.format('max recv SGE',
+ self.attr.cap.max_recv_sge) +\
+ ident_format.format('max inline data',
+ self.attr.cap.max_inline_data) +\
+ 'AH Attr:\n' +\
+ ident_format.format('port num', self.attr.ah_attr.port_num) +\
+ ident_format.format('sl', self.attr.ah_attr.sl) +\
+ ident_format.format('source path bits',
+ self.attr.ah_attr.src_path_bits) +\
+ ident_format.format('dlid', self.attr.ah_attr.dlid) +\
+ ident_format.format('port num', self.attr.ah_attr.port_num) +\
+ ident_format.format('static rate',
+ self.attr.ah_attr.static_rate) +\
+ ident_format.format('is global',
+ self.attr.ah_attr.is_global) +\
+ global_ah +\
+ 'Alt. AH Attr:\n' +\
+ ident_format.format('port num', self.attr.alt_ah_attr.port_num) +\
+ ident_format.format('sl', self.attr.alt_ah_attr.sl) +\
+ ident_format.format('source path bits',
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.src_path_bits) +\
+ ident_format.format('dlid', self.attr.alt_ah_attr.dlid) +\
+ ident_format.format('port num', self.attr.alt_ah_attr.port_num) +\
+ ident_format.format('static rate',
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.static_rate) +\
+ ident_format.format('is global',
+ self.attr.alt_ah_attr.is_global) +\
+ alt_global_ah +\
+ print_format.format('PKey index', self.attr.pkey_index) +\
+ print_format.format('Alt. PKey index',
+ self.attr.alt_pkey_index) +\
+ print_format.format('En. SQD async notify',
+ self.attr.en_sqd_async_notify) +\
+ print_format.format('SQ draining', self.attr.sq_draining) +\
+ print_format.format('Max RD atomic', self.attr.max_rd_atomic) +\
+ print_format.format('Max dest. RD atomic',
+ self.attr.max_dest_rd_atomic) +\
+ print_format.format('Min RNR timer', self.attr.min_rnr_timer) +\
+ print_format.format('Port number', self.attr.port_num) +\
+ print_format.format('Timeout', self.attr.timeout) +\
+ print_format.format('Retry counter', self.attr.retry_cnt) +\
+ print_format.format('RNR retry', self.attr.rnr_retry) +\
+ print_format.format('Alt. port number',
+ self.attr.alt_port_num) +\
+ print_format.format('Alt. timeout', self.attr.alt_timeout) +\
+ print_format.format('Rate limit', self.attr.rate_limit)
+def _copy_caps(QPCap src, dst):
+ """
+ Copy the QPCaps values of src into the inner ibv_qp_cap struct of dst.
+ Since both ibv_qp_init_attr and ibv_qp_attr have an inner ibv_qp_cap inner
+ struct, they can both be used.
+ :param src: A QPCap object
+ :param dst: A QPInitAttr / QPInitAttrEx / QPAttr object
+ :return: None
+ """
+ # we're assigning to C structs here, we must have type-specific objects in
+ # order to do that. Instead of having this function smaller but in 3
+ # classes, it appears here once.
+ cdef QPInitAttr qia
+ cdef QPInitAttrEx qiae
+ cdef QPAttr qa
+ if src is None:
+ return
+ if type(dst) == QPInitAttr:
+ qia = <QPInitAttr>dst
+ qia.attr.cap.max_send_wr = src.cap.max_send_wr
+ qia.attr.cap.max_recv_wr = src.cap.max_recv_wr
+ qia.attr.cap.max_send_sge = src.cap.max_send_sge
+ qia.attr.cap.max_recv_sge = src.cap.max_recv_sge
+ qia.attr.cap.max_inline_data = src.cap.max_inline_data
+ elif type(dst) == QPInitAttrEx:
+ qiae = <QPInitAttrEx>dst
+ qiae.attr.cap.max_send_wr = src.cap.max_send_wr
+ qiae.attr.cap.max_recv_wr = src.cap.max_recv_wr
+ qiae.attr.cap.max_send_sge = src.cap.max_send_sge
+ qiae.attr.cap.max_recv_sge = src.cap.max_recv_sge
+ qiae.attr.cap.max_inline_data = src.cap.max_inline_data
+ else:
+ qa = <QPAttr>dst
+ qa.attr.cap.max_send_wr = src.cap.max_send_wr
+ qa.attr.cap.max_recv_wr = src.cap.max_recv_wr
+ qa.attr.cap.max_send_sge = src.cap.max_send_sge
+ qa.attr.cap.max_recv_sge = src.cap.max_recv_sge
+ qa.attr.cap.max_inline_data = src.cap.max_inline_data
@@ -33,3 +33,49 @@ def gid_str_to_array(val):
return vals
+def qp_type_to_str(qp_type):
+ types = {2: 'RC', 3: 'UC', 4: 'UD', 8: 'Raw Packet', 9: 'XRCD_SEND',
+ 10: 'XRCD_RECV', 0xff:'Driver QP'}
+ try:
+ return types[qp_type]
+ except KeyError:
+ return 'Unknown ({qpt})'.format(qpt=qp_type)
+def qp_state_to_str(qp_state):
+ states = {0: 'Reset', 1: 'Init', 2: 'RTR', 3: 'RTS', 4: 'SQD',
+ 5: 'SQE', 6: 'Error', 7: 'Unknown'}
+ try:
+ return states[qp_state]
+ except KeyError:
+ return 'Unknown ({qps})'.format(qps=qp_state_to_str)
+def mtu_to_str(mtu):
+ mtus = {1: 256, 2: 512, 3: 1024, 4: 2048, 5: 4096}
+ try:
+ return mtus[mtu]
+ except KeyError:
+ return 0
+def access_flags_to_str(flags):
+ access_flags = {1: 'Local write', 2: 'Remote write', 4: 'Remote read',
+ 8: 'Remote atomic', 16: 'MW bind', 32: 'Zero based',
+ 64: 'On demand'}
+ access_str = ''
+ for f in access_flags:
+ if flags & f:
+ access_str += access_flags[f]
+ access_str += ' '
+ return access_str
+def mig_state_to_str(mig):
+ mig_states = {0: 'Migrated', 1: 'Re-arm', 2: 'Armed'}
+ try:
+ return mig_states[mig]
+ except KeyError:
+ return 'Unknown ({m})'.format(m=mig)
This patch adds the following classes needed to create a QP: QPCap, PInitAttr, QPInitAttrEx and QPAttr. These classes provide a user-friendly print format. Signed-off-by: Noa Osherovich <noaos@mellanox.com> --- pyverbs/CMakeLists.txt | 1 + pyverbs/libibverbs.pxd | 78 ++++ pyverbs/pd.pyx | 4 + pyverbs/qp.pxd | 21 ++ pyverbs/qp.pyx | 790 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ pyverbs/utils.py | 46 +++ 6 files changed, 940 insertions(+) create mode 100644 pyverbs/qp.pxd create mode 100644 pyverbs/qp.pyx