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RISC-V: Kconfig: Fix help text of CMDLINE_EXTEND

Message ID tencent_A93C7FB46BFD20054AD2FEF4645913FF550A@qq.com (mailing list archive)
State New
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Series RISC-V: Kconfig: Fix help text of CMDLINE_EXTEND | expand


Context Check Description
bjorn/pre-ci_am success Success
bjorn/build-rv32-defconfig success build-rv32-defconfig
bjorn/build-rv64-clang-allmodconfig success build-rv64-clang-allmodconfig
bjorn/build-rv64-gcc-allmodconfig success build-rv64-gcc-allmodconfig
bjorn/build-rv64-nommu-k210-defconfig success build-rv64-nommu-k210-defconfig
bjorn/build-rv64-nommu-k210-virt success build-rv64-nommu-k210-virt
bjorn/checkpatch success checkpatch
bjorn/dtb-warn-rv64 success dtb-warn-rv64
bjorn/header-inline success header-inline
bjorn/kdoc success kdoc
bjorn/module-param success module-param
bjorn/verify-fixes success verify-fixes
bjorn/verify-signedoff success verify-signedoff

Commit Message

谢致邦 (XIE Zhibang) March 28, 2025, 10:14 a.m. UTC
From: 谢致邦 (XIE Zhibang) <Yeking@Red54.com>

It is the built-in command line appended to the bootloader command line,
not the bootloader command line appended to the built-in command line.

Fixes: 3aed8c43267e ("RISC-V: Update Kconfig to better handle CMDLINE")
Signed-off-by: 谢致邦 (XIE Zhibang) <Yeking@Red54.com>
 arch/riscv/Kconfig | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/arch/riscv/Kconfig b/arch/riscv/Kconfig
index 54ed2a8cd7af..4cd18d0d07b3 100644
--- a/arch/riscv/Kconfig
+++ b/arch/riscv/Kconfig
@@ -1144,8 +1144,8 @@  config CMDLINE_FALLBACK
 	bool "Extend bootloader kernel arguments"
-	  The command-line arguments provided during boot will be
-	  appended to the built-in command line. This is useful in
+	  The built-in command line will be appended to the command-
+	  line arguments provided during boot. This is useful in
 	  cases where the provided arguments are insufficient and
 	  you don't want to or cannot modify them.