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pull request: iwlwifi firmware updates 2023-03-13 - fixed

Message ID 7d3659e81094ca968fb2847176a410e27634df2f.camel@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Not Applicable
Delegated to: Kalle Valo
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Series pull request: iwlwifi firmware updates 2023-03-13 - fixed | expand


http://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/iwlwifi/linux-firmware.git tags/iwlwifi-fw-2023-03-13


Greenman, Gregory March 13, 2023, 8:20 a.m. UTC

This contains a fixed pull request with updated firmwares for So device for our currently
maintained FW binaries.

Please pull or let me know if there are any issues.


The following changes since commit 588dd07134daf4b0f6f74698f24eeb74ebe90012:

  qat: update licence text (2023-03-10 07:40:25 -0500)

are available in the Git repository at:

  http://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/iwlwifi/linux-firmware.git tags/iwlwifi-fw-2023-03-13

for you to fetch changes up to 5bc279fb161d529baaf8e837d900235fbbe9bf2f:

  iwlwifi: update core69 and core72 firmwares for So device (2023-03-13 10:05:47 +0200)

Firmware updates for So device based on core69 and core72

Gregory Greenman (1):
      iwlwifi: update core69 and core72 firmwares for So device

 WHENCE                        |   8 ++++----
 iwlwifi-so-a0-gf-a0-72.ucode  | Bin 1560532 -> 1560532 bytes
 iwlwifi-so-a0-gf-a0-74.ucode  | Bin 1577460 -> 1577460 bytes
 iwlwifi-so-a0-gf4-a0-72.ucode | Bin 1580900 -> 1580900 bytes
 iwlwifi-so-a0-gf4-a0-74.ucode | Bin 1602068 -> 1602068 bytes
 5 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)